My Kind Of Hell! (Male!Reader...

נכתב על ידי NiceGameEh

398K 4.3K 8.3K

Y/N is a young guy, only 17. He attends school in a small town on the edge of a large forest. As long as he's... עוד

Suicide Singer
Angel of Despair
Get To Know You
Big Mistake
New Feelings
Date In The Woods
Beginning Of A Harem
Powers And A Competition
Jill's Date
Killer's Name
Time For Killing
Clearing Things Up
Some Real Shit
New Faces
Who Are You?
Ready To Comply
The Reaper
Happy Halloween!
Harem Raid
Full Harem
Back Into Town
A Fine Addition To My Collection
Back To The Falls
Lemon? What Lemon?
Who Needs Eyes? I Have Knives!
Turning Tails
Harem Problems
Fem!Creepypasta x Reader Pitch Meeting


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נכתב על ידי NiceGameEh

Nice: Hey guys! So, last time I left you with Clocky in her room and you were about to hang out with her for a bit!

Yami: She also teased that you would be caught by one of her Tics.

Nice: Yes. And despite saying they were bad, she teased it wouldn't be a bad thing if you got caught by it. Time to find out what she meant! Enjoy!



Clockwork's POV

After Y/n sat down and I told him about my Tics, he agreed to stay and hang out for a bit. Right now, we're just sitting in front of my TV watching old movies. After a few hours, I got a text from Jackie that we were eating soon.

Clockwork: Y/n, dinner's almost ready. Y/n?

I looked over to see he was asleep on my shoulder. I blushed a bit but smiled and flicked his forehead. His face scrunched up a bit and his eye opened. He looked up at me while still leaning on my shoulder.

Y/n: Why'd you flick me?

Clockwork: Time to eat soon. You don't want to miss dinner, do you?

Y/n: Y'know, the smell of food would wake me up just fine.

I chuckled a bit at that, making him take on a confused face.

Y/n: You seem very easy to entertain today.

Clockwork: What do you mean?

Y/n: Well, my acts never make you laugh or anything, but this is the second time you've laughed with me today.

Clockwork: W-Well, earlier was just me trying to stay low profile.

Y/n: And just now?

I started blushing again, sweating slightly. However, before I could come up with an answer, I felt Y/n lean on me more.

Y/n: Whatever, let's just wait here for the food to be ready...

I sighed and smiled, wrapping my arm around him as I leaned on him as well, deciding to rest for a few minutes.

Jackie's POV

I texted Clocky 5 minutes ago and she still hasn't gotten back to me. I decided to go up to her room to see what she was doing since Slenda was just finishing the last bit of dinner. I went upstairs and stood in front of her room. I didn't hear anything on the other side, so I knocked on the door.

Jackie: Clocky?

I didn't get a response so I slowly opened the door, stepping in and freezing when I saw her. She was asleep. With Y/n. And they were awkwardly laid out across the floor, Clocky being on top of Y/n. I blushed under my mask as I slowly stepped in, quietly making my way over to Clocky and Y/n. I reached out my hand to shake Clocky a bit, but then she got thrown off of Y/n and onto the floor as Y/n shot up.

Y/n: Food!?

Clockwork: Agh! What the hell!?

Y/n sprinted out of the room, rushing past me as Clockwork slowly got up.

Clockwork: Ugh, Jackie? What just happened?

Jackie: Uh, dinner is ready. I think Y/n noticed.

Clockwork: Why did I go flying though?

Jackie: Um... Y-You were sleeping on top of Y/n...

Clockwork suddenly started blushing.

Clockwork: W-What!? I was s-sleeping on top of Y/n!?

I've never seen Clockwork get flustered about anything before, so seeing her blushing and stuttering was really off.

Jackie: Are you ok?

Clockwork: I-I'm fine. It's just... N-Nevermind. Let's go eat.

Clockwork abruptly left the room, making me wonder... What did those two do in here?

