Fresh Start (Team Flash x Fem...

De zarischarlie

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Reader is British, from the year 2041, and has the powers of telekinesis which you gained after being experim... Mais

Fresh Start | Part 1
Family of Rogues | Part 3
The Fury of Firestorm | Part 4
The Darkness & The Light | Part 5
Fresh Start | Part 6

Flash of Two Worlds | Part 2

851 12 5
De zarischarlie

A/N: This takes place around season 2 episode 2 and this story is mostly canon with a few things changed.
Warnings: Mentions of loss. Swearing. Word Count: 6341
y/n = Your name
Davis = Your Last Name

It's been three weeks since you helped Team Flash take down Boulder, as Cisco so aptly named him, and he was now sitting in the meta-human wing at Iron Heights prison.

Ever since then, you were a part of Team Flash, helping them on their crusade of protecting the city from the meta-humans that they accidentally created the day the particle accelerator exploded. And to be completely truthful, you liked working with them.

When you became Renegade, you always had the looming threat of ARGUS finding you but here, with Barry, Caitlin, Cisco, Joe, Iris and Professor Stein, whom you met after the capture of Boulder, you were happy.

Well, as happy as you could be considering everything that had happened in your life.

You had gotten quite close to the team, specifically to Caitlin and Cisco; they never failed to make you laugh, especially Cisco with his constant cultural references.

You had learned a lot about them and they had learned more about you too. For instance, when Caitlin told you about her losing Ronnie, you consoled her which led to the revelation that, whilst they didn't know how, your mother died when you were a child and your sister died a few years after.

You also consoled Barry with the departure of his father which he had announced at Joe's house, at his 'welcome home' party no less.

Speaking of which, Barry should be returning from the train station soon and you, Cisco and Caitlin eagerly waited his return so you could show him the increased security you had implemented and the new changes Cisco had made to his suit.

Cisco had also created an elaborate suit for you too but after insisting it was too much, you helped him invent a relatively more comfortable suit.

"So is everything okay?"

Caitlin had asked you to recheck all the security systems to make sure they were operating successfully which is why you and Cisco were crowded around the computers with Iris and Professor Stein watching over you as you did so.               

"Yeah, everything's up and running. Should be good to go." You replied, getting up from your chair so you stood next to Caitlin. "Hey, Barry." You said, as Barry and Joe entered the cortex.

"Hey, guess what? I added a little upgrade to your suit." Cisco announced, looking very pleased with himself. As Barry walked over to where his upgraded suit stood, Cisco continued talking.

"It's just like the one from the future newspaper Gideon showed us. I was thinking, you know, you shouldn't fear the future anymore."

"No, and it'll be here faster than we think." Barry said in agreement.

"God, let's hope not. I really like my life right now." You muttered, making Cisco laugh beside you.                  

"Well, see, I like it. The lightning definitely pops more against the white." Professor Stein commented making Cisco even more smug.

"And S.T.A.R Labs is now safer than ever. With the help of Cisco and y/n, we have increased security and surveillance."

"Re-coded, double firewalled, electronic lock sets." You explained as Barry looked at you and Cisco.                                                            

"Yeah, nothing is getting through here without us knowing." Cisco continued.

"So people can't just waltz in and out of here." Iris finished.

As soon as Iris finished, Caitlin's shocked gasp had you all turning to the entrance to the cortex where a man stood, concealed in the shadows so you couldn't make out his face.

And almost simultaneously, you and Joe got out your guns from your holsters and aimed it at the intruder. Even though you had resigned from the CCPD and had started working at S.T.A.R Labs full-time, you were still certified to operate a firearm.

"For real?" Cisco said, exasperated. To be honest, you would have said the same thing.

"Stay where you are." Joe ordered, his gun trained on the figure.

"How on Earth did you get in here?" You asked, your gun aimed at his chest to stop him in case he did something stupid.

"Who are you?"

"You don't know me, but I know you...Barry Allen." The mysterious intruder spoke.

