God Of War - The Journey Star...


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(The age set is 13-16) Atreus and Y-n travels back to the past in ancient Greece, can they try to prevent the... Еще

Heading To Sparta
Welcome Home
Be Strong, Be Brave, Be A Warrior
The Soft Turning Into The Strong
Apologizing & A Big Problem
Another Problem, Really?
You're What?!?! & Trying To Unlock Your Full Potential
The Welcome Invitation
This Ends Now
Meet The Baby & A Title
The Truth Is Revealed
Who Could Have Done This?!?!
A United Greece Or Not, & A Little Shining Light
300 & The Truth of Deimos
The First Attack & Reasoning
Fight On The Seas & Immorality Reveals Itself
A Few Brave Souls Lost & A Foggy Fight
Discussing Things & Midnight Battle
Be Ready For A Beautiful Death & A Kidnapped Child
The End Of The Persian Navy & That Question
Bloopers & Gag Rell
book 3

The First Battle & What Now?!?!?!

658 12 8

Atreus was running to the god of war, then jumped to give him a strong punch in the face. But Ares grabbed his fist and threw him across the battlefield with a strong throw to send his body on another small temple. His body hit the large door, destroyed it, it really injured his body and became unconscious.

"You think your are a match for the god of war?" Ares asked insulting the young archer and walked toward his next opponent.

"DAMN YOU ARES!" Kratos said with fury unleashing the power of the blades of chaos, hit was able to hit Ares with perfect strikes.

Ares grunted in pain as he had a few scars on his stomach, hands, legs, but he wouldn't go down that easy.

"It seems that I've underestimated you, Spartan." Ares said with a little smirk on his face. "BUT YOU'VE ALREADY LOST THIS BATTLE!"

Ares growling anger, puts his sword down, rushes the Spartan general moving so fast that no one could see where he went, punching the spartan general with powerful strikes. Kratos kept grunting in pain and coughing out blood. He had more injures on his body, until Ares did something that would make him defenseless; removing the blades of chaos from his arms.

"AAAAAH!" Kratos screams in agony with pain that he endured before while Ares stands in front of him.

"I told you that you would loose this battle and now that this is over. I will go after your family next, and then I'm going to kill that little h-c haired-" Ares grunts in pain, he was hit by powerful arrow that also shocked him.

The god looks back, Kratos also looks to see what also happen and sees Atreus.

"You will not go near them, ever again!" a badly injured Atreus says while getting ready to pull out another arrow until he was hit in the stomach with a strong punch.

Atreus screams in pain and coughing out blood, Ares chuckles with evil in his voice. He picks him up by his hair and says, "You dare hit the god of war you little brat, I should kill you first!"

Slamming the boy to the ground, creating a huge crater, then hits the boy in the face, he continues to do so. Until Atreus starts to see his future father and his beloved multiple times while being hit, and then somehow Atreus starts to show blue electricity around his body. Ares stops, stareing with a confused look on his face, this bought Atreus time to get back up to his feet. Walking out the crater, and he talks with a shout.

"THIS ENDS NOW ARES, YOUR RAIN OF TERROR IS OVER!" Atreus yell in anger, and prepares to fight Ares again.

Ares laughs and says, "If you think you can defeat me in that transformation... Then your more naive then ever."

He starts to show a fist, in moments later he moves a quickly in a flash of lighting, heading for his stomach. Everything is in slow motion for a moment, hitting the god of war in a great pain. Then everything turns normal, Ares coughing out blood, stairs at Atreus at the same spot where he was before. He recovers from that punch and says

"But how? You are just a mortal! how can you attain such incredible power?!" Ares beings to back away, but he stops himself and thinks. 'What is this? I'm the god of war, I can't be scared of a child.'

"Submit Ares! you've already lost!!" Atreus says while getting ready for his next attack.

"I'M THE GOD OF WAR!" Ares charges him with his sword, before he was about to hit Atreus.

The boy moves out the way with ease, everything goes in slow motion again. Atreus is moving at a normal rate, then he slices the god of war with his sword with extremely fast strikes in his stomach, face, and back. The boy begins to run far away from the temples and runs back with amazing speed and strikes Ares's face with a powerful punch. Sending the god of war flying and crashing into other temples, destroying the buildings. As soon as Ares gets back up, showing a lot of fear in his face.

"What are you?" Ares asked with a shock knowing he wouldn't stand a chance against him.

"I am worst nightmare Ares." Atreus says with glory. "Now... Go back to Mount Olympus and never come back."

Ares growls in anger then said, "This battle is not over yet boy. You will die the next time that you ever make a fool out of the god of war."

With that Ares teleports back to Olympus to heal up. A great victory was won today but next battle will come next time and they will be ready. Kratos walks to Atreus soon enough his power faded away.

"How did you do that? What was that incredible power?" Kratos askes with a confused look on his face.

"I'm not sure what that was. But it did help us survive, and I not sure if I can use it for a while. It could be temporary." Atreus says while breathing in and out.

"Well we won here today boy. However, this battle isn't even close to over. Come, let's head back to Sparta." Kratos says while getting Atreus back to Sparta.

Their journey took awhile but they made it back in one piece. They enter the palace of King Leonidas and three girls came running at them, hugging them that they were alright and safe from Ares's clutches.

"Kratos, thank the gods that you're alright" Lysandra says with tears in her eyes.

"It's alright my love. I'm safe now thanks to Atreus." Kratos says of what Atreus had done for him, he and his wife saved his family.

And now he saved him from Ares with his new found power.

"Thank you so much Atreus. You saved my father from that demon." Calliope says while trying to hold back her tears but she couldn't.

So she gave Atreus a hug for what he had done, he was a brave and strong boy.

"See Calliope, I told you we would do everything in our power to keep you and your family safe." Y-n says with a smile as she picked up the younger girl in order to hug her loved one.

"Well I must say, you must have fought Ares with a lot power. we should get you something to eat, to keep that strength up of yours. this calls for a celebration!" Leonidas says while giving Atreus and y-n a party in their honor and for their bravery.

"Thank you good King" Atreus says with a smile then think to himself. 'I need to think of a way to tap into the power again. But I'll worry about that later.'

During the party y-n ate laughed and talked with most of the people there. That is until the e-c eyed girl excused herself for some freash and Lysandra helped the young one outside. Atreus knew something was wrong but what he wasn't sure about. He thought she must have had too much wine since she only had two small glasses. Yet the alcohol from the drinks was more than enough to do the job.

Lysandra helped y-n sit down on the palace steps and she was handed a bucket on the way out here. Handing over the bucket y-n got sick, yep too much wine. Lysandra rubbed the girl's back gently until she finally stopped. A hand flew to her stomach before she threw up again, this made Lysandra look at the young lady in shock.

'Y-n shouldn't be holding the spot under her stomach.' Then it hit her. 'Not unless...'

Lysandra waited for the vomiting to stop and when it did she asked. "Y-n when did you last have lower pain?"

"It's been maybe, two moons..." The girl answered truthfully. "Why?"

"Well..." The mother and wife giggled at this. "You're expecting."

"What?" She couldn't believe this at all. "But Atreus and I haven't even been married long enough to try."

"There are times when it just happens..." Lysandra smiled. "That is what happens with my own mother."

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