Magi: Lost in Time

De AthanasiaKashimashi

58.3K 1.7K 111

Previously known as Magi: Cinderella's Spell Escapade 1: The Adventures of Sinbad Yrif Kingdom was a prospero... Mais

Prologue - They Met
Escapade 1
Scroll 1: Tison Village
Scroll 2: Napolia, Reim
Scroll 3: Truth, Stars
Scroll 4: Sinbad and Thais
Scroll 5: Sasan and Artemyra
Scroll 6: Pervert and Her Conviction
Scroll 7: Impending Doom
Scroll 8: Sinbad's Mistake
Scroll 9: Epiphany
Scroll 10: Strange
Scroll 11: Heliophat
Scroll 12: Unnerved
Scroll 13: Resolution
Scroll 14: Showdown
Scroll 15: Toran and Judal
Scroll 16: Parthevia
Scroll 17: Shadows Within
Scroll 18: Selendine's Will
Scroll 19: Captive
Scroll 20: Dirtied
Scroll 21: Farewell
Escapade 2
Scroll 1: Alibaba
Scroll 2: Niel
Scroll 3: Gamori
Scroll 4: In the Meantime
Scroll 5: Marbas
Scroll 6: Kouen and Thais
Scroll 7: Balbadd
Scroll 8: She
Scroll 9: End
Scroll 10: Arjwani
Scroll 11: Peril in Paradise
Scroll 12: Progress
Scroll 13: Explanation
Scroll 14: Light in the Darkness
Scroll 15: Precious
Scroll 16: Towards Sindria
Scroll 17: Darkness
Scroll 18: Pain
Scroll 19: Real
Scroll 20: In order
Escapade 3
Scroll 1: Battle of Destiny
Scroll 2: Magic Academy
Scroll 3: Reim
Scroll 4: Morgiana and Kaein
Scroll 5: Luna and Al-Thamen
Scroll 6: In Between
Scroll 7: Sky
Scroll 8: Countdown
Scroll 9: Resound
Scroll 10: Reim versus Magnostadt
Scroll 11: She Comes
Scroll 12: Vessels
Scroll 13: Warriors
Scroll 14: He comes
Scroll 15: Wish
Scroll 16: Invitation and Feud
Scroll 17: Play Your Cards Right
Scroll 18: Signs and Past
Scroll 19: Solomon and Demeus
Scroll 20: Broken Time
Scroll 21: Broken Mirror
Scroll 22: Future that Awaits Us
Scroll 23: Comfort
Scroll 24: Internal
Scroll 25: Hope
Scroll 26: Akil
Escapade 4
Scroll 1: According to Plan
Scroll 2: Sun and Rain
Scroll 3: New Light
Scroll 4: Responsibility
Scroll 5: Irony
Scroll 6: Tower of Feelings
Scroll 7: Ray
Scroll 8: Forgiven
Scroll 9: Rose Garden
Scroll 10: Losing It
Scroll 11: Dungeons and Akil
Scroll 12: Solution
Scroll 13: That Hope
Scroll 14: Shards
Scroll 15: Wishes
Character Profile

Bonus Scroll: Maharagan

471 12 0
De AthanasiaKashimashi

"Nghh. W-What time is it?" Thais opened her eyes to check the clock. It was 6 in the morning. Suddenly, she remembered that there were a couple of consultations she had to attend as class president.

The Demeus household was still quiet that morning, except for the young black haired student who was rushing to get herself ready. Not only was today a consultation day, but also the day for their university's event, Maharagan. It was a festivity to celebrate Christmas and a way for students to relax and enjoy. There will be a lot of stores near the field and the foods that will be served were top-notched. Guests are also free to join them as the university never discriminates anybody.

"Dang! I forgot to wrap the gifts! Argh! I guess I'll just have to buy one outside and make a DIY gift bag in school. Why the hell did I not make it last night? Oh right, I fell asleep because of that damn presentation we have to submit today." She muttered dejectedly. The ring on her phone distracted her from her thoughts. It was a message from her seniors. They were asking if she will be in school early because there seemed to be a problem with the project papers. She facepalmed. Quickly, she replied back that she will in school by 9. They were relieved, but she was not.

