Storm, Meet Raine

Par Oneinamillie

207K 6.8K 4.9K

"We share a fucking bed!" He follows me out of the bathroom, grabbing my wrist when I had turned my back to h... Plus

The Rekindling of Hate.
A Peek Into Sportsmanship.
Not Satisfied.
New Coach in the Making.
The Lab.
Fun and Games...For Now.
I Like Your Scent.
The Losing.
Same Bed?
Never Again (Part 1).
Never Again (Part 2).
No Pain, No Gain.
Work Hard, Train Hard.
You Gotta Kiss the Girl.
Let's Try It.
The Bros.
Play Ball
Getting Tipsy.
Damn, Girl.
Dress shopping?
House of Speros.
The dress (not a chapter)
Let Her Come to You.
Just Relax.
Another night, another dollar.
Trust Me.
Teddy Bear.
The (first) Date.
It's the Letters.
Bottom and Top.
I Hated You.
The Tourney.
How the Tables Turn.
And How the Turn Tables.
The Surrogate.
Don't be a....
I'm Coming.
Sugar Binge.
Stuttering Heart.
No More Heartache.
Stupid Lovesick Halo.
Little Girl.
Help Me.
The Real MVP.

Ryker in the Flesh.

4.5K 137 176
Par Oneinamillie


"C'mere, Carter. Maybe you'll attract some men my way looking as fine as you do right now." Vinny wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me into his side as soon as we stepped out of Sebastian's car.

He's our short stop, and our designated driver every time we go out somewhere where there will be plenty of booze. We all love him, and his ginormous truck.

Carson and his best friend, Hunter, stepped out a few seconds after Vinny, Isaiah, and I did. There were nine of us in total, and there were two rows of three seaters in his Chevy Suburban.

Which made it an eight seater truck in total. So I, being the only girl, had to sit on someone's lap. And I always pick Vincent because I know without a shadow of a doubt that he wouldn't have his erection digging into my ass by the end of the ride.

     "Thanks, Vin." I kiss his cheek, before patting it and looking at the outside of the house that's lit up on the inside, with people sitting on the couch playing cards. "This looks depressing."

I know what you're thinking. This is not a casino.

Sebastian pitched the idea that we could just go to a party since we're away from our campus and we always go to the casino. I've never been to a casino, but whatever, a party sounds better than going in debt when I barely have money already.

"That's not the party." Isaiah turns to look at the house as well.

"They don't want the police to rat people out for doing shit illegally, so the real party is never in plain sight." Hunter whispers in my ear from behind me, causing me to jump ten feet in the air.

     I place my hand over my heart, turning around and looking at the blue eyes of Hunter. "Don't do that ever again."

"What's wrong, Sweet Pea? Can't take a little scare?" He leans down, grinning goofily at me. Hunter is really attractive. Shit, I think all the guys on the team are attractive—except Carson. His personality cancels his looks.

     "You know I can take a little fright." I grin back, poking my finger against his chest. "Can you take a possible elbow to the liver, though, if you were to scare me again?"

     His smile falters, but it's only for a second before his megawatt grin is back to brighten up the night. "You want to aim a little lower? I'm all for the pain, for it's also a form of pleasure."

     Carson clears his throat behind me, and I turn around raising a brow at him while Hunter throws his arm over my shoulder, pulling me into his side.

"Something in your throat, Speros?" Hunter's equally deep, but raspier than Carson's, voice was laced with amusement.

     Carson looks back at him knowingly, casually glancing at Hunter's arm around me before grunting. "Drop your arm before you catch a disease."

     "Dude, don't be like that. Carter's cool." He pulls me closer, and presses his nose to my hair. "She smells good,  too."

     Carson rolls his eyes. "Pull your dress down, we're not entering a whore house."

     "It's to my knees!" I defend myself, looking down at my dress. The black hemline is touching my knees, seriously.

     "It should be to your ankles." He scoffs, giving me a once over. "Who the fuck are you trying to impress?"

     "Clearly not you, Father Carson. If I wanted to, I'd dress like a nun-in-training!" I narrow my eyes at his nose because I know his eyes were blazing. They always were when we argued.

