The Love Of A Psycho (WIP)

Oleh AednuMailiw

116 5 3

Meet Daniel Stevenson a normal guy who lives in a normal world with a normal life until a NOT-SO-NORMAL girl... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1: Machines And Confusions

Chapter 2: Decode, Act then Kill

18 1 0
Oleh AednuMailiw

Daniel's POV

I'm like a paranoid because I kept looking everwhere like I'm trying to find something. Everything was fine except the seat I am seating on has a note on it and this is what it look like:

01001001' 01001100 01001100 01000010 01000101 01000010 01000001 01000011 01001011.

That's weird finding the note and it is written in the cipher called "Binary Code" because only few people use it, but the question is how did she get this note in here. It was just 8 o'clock but everything is getting wierd, after my first class I ran through the crowd to the building that is near the gate. I hurried running up the stairs and opened the door that is saying "Cryptography room" then I opened my notes that has all the cipher and codes that has been taught to us and thanks that it was our first lesson so it wasn't hard to find the binary code and this was the look of it,

Binary code

01000001 -A 01001110 -N
01000010 -B 01001111 -O
01000011 -C 01010000 -P
01000100 -D 01010001 -Q
01000101 -E 01010010 -R
01000110 -F 01010011 -S
01000111 -G 01010100 -T
01001000 -H 01010101 -U
01001001 -I 01010110 -V
01001010 -J 01010111 -W
01001011 -K 01011000 -X
01001100 -L 01011001 -Y
01001101 -M 01011010 -Z

I found a piece of paper under my table so I decided to write it down

"I'll be back" I whispered while thinking of our next lesson

"Nice to see you here Daniel" said by Haven with a smile etched to her face that almost made me jump

"He-he-hello again Haven" I tried to fake a smile then she drop a paper that is saying

E hksa ukr

I found it weird, how will I shift letters to numbers. "Do you know who send it" I asked

"No, but if I know who, I wouldn't come to you" she replied

"Let me have that for a while" then I grabbed the paper before saying "thank you" with a grin.

While I was trying to decipher that I have my eyebrows knitted. I'm thinking while everyone is answering some questions. "How could I shift letters to numbers?" I asked myself.

"Where is your mind Daniel?" I was alerted by that voice. Oh it's our cryptography professor. "I'm sorry sir" I replied to him. He is a strict professor and his name is Retro Pixel. His name is very weird I can't judge his, but my surname is weird as well. Our cryptography class is finished, it's our lunch time finally.

I met Haven at the cafeteria,
we ate our lunch, mine was just a pizza with a thick crust. "Do you like crust?" She asked.

"Yeah, but I must have ketchup or mayonaise as a dip." I replied

"But why I you talking normally by the way?" I asked out of the blue

"Hmm? My laptop is out of juice" she replied

"Our next class is P. E. right, and also did you decrypt the message? " she asked before sliding near me. I really hope no one will make a fuss about this.

"About the class,yes......" I paused before moving from the seat infront of Haven.

".......and about the message it still left me dumbfounded" I continued without hesitation.

"Give it back to me.....NOW!!!" she screamed that caught everyone's attention, I really hope they don't think of us having a quarrel.

I gave it back to her and without any words we left the cafeteria but on different doors.

I heard students murmuring before I walked out like;

Look at him, not even saying sorry to his girlfriend.

He's so rude I really hope that woman finds a better man.

And many more. Ugh. Nice acting Haven, now everyone will despise me except the gangsters.

For now I really need to know from whom was the cipher.

The whole day was boring and left me scribbling with cipher and codes.

I met with Haven at the entrance of the university and I drove her home with me. It wasn't far from our university but I'm much insecure leaving my car back at home than at the parking lot outside the university.

I escorted her to my room secretly since my parents ships me with her.
I just want to talk to her privately and the only place I know.

I motioned the seat near me before grabbing snacks from my mini fridge.

"What do you want to talk about?" Haven asked before grabbing a granola bar.

"About your secret admirer....." I paused since it was too akward to talk about it in my room.

".....I think I know how to make them appear right in front of you." I continued while walking around the room.

"Really?" she replied before rolling her eyes. "I already know what the encrypted message means I don't need your help anymore." she continued like no emotions were harmed.

"It means I Love You, right? And you didn't even notice that I already know that someone is admiring you that is creepy." I said with a smirk plastered to my face and I just left her in awe.

"Ho-How did you?" she stuttered and kept her eyes staring at me. "But no thanks since In don't need to know who is my secret admirer." she continued leaving me with no choice but not to proceed to my plan.

"But somebody is even creepier than that person, somebody is blackmailing me." she said after a few seconds.

"And it can ruin your reputation, am I right?" I asked afterwards.

