Stardew Valley OneShots

By Bizzbell

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A small collection of oneshots I made a long time ago during my humble writing beginnings :) More

Sebastian-Heres a scarf!
Leah-How I feel about you
Harvey-you can trust me
Harvey-The right words
Shane-We're a family
Abigail-Dynamic Duo
Shane-I know how it feels
Sam-I win! Now go out with me!
Alex- Opposites Attract
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Elliot-Huzzah! My inspiration!

13.1K 215 98
By Bizzbell

Requested by Yuriko98

It was another lovely summer day in the valley. The valley was littered with the color green and the chatter of the villagers could be heard throughout the town. The wildlife had a noticeable increase in activity.

     Vincent and Jas were running around playing and having fun, while Penny was looking after them. The three lovable delinquents of the town were sitting under a tree, talking about what Y/N could only assume was something hilarious.

     Alex and Hailey were giggling to each other. Clint was working up the courage to talk to Emily, who was trying to make Shane smile. Harvey and Maru were discussing very hard to understand science language. Everything seemed normal. Until Y/N noticed one thing.

     Two people were missing. The laid back artist, Leah, and the aspiring writer Elliot. Y/N decided to look for them. It wasn't the same if they weren't there after all.

     Getting up from their spot on the bench,
Y/N made their way to Leah's cabin. Leah was the closest to Elliot before Y/N moved to the valley, so if Y/N could find her, then Elliot wouldn't be far behind.

     Y/N stopped at Leah's door and knocked twice. Rumbling and a slight crashing sound could be heard from inside the cabin. The door opened to reveal Leah, who was covered in paint, with her hair slightly ruffled up.

     " this a bad time?" Y/N asked.

     "Oh no no no! Not at all! Please come in!" When Y/N entered, they took notice of their surroundings. Wood chips, paint splatters and tools were all around the cabin. Leah really is talented isn't she?

     After quickly helping Leah clean up her home, they both sat down and chatted about their interests. The conversation then lead to Elliot.

     "So, you haven't seen him huh?"

     "No sorry Y/N. To be honest, I'm a little worried about him. I know he writes a lot, but he does take the time to go outside once in a while. I wonder why I haven't seen him." Leah answered.

     Y/N started to get a little worried. Elliot wasn't the type of person to just disappear. Hopefully nothing bad happened to him...

     "I'm gonna go look for him. Thanks Leah." After saying goodbye to Leah, Y/N quickly made their way to Elliot's cabin on the beach.

     When Y/N arrived at the beach, they took note at how calm it always is. Maybe thats why Elliot decided to live here. The peace and quiet must be nice.

    Y/N knocked on the door. There was no answer. Knocked again...nothing. Y/N reached for the doorknob and turned it. It was unlocked. After stepping inside, Y/N's eyes widened at the hunched over figure on The desk.

     "Elliot!" Y/N ran over and shook Elliot, who opened his eyes due to the commotion, yawned and turned to Y/N.

     "Huh...oh Y/N! What a surprise to see you here."

     "Elliot, are you alright?! I haven't seen you in days! I thought something bad happened to you."

     "Yes, I tend to make questionable decisions sometimes. Please forgive me Y/N." Elliot softy smiled and stood up from his desk. He sat in his bed and gestured Y/N to join him.

     Once they were settled, Elliot took a deep breath and spoke.

     "Thank you got worrying about me my friend. I assure you I am in perfect health."

     "Then why haven't I seen you?"

     "I'm afraid my inspiration is gone. I hate to admit it, but I may be suffering from writers block."

     "...So you thought the best course of action was to lock yourself in you cabin?" Elliot softly chuckled.

     "Like I said, I tend to make questionable decisions." They sat there in silence for a few seconds before Y/N got an idea.

     "Hey Elliot, what if I helped you get out of your slump?"

     "I would appreciate that Y/N." Y/N proudly stood up.

     "Then lets do it! I'm gonna help you no matter what! Let's make some magic happen!" Elliot then stood up beside Y/N with a twinkle in his eye.

     "Yes my friend! We can do it!"

     "Great! Now if only I had an idea on do that..." all the enthusiasm left Y/N's body and flew out the window. Elliot on the other hand was still standing, holding his chin.