"Well, that's not creepy at all." You muttered under your breath. Your gut was telling you that he was a bad person and you had learned to trust your gut instincts. When the man took a step forward, you pulled the safety off of your gun. "Don't move." You ordered.

"Take one more step, it'll be the last step you take." Joe threatened. Damn, you'd forgotten how scary Joe could be. "The man asked you a question. Who the hell are you?"

The man emerged from the shadows and revealed himself to be a young-looking, dirty-blonde haired man. "My name is Jay Garrick, and your world is in danger."

Your brows furrowed in confusion as you looked at Caitlin and Iris who seemed to be just as confused as you were. "When isn't our world in danger?" You said, your gun still aimed at this Jay guy.

"Please just let me explain. I mean you no harm." He replied, looking directly at you before returning his focus onto Barry.

"How do you know my name?" Barry asked.    

"I know all your names. Caitlin Snow, y/n Davis, Cisco Ramon, Detective Joe West-".   

"Enough." Joe instructed and Jay raised his arms in surrender. "That part about explaining needs to happen right about now."

"This world is in danger." He repeated, making you roll your eyes.

"And like y/n said, when isn't it?" Cisco rebutted.

"Wait, 'this world'? What other worlds are there?" You asked, cautiously.

"When you created the singularity above Central City, you also created a breach between my world and yours." He answered, staring at you.

"Hey, that was them, not me." You said, defending yourself.

"Wait, I'm sorry, a breach?" Iris questioned, ignoring your comment.                                 

"Yes, a portal connecting our two Earths."   

This story was getting crazier by the minute.

"And what precisely is your concern?" Professor Stein asked from beside you.

"A few days ago, you found a dead man named Al Rothstein at the nuclear plant."

You lowered your gun and looked at Caitlin and saw her face display the same level of shock as you.

"But then a different Al Rothstein tried to kill you." He continued.

"Atom Smasher." Cisco said, looking at Barry.

"That man was from my world. If he got through the breach, I'll suspect there'll be more to follow." He finished, ominously.

"Okay, so, Jay, how exactly do you know all of this?"

"Where I came from, I was a speedster like you. They called me the Flash. Before I arrived on your Earth, I was in a fight with a man named Zoom."

"Zoom?" Barry interrupted. "I've heard that name before." You all looked at Barry confused. "Atom Smasher, he said Zoom sent him here to kill me. Who is this guy?"

"He's a speedster, like you and me. And fast. Maybe the fastest of all. But evil. He is an unstoppable demon with the face of death."

"That's not alarming at all." You whispered to yourself. "But it still begs the question of how you got here."

"We were engaged in our fiercest battle ever, racing throughout my city. But I wasn't fast enough to stop him. Zoom had me beaten. He was about to kill me when suddenly, there was a blinding light and the sky split open. A breach, between my world and yours, caused from the singularity. It pulled me in...and somehow I ended up in your world. Powerless. Unable to return home."

"What do you mean?" Caitlin asked, hands on her hips.

"I lost my speed." How convenient.

"How?" Barry asked, disbelief underlying his tone.

"I'm not entirely sure."

At this, Joe turned to look at Barry who gave him a 'don't ask me' look.

"So, you've been in Central City for six months, why haven't you come to see us before?" Joe questioned, still as apprehensive as you were about this Jay Garrick guy.

"I'm in a foreign world here, Detective. I didn't know who you all were. Took me that long to piece it all together." "So that's how you know our names. You've been following us."

"Look, I know how this sounds. The existence of another Earth, you, another Flash, it all came as an unexpected shock to me, too. I just wish there was something I could do to convince you."

"There is."
You all turned to look at Barry.

"We're some tests on you." He said, looking at Caitlin, as if mentally asking her if she would do it which she nodded in agreement to.

"We're gonna see if you're telling us the truth. If you're not, this Zoom, he's not gonna be your only enemy." Barry threatened.

As Caitlin conducted her tests on Jay, you were sitting on the desk beside Cisco deep in discussion about the former with the rest of the team.