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Jackie hugging a giant kidney

After the event upstairs, we all gathered in the kitchen to eat. Y/n and Clockwork were sitting together because they were there late. Y/n was enjoying the food quite a bit, but Clockwork was still a little red.

Jess: Hey Clocky, you're a little red over there.

Clockwork: Huh?

Benny: Yeah, you look like you saw Y/n showering.

Clockwork's face went bright red and Y/n choked on the potatoes he was eating.

Y/n: WHAT!?


Benny: OH MY GOD YOU ACTUALLY DID! What was it like-

Benny was stopped as Jane hit her over the head.

Jane: Can we eat without you causing a scene?

Benny: Come on, Jane~ I know you want to know what he looks like under that outfit~

Jane got flustered, stuttering out excuses and such. Y/n was closing his eyes, ripping into a big chicken leg.

Jill: I got pretty close. But I bet Ann's already seen it all~

Ann stiffened up, her entire face turning red as she covered her face with her hair. Y/n seemed to shut his eyes even more, now tearing at a large steak with gravy. How much food did he get?

Zalga: Well, I can probably get him to take it off for me. After all, we've had fun in bed before~

Y/n suddenly pounded his fist against the table, picking up a large plate with his pile of food and walking away. As he left, I heard him muttering to himself in an annoyed tone.

Masky: I think you guys forgot he was in the room.

Jess: That's just sad.

Jess and Masky shook their heads before continuing to eat their salmon.

(I'm really hungry if you couldn't tell)

We all went back to eating, except for Jill, Zalga, Benny, Clockwork, Ann, and Jane, who all either felt bad or were still too flustered. I just shook my head, standing up and walking over to Clockwork.

Jackie: You should go talk to him.

Clockwork: Huh?

Jackie: He's probably pretty annoyed, so you should talk to him since you're not all starry-eyed looking at him.

Clockwork: Alright, I'll go see what's up with him. But I'm taking this with me.

Clockwork picked up her food and walked out, going to talk with Y/n. I would've gone myself, but I'm still not overly comfortable around him, so I'd probably just make things worse. He's lucky to have someone like Clockwork to fill the role of big sister for him. I always wanted a little brother.

Clockwork's POV

I got to Y/n's room, knocking on the door.

Y/n: Come in.

I opened the door, coming into the room to see Y/n eating a cinnamon roll. Wait, where did he get that? I noticed he let out a breath, sounding relieved for some reason.

Y/n: Oh, it's you Clocky. I was worried Jill was trying something again.

Clockwork: Something bugging you?

Y/n: Nah, not really. It's just a tough time right now. Keeping it hidden from the others is hard, but it's better off this way.

Clockwork: Why?

Y/n: Just less complicated. I'll tell Ann tonight before I go to sleep, but that's all.

Clockwork: You seem really close to Ann. I mean I get she's your girlfriend, but so are Benny and Slenda, right?

Y/n: You see, Ann was my first Girlfriend ever. Hell, she was the first girl I ever fell in love with. Because of that, I feel like I confide in her a lot more than the others. Not because I don't trust the others or anything, just because I feel the best around Ann. Do you ever get that nice feeling when your around a certain person?

Clockwork: I think so...

Y/n smiled and sat on his bed, patting the spot next to him. I smiled too and sat down next to him.

Y/n: Thanks for coming to talk to me. It's nice having you around. Who knows how it could have gone if Jess or Jill came up.

Clockwork: Well, what's so bad about Jess?

Y/n: Nothing's bad about Jess, but she's been a little up my ass since the Zalga incident if you get what I mean.

Clockwork: I have noticed she seems more strict about you leaving the mansion...

Y/n: It's cute that she worries about me, especially since we had such a 'great' introduction to each other.

I chuckled lightly at his joke as he smiled more, looking at me.

Y/n: You should loosen up like this more. You have a really sweet laugh.

I blushed a bit at this, feeling my head get a little hazy. Uh oh, am I... Am I about to have a Tic? Oh no! I have to warn him!

