Voltron Final Season REWRITTEN

Por ChancellorMatt

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This is my attempt to fix the wrongs of Voltron Season 8, and bring the series to a conclusion in my own way... Más

Episode One - The Dark Paladins
Episode Two - Faith and Friendship
Episode Three - A Robeast Appears
Episode Four - The Plights of Paladins
Episode Five - Two Voltrons
Episode Six - Far from Home
Episode Eight - Grand Regent
Episode Nine - Fear and Uncertainty
Episode Ten - Defenders of Earth
Episode Eleven - The Coalition Strikes Back
Episode Twelve - The Trials of Leadership
Episode Thirteen - All fun and games...
Episode Fourteen - The Noose Tightens
Episode Fifteen - The Imprisoned Princess
Episode Sixteen - The Cost
Episode Seventeen - A Black Day
Episode Eighteen - Where it Ends
Episode Nineteen - The Singularity of War
Episode Twenty - Sum of its Parts

Episode Seven - Outside the Box

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Por ChancellorMatt

Prince Lotor watches as a shuttle lets out a group of alteans into the hangar. Behind them, is the opening the displays an elevated view of the colony. However, none of the alteans give more than a glance in that direction. They have eyes only for Lotor. The new group of alteans is just the latest in a series of arrivals, and they soon join the larger mass of alteans standing directly in front of Prince Lotor.

Lotor smiles as the new group arrives.

"...alteans...my friends. You have shown great bravery in following me on this journey in the name of justice and duty. Together we will save the universe from this false Voltron. Some of you have already taken the first steps into this dark conflict, and regrettably have been lost. They will be remembered, and avenged..." He pauses for effect. "...but before any one takes one more step there is someone you should meet. You've already all already been introduced to my honorable mother. Now...it is time for you to meet my father."

With that Prince Lotor turns to the far end of the hangar, where a door opens. Emperor Zarkon steps out into the light. He strides over, drawing the eyes of every altean in the hangar. He steps up beside Lotor, then takes one step further, as if to show who is really in charge.

"...I am Emperor Zarkon."

The begin to mutter amongst themselves with confusion, and what looks to be fear.

"I understand you have heard stories of me." Zarkon says. "Stories from your ancestors no doubt, of the man who destroyed altea. But these are lies that were spread ages ago, deceiving even your own forefathers. I am not here to destroy but to rebuild. I am going to crush this pathetic imitator Voltron. If you serve me faithfully, as you have my son, then once I am done, I will grant you a new world. One where you will not have to hide from outside forces, or fear from invading enemies. If you fight in my name, I will grant you something no other being in the universe can: a new altea."

The alteans fall into a stunned silence. Lotor gives his father a questioning look. Zarkon nods slightly.

"I understand this may confuse many of you." Lotor says. "That it may conflict with what some of the stories you were told by your parents, or grandparents, or great grandparents." Lotor says. "But you must understand that this is the final test. Where does your faith lay? With old stories told second or third hand, whittled and distorted by thousands of years? Or do you trust in me? In us? The ones who rescued you, and have given you everything?"

The alteans seem to hesitate for a moment. Then, at the head of the group, Luca speaks up.

"Hail Lotor, and his father Zarkon!"

This seems to break the alteans from their moment of pause. Slowly they all begin to repeat the chant, until the whole of the alteans are repeating it. Lotor smiles, satisfied. Zarkon turns away.

"You see boy? I am capable of a subtler hand. When it suits me." Zarkon says the words in a low enough voice that it is only heard by the two of them.

"Thank you. For playing along."

"Just do not forget who's shoulder this falls upon if it fails. You may have your toys, boy. Just make sure I am not forced to step on them."

With that Zarkon walks back out of the hangar, leaving an uneasy looking Lotor, with a crowd of chanting alteans behind him.


Keith lands the Black Lion on the field just in front of the Galaxy Garrison base. He lets out a sigh of relief before getting up to exit his lion. The other Paladins do likewise and they are met with a small crowd of family members.

Hunk is practically tackled by his very worried looking mother, with his father follows suit. Pidge is lifted into the air by her mother, who clutches her tight enough that is seems she might break the diminutive girl. Lance virtually disappears under a small mob of extended family.

"Princess are you hurt!? Are you well rested? Is there something I can get you?" Coran sputters out, upon rushing out to meet Allura with Romelle in tow.

"I'm fine Coran. Just...drained."

"Well have no fear, I've got just the thing for that! An old family recipe..."

Keith shakes his head at the display, and turned to Shiro approaching, with Commander Iverson trailing shortly behind.

"Hope everyone wasn't too anxious while we were gone." Keith says, nodding to the cluster of families.

"I think everyone's just glad you're back." Shiro says with a smile.

"Finding out about that other robot that beat you guys up sure isn't helping me sleep any, though." Iverson puts in.