"I'm sorry but I don't trust this guy. He comes in and says he's the Flash from another Earth and we're just supposed to take him at his word?" You said, still not believing the intruder.

"Yeah, I mean, is any of this even possible? A breach to another Earth? It's not, right?" Iris began, turning away from the med-bay where Caitlin and Jay were.

"The contrary. Just recently, the many-different-worlds theory proposed interaction with parallel universes was plausible. Now if what Mr Garrick's saying is true, that theory's been proven sooner than we all thought."       

"It doesn't add up." Barry said, leaning against the metal rails on the desk.

"That's true. But what Professor Stein is saying is also correct because whilst Everett's theory has implications on a quantum level, assuming he is actually right, if an action has more than one possible outcome, the universe splits when that action is taken, meaning another world exists whether we decide to take that action or not." You explained as Professor Stein nodded in agreement and complimented your intellect.

"I'm gonna be honest here. I don't understand what the hell any of you are talking about." Joe said, making you smirk.

"So, Jay is saying he's from, like, a mirror-world. Or a parallel universe that's very, very similar to ours." Cisco attempted to explain the theory to Joe.         

"So like a multiverse.' You finished.                    "I agree with Miss Davis, multiverse would be a more apt description."                                    

"No, not helping." Joe responded.
"Bless your heart." Cisco said, making you laugh.

"Miss Davis, if you please?"

You turned to look at the Professor, then got up to help him wheel the board into the centre of the cortex.        

"Ah, thank you, my dear." Professor Stein said when you handed him a marker to write with.

"This is our Earth. Let's call it Earth-1," he drew a circle on the board. "And this second Earth, let's call it Earth-2. This is where Jay claims to be from. And these other Earths, three, four, five to infinity, all of them, are nearly identical to ours. And they all exist at the same time."

You were all watching Professor Stein as if he was giving a lecture.

"Thus giving us endless alternatives to what we have here."

"For example," you interrupted, "the Joe West on Earth-2," you gestured to the Professor's drawing, "your doppelgänger, might not be a detective."

"Correct, he could be a Nobel Prize-winning physicist." The Professor continued. "And you, the Barry Allen here is the Flash, but over there, he could be an electrician."

"So, I'm assuming that the people on all these other Earths work to make money to pay bills and such." "Presumably so." You replied.       "So we got that in common." Joe said, making you and Iris smirk.

"I'm heading back to the station. Call me when this makes a little bit more sense. I know y/n is living proof but I'm still trying to wrap my head around the whole idea of time travel." Joe finished before leaving the cortex to head to work.

"There is one problem that remains. If Mr Garrick is telling the truth, there is a breach somewhere in Central City that we need to find and close for good."

"Yeah, but how do we find it? We don't even know what to look for" Cisco said.

"Well, we just need to put our heads together and come up with a solution. Not literally, of course. Those days are over."      

You walked away from the board and back to the centre desk where Cisco was sat.
"Perhaps we could look for some sort of disturbance using thermal imaging or something?" You proposed.

"Okay, let's go." You followed Cisco and Professor Stein out of the cortex and began walking to the smaller tech room.

"I think I might go to my office for a while but I'll be back soon." Professor Stein suggested.

"Okay, are you alright, Professor?"

"Yes, my dear, thank you."

You and Cisco watched him walk away and then refocused your attention on each other.

"So what do you think?" You asked Cisco.

"Honestly, I have no idea what to think. After Thawne, I don't know who to trust anymore."

"Thanks, Cisco. I'm not the least bit insulted." You joked.

"Aside from you, of course."         

"I'm only kidding and I know what you mean. After escaping the agency, I had no idea who to trust."

"So how did you learn to trust?"

"I didn't. Just learned to trust my own instincts. And quite frankly, mine are screaming about this guy, I don't think we can trust him." You answered, as you began to type on the smaller, but still effective, computer.

You were scanning the city for any unusual thermal signatures. As the program ran, you and Cisco fell into a conversation about Harrison Wells, what you did when you first arrived here and how you lived in the future.