"Right. Let's see, have I forgotten something else? Sinbad, Daria, Rhoelle, Christal and Ito's gifts are in here. I just have to pocket some shopping money and be on my way." She walked towards her mom who was sipping her coffee before asking for her allowance. She was given 5000 Taler (the world's currency: 1000 Taler = 20 US dollars) to spend. After thanking her mom, she exited the house and made her way to school.

It was not that traffic and she could see a lot of people selling Christmas decorations already. Some were already buying their gifts while the others were having a nice breakfast with their loved ones. She suddenly remembered Sinbad. She asked him if he would be having breakfast with her in school, but he told her that he will be helping the central student body with the party to be held on the field. She perfectly understood that he was busy, but it somewhat upset her because it has been two weeks since they had a nice breakfast together.

"I guess it can't be helped. Oh, there's my stop. I'm dropping off please!" The van stopped, and Thais got off it. The street was still quite empty except for some vendors. The fresh air calmed her nerves down. It was not the time to worry about Sinbad. For now, she would have to face her grades and all of the professors.

"It's already 9. Sir Blair should already be in the laboratory." She walked towards the said area and saw three of her classmates in there. She waved them a good morning before watching their professor write on the board how the grading for the semester was done. The final exam really took a toll on them, but the third long exam really killed it. Everybody got a very low score, and it was devastating. Luckily, he told them that only a few failed and by submitting the PowerPoint, they could have a chance to redeem their selves.

'Goddesses. I'm so glad that I passed this subject.' She let out a relieved sigh before her professor asked her to message her classmates that they should personally see him if they want to see their grades since it was prohibited by the office to release it yet. She sweatdropped at that. There were two professors who blatantly released the grades and this professor of hers was reluctant.

'I should just probably message them. It's better this way.' She thought. The professor dismissed them early, and she thanked him before proceeding to the next consultation. There were tons of student piling outside a classroom, and she was sure that these was the amount of students who failed the class. Well, she was just here to fetch some papers though, and she was happy to pass this class as well. After talking with the said professor on Calculus, she left to meet her seniors in the organization.

"Hi, Pisti. Was there any problem with the papers?" She asked. Pisti nodded and told her that one of the professors failed to show up in time. They were actually missing a lot of signatories and the submission was today. Thais paled at the news, and they quickly went to the office to have the others sign it. They even contacted Ja'far, and he was livid by it. He scolded Pisti for being irresponsible, and Thais had to agree with him. Most of the papers were given the week before the exams, and it was already a pain in the ass to chase down professors.

"Alright. We still have time before everything ends. Let's do this." The two nodded. Ja'far told them that he will come at noon since he had other things to do. It was a promise though, and Ja'far has never broken one.

"Got it. We'll meet you at the Quadrangle by 12 NN. See you." Pisti and Thais asked the Assistant Dean to help them out, and he granted their wish as long as next time, there will be no more rushing of papers. Thais smiled before they moved to the regent and dean. The two were actually nice and fun to talk to.

"Alright. We just need the sign of the coordinator and we will be able to submit this on time." The two looked around for the said professor, but it was in vain. He was nowhere to be found, and Thais had another appointment two hours after lunch. Ja'far soon came and told them that he saw the coordinator entering the machine shop. As fast as lightning, they ran towards the said shop. The professors was sipping his coffee when the three called out his name. He was surprised by their haggard looks and asked what happened to them. After learning the situation, he apologized for the constant disappearance. He was always called by the office due to other paper works and never had the time to actually check on the organization. Thais fumed inside, but beggars cannot be choosers. They were lucky to even have a coordinator. If all else disappear, their organization would disappear.

"These are a lot papers, aye?" The three laughed nervously. After he was done signing, they rushed to the student affairs. Thais was glad to accomplish everything, but what she saw was not something to be glad of. Sinbad was in a café, sitting with a beautiful light blue haired girl, much lighter than Yamraiha's. They were both laughing and they looked so perfect.

"Thais? What are you doing? Let's go!" She was pulled out of her trance by Ja'far. With a reluctant nod, she followed them. The white haired director did not miss what she saw though. He knew that he will have a long talk with Sinbad after this.

"Come on! Sir Walker should be in by now." Reaching the office of student affairs, they were greeted by Miss Reley, one of the staff. They quickly asked for Sir Walker, and she led them to him. The professor was happy to see them in time, but they were not off the hook. The seniors got a scolding while she was mildly reminded of her job. The three nodded at his words and promised to finish the papers before the due date. Sir Walker smiled at them before giving their presents to which they were surprised.