Shiro gives the man a stern look. Iverson only shrugs.

"Everyone knows about that already huh..." Keith says, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Tried to keep it under wraps, but news travels fast, I'm afraid." Shiro sighs.

Keith nods distractedly, while his eyes scan the crowd.

"Looking for Krolia?" Shiro asks.

"Yeah." Keith admits. "She...busy?"

"Unfortunately. Just about all the Blades left the moment they heard about Zarkon and this new Voltron. She really wanted to stay here for you but..."

"...duty calls." Keith nods. Despite this, he sighs. "It's probably anyone's bet when they'll be back..."

"You sound tired. Some rest might do you some good."

"As great as that sounds right now, I think the Garrison is gonna want to talk about what happened."

"Well I can talk to Sanda, maybe she won't mind giving you guys a few hours to-"

"Lieutenant Shirogane!" Sanda's voice squawks over Shiro's communicator. "I see your space lions are back. Well tell those kids and all your other Coalition friends that we need to talk. Now."

Shiro sighs. The other Paladins, all close enough to hear, look up with dismay. Keith closes his eyes for a few moments, then nods.

"Tell her we're on our way."


"...empire is now mine, as is rightfully so. You are now mine. There will be no discussion. I am in charge once more, and forever."

The video of Zarkon's message to the Galra plays across a screen in the briefing room. Sanda pauses the video after that last line and turns to face the Voltron Coalition side of the table.

"When was this broadcasted?" Keith asks.

"Yesterday, so the Coalition communication team you left here tell me." Sanda explains.

Keith nods. After no one seems to want to speak up, Sandra goes on.

"The way this war was described to me is that the enemy, The Galra, were fractured. Broken up into separate factions that were dangerous, but lacking focus that central leadership would provide. You also claimed to have one other major advantage, that being the Voltron weapon. Now, if I understand it correctly, both of those factors have now changed. The Galra have gained both a leader, and their own Voltron."

"That is...all technically true." Keith says reluctantly.

"Does someone want to explain this to me? How an enemy you were supposed to have beaten just came back even stronger?" Sanda asks.

There is an exchange of looks on the Coalition end of the table.

"We...don't really know." Keith admits.

Sanda sighs. "You realize how this puts me in a difficult position don't you?"

"I don't. All I see is more reason than ever to fight the Galra Empire." Keith says stubbornly.

Sanda raises and eyebrow.

Allura takes the opportunity to speak up "It's true that that Galra have a leader again, but they are also in a transition of power. Until Zarkon has solidified his hold on the empire, it will be vulnerable. This is a potentially bad situation, but it also could be the prime opportunity to end this fight."

Keith gives her a thankful look.

"Well that's all well and good, in theory, but let me lay it out for you kiddos..." Sands says. "You want us to join a fight where you are now undeniably the underdogs. Where we would be thrust into a battle that would leave us hopelessly outnumbered, against an enemy that has a battle machine even stronger than yours."

"You'll have to fight them sooner or later." Keith replies, without much strength.

"So you say." Sanda says dismissively. "Our stance of not getting involved will remain until you show us something to change our minds. As it stands, you haven't even gotten us the Balmeran crystal we were promised yet."

Keith's eyes fall. Allura also is lacking a reply. Shiro looks as though he is going to say something, when Keith speaks up again.

"We'll get the crystal." He says looking up with surprising calmness. "We just need time. This war is taking all the resources the Coalition has, so we've hardly gotten the chance to get it for you. But that being said. I have to wonder...if you really want your Atlas up and running so much, how confident are your really that the Galra aren't going to find you?"

Sanda's eyes narrow. "You know that there are some who want to kick you off our planet? They think the danger of having you here is too great. You may lead the Galra back here sooner or later..."

"What!?" Hunk cuts in suddenly. "Most of us Paladins were born right here on earth! You can't just send us away from our home!

"I really hope I don't have to." Sanda says deadpan.

Hunk sits back looking disturbed. The other Paladins also look worried.

Keith only stares at Sanda. He does this for several more moments, before finally standing up. "You want to leave us to fight this war alone? Fine. We'll make do. Earth is just one planet. But if you ever want that crystal don't you dare threaten to keep my friends from their familie."

Sanda meets his gaze. Eventually she gives a short, curt nod.

"Our arrangement will remain unchanged....I'm not the bad guy here Keith. But this situation is volatile. It's my job to keep it from exploding in our face."

"Let's see if you still feel that way when the Zarkon comes knocking." Keith says turning away.

"Is that it? Are we done?" Hunk asks.

"Yeah. We're done."

With that Keith leads the Paladins and most of the Coalition members out of the room. Matt and Shiro linger in the room a bit longer.

"That was cold, Sanda. Stone cold." Matt says, shaking his head.

"I'm doing my job Holt. Something I doubt you know much about." She replies sharply.