After 20 minutes, your stomach began to rumble. "I could so go for a Big Belly Burger right now."

"I still can't believe they don't exist in the future."

"They do, but it's just majorly expensive, as is a cup of coffee. I mean, 40 bucks? Definitely not."

"Let's go eat. I mean, this program is gonna be running for at least another hour." Cisco suggested. "Okay, come on." You got up and followed after Cisco.

"You're kidding me, right?"

You took another sip from your drink as you and Cisco walked back into S.T.A.R Labs.

"I'm dead serious, Ramon." "Are you sure?"

"Cisco, no one in England says 'cheerio', it's not 1892 anymore."

"Are you absolutely sure because-" "Cisco!" "Fine." He conceded as you both walked back into the smaller room you were in earlier.

"Damn, the scan came back as negative. Now what?" You said, looking at the computer screen.

"I don't know. We could-"

Cisco was interrupted by a beeping coming from the screen.

"Shit. Barry, there's a fire at the waterfront." You said into your comms.
"Yeah, fire department's en route." Cisco finished.

"I'm on my way." Barry answered.

"Come on, let's go." You and Cisco ran to the cortex where you could manage the situation better.

By the time you and Cisco had entered the cortex, Barry had ran to the waterfront and had managed to stop the fire.

"Barry, you good?" You asked over the comms.

"That was a big fire." He replied, breathing heavily. "It's out, guys."

"Copy that, see you in a bit." Cisco replied before swivelling his chair to face you.

"What, Cisco?" You asked after he stared at you for a few moments.

"Are you positively sure?"

"CISCO" You shouted at him whilst laughing at his insistence. You took another sip of your soda then narrowed your brows.

Something felt wrong.

"What's up?"

"Shouldn't Barry be back by now?" You questioned.

"Barry?" Cisco asked through the comms but there was no reply. "Hello. Are you there?"                                    
You and Cisco both looked at each other when there was no reply. "Barry, what happened?"

"I don't know. We need to find out."

Barry ran back to S.T.A.R Labs, put his suit back on the mannequin and then ran off, presumably to the crime scene, but as a CSI rather than the Flash.

"Found it at the crime scene. I mean, it's gotta be from the meta-human that attacked me." Barry explained as Cisco took a closer look at the sample.

"Huh," Cisco span around in his chair to face you, Caitlin, Iris and Barry, "What is this stuff? Sand?"

"It's not sand."

You all turned around to face Jay, who was standing behind you guys, dressed in, what looked to be, Barry's S.T.A.R Labs sweatshirt.

"It's human cells whose myosin 2 protein have migrated to the cell's periphery."

Everyone but Caitlin looked shocked at Jay.

"You know that how?" You asked, still confused as to what he even said. "Jay's a fellow science nerd." Caitlin explained.

"Those cells have the ability to rearrange and harden, giving them the appearance of sand." Jay continued.

"Hmm, and how do you know this?" Barry asked.

"They belong to a meta-human I've fought before named Sand Demon."

At the mention of the meta's codename, you instantly looked straight at Cisco, knowing he'd have a reaction to the fact that someone else named a meta.

And as promised, Cisco got out of his seat and said, "I know you're new here, so I'm just gonna break it down for you. The whole 'naming the bad guys' thing, that's my jam. But you know what? I'm gonna let you have that one 'cause I actually kind of like it. I'm not mad at that one. Is that Barry's sweatshirt?"

"Oh, uh, sorry. It was all we could find, so..."

"I was gonna say, 'cause it looks a lot smaller on you, right?" Cisco said, looking at you as if asking if you agreed with him. Instead, you just raised an eyebrow in amusement before Cisco awkwardly laughed to himself and excused himself from the group.

"So, who is this Sand Demon?"

"I don't know his name,"

"Convenient." You murmured under your breath.

"But, I know how to stop him."

"You know what? I think we'll be fine on our own." "I agree." Barry refused Jay's help as did you. You both still didn't trust the guy.       

"Look, guys, I don't know what else I can do to prove to you I'm on your side." Jay said, angrily. Damn, the guy had a temper.