Clockwork: Hey, Y/n...

Y/n turned to face me, but suddenly had a slightly nervous expression on his face. I tried to reach out, but I couldn't move my body. Instead, my hand rested on his leg and I moved closer to him. It's too late! I can't do anything anymore!

3rd Person POV

As Clockwork leaned towards Y/n, Y/n took on a slightly nervous expression.

Y/n: U-Uh, Clocky?

Clockwork: You're really sweet. And handsome. And best of all...

Clockwork then found herself sitting in Y/n's lap, her arms wrapped around his neck.

Clockwork: You're available~

Y/n: U-Uh... C-Clockwork? What are you doing?

Clockwork: You should know, cutie~

Y/n's eyes widened before he pinned Clockwork to the bed.

Clockwork: Oh, getting feisty~ I like that-

Clockwork was cut off as she felt something thin tighten around her arms and legs.

Clockwork: Huh?

Clockwork looked up at her hands and noticed your wires binding her to the bed same with her feet.

Clockwork: W-Well, I've never done BDSM stuff, but I'll- Hey! Where are you going!

Y/n got off the bed, sitting on the chair next to the bed as he just sat there, watching.

Clockwork: What are you doing? Aren't we gonna have some fun?

Y/n: I'm waiting out the Tic. I don't want to do anything you'll regret later on.

Clockwork: Wow. This is how you treat a lady? Tie her up on your bed and then you don't even take off any clothes?

Y/n: You'll thank me later. Well, the normal you will. You'll probably just be annoyed.

Clockwork tried to fight against the wires, but they weren't budging.

Y/n: Don't bother. Those wires are strictly for holding back movement. No tear yourself out of this one, even if you are really strong.

After another minute of waiting, Clockwork's eyes rolled back and she went limp, before stirring awake.

Clockwork: Ugh... What- oh no! Y/n-

Y/n: Right here.

Clockwork looked over at him before sighing. She tried to get up but was stopped by the wires. She noticed she was tied to his bed and that the strap on her tank top was coming down off her shoulder, making her blush deep red.

Y/n: Don't worry, nothing happened.

Clockwork: Thanks... I saw the first bit of everything, but after you jumped on me, I couldn't see.

Y/n: That was a Tic, right?

Clockwork: Yeah, but I usually don't get all... Assertive like that. I'm really sorry.

Y/n: Hey, no harm no foul. Speaking if foul...

Y/n let Clockwork free of the wires, allowing her to stretch out a bit. He then handed over her plate that still had some chicken on it. She chuckled a bit before picking up a piece and taking a bite. Y/n also took a bite of his chicken as the two enjoyed the rest of their meals together.

Clockwork: Thanks.

Y/n: For what? The chicken?

Clockwork: No, for not using my Tic as an excuse to take advantage of me.

Y/n frowned and moved their plates aside, letting himself turn to face Clockwork. He grabbed her hands as he looked into her eyes.

Y/n: Clocky, I would never even consider that. I'd never forgive myself if I did that kind of thing to any of you.

Clockwork smiled before putting her hand on Y/n's arm, tugging on his shirt slightly. He put his other hand on Clockworks arm as he moved closer to her. Then, the two brought their faces together, connecting their lips in a passionate kiss, Clockwork and Y/n both enjoying each other's embrace.


Nice: Hey! Thanks for reading! Aww, isn't that sweet! You two totally wanted each other!

Yami: I thought she was supposed to be the big sister figure!

Nice: She still is, it's just... Y'know... She has to get her share of the Harem too!

Yami: I guess... So, who's next?

Nice: I'm thinking I do a thing with Benny again and then move on to Jackie since I'm not giving her enough love.

Yami: True, you kinda neglected her for a while. Like a long while.

Nice: Don't put it like that! It makes it seem like I don't like the little bean! Anyways I'm just gonna go write on my other stuff. Signing off!

- Iain

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