"Annnnd with that I'm out of here." Matt says standing up. "I'd say I missed your frosty personality Sanda, but I haven't." And with that he left.

"Think I'll take me leave also. Duties to uh...take care of." Gunderson shuffles awkwardly out of the room.

Shiro and Sanda are the only two remaining in the room.

"...I thought you said you'd try to spin this." Shiro eventually says.

"I tried Shiro." She sighs. "I really did. But the council saw this for what it was: A complete and utter disaster."

"Is there any way we can convince them otherwise?"

"You want my advice? Cut the head off the snake. Fast. That girl knew what she was talking about. If you don't put this Zarkon in the ground before he gains momentum...well I don't think any involvement from Earth is going to change anything at that point."

"That's easier said, than done." with that Shiro gets up to leave himself.


Keith waits outside along with the other Paladins, as Shiro exits the briefing room.

"Well that didn't go well." Keith says.

"Not really." Shiro admits.

"Did I make everything worse? With what I said?"

"No." Shiro shakes his head. "You held your own in there admirably. It was a bit of a no-win scenario. Sanda's playing tough, but she really doesn't have as much say in this as you'd think."

"Well neither do we..." Keith shakes his head, and glances at the other Paladins, who are to his surprise, all looking at him expectantly.

"Go on guys." He nods.

The Paladins give quick goodbyes and head off to different parts of the Garrison base.

"Look at that." Shiro smirks.

"What?" Keith asks.

"They were looking for your permission. They're staring to see you as their leader."

"Glad something good came out of two of our greatest enemies coming back and kicking our butts halfway across the universe." Keith says sarcastically.

"You sure you don't want to get some rest yourself?" Shiro asks.

"I think I'm all right..."

Shiro tilts his head, as if having an idea.

"Hey Iverson," Shiro calls over to the man who is starting to make his way down the hall. "They still got my old hoverbike laying around here somewhere?"

"Somewhere in storage, I think. Why?" Iverson replies.

Shiro gives Keith a look. "Think you're up to a race in the canyon for old time's sake?"

Keith smiles widely. "You're on, old man."

Shiro groans. "Is it the white hair? It's the white hair isn't it..." he reaches up as if to touch his scalp, but falls short, as a result of his missing arm.

"...you sure you can ride like that?" Keith asks.

"Afraid to loose to a guy with one arm?" Shiro replies.

"Not a chance."

"Let's stop wasting time asking questions then..."


"Hey guys I'm-" Hunk starts to say.

"Oh honey!" Hunk's mother grabs him and ushers him inside the family apartment. Hunk's father sits at the dinner table while his aunt and uncle are working on something in the kitchen.

"There he is!" Hunk's uncle says.

"Oh dearie, is he alright?" Hunk's aunt asks.

"I'm fine act-"

Hunk is plopped down at the table, and a bowl of steaming stew is soon placed in front of him.

"You had us terrified!" Hunk's mother says. "When we heard about all that nasty fighting out in space, well..."

"Quite the scare kiddo." His father puts in.

"Guys I'm really fine."

The others stare.

"I mean...some rough stuff happened...but we came out alright."

The adults share a collective look.

"Hunk..." His mother says, with tired eyes. "This thing...a war in space? It's all too dangerous. I don't...we don't want to hear one day that you just won't be coming home. Please tell me you won't go out there any more."

Hunk looks down into his food, but doesn't seem very hungry.

"I did tell them that I was thinking about leaving..."

His mother looks hopeful.

"...but I can't just abandon them right now. Without me they can't form Voltron. They..."

His mother goes back to looking crestfallen. Hunk sighes.

"I can't leave yet...but I guess I could see about finding someone else....someone to pilot the Yellow Lion." Hunk looks like the words came with great difficulty.

"Thank you Hunk." She smiles. The rest of the adults visibly relax a bit. Hunk only sits back, looking uncertain.


Allura walks inside the warehouse, flanked by Coran and Romelle.

"Really Princess, after everything you r-"

"I'm fine Coran." Allura replies firmly.

Coran sighs. "Very well. I suppose I just wish that I was still out there with you and the Paladins. All this waiting around is bad for my heart."

"Well hopefully that will be possible once the new castle is completed. How is that coming along."

"Ah yes..." Coran says rubbing his mustache. "Well I have to say these humans aren't half bad at construction work." he notes a half-constructed engine that is bigger than any of them are tall. "It's still many weeks if not months from completion, but still, impressive. Although I really must thank Miss Romelle here. She took more even more late nights than I did helping get those plans in working order. Without her, I'd probably still be translating those plans by myself."

"Really? Romelle that's commendable." Allura notes.

"I'm only doing my altean duty." The girl replies, look at her shoes.

"I truly appreciate it..." Allura says, smiling. After a moment her smile falls and she looks distant.

"Princess?" Romelle says uncertainty.