     "Come on, Carter, stop flirting with Storm." Vinny grabs my arm, pulling me away from Hunter and Carson.

"Flirting my ass." I roll my eyes as he drags me towards the front door. Vincent knocks as the guys wait patiently behind us, and I cross my arms.

"What's the password?" A muffled voice sounds behind the glass door. The glass was 'frosted' which didn't allow us to see who exactly was behind the door.

     "There's a fucking password?" Hunter looks at Vinny, who then shrugs. "Bruh, don't tell me you didn't get the password." Vinny shrugs again, and Hunter smacks him upside the head, to which Isaiah slaps Hunter upside the head.

     "Well, does anyone fucking know?" Carson speaks up behind us, clear agitation thick in his smooth voice. I turn around, quickly catching his scowl.

"Yo," Hunter bangs on the door, yelling curses. The guy on the other side threatens to call the authorities on us if we don't get 'the fuck' off his property. Hunter grunts.

"Scoot over, baby boy, and watch me use our resources." I shoo him away before pulling my dress down and leaning against the doorframe. "I can smell weed outside of the door, calling the police won't do you much good, kid."

"Who said anything about the police, girl?" The guy on the other side chuckles darkly, "If your pretty little feet are still on my land in the next ten seconds, you and your friends will be mowed down."

"I truly hope you think twice about this because I bet you're the last person to want Carson Speros' blood on your hands." The entire group of guys behind me gasp like little girls when I use his name.

"No one gives a fuck about Carson Speros—ow, what the—" the door was opened immediately, and the guy I would assume I was talking to was now on the floor. Hopefully, not dead.

Instead, we're met with some huge guy with a bright smile on his face as he looks down on me. "What's up?"

He said it so casual, like he didn't just knock the poor guy in front of us out cold. I grimace before forcing a smile on my face. "Hi." I squeak out.

"You looked good on the field today. Nice win." My eyes were big as saucers as the giant with tattoos gives me a megawatt smile, showing a beautiful gold grill.

"Thanks," I smile back, this time it's genuine because despite of his size and burliness, he seems like a cool guy. "You know, I tried to say it before, I really do deserve some credit for the things I—"

Someone coughs rudely, cutting me off, and it takes Big Guy's eyes off of me and onto someone else who is much taller than myself. "If it isn't Carson fucking Storm."

Carson bumps into me as he was trying to fit his big body next to mine, but settled for behind me as there was only so much room on the damn porch. "Damn, Ryker, long time no see."

   The guy reaches out over my head (so rude) and Carson meets him half way, shaking their hands above me. "This yours, Storm?"

     My eyebrows pull together as Ryker nods downward, gesturing to me. Carson scoffs behind me, "You think I'd get with that?"

     "Watch it, Speros." Vinny pipes up, eyeing Carson with what seems to be a warning look. Vinny isn't a fighter, he always finds a way to talk himself out of one, but it doesn't stop him from sticking up for me.

     "If you don't, I fucking will. Sweetheart, you're beautiful." He grins, his dark eyes finding a way to shine in the night, and I can't help but smile back. I mean, he is attractive.

     "You want to let us into the party or are we just going to chit chat on a damn porch? I need a beer." Hunter grumbles, pushing past Carson, making me almost fall into Ryker. "My bad, Carter."

     "Carter," Ryker says in a teasing manner. "No wonder you fit in so well with the guys."

     Hunter makes his way through the house and that was the cue for everyone to go in. After Ryker of course. He falls into step with me, guiding us through the house and down some steps towards what seems like a basement.

     "This your place?" I ask him while the rest of the guys talk amongst themselves behind us. I feel Vinny close to me, watching Ryker's actions and making sure he doesn't get too friendly.

     "Yeah, my mom wasn't happy when I decided to move out, but she helped me find this place." We reach a door, and his friendly persona hardens as he looks at the guys. "This is my fucking house, and there are rules.

     "Number one. You break, you fucking buy. I have cameras everywhere, I will fuck you up if you even think about trying to run off.

     "Number two. This is a party, not a rape fest. Consent is a thing, and it's not a damn nod of the head or a drunken slur. If she doesn't say yes, don't tap it. I will find out, and I'll fuck you up.