     "Y/N, I might have an idea! But I'm gonna need some time. I must have the rest of the day to myself." Y/N was slightly disappointed at the thought of Elliot being by himself, but understood none the less.

     Y/N excused themselves from the small cabin. They must have been in here longer than they thought, for it was already night time. Y/N made their way home, did some last minute chores around the farm, before calling it a day.

The next morning, Y/N was taking care of the farm animals when they noticed that their mailbox flag was up. There was a letter inside. Y/N ripped open the letter and read aloud.

"Dear Y/N,
I must apologize for kicking you out yesterday. Please don't take that to heart. I did think of a way to get me out of this slump. Please meet me in the forest beside the old tower. I look forward to seeing you."

Y/N smiled to themselves. Elliot knew when to use his charm didn't he? Y/N wasted no time getting to the tower. Sure enough, Elliot was waiting for them. When he spotted Y/N, he smiled and waved.

"Ah, Y/N, thank you so much for coming. I hope I'm not distracting you of your job."

"Not at all Elliot. Today is all about us...uh I mean, all about us trying to save you from your slump! Yeah that's what I meant." Elliot noticed Y/N's flustered state and smiled. He walked up to Y/N and took their hand.

"Yes Y/N, it is about us today. Now, shall we?" Y/N quickly nodded and followed Elliot. They stopped at the old broken tree the blocked the way to the hidden forest.

"Y/N, if you wouldn't mind..."

"Not at all!" Y/N took out their axe and swing the tree in half, clearing the way. Y/N wondered how Elliot knew of this place but didn't think to much of it.

The hidden forest was a quiet area. Leaves and peddles fluttered in the faint wind and the pond still. A perfect place to find inspiration.

Elliot and Y/N took in their surroundings. Every pebble and leaf. Every rabbit and frog. During all of this, Elliot never let go of Y/N's hand.

They decided to talk about what they saw at the side of the pond. After a while, they found themselves back at the beach. They both sat down on the docks.

"Thank you for helping me today Y/N. I don't think I could have found everything without you."

"Oh I'm sure you could have! I don't think you needed me very much." Y/N said while stirring the pond with a stick.

"But that's where you're wrong." Elliot placed his hand on Y/N's head, who turned to look at him.

"Without you, I never would have found my inspiration for my book. I have a question for you, have you figured out my books genre yet?" Y/N sat for a moment to think.

"Sci fi?"

"No, not quite."

"Tween fiction?"

"Goodness no."

"You got me Elliot. What is it?" Elliot took both of Y/N's hand into his and looked into their eyes, with the softest smile Y/N had ever seen.



"Of course. Y/N allow me to explain." Elliot cleated his throat.

"Since the first day I met you, you have been nothing but kind and helpful to everyone. The valley wouldn't be the same without you. The times we spent together have been the most memorable of my life." Y/N's heart started to race.

"What I'm trying to say Y/N is...I've fallen for you." Elliot rested his hand on Y/N's cheek, to which Y/N immediately fell into, like a kitten.

"Elliot, I..." Y/N's voice started to shake.

"I thought I was the only one...I was so scared that you wouldn't feel the same." A few tears left Y/N's eyes. Elliot immediately wipes them away.

"Don't cry my dear, it's alright." Elliot leaned in, pressing their foreheads together. Elliot then connected his lips to Y/N's making their eyes widen. It was the softest, most tender feeling Y/N had ever felt.

"I love you Y/N. Never forget that." Y/N rested their head on Elliot's shoulder, both staring into the sunset. Elliot then laughed to himself.

"What's so funny?" Y/N asked.

"A quote I heard a while back came into my mind. I believe if went...Huzzah! I found my inspiration! You are my inspiration Y/N!"

"Hey Elliot, did you really have writers block?"

"Well..." They both shared a laugh and softly embraced.

Despite Elliot's gentlemen like personality, he was also a dork. Y/N was quiet at times, but also wasn't afraid to get dirty and rough sometimes. They both had their unusual quirks.

And they wouldn't have it any other way.

Hopefully Elliot wasn't out of character! I felt like I rushed this just a little bit, but hopefully you enjoyed it regardless!

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