"I'm fine." Allura puts her back up. "But there's something we should do."

Coran and Romelle look at her confused.

"There were two more alteans that we captured before fighting the other Voltron. I intend to find out if they are willing to listen to reason where their comrade was not."

Coran and Romelle both nod with determination.

Allura activates her communicator. "Ryder? Let me know the moment those prisoners are awake. I'm going to want to speak to them..."


Lance kicks a soccer ball around with his niece and nephew, just outside the Garrison base. His family sit at lawn chairs and benches they have set up, and there is food cooking on a grill. Lance tries to execute a fancy kick of the ball, but accidentally slips and ends up face planting. Lance only laughs it off and continues kicking the ball around. Eventually he waddles over to a chair and plops down between his Grandma and sister Veronica.

"Man where do they get all that energy?" Lance says panting.

"Just wait until you get my age." Lance's Grandma chuckles. She is knitting something.

"What are you talking about grandma? You're the liveliest person I know."

"True." His Grandma shrugs. "But I'm special."

"Guess you got me there..."

"From what I hear, Lance turned out pretty special himself." Veronica says nudgin Lance in the arm. "I mean sure, no one expected much, even after he followed in my footsteps and joined the Garrison. But hey, he went and became a space, hero, defender, whatchamacallit."

"Paladin." Lance corrected. "I'm a Paladin of Voltron."

"And we're all very proud..." Veronica reaches over, pulling Lance into a hug that is more headlock than embrace.

"Hey, quit it!" He says wriggling out of her grip.

Their Grandma only chuckles. "Maybe now that you're some big shot spaceman you can finally bring home a girlfriend eh?"

Lance blushes. "I dunno if I'd count on that..."

"Whaaat?" Veronica says exaggeratedly. "No bragging about all the girls fawning over you? No bold claims of being a 'lady killer?' Not even one your classic pick up lines? Is that really you Lance? Or did you get replaced by an alien out in space?"

"I don't-" Lance hesitates. "Okay maybe I do do that...look, just don't worry about it. Maybe I'm..." He winces. "Maybe I'm not the ladies man I pretend to be."

"Ouch." Veronica says with surprise. "That must have been hard to admit. Who hurt you little brother?"

"Shut up." He says sitting back in his seat.

"So there really isn't any special someone?" Lance's grandmother asks, with a raised eyebrow.

Lance sighs. "...I guess I really thought Allura was the one for me. But...well that didn't go over so well. A friend pointed something out to me. Basically she said I was only falling in love with the idea of Allura, without really knowing her. I'm starting to think she was right. But...where does that leave me? Did I ever really know Allura at all? Have I just been going about this the wrong way the whole time? "

Veronica chuckles. Lance shoots her a dirty look. "Hey I'm kind of baring my soul over here."

"Sorry." She says still smirking. "It's just that...you've kinda been doing this since we were kids."

"What do you mean?"

Veronica clicks her tongue, and shakes her head. "Do you remember that girl from back when you were in...fourth grade, I think...anyway, her name was Sandy or Sammy or something like that."

"Sandra." Lance corrects her. "I remember."

"Ah good. Then you'll remember that you thought Sandra was the most beautiful girl in the whole world. You said that. Multiple times."

"I know." Lance says with a grimace.

"Man you really just followed her around everywhere. She had you completely wrapped around her finger. It was annoying to be honest-"

"Is this going to have a point?" Lance cuts in.

"I'm getting there little brother. Anyway, so you thought she was the best thing since sliced bread, and would do just about anything for her...that is up until you found out she'd been bullying your other friend."

"Lydia." Lance recalls.

"That's the one. Lydia. As soon as you found out what was happening, you walked right up to Sandra and let her have it. You told her she was the ugliest hag to walk the earth and that you'd rather spend a million years with a real friend like Lydia than another second with a jerk like her. Of course you went on to chase after a bunch of other girls that you would say were 'the most beautiful in the world.' Most weren't as bad as Sandra. Most."

"And the moral is...what? I've got bad taste in women? Allura isn't like Sandra. She isn't a bully. If anything she'd too nice for me to be worth her time."

Veronic smile coyly. "Well Lance, the thing about that story, is that there was one detail you never quite figured out. And that's that Lydia was totally in love with you."

"What!? No we were just friends."

Veronica sighs and shakes her head. "That poor girl...Lance did it ever occur to you that she followed you around just as much as you followed Sandra around?"

"She didn't..." he hesitates. "...really?"


"Why didn't she ever say anything?" Lance asks with shock.

"Probably because the girls you always chased were nothing like her. That's also probably the reason she eventually gave up on you and drifted away."

Lance blinks. "...huh. What ever happened to her anyway?"

"Think she was engaged last I heard. Lucky her."