"W-We can't receive such gifts, Sir. It's too much." Pisti argued.

"Bah! It's Maharagan! Lighten up you three and just accept these. Now, I want you to take these and get the hell out of my office." He said. The three snickered before finally accepting the gift.

"Bye, Sir! Merry Christmas and Happy Maharagan to you!"

There was still an hour before Thais' appointment. Her mind once again, found its way to Sinbad and the blue haired girl. She wondered how he could deny her of a simple breakfast and not the lady.

"Thais, I'll talk to him. Don't worry." She glanced at Ja'far with teary eyes. Instead of accepting the offer, she told him that she will be the one to handle it. He was conflicted. He knew how much she loved him and how idiotic Sinbad was.

"Alright. I will just give him a hint. I hope he's not that stupid to play with your feelings. Argh! That idiot should really stop whatever shit he's doing." He raged. Thais calmed him down before telling him that there was somewhere she had to go.

"I'll see you later. Have fun before Maharagan!" Thais went to her destination, submitted the file and met up with her friends. Morgiana was wearing a white and red dress while Alibaba was wearing a golden stripped polo shirt. The two looked so perfect. Aladdin was with Kogyouku while Hakuryuu was with his sister. They chatted about everything that college had offered them. Thais felt like the third wheel between the two, so she excused herself to see the booths. Her others friends would meet with her later at six. It was already 5.

'And I don't know if I'll ever meet up with Sin. I wonder if they were actually right.' She sat on a bench and watched the other students enjoy themselves.

On the other hand, Ja'far had made it his mission to apprehend Sinbad of his actions. Not only did he hurt his friend, but his incessant flirting with others was starting to make him look like an ass.

"Sin! You big doofus! Come here!" He shouted in anger. Sinbad stiffened at his voice before dismissing the girl he was with. The light blue haired giggled before nodding her head off. She walked towards another student with black hair and eyes.

"I-Is there something wrong, Ja'far?" Sinbad asked. The white haired director glared at him and asked who she was. The purple head told him that she was a friend from another university who happened to stop by with her boyfriend. Ja'far sighed irritably.

"Didn't you know what you did to Thais!? You left her hanging! How could you hang around others and deny her?" He seethed. Sinbad was taken aback by his statement. He bit his lip in frustration before rushing out to find his girlfriend.

'Thais, I'm sorry! I'm such an idiot. God, I messed up so bad.' He ran around the campus, but he could not spot her anywhere.

Thais sighed dejectedly. In about thirty minutes, she will be meeting up with her friends. Before that, she decided to go inside the chapel. She prayed for everything that has happened in her life and wished that Sinbad would finally stop his flirting. She did not know if it was alright to always forgive him for that. It was starting to weigh her down.

'Are we really meant for each other?' She thought sadly. Her eyes stared at her hands and slowly, she drifted off to sleep. In her dreams, there were blurred images of a man and woman who were traveling the seas. They were deeply in love with each other. However, fate broke them once, but were mended years later. Despite everything, they still found love at the end of the road.

"H-Huh? What was that?" Her drowsiness was gone when she saw the time. It was already 6:15 and she was late! Thais exited the chapel and ran towards the gate where her friends were waiting. They scolded her for being late, but after that, they were all smiling and giddy to see each other after a year.

"So how are you and your boyfriend, Thais? I heard a lot about him." Ito asked. Thais held her neck in embarrassment before telling them a little about him. Daria and Rhoelle were upset about Sinbad. They all asked her to leave him already if he will forever be an ass. She sighed sadly. Christal patted her head.

"There, there. It would be better if you two talk it out. Maybe give each other space?" Christal suggested.

"Or maybe not. If she does that, that lecherous man might get a move on others. I might be wrong, but that's the vibe I'm getting here." Ito interjected.

Thais looked so conflicted. Her friends did not want to stress her out anymore, so they decided to take a look at the booths and shop with her. They went to the university shirt sale and a lot of proud t-shirts were on sale. The unique designs also brought more specialty to them. Plus, the money that will be collected will be given to a charity. How nice of them. Christal, Ito and Thais had to buy two for each while Daria and Rhoelle gushed over the cute clothes next booth. They bought about three clothes each. Thais was truly enjoying herself until she saw a necklace that suit Sinbad. It was a stainless six pointed star with a moonstone in the middle. It was a bit pricey, but it was a good gift aside from the shirt she got him.