     "Number three. Alcohol is free, but don't touch my damn Patrón. You'll be missing a hand. And for the love of God, piss in the toilet, not the floor. Not my kitchen sink. Not my plants.

     "And with that being said," he then smiles, "Enjoy yourself." He grabs the door handle, "Oh, and one more thing. The sandwiches expire tomorrow, so eat up."

     And with that, he opens the door, and we're all hit with the bass of music that I guess was being absorbed by the sound proof doors and walls. I stumbled back a bit, overwhelmed.

"After you, my fine lady." Ryker bows slightly, the corner of his full lips curling up into a smirk. "There's a small step down so watch that."

Nodding, I step down and look around the dark place, filled with a shit ton of college kids. Bumping and grinding, bonging, funneling like crazy, and overall just having a good time, I guess.

     "You drink?" He wraps his arm around my shoulder, very smoothly leading me away from Vinny and Isaiah, who didn't look too happy with me being whisked away.

     "No," I lied, "Vinny would kill me." I nodded towards where Vinny was, but turning around slightly, I was just met with the sight of random college kids.

     "I don't see a Vinny anywhere..." he trails off, grinning at me with his dark eyes in a teasing manner.

     I arch a brow, but choose not to saying anything as we entered what seems to be a small kitchen. Who builds a kitchen in their basement?

     "I made my basement as if it was a mini house, so no one would have to invade the comfort of my home." He answers my question without me asking, intriguing me. He winks.

     "That's actually pretty smart." My eyes scan over the wooden cabinets, which have silver chains wrapped around the handles with a lock keeping them secure. The only thing that didn't have a lock was the refrigerator.

     "Can't have people fucking with my alcohol." He opens he refrigerator, where there are different kinds of beer lined up. "Beer doesn't get people trashed so fast. Can't be too safe, sweetheart."

     "So you're telling me this party is beer only?" I lean against the counter next to the stove and he shakes his head, pulling out a Corona and popping the top using the ring on his middle finger. It had quite the size on it.

     "Hell no. I set out a few bottles for people to have at it, but they're cheap. I don't dish out expensive shit. They can bring their own." He brings the bottle to his full, pink lips. I watched the bubbles roll through the bottle as he drank from it, and I watched his Adam's apple bob each time he swallowed.

     I could tell by his swallowing pattern that he could hold a lot in his mouth before—

Stop being a creep, Carter.

      "You know, I thought you were getting the bottle for me." I eyed his beer bottle, my mouth watering. I haven't had a drink in a while, and it's normal for everyone to get drunk during the gaps in our tournament.

      Vinny just isn't really fond of me getting drunk. He says he doesn't want anything to happen to me because some college kids have no self control when they're shit-faced, so I could be setting myself up for the worst.

     It's why I love Vinny. He's protective, but he won't hound me. He'll whine about it later, and pretend to be mad, but he loves me too much to stay angry.

     His dark brows raise at my assumption, and he lifts off the counter he was leaning on and rests is elbows on the island that's between us. "I thought you didn't drink?"

     "Isn't there an assumption that all college students drink?" I cross my arms over my chest, and his eyes flicker down to my cleavage before he tsks, taking another swig of his alcohol.

     "I never make assumptions, Sweetheart." He made sure he made eye contact with me, his dark eyes showing me that he meant it deeply.

     I place my hand over my chest, letting out a playful breath. "Wow, if I was a little bitch, I'd say that your words sent chills down my spine."

     He breathes through his nose sharply, giving me what seemed like his version of a laugh. I would've thought he was just breathing had his eyes not shone with mirth.

     "I can make chills go down your spine, Sweetheart. Easily." He boasts, placing his bottle on the counter before spinning it around so the label faces him.

     "Oh really?" I muse, walking up to the island and resting my chin on my knuckles. He leans in closer, so that our faces are a good few inches apart. A little mole on his nose comes to my attention. "Indulge me." I whisper.

     His lips threaten to quirk up, but he fights against it. "I've only known you for five minutes and I already know that you lie easily to whom you deem a stranger in order to protect yourself.

     "You have a few dirty, dirty secrets that you don't want spilled. You're observant, not much can get past you, but you play stupid just for the hell of it.