"I've been poked, prodded, I even subjected myself to a full body scan." "I was being thorough." Caitlin defended herself making you and Iris smirk.

"Sand Demon's from my world. Let me teach you how to stop him." "Yeah, I don't need you to teach me anything, Jay."

"Zoom sent Rothstein here to kill you. He must have sent Sand Demon here to do the same thing."      

Well, this guy sure knows a lot about how Zoom works.

"Don't you guys get it? Anyone close to the Flash, all of you, are in a lot of danger."           Jay persisted, his tone kind of threatening.

"Alright. If you're so good, you would have caught him already." Can't argue with that logic.

"Let's get Jay back to his cell."     
"Gladly," you replied, leading Jay out of the cortex and back to his particle accelerator cell.

As the two of you walked down the hallway leading to the cells, Jay began to speak.     "Why don't you believe me?"

"Never said I didn't believe you. Just that I don't trust you." You replied, coldly.
"Why don't you trust me then?"

"Dude, what is your deal? You come in here warning us about some evil speedster from another universe who's apparently sending other evil meta's to kill Barry and the rest of us and you ask us to trust you? Why would this random guy, from another bloody universe, want to kill Barry and how does he even know about him?"

"You used to be a detective. Forget about your distrust to me and think about this objectively." Jay instructed before stepping back inside his cell. As you closed and locked the vault, you considered Jay's words.

He did have a point.                   

You decided to visit Joe at CCPD to update him on the Jay situation but also to give him some Big Belly Burger knowing he hardly ever took his lunch break. As you walked out of the CCPD elevator, you were stopped by a familiar female officer.

"Hey, I don't know if you remember me, Detective Davis?"

"Ex-detective," you looked at the woman and realised who she was, "And you're Officer Patty Spivot, right?"

"Yes, exactly."
"Can I help you, Officer Spivot?"

"Yes, you can. You know Detective West well, right?"

"Uh, yes. May I ask what you're asking about?" You asked respectfully, now a bit wary as to why this woman wanted to talk about Joe.

"Oh, right. So you know about his anti meta-human task force?" You nodded in response. "Great, so I was just wondering if you could ask him if I could join."

"I don't know-"          

"Please, I already tried but he turned me down. And I know I'd be a perfect fit. Please, I'd owe you one."

"Alright, but I can't promise anything. When Joe decides something, he rarely changes his mind. So you'd have to do something extraordinary to change it."      

"Okay, thank you so much. Have a great day." "You too, Officer." You replied before she walked into the elevator and you walked into the bullpen and found Joe sitting at his desk.

"Hey, Joe."                                                         

Joe looked up from his paperwork and smiled. "Y/n, what are you doing here? Is everything okay?"

"Yes, don't worry." You sat on the edge of his desk and showed him the bag of food, "Just knew you wouldn't have eaten yet."

"You're a lifesaver. I've been filling out the paperwork on this arson. You sure you don't want to come back?"

"As much I loved working here, Joe, I think I prefer S.T.A.R Labs." You replied as you both started eating the fries.

"How's the Jay situation going?"

"Okay, I suppose. Apparently the guy who fought Barry earlier was a meta named Sand Demon sent by Zoom."

"Jay told you that?" "Yeah, but I still don't trust the guy. And neither does Barry."

"So what are we going to do?"

"Honestly, no idea. I know Barry's wary to strangers, especially after Thawne, which is why he's so apprehensive to Jay, as am I. But I think I might have to remember my training at the academy and look at this whole situation from a different perspective."
"Good idea."

"By the way, Officer Spivot approached me earlier." "Oh, not you too."                             

"Joe, I know she's still green and doesn't have her stripes yet, but when she first came out the academy, I worked with her for a few weeks and she is a good cop."

"I didn't say she wasn't."

"But then why won't you let her on the task force?"

"She's not a right fit."

"Joe. Give the girl a chance. Look at me, I'd still be a desk cop if you guys hadn't asked me to join Team Flash."