"Yes and also your's." She said.
The next few minutes gave a deafening silence while I had my jaw dropped.

"The person said that we should meet them on a hotel." Haven said to break the silence.

I asked her what time do we both needed to be in the hotel and then she left leaving me in curiosity.

-------Next Day-------

I prepared my luggage and got out sneakily of our house. She told me that we needed to be there by 5 a.m.,
To who ever the person behind this, they need to die. I rode a cab so my family won't know about this and hopefully nothing bad will happen.

I got out of the cab, standing in-front of the hotel. Really, a five star hotel?
Well my family could rent the whole hotel though.

"Dan, Over here!" A woman from my left side shouted.

What in the world is Levi doing here?! I thought it was only me and Haven, and Mitch also?! I walked towards them and then I asked, "Haven, why didn't you told me they were also coming?" And she only gave me a chuckle. After a while a staff came to us.

"Are all of you were asked to come here?" the staff asked.

"Yes, and here's our passes!" Haven said happily. He escorted us inside and had us waiting in the lounge, after a while he gave us keycards to our rooms. We also saw people inside and holding a keycard also.

The television screen began to change and it played a video with a masked person.

"You all know why are you here, I've given you your rooms." The masked person said.

"How about we play a game?" he asked. I thought the video was going to end but it was changed into a live one.

"Go to your rooms now, I'll say the rules later." he said before fading away. The staffs who were nice when we first got here all had a creepy smile plastered to their face.

When they were getting closer I shouted "Run!!" and off all of us go with the creepy staffs on tail.

Arghh, my room is on the third floor.
As all of us were running and some getting inside of their rooms, the manager shouted "Kill them if not on their rooms!" and all of the staffs pulled out weapons.

Some had baseball bats, some had metal pipes and the rest had guns, ranging from pistols to assault rifles. Me, Haven, Mitch and Levi got separated on the second floor.

I told them to switch paths because an ambush was waiting in-front of us, when we changed paths, we heard atleast fourty-two different gunshots. May god give mercy to those souls who died there.

I hurried running up the stairs and opened the locked door for the third floor, if I remembered correctly, there were ten of us who needed to get up here but there's only five of us left.

Behind the door was ten guys each of them are bare-handed, looks like everyone knows what we needed to do. I guess I'll have to get to my room with a bruise or I'll be bleeding if I fight.

"FIGHT US!!" the guys shouted simultaneously.

"Fight or Flight." I whispered to those who I'm with.

"DODGE AND DROP!!" I shouted.

I saw all four of them got inside their rooms, thanks to me. Now the final task is getting into my room.

"Surrender now and you won't suffer from our beating." One of them said.
I only gave him an annoying smirk.
I knew that I'll anger them. While I was getting prepared to dodge all of them, they all pulled out a pistol from their left pockets.

"Prepare to die." The guy only wearing pants said.

"Kill me then!" I said confidently to them. I found a weird light earlier when I was helping others, I knew that something will happen later on and then when I saw the light turning on I covered my eyes and I was right! It was a light bulb that is acting like a flashbang.

After a few seconds of the blinding light, I immediately ran towards my room. After I got inside the television suddenly turned on.

"Another live feed huh?" I said. After a few minutes of staring into the static television the "game master" showed up.

"Looks like a ton of you got a photoshoot, well I'm really sorry that my staffs acted this way." He said before the television screen turned static again.

The music of the hotel suddenly changed, the song went like:

Pick me up!
Up above!
Above everything!
Everything you've seen!

And it continued. It stopped after I looked towards the camera. I found a note beside it, before I got to take a peek, the television played a recording.

"Well read it, now that it's in your hands. Why don't you take a look?" The annoying game master said and then the television was broken.

I opened the note and it says:

Is in it funny?
How are you this boring?
Well here's a clue for you to know
Our game that we'll be playing tommorow

How are your feelings?
Are they playing?
Making your heart beat so loud
Making you wonder what's this about.
She's not a puzzle for you to solve
Maybe both of you needs to get along
Written by your beautiful angel
To you Daniel.

Now I'm wondering "why is it like that? " I wandered around the room for a bit before thinking about the clue, maybe a bath will help but I can't lower my defense.

The music of this hotel is getting weirder because each song it is playing is just romance and it is not suited for a murder hotel.

I kept repeating the clue I got while walking around my room. Suddenly, I got a thought about it and proceeded to sleep in this giant bed. I was near the bed when my conscience told me that it could be a trap. I said whatever and still continued to sleep.

After I fell asleep for about a few hours, I got off the bed and tried to search for clues around my room. I was in shock who I found seating in the couch in the provided living room inside my room in this hotel.

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