     "There's a guy that piques your interest—I won't say who, but I have a good idea—but you're constantly reminded of why they only pique your interest. You don't see a future with them, and you're scared of commitment." He mocks me, dropping his jaw with a light gasp.

     "Are those goosebumps I see?" His eyes trail up my arms that do indeed have goosebumps, and his gaze on my body had the hairs on my arms stand up. It felt like he was touching me, but he wasn't.

     "No." I deny, "a draft blew into the kitchen. You would've felt it, had you not blanketed yourself with so much of your ego."

     He hisses, acting as if he swiped his tongue with his finger and touched the air. "Ouch, that was a burn."

     "Shut up."

     "Ran out of comebacks that fast? We just started and you're already throwing out the 'shut up' card?" He shakes his head disappointedly. "Thought you had some fire to you."

     "I do." I spit back, leaning closer to him, getting in his face.

     "It seems to me that you're only a spark, though." He taunts, bring his beer to his lips again, this time, leaving it almost empty. "You know, I wasn't done telling you about yourself."

     "I don't want to hear it." I grind out, suddenly not liking his teasing anymore. He's starting to sound like Carson.

     "Why? Can't handle it? Scared?" His breath fans my face: Beer, polar ice gum, mint from brushing his teeth, and spice.

     "Try me." I grit.

     "I'll save you the pain of hearing it all. I'll just give you the most important one." He looks at me from under his thick lashes, eyes mocking me as he leans closer, so that our noses brushed.

     "Just get it out. What are you stalling for?" My eyes make the mistake of dropping down to his lips when he bites his. He smirks.

     "Thinking about kissing me when I'm about to expose you?" He clicks his tongue, resting his chin on his knuckles, mirroring me.

     "No. Expose me, since you feel as if you're oh so good at figuring me out." I raise my voice, and he grins.

     "Angry lady." He breathes out when I inhale.

     "I swear to—"

     "You're tainted." He whispers, and my brows draw closer together. Had I misheard him?

     "Excuse me?"

     "Touched a nerve?" He purses his lips, a smile spreading across his face, his fancy grill shining in the light of the kitchen.

     "Your voice was too soft. Could you speak up for the people in the back?" This seems to make him happier, his grin becoming wider.

     "You're not a virgin." He tilts his head to the side when my eyes widen. "Tell me, Sweetheart, what horny kid got to snuggle up between those thighs—"

     "Bitch!" I grab his beer bottle, slamming it against the glass and pointing the sharp end towards his face. He didn't even flinch.

     "And you're violent, too? Damn, I bet you have a good ol' time throwing those boys for a loop on your team. I bet they think you're Mary in the flesh." He lifts his chin, tilting it to the side and baring his neck to me. "You wanna do some damage? Try and find my artery."

     "I'm leaving." I grunt, smashing the glass on the ground, and marching out of the kitchen, only to run into a wall of torso. A thick, chiseled wall of torso.

     "Watch it, bitch." Carson grumbles, looking down at me. I was so angry, I forgot that I don't ever try to look into his eyes, and when I looked up I regretted it deeply.

His steel grey eyes bored into mine so angrily, but they were so beautiful at the same time, my breath caught in my wind pipe, and I choked.

Carson's eyes are beyond mesmerizing. They're nothing but grey, the purest of grey and they can turn as dark as charcoal when he's truly angry. I've seen it before. I've seen it when another baseball player tried to get under his skin.

I've seen it when he got physical with other guys on the field, when they tried to do something slick to put him out of the game.

But looking into his eyes, I didn't see it with me. They weren't dark at all, they were so bright. So vivid, they kept me there, his gaze holding me in a vice grip. It stole the breath from my lungs.

My heart lurched.

"I-I'm sorry." I stumbled out, and snapped out of it, brushing past him and shuddering when our bodies touched.


     I gave her a second glance as she brushed past me. A hand clamped down on my shoulder, but my attention stayed on her form that was getting smaller and smaller as she walked off. "Stop staring at her ass."

     I peer at Ryker from the corner of my eyes before shrugging his hand off my shoulder. "I wasn't looking at her ass."

     "Oh, I thought you were me for a second, my bad." He chuckles, blatantly watching her ass as she leaves our sight.

