Making the Worst of a Good Si...

נכתב על ידי 14tali

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Sheilah has always been close to her family. She's working as a blackjack dealer at a casino until she can pa... עוד

Making the Worst of a Good Situation
Just to let you know
Chapter 2
Date Night
Chapter 4
Interogation Room (again)
Chapter 6
Paige's Story
Independence Day
Chapter 11
You're Killing Me
Tonight's the night
Chapter 14
After the Hurricane
I'm Late?
No Smoking
Crash and Burn
Moving in Reverse
It's a....
You Need a Shower
This Baby Shower Sucks
Here's the baby!
The Mission
Chapter 29

Chapter 27

237 13 2
נכתב על ידי 14tali

I drove home. Chase usually drives when we go somewhere but I think it's easier this way. The officers told us to just go home and wait. There was nothing else we do is what they told us.

We got home to the empty house in complete silence. I stood in the doorway trying to think of what to do next. How do you do anything after your child was kidnapped?

I walked upstairs to see where Chase had gone. He was in Connor's rooms sitting on the floor holding Connor's old blanket.

I walked in and sat next to him on the floor.

The room seemed eerie without Connor. Noting felt the same without him. I felt bad for living when I didn't even know if he was.

I shivered at the thought and tears ran down my cheeks.

There was a knock on the door and I looked up and realized the sun was up. We'd been sitting here all night. I got to my feet and went to answer the door.

Of course it was Paige.

"Please don't hit me again" she said as soon as I opened the door.

"What?" I said annoyed.

"I came to help." she said

"What the fuck is she doing here?" Chase came to the door behind me.

"You've helped quite enough now leave before I call the police." I said as I began to close the door but she stopped it with her foot.

"You have to listen. I think I know who took Connor!" she said. "Please listen."

"Who did it?" Chase asked opening the door wider.

"Well I have a list of everyone who was invited to the part and if you help me go through it we can narrow it down to who it might be" she said holding a thick stack of papers

"All of those papers?" Chase looked down at the stack "Hell no. Sounds like you're trying to trick us. Right Sheilah?" Chase looked at me and I looked at Paige.

"We have to at least try" I said which set Chase off. 

"How can you even trust her?" he shouted "For all we know she could be working with the kidnapper."

"I'm not I swear" she pleaded "I just wanna make things right."

"Fine. Fine." Chase got his car keys and headed outside "You do what you want. I'm not working with that scum though" he got into his car

"Chase wait!" I ran outside after him "Where are you going?" I asked as he rolled down the window.

"I love you Sheilah but I can't do this right now." he said rolling up the window

"Wait!" I screamed banging on the window as he pulled off leaving me in the dust.

"Sheilah. Are you ok?" Paige asked.

"Let's go through that list." I said with more determination then ever. I had to save my son or else I wouldn't just lose Connor. I'd lose Chase too.


One name was a red flags on the list: Kai.

"Kai" I narrowed my eyes and glared at Paige. "Why would you invite her to your party after what I told you at the babyshower?"

"I didn't I swear-" Paige began to protest.

"Then why the hell is her name on this guest?" I was starting to get agitated. It's like I don't even know my best friend anymore. "Are you working against me?" she shook her head and tears welled in her eyes.

"Cut the crying crap!" I shouted as I felt myself began to cry "Connor is out there and- and" I hiccuped and broke out into tears and fell to the floor. I felt Paige try to wrap her arms around me in a hug and I got up and stepped away from her. "Drive me to her house." I demanded.


The ride was too long when I had to be around Paige. I wasn't too sure about her anymore. I would've driven to Kai's on my own but I'd rode here with Paige since Chase ran out on me. I wonder where he'd gone. I looked over at Paige driving and saw the redness on her cheek from where I slapped her earlier that night. If she isn't involved I'll feel bad. It was about 2am now but I felt like I've been up for days. When would this nightmare end.

"Isn't that Chase's car?" Paige asked as we pulled up to Kai's house.

"What the?" I looked confused at what was obviously Chase's car. I figured he'd gone home or out to search for Connor. Not to his ex girlfriend's house at 2am in the morning.

I angrily got out of the car and marched towards the house.

"Sheilah calm down" Paige said as she lagged behind me. My body felt like it was on fire as I banged on the door not knowing what I'd find.