"That's different, y/n. For one, you're a meta from the future."                     

"Joe," you interrupted, "Just keep an open mind. She might surprise you."
"Fine." He conceded.

"So anything on this arsonist?"

"No, not yet. We've taken a copy of his fingerprints but it's still running through the system."
"May I?" You jumped off the desk and turned the keyboard towards you.

"Now if anyone asks," you said whilst typing, "you just happen to have a really fast internet connection."

"What are you doing?" Joe asked both with interest and confusion.      

"I'm installing an additional software onto your computer which will allow systems to run faster meaning that you'll be able to match fingerprints quicker in the database."

"How do you even-"                                       

"Joe, I'm from the future, and I ran an underground business. I'm very skilled with a computer."

After a few seconds, a picture of man came up on Joe's screen. "And voila. Our meta's name is Eddie Slick and here is his most recent address." You read from the screen before printing it out and handing the file to Joe.

"I know you're not a cop anymore but are you sure you don't want to tag along?"
"I'm good, I better get back to S.T.A.R Labs anyways. Have fun."                                    "Thanks for the food and for this. See you later."

You were sitting at your desk in the cortex with Caitlin, Cisco and Professor Stein who were all watching Channel 52 news.              

"Yesterday's surprise broadcast from a Star City vigilante who is calling himself the Green Arrow has spawned a massive outcry of both support and dissenters..."                      

"Catchy." Caitlin commented.
"I hate it when they put a colour in their name." Cisco muttered.

"Okay, seriously, how does no one know that that is Oliver Queen? His face is literally exposed."

You had found out from Cisco and Caitlin that billionaire Oliver Queen was the Arrow when you first joined, but honestly it wasn't all that surprising.

I mean, the 'hood', as he was previously called, literally appeared the moment that Oliver came back from the dead. And how people don't recognise your guys' faces when you're wearing a mask that barely covers your entire face is beyond you.

But hey, the longer that people remained ignorant to your identity, the safer you would be.

"Yo." Barry said as he entered the cortex with Iris. "Yo. The sample you gave us. Not sand. Definitely human cells."                                

"Yeah, I know it's not him, I get it."                    

"I got to say, I think this Earth-2 theory is starting to make sense." Cisco said.          

"Yeah, and I hate to say it, but I think Jay might be telling the truth about this guy."

"For real? You were all for distrusting Jay." Barry said to you.

"I still don't trust the guy, Barry, but that doesn't mean that he's not telling the truth about this guy." You replied.

"Wait, you think Jay is lying about the Sand Demon?" Iris asked Barry.

"I don't know. That's my point. But I'm not gonna just believe some guy that walks in here and says a few things that sort of check out."

"Sort of? He was...he was right about Zoom." Cisco countered. 

"We don't even know anything about Zoom. What is Zoom? Is Zoom even real? Right now, that's just, you know, a story, around a campfire. I mean, have you discovered a breach yet?"

Barry turned around and addressed the Professor whom you had helped upload an electrophotographic program to the S.T.A.R Labs satellite to photograph any exotic matter which could help locate the breach.

"Not yet, but we know how to now."

Barry turned to Caitlin, "Have you found one thing to suggest that Jay is a speedster? Is the Speed Force even in his system?"
"It doesn't appear to be, no."

"See? We are scientists. You are a journalist. You were a detective. We test, we prove, we report. That's what we do. Except right now, nobody here wants to do any of that except me, and maybe y/n."

The room was tense and then you all excused yourselves from the cortex when Iris asked for a moment alone with Barry.

As you, Caitlin, Cisco and the Professor sat in the fabrication room, your phone started to ring.

"Hello. Wait, Joe, slow down."                

Joe was frantically telling you about how the Sand Demon had appeared outside CCPD and had attacked him and had kidnapped Officer Spivot.

"Okay, I'll tell him right now. Joe, are you okay? Okay, he'll be there soon. Bye."

"What happened?" Caitlin asked.               

"Sand Demon attacked Joe. Come on." You ran into the cortex where Barry and Iris were still talking.