"Yeah." Lance sighs. "So the moral is that I only cared about whoever was the prettiest girl around, and ignored the one person that actually gave a dang about me. Thanks sis. Good talk."

"Oh I don't know about that..." His grandmother finally chimes in.


His grandmother smiles. "Who did you side with in the end?"

"Well Lydia of course. Sandra was a bully."

"So which one did you really care about? The pretty one you were chasing around? Or the one that was your real friend?"

"I...guess maybe...I didn't notice which one was really important to me." He seems to consider then shakes his head. "Dang this is really starting to mess with my head."

"So I guess the question you need you ask yourself is..." Veronica says."...do you have a Lydia today?"

"Nah." he dismisses immediately. "I'm not a kid anymore. I think I'd know if someone secretly had feelings for me..."


Pidge sits on the couch of the Holt apartment. She flicks her finger across a handheld table looking frustrated. The dog Bae-Bae sits in her lap and gets the occasional scratch from Pidge, but otherwise she remains focused on the tablet. Her father, Sam sits at the kitchen table looking over a report, while her mother, Colleen is cooking something.

The door pops open and Matt walks in, along with N-7.

"Nice of you to join us Matt." Colleen says, without looking up.

"Sorry I was late. Can N-Seven stay for dinner?"

N-7 waves over to Colleen. The woman smiles and nods. "Of course. Does she..."

"She's fine actually. But it's more about the company anyway right?"

"Of course..." Colleen says, pretending to understand.

Matt's eyes fall on Pidge. He smiles and walks over to plop down on the couch next to her. N-7 takes the seat on the other side of him.

"What's my baby sister up to now?" Matt asks, looking over Pidge's shoulder.

"Just...trying to figure this out." Pidge replies, not looking up from the tablet.

"What is it? Computer code? Secret communications relay? Multilayered cypher?" He squints at the screen of the device. "...just regular notes?"

"I'm...trying to figure out this situation with Zarkon. How he's alive, I mean. Figured writing out all the possibilities might help."

"Did it?"

"No." Pidge admits. "We saw him die. You can't just...come back from that. Lotor should be gone too. But they're both back. With their own Voltron. It doesn't make sense."

"Maybe he faked his death."

"And let his empire fall into the hands of his son? Doesn't sound like Zarkon. And what's the motive?"

"Lotor could have been in on it. Maybe it was all part of a larger plot."

"To do what? It's not like Lotor suddenly turned on us. If anything he seemed content to keep working with us right up until we found out what a real dirtbag he was."

"Maybe...it was to buy time? For Zarkon to make his own Voltron?"

"That...seems to be what they want they want us to believe. But that's got issues too. For one, as far we know there were only ever two trans-dimensional comets. But even if there were another one, it still doesn't make sense why Zarkon would let his empire fall to ashes while he used it to make his own Voltron. He loves control and domination, and making sure everyone knows it. Hiding in the shadows has never been his M.O."

Matt thinks for a long moment. "Could they...be imposters?"

Pidge thinks about it for a moment. "I...guess. But Probably not. Their Voltron is definitely real, and who else would have the power and skill to both make and fly a new one?"

"Hm." Matt says sitting back thoughtfully.

"Yeah. Pidge says tossing the tablet aside. "It's going to bug me until I figure it out. I hate not understanding things."

"That's what makes a good scientist." Sam pipes in.

"It's also really annoying sometimes." Pidge sighs.

"I'm sure we'll figure it out sooner or later." Matt says. "In the meantime, I'm good with relaxing for a bit. Fighting a war is exhausting." He reaches and arm over N-7's shoulder, and she leans into him.

"Speaking of things I don't understand." Pidge mutters. Bae-Bae barks in apparent agreement.

"Ah Pidge, the ways of romance were once a mystery to me too. You'll get there one day."

N-7 nods in agreement and gives her a thumbs up. Pidge only turns away and wrinkles her nose. "I don't have the slightest interest in getting all lovey-dovey with anyone."

Matt only shrugs. N-7 rests her head against his. Pidge makes as if she is avoiding looking at the two, but her eyes occasionally flicker over to the pair.

"...how did 'this' happen anyway?" She asks eventually.

"I'm interested in that too." Colleen chimes in.

"Yeah let's hear it." Sam also joins in putting aside his reports.

"Well N-Seven tells it better..."

N-7 shakes her head and pokes Matt in the chest.

He sighs. "Alright alright. We first met on an asteroid in the Terunthium Belt. Our rebel cells were meeting to do some joint operations. We hit it off pretty quick, both of us have an interest in computers and whatnot. We were mostly just comrades in arms at first. But fighting the same battle for so long you get close. It wasn't long before she totally had a thing for me."

N-7 pokes him.

"Alright, alright. It was a mutual thing. But we didn't talk about it. It was one of those things that just hung there, unspoken."

"So what changed?" Pidge asked, still feigning disinterest.