"Is that for him?" Christal asked. Thais nodded.

"I don't know what will happen in the future, but I would like to give this to him to show how much he means to me. Pretty cheesy, right? Yeah, I thought so too." She laughed. Christal laughed along side her before telling her that it will probably reach his heart.

Sinbad walked passed the people around him as he frantically looked for his girlfriend. It had already been two hours ever since he started looking for her. Now, he finally spotted her with her friends at one of the thrift shop near the field. He called out to her.

"Thais!" She tensed at his voice before turning around. Her friends looked over at him and glared. Sinbad was confused at their actions.

"I... He's here. Thank you for the time guys. I'll see you later?" They nodded and bid her farewell. Thais walked towards Sinbad without meeting his eyes. When he was about to hold her hand, she avoided it. They strolled silently towards a secluded garden. There, Sinbad asked.

"Will you please talk to me, Thais?" She stopped in her tracks. Her anger rose as the man behind her pleaded to talk to her.

"You want me to talk to you? Fine. I will talk, but I've had enough, Sin. I'm so done with all your antics. Do you think that you can just flirt with everybody that you know and come back to me? You are not in a world where girls are delicacies and you choose one before tasting the others. Please! I'm so done. Don't pain me anymore." Thais bursted at the seams. Sinbad froze in his spot. He did not know that his actions already caused her immense pain. He was the selfish one while she let her do as he wishes. She believed him that he will not do anything to harm their relationship. He failed her.

"Thais, I... I'm sorry. I can't express how much I'm sorry about everything. I've been selfish and you've been there patiently waiting for me. You never asked for more attention when you know that I am not that busy yet still denies you. I'm at fault. I want to... I want to be with you! Please give me another chance. Give this stupid man another chance. I could not see how lucky I am and now that I'm about to lose you, I'm scared! I'm scared, Thais." Tears built at both of their eyes. Before she could make a move, Sinbad engulfed her in a warm hug. It was the last resort as she cried in his arms, releasing all the pain she felt. Sinbad stroked her hair and whispered apologies. In her misery, she asked who the woman she was with earlier.

"She is Dunya from Mustassim Academy, a friend of mine. Don't worry, she already has a boyfriend. I could not ask you earlier for breakfast after the practice because I saw you, Ja'far and Pisti running around with worry on your faces. Not to mention the papers in your hands. I apologize for the misunderstanding." He kissed her forehead. It was enough explanation for her. Sinbad smiled before asking.

"Can I kiss you?" Thais blushed at the question. She shyly agreed. His lips met hers, and it was warm. The tears that escaped her eyes were wiped by his thumb. He licked her lips asking for permission. Reluctantly, she opened her mouth, and their tongues fought for dominance. Of course, Sinbad won that one. A soft moan escaped her, and Thais could not help but feel hot and bothered. Sinbad decided to stop their make out before it could escalate.

"I love you, Thais." She smiled before giving him a peck.

"Well, you still have a lot to make up for me. For now, I want you to be with me. Don't leave me again. Don't look at another woman and... can I be selfish?" She asked. Sinbad chuckled before kissing her forehead.

"Of course."

"Then, I want you all to myself. If I ever see you with another woman, I will seriously make you a eunuch. You'll lose that manhood of yours with a swift slice." A dark aura surrounded her, and Sinbad knew that she was serious. Of course, he, too, would not exchange her for anything.

"Merry Christmas and Happy Maharagan, Sin. This is my gift." She gave him his gift and Sinbad grinned. They sat down in one of the benches before Sinbad took out his gift.

"And this is mine. I promise to cherish you forever, so be mine, Thais. This is my promise ring to you." She felt so elated. She nodded and Sinbad put the ring on her finger. Thais grinned. He gave her a kiss before they watch the sky be filled with colorful fireworks.

"I love you, Sinbad. My past, present and future."


Author's Note:

And that's the wrap up of this wonderful story! It had been a wild goose chase between everybody and I'm glad that you stick around for this one last scroll. Remember, destiny is not set on a stone. You create your own destiny. Live a life before everything is too late. Merry Christmas everybody and have a Happy and Blessed New Year! 🎉🎊🎄🎆🎇

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