"Guys, the Sand Demon attacked Joe."
"What? Is my dad okay?" Iris asked worryingly. "Yeah, he's fine. But, Barry, he kidnapped Patty."

At this, Barry sped off away from the cortex and a few minutes later, he re-entered with Jay.

"We're looking for any structures that promote humidity. Greenhouses, grow rooms, anything of the sort."

You sat down at your desk and began searching for any of Jay's suggestions.

"His body will literally start to fall apart if he becomes dehydrated." "Like dry sand." "Exactly."

"Sand Demon always attacks on two fronts. He creates a diversion, then strikes when you're distracted."                              

"Okay, then what do we do?" Barry asked.   

"We use y/n's telekinesis to free Officer Spivot and as extra back-up and your speed to get to him before the distraction can happen."       

"Jay, how do I stop somebody who can slip through my fingers?"

"The way I was never able to. With lightning."                                   

You and Cisco looked at each other with gleaming eyes having understood Jay's meaning.

"Yo, are you about to pull a Zeus right now?" "What are you talking about?"     

"Barry's gonna hurl lightning from the energy he creates when he runs."

"Because lightning plus sand equals-"

"Glass." Barry finished.

"Time to learn something new, kid." "Alright."

As Barry went to quickly talk to Joe who was feeling guilty about Patty, you went to go get changed into your suit. When you finished tying the laces on your black combat boots, you put your mask on and looked in the mirror at the suit you and Cisco had co-designed.

You were essentially wearing a full body-length catsuit that was split into a long sleeve, dark purple, leather-type jacket, and black pants that held a holster on the right leg for your gun, in case you ever had to use it. The material was durable against Barry's speed meaning that if he ever had to run you both away from danger, the friction wouldn't cause the suit to heat up and catch fire.

As you walked back into the cortex, Caitlin looked frustrated.

"Any luck?"                         

She shook her head, "I searched all the vacant buildings in Central City and none of them fit the description that we need.                         

"And I've looked at any draw upticks on the electrical grid. Nothing out of the norm, I'm afraid."                                                                

"We gotta do whatever it takes...I'll be back."

"Alright, Terminator." You said as Cisco ran out of the cortex.

"What's up with him?"
"No idea." Caitlin replied.

"Should I go after him?" "No, Miss Davis, let me." Professor Stein said before leaving to catch up to Cisco.

"So, Jay, huh?"


"Caitlin, I have eyes. I know that you've...taken a shine to this guy. And you've basically defended him from the moment that he walked in here. That and Iris told me you basically checked the guy out."

"No, I was just conducting my tests.'s only been a few months since Ronnie..."   She trailed off, not wanting to say the words.

"Caitlin, don't close your heart off because of what happened. I know you loved Ronnie but I don't think he'd want you to be alone forever."


"No, I think you need to hear this. I've lost a lot of people in my life. More than I care to admit. And because of that, I closed my heart off to everyone. And suffice to say, I don't want you to live like that. It's not healthy. And yeah, maybe you don't want to be in a relationship with anyone for a while, and that's fine. But don't let that pain hold you back. Don't let that pain dictate your life. Use it to find a new way to live. I'm not entirely keen on Jay, but if you like him, I'd try my hardest to trust him because you deserve to be happy, and though I didn't know him, I'm sure Ronnie would say the same thing. Even if it is with this Jay guy."

"Thanks," Caitlin simply said before giving you a hug.

Cisco came running into the cortex making you and Caitlin jump. "He's at the abandoned Woodrue grow house." Cisco panted out between breaths before running off to find Barry.

"I guess, you better get going." Caitlin said, still confused at how Cisco found out the location of the Sand Demon.                  

"I guess so. "Be safe." "I will." You replied before running after Cisco.

By the time you had caught up to him, he had already told Barry and Jay the location and was now talking about how the meta might use a concussive bomb to slow you guys down.

"What if we give Slick a diversion?"              "What do you mean?" You asked.                  

"He knows Jay, right? You said you went up against him."                                                     "Yeah, but, Barry, I don't have my speed."     