"Well, it all started when were raiding this Galra facility on Ruvfa-Four. Me and N-Seven were hacking their servers, when a bunch of soldiers busted in. They weren't supposed to be there, so we were caught off guard. I took down the first two, but I couldn't stop the third from getting a shot off with his gun. He would have nailed me in the chest. But N-Seven threw herself in the way of the shot. After I finished beating that guy senseless, I made sure she was alright. A little to the left and she wouldn't have been. I asked her why. Why she would take that shot for me..."

"What'd she say?" Pidge asks, leaning in, clearly gripped.

Matt smiles wistfully. N-7 nods for him to continue. "...she said that she did the math, and that risking her life was worth it to make sure that I kept living. That's when I knew. With her sitting there, looking up at me, a hole busted in her, I just knew I wasn't going to be able to live without her. And that's exactly what I told her."

N-7 squeezes his hand. Matt smiles at her.

"Awww." Colleen says. She leans over and whispers to Sam, "What exactly is..."

"I don't know, and at this point I'm too afraid to ask." Sam whispers back.

"So you just...knew?" Pidge asks, with disbelief.

"Yeah." Matt says simply.

"But...that doesn't make any sense. How can you just know something like that. There's so many variable, so many things to consider you can't just-"

"-Pidge." Matt cuts her off. "Coming from someone who thinks a lot like you, sooner or later you have to stop thinking. Just take the leap. You'll just get in your own way otherwise."

Pidge sits back folding her arms. "I still don't get it."

"You will." Her mother says with a wry grin. Pidge avoided her gaze.

"...but thanks N-Seven."Pidge says eventually. "For making sure my dumb-genius of a brother didn't get himself killed."

N-7 nods enthusiastically, and shooks Pidge a pair of thumbs up.

"Being in love changes a person." Sam ponders. "You get to see things from a different person's perspective. Learn to think outside your own box. You might scoff about it now but-"

"Think outside the box." Pidge repeats, blinking.

Sam pauses. "...uh oh. I know that look."

Pidge picks back up her tablet and scrolls through it. She smacks herself on the forehead. "...I'm an idiot."

"What?" Matt asks.

"I was thinking too inside the box. If Zarkon really died, and Lotor really is still trapped in the quintessence field...then there is one thing that explains all of that." She bolts up out of her seat so fast Bae-Bae has to scramble not to get thrown by the action. "Quick, dad! Where's Slav!?"

"Slav? He locked himself in one of the boardrooms the moment he heard about Zarkon and the new Voltron. Something about working out the numbers."

"I need to see him asap!"

"Well I guess we could see if-

"Hold on now!" Colleen cuts in.

Everyone in the room turns to her.

"Dinner is almost ready." She says in a steel voice.

"But Mom, the fate of the galaxy could be at stake!" Pidge objects.

Colleen stares down her daughter. For several moments no one speaks. Finally Colleen gives in, with a sigh. "Dinner will be here when you get back-"

"Thanks mom! Come on dad!"

"Duty calls." Sam shrugs, getting up.

"You just better be back here before my casserole gets cold."

"Wouldn't dream of anything else, dear."

With that, Pidge and her father vanish out the front door.


Keith turns on the engine of his hoverbike and it hums to life. Shiro does the same to his own, which is situated right next to Keith's. The pair of them sit on a ridge leading into a canyon.

"Same route as always? With the knife-shaped rock as the finish line?" Keith asks.

"Course." Shiro replies, twisting his throttle experimentally. The engine purrs and Shiro grins. He makes as if to reach for the other handle, but his missing arm makes that impossible. He hesitates for a moment, but shakes his head.

"You...sure you're good for this?" Keith asks.

"Course." Shiro says nonchalantly.

Keith nods after a moment and turns to face forward. "Ready when you are."

Shiro closes his eyes and takes a breath. He opens his eyes.


Both hoverbikes take off, kicking up a cloud of dust in their rocketing forward. Shiro takes the lead quickly, and Keith pushes his hoverbike to keep up as they race down the ridge.

"Try to keep up!" Shiro calls back, gunning his engine.

Keith smiles and pushes his hoverbike even harder. They shoot along the ridge, with Shiro maintaining the lead. They come to the spot where the canyon grows narrow, and Shiro goes for the spot where they cross over. Shiro goes full speed, leaping across the narrow gap. Keith, however does not follow. Instead he zooms past, further down the ledge where the gap grows wider again. There a sharp rock grows out of the of the ledge. Keith guns his engine and goes full speed towards the rock. His bike shoots up the rock, using it as a makeshift ramp, and he sails across the wide gap in the canyon. His hoverbike comes down on the other side, in front of Shiro's bike.

"Try to keep up, old timer!" Keith says, speeding ahead.