Kai open the door wearing an expensive silk nightgown. I stared at her in awe of what I was seeing. My baby is missing and Chase is here with Kai in a nightgown at 2am.

"What's going on?" I whispered to myself but she heard me.

"I know it looks like I'm sleeping with Chase but I'm not this time. He came here and I was trying to help find the baby. I-"

Once again I did something I've never done before. I punched Kai in the nose. I think I did more damage to my own hand but my adrenaline was pumping and the pain didn't bother me.

"Ahhhhh!" she screamed as she fell backwards and clenched her nose crying.

"Oh fuck." Paige rushed to her aid as I walked past them and into her house.

In the living room a freshly showered and changed Chase was sitting on the couch.

"Sheilah!" he jumped up as he saw me. I immediately started banging on his chest and trying to hurt him but he was too strong. He grabbed my wrist to stop me as a struggled to try to continue to try and hit him.

"What are you doing here?" he asked me as he looked at me confused.

"What are you doing here?" I shouted at him pissed as hell "Our baby is missing and you're here with her?" I hissed more hurt than angry.

"I just needed to go somewhere. I was angry but nothing happened between us. I showered and changed. That's all I swear" he plead. I believed him but it didn't help me feel less angry.

"Did you think that maybe I needed comfort?" I asked him angrily "I'm going through this alone because you were angry and decided to leave" I whined. Chase looked guiltily at me.

"I'm sorry." he said letting go of my wrist and grabbing my hands softly.

"Good news. You didn't break her nose Sheilah. She's just bleeding a little." Paige said as she walked in with Kai who was holding her head up.

"I'm fine"she said glaring at me.

"You hit her?" Chase looked at me appalled and went over to see is Kai was alright.

"I thought she had Connor and I saw your car and... I snapped." I tried to explain but it sounded bad. Maybe I was acting a little erratic.

"Why would I have Connor?" Kai snapped. "I'm trying to help psycho." 

I stood there with my mouth open wondering how this all happened. Paige was holding Kai's head up and Chase ran to get her some ice.

"You need to apologize" Chase chastised me as he came back in the room.

"Sorry." I mumbled and looked up at Kai. She didn't seem to accept my apology.

"Sheilah-" Chase started

"It's fine. I'll bill you later." Kai glared at me as she walked over to her laptop and started typing. "I think I found a lead."

"Who?" I asked desperately. She continued typing and didn't answer. "Who?" I asked with more urgency as if that was even possible.

"Give me a minute!" She snapped. I bit my tongue as she typed.

I looked up at Chase who was focused on Kai's computer screen. Of all the places he could be he was here. 

"What made you come here?" I surprised myself by saying this out loud.

Chase glanced at me and ignored my question

"Not now Sheilah." he said through his teeth.

"Well why not now? Everyone's here! My best friend who lost our baby, you and your ridiculously gorgeous ex, and me me! So why shouldn't we talk about this now? Huh?" I shouted.

"Maybe you should calm down. You've been acting crazy since Connor's been missing" he snapped.

"Oh I'm sorry if I'm a little shook up and concerned that our son is missing! How am I supposed to act?" I yelled my face getting hot from anger.

"If you two lovebirds would shut up I think I've got something." Kai chimed in. We all immediately surrounded her at the laptop.

"Look at this. If you check on Facebook I found the complete guest list to the party." she said pointing at the screen.

"How did you get this? I made the party a private event on Facebook?" Paige asked.

"Yes but I and many other women were invited by Anthony. I checked the Facebook pages of the women on this list that attended the party and look at these pictures." She clicked on a video of a bunch of people partying in Anthony's driveway.

"So?" I asked not seeing anything out of the ordinary about the picture.

As the video continued Anthony was motorboating women and pour champagne over their exposed chest. I glance over at Paige who didn't seem to react.

Kai zoomed into the background to a woman putting something in her backseat. The women then got in her car and drove off. She looked strangely familiar.

"Dios mío." Paige mumbled under her breath.

"You recognize her?" Kai asked.

Paige nodded her head.


(A/N: Sorry I know it's been a while. 

I've been going through a lot of transitions but I am dedicated to finishing this story this summer so we can all have closure. My boyfriend has pressured me into finishing this story so you all have him to thank :) Please vote and comment if you're not too upset with me.)

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