"He doesn't know that. Y/n will protect you in case he does something, won't you?"         "Yeah, of course."

"Then it's sorted. Do you have your suit?" He asked Jay.

"Sure. Well, except my helmet."

Your eyes narrowed.

"Helmet?" Professor Stein asked.               "Silver kettle helmet?" Cisco continued.
"Gold wings?" You finished.

"Don't tell me you guys found it?" Jay looked at you three in shock.

After Caitlin gave Jay his helmet, he suited up and Barry took you both to the grow house.  You were standing behind some concealed shelves, ready to protect Jay from the Sand Demon.

You watched as Jay and the Sand Demon conversed before they began fighting. As Slick realised Jay didn't have his speed, you were about to reveal yourself before Jay gave you a signal to stay where you were.

"Slick's distracted. Go, Barry."
Cisco shouted through the comms and before Slick knew what was going on, the Flash had saved Patty as the bomb went off, knocking Jay to the floor as you used your powers to channel the explosion forward so it'd hit the Sand Demon.        

You heard the team shout your names through the comms and whilst you were okay, the power of the explosion had knocked both Barry and Jay off balance.

"I'm good and so is Jay." You heard Caitlin breathe a sigh of relief.
"Patty's alive." Barry said.

Then all of a sudden, Slick used his powers to choke Jay and Caitlin panicked in your ear. "Barry, you gotta do something now." Iris instructed. Barry looked down at Patty who was still unconscious and then at Jay before noticing you in the shadows.                      

"Barry, I got Patty. Just go save Jay."

You whispered through the comms so the Sand Demon couldn't notice you and as Barry ran in a circular motion to siphon energy to create a lightning bolt, you ran in between the metal shelves and lifted Patty up and took her outside to safety.

Then you ran back inside and saw the Flash hurl a bolt of lightning straight at the Sand Demon, effectively turning his body into glass before smashing into small pieces on the ground.

"Holy shit."

You were in the large room where Barry had practiced his lightning bolts and was cleaning up the mess he'd made when Caitlin walked in.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah, just a couple of scratches, nothing serious. How's Jay?"                                       

"He's okay. He's just talking with Barry now."

"Wow, does that mean Barry's warming up to Jay?"


"What about you?"

"I'm...good. I just wanted to say thanks again for the little pep talk you gave me. How is that despite everything that has happened in your life, you're so caring?" She asked softly, sitting down on the bench beside you.

"It's because of you. All of you. I lived in a dystopia where hope was in limited supply and the future seemed bleak which affected everyone's belief in each other and themselves. But you guys, you're all so optimistic and full of hope. You like to see the best in people and after my father and the agency, I think I forgot how to do that."

Caitlin's brows narrowed at the mention of your father. "You never talk about your dad."

"If you've got nothing nice to say, right?" You shrugged.

Then you looked at the large empty space in front of you. "I think I might make part of this room into some sort of training room."

Caitlin noticed your change in subject but didn't comment on it. "How come?"

"Well, back in the future, I trained almost everyday so I could be in the best physical state and so I was prepared to fight at any point. And I think I need to get back to that. Not the whole 'ready to fight' thing, but being prepared for anything."

"That's a good idea. If you need my help setting anything up, just ask." "Thanks, Cait."


Cisco shouted making you and Caitlin jump before she took a hold of your hand and dragged you off to the cortex.

As you both entered the cortex, Professor Stein began explaining that he and Cisco had identified the breaches.

"Using electrophotography, that Miss Davis so kindly helped us with, Cisco and I were able to search Central City for any signs of energy entering our Earth from another dimension. From any 'breaches', as Mr Garrick described them."

"But, of course, there isn't just one breach. There's 52 of them scattered throughout the city."

Professor Stein then went on to explain the locale of the most significant breach and his answer was shocking.

"It's here, inside S.T.A.R Labs. And just beyond that breach is an entirely different-"

Suddenly, the Professor fell to the floor with a thud and you all rushed to his side.


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