Shiro laughs, gunning his own engine. The ridge opened back up onto the top of the canyon. Shiro uses the wider space to pull up next to Keith. Both race forward, neck and neck. The cliff is up ahead. A few dozen feet from the bottom is a sharp vaugly knife-shaped rock, marking the finish line.

The both push their hoverbikes to the max, rocketing over the cliff. For a moment they fly over empty air. Then, gravity takes hold and both hurtle toward the ground. Keith and Shiro both keep their hands on the hoverbikes' handles. The ground gets gut wrenchingly close. Both pull up at roughly the same time. Keith smoothly handles the landing, his hoverbike jetting back up just in time to avoid a crash. Shiro however, with only one arm has trouble fully pulling back on the throttle fully.

As Keith shoots past the Knife-rock, Shiro's bike dips a little too low and scraps against the ground. The hoverbike shakes but Shiro manages to regain control. Barely. He races past the knife-rock a moment later. Both pull their bikes to a stop a couple dozen feet farther.

"You alright?" Keith asks.

"I'm fine." Shiro laughs half heartedly. "Just one more thing I'm not so good at anymore..." He looks distant for a moment, but then looks up and smiles. "Guess this means you can finally say you're a better pilot than me, eh?"

"Don't say that." Keith shakes his head. "If you had another arm you'd be riding circles around me."

"Maybe." Shiro says uncertainty.

For a moment they both only stare out at the rocky plains. Dust devils spin along the stony surface as a gust of wind picks up.

"...you know we miss you out there, right?" Keith says eventually.

"I know but...it's better if I stay here. I can do more on Earth than I can up there. Especially now that you're in charge of Voltron again." Shiro smiles reassuringly.

Keith looks down. "...I don't know what I'm doing up there, man. I'm trying it's just...hard. I'm no good at leading. I don't have your talent as a leader Shiro. Even if you aren't a part of Voltron anymore we could really use you up there. Focusing us. Helping...helping me figure out everything I'm doing wrong."

Shiro studies him. "Keith...you wanna hear a little secret?"

"Huh? Uh...sure?"

Shiro looks both ways as if someone might be listening, then leans in for good measure. "...I never had a talent for being a leader."

"What!?" Keith exclaims. "What are you talking about? You did an amazing job leading us in Voltron for an entire year. Basically everything fell apart when you disappeared. Even before Voltron, you were known to be a great team leader at the Garrison."

"Oh sure I got good. Eventually." Shiro admits. "But you know I had my first command taken away from me? Kept expecting all my teammates to 'keep up.' By the end of my first week leading a fighter squadron, none of them could stand me. Sound familiar?"

"....really?" Keith says with disbelief.

"Really." Shiro nods. "You can ask Sanda sometime. She was the Commander that had to deal with the delinquent kid that didn't know how to follow orders."

"You? A delinquent?"

"Didn't you ever wonder what I saw in you when I first asked you to join the Garrison? Besides your natural flying skills, I mean. I saw a bit of my younger self in you. I knew that if a stubborn rule-breaker like me could become a model pilot, you could too."

"...huh." is all Keith can say. He sits back on his bike, shaking his head.

Shiro chuckles. "You know the only difference between you and me when it comes to being a leader Keith? Experience. It took me years to figure out the difference between leading others and just trying to order them around. And that's something I think you're already figuring out."

"More or less...maybe on the less side." Keith shrugs.

"Maybe. But you're learning. And you're going to keep learning. Because that's the only way you'll get good at it. You don't need me to tell you how to be the best leader you can be, because only you can figure that out. Everyone does it differently. It's up to you to figure out how you're going to bring out the most in your team."

Keith doesn't say anything, but after a moment he does give the slightest of nods. "...this doesn't mean I've given up on you coming out there with us. When we figure out a way to end this, I expect you to be fighting right by our side, finishing off Zarkon and all his other cronies. "

Shiro only shrugs. "Dunno how much good I can do without another arm..."

Keith frowns at the stump that once supported Shiro robot arm. He opens his mouth as if to say something, when his communicator squawks to life.

"Guys we need to meet! Right now! I've got some good news finally!" Pidge's voice says over the communicator.

Keith pulls it off his belt and holds it up to his face. "Hang on Pidge, what's going on?"

"Zarkon, Lotor, and this new Voltron! I think i figured out where they all came from!"

Keith and Shiro share a look.

"We'll be right there."


The Paladins, Shiro, and the other leaders of the Coalition all gather in a boardroom where Pidge and Slav stand in front of a chalkboard covered in mathematical equations and other writings.

"Alright guys here's what we got: Zarkon should be dead. We all saw him get killed by Lotor. It doesn't make any sense that they somehow faked his death.

"Yes, I calculate a ninety nine, point-eight percent chance Zarkon really died that day!" Slav puts in.

"And then there's Lotor himself, who should be lost inside the Quintessence field, yet now is inexplicably free. On top of that there's this....other Voltron. Dark Voltron I guess." Pidge continues.

"Nah that seems like a mouthful." Lance cuts in. "What about...Darktron? Yeah I like how that...sorry."

Pidge cuts off glaring at him to continue. "So this...Darktron-"

Lance snickers.

"-also came out of nowhere. As far as we know there was no other trans-dimensional comet with which another Voltron could be built besides the one Lotor used to make his Sincline mecha. None of these things add up. It can't be an illusion, at least not Darktron. So what's the explanation?"

No one replies, so Pidge goes on.

"The only explanation is that Zarkon really did die, Lotor really is still stuck in the quintessence field, and they never made a new Voltron."

"I...thought we ruled out an illusion." Keith says confused.

"We did." Pidge smiles. "That because we really did fight Zarkon, Lotor and those other Dark Paladins in their own Voltron."

Everyone else in the room looks confused. Pidge smiles even wider.

"...how is this possible, you might ask? Well-"

"They're from another reality!" Slav blurts out.

"What!?" everyone exclaims.

Pidge cringes. "I was building up to that."

"You were taking too long." Slav replies.

"Fair enough. But yeah, these guys must be from another reality remember the one we slipped into when we found that other comet."

"Oh yeah, you mean the one where Alteas went all evil and took over the universe?" Hunk recalls.

"Yep. It's like that, but instead of alteans taking over, it's a reality where Zarkon never lost Voltron."

"I calculate an eighty-four point-five percent chance that this is the case." Slav adds.

"That must be why Lotor didn't seem to recognize me..." Allura realizes.

"That would explain that much, yeah." Pidge agrees.

"Wait, if they're from another reality, then how'd they get here?" Lance asks.

"Voltron is made of that same comet that brought us to the other reality. They must have figured out a way to use their Voltron to pass over to ours." Pidge replies.

Keith sits back, seeming to take this new information in. "This...certainly clears some things up...but does this really help us? Are we any closer to beating them, just because we know where they came from?"

PIdge smiles at this. "I actually think so."

"Go on."

"Well as far as we can tell they came here alone. Think about it. First they were putting alteans from the colony in robests, and now they're taking over whats left of the galra empire."


"So, if that Zarkon had the full force of Darktron at his command, shouldn't he have been able to take his entire universe? You'd figure he was coming here because he decided to take over another universe. But he didn't bring an army through with him. It's just him his paladins, and Darktron."

"If that's true then..." Keith consideres. "...then they probably didn't come here by choice. They...probably had to. They might have been running from something in their old reality. Which means..." his eye widen. "...they were beaten. They aren't invincible."

"My thoughts exactly." Pidge smirks.

Keith laughs. "You're right Pidge. This is good news."


Prince Lotor walks inside the corridors of the moon base. He accesses a door, that opens into a room where Zarkon and Honvera stand in front of a holographic display. It shows a diagram of a teleduv, along with several mathematical equations, and energy frequency readings.

As soon as Lotor sees the display his eyes widen with shock. "What are you doing?"

Zarkon turns around scowling. "Did I send for you boy?"

"Is that...what I think it is?" Lotor says, ignoring his father's comment, and staring at the display.

"It's not of your concern." Zarkon says, turning back around.

"Mother is this really what I think it is!? Are you going to try it again!?" Lotor exclaims.

Honerva doesn't say anything for a moment, choosing her words carefully.

"The first time...it was just too much power at once. But these alteans...they could make the difference. Splitting up the power among them, then back into Voltron...it may just work this time."

"You can't be serious!" Lotor says with horror. His expression turns to anger. "You're going to repeat the disaster that tore our universe to pieces!? And probably kill all those alteans in the process, if not this universe too? For what!? For pow-"

Zarkon whirls around, grabbing Lotor by the neck, and forcing him against the wall so hard it shakes.

"I don't recall asking for your permission son of mine." Zarkon says in a low voice. "I am in command here. I have waited over ten thousand years for this, and I will not tolerate resistance. Not even from you. Do I make myself clear?"

Lotor stares at his father defiantly. Zarkon squeezes harder on his neck.

"...crystal." Lotor chokes out.

"Good." Zarkon drops Lotor to the floor, where he gasps for air.

"Now get out of my sight. I have work to do." Zarkon turns away.

Lotor rubs his neck, and looks up at Zarkon with scorn. "Right away, father."

Honvera watches her son leave, concern written on her face.

"Honverva. The calculations." Zarkon urges.

"Of course my love." Honvera turns back, and they continue their work.

Author Update: Hey thanks for being patient, know these have been taking a while. Unfortunately it can't be helped. But, as a reward for your wating, I gotcha something special. Little drawing I did of Dark Voltron/Darktron. (It should be attached to Episode Five, hope you like it- mostly a tracing of a toy though, so don't go thinking I'm actually halfway decent at drawing)

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