     "I don't understand how you get us confused when I'm the one with actual teeth." I take the beer he hands to me, and we walk further into the crowd side by side, gaining the attention of a lot of ladies.

     "You say that like I have dentures."

     "Who's to say? You've had that garbage in your mouth for years." I grunt my gratitude to him for opening my bottle in advanced.

     He grunts back. "Garbage? My grill is worth more than your life."

     "I'm surprised they let you play on the field with that shit."

     "Come on," he spreads his arms, looking at me knowingly. "You know coaches don't give a damn as long as you're winning."

I roll my eyes, but couldn't help but look back in the direction of which Carter was walking. "What did you do to her?"

"Nothing!" Ryker's jaw drops exaggeratedly, as if he's shocked that I would think he did something. He's always pissing off women.

I hand him back his beer. He sighs his disappointment in my refusal. He thought he was finally persuading me to drink. Haven't had anything since I last got drunk and bedded some crazy bitch.

My eyes bore through his, and he winces. "So maybe I looked into her eyes and told her about herself without consent. Maybe." He shrugs, playing with the top of the bottle. I never understood why he used his ring to open bottles up. I always think that he's going to strip it or something by trying to yank open a metal top.

"Great," I breathe air through my nose harshly, showing my disproval. "You mind raped her."

"I did no such thing, Storm." He tilts the neck of his bottle towards me before taking a sip.

"I told you to cut it out with the creepy assessments, Ryk. You're going to be locked up in a psych ward in no time, and don't fucking expect me to visit." It seems like all my friends have serious problems that could get them sent away from the world.

Sin is going to die from an overdose, I'm just counting down the days for that.

Ryker is going to be locked up in a white room with padded walls and a door with handles only on the outside.

And Hunter...don't get me started on that idiot.

"You need to loosen up—damn, is your ass sore from always having it clenched?" He smirks when I huff. "Have a beer."


"I have drugs?" He offers before bursting into laughter when he sees my face. "I'm sorry, I must've hit a nerve. How's that druggie of a roommate you have anyway?"

I don't answer him, but the problem with Ryker here, is despite the tough 'I'll rip your dick off clean' demeanor he has, he acts like a fucking teddy bear. He can talk for days.

I remember when I first met him. We were on the same team when we played AAU baseball when we were 13. He was such a mouther.

He doubted my skills as a player because he was a pitcher. With his build, he had to pitch. Everyone knew that fucker was strong.

     He called me a pussy whenever he saw fit, and I made my first mistake of calling him a cock sucking bitch.

     In front of the entire team, coach included.

The coach just smirked. Ryker had been on the team longer than I had been, so everyone knew how he was. It was in his nature to rile people up.

     No one gave me the heads up, though. Needless to say we got into a fight. Both got benched. He had a black eye, and I had a bloody mouth.

We were friends ever since.

     "I called her out on the lack of her virginity, and she tried to shank me with a shattered beer bottle." Now that surprised me. He nodded his head, confirming it. "She didn't seem like the type to get violent, I know."

     I've heard empty threats all the time. That's what we did to each other, gave empty threats, but sometimes, I fulfilled in my promises, much to her dismay. But threatening to hit Ryker? It must've been a really tough subject for her.


     I smirk. "She's a good one, I don't understand why you're pushing her away. I'd be drowning in her pussy." My smirk falls, and he pipes up enthusiastically at my change in smugness. "I can think of plenty of girls you should be pushing away, and she's not one of them."

     "Like who?" A girl gets shoved into me by one of her friends and she looks up at me, spooked.

     "Oh my God, I'm so sorry, Storm." She slurs, bracing herself by clinging onto my body, her nails digging into my back. "On second thought..." she trails off, running her fingers up my back, feeling my muscles.

     Ryker snorts. "Your girlfriend, for one." He put emphasis on the word, seeing if blondie here would get the memo, but if anything she felt me up even more.

     I pet her head.

     "What girlfriend?" I grumble, knowing he's not talking about Cherry The Whore.

     "Cherry." He chuckles, but eyes one of the girl's friends who was trying to step closer to him. He arches a brow and her eyes widen before she steps back cautiously, not wanting to poke the bear.

     I grunt out my disgust for her. Can't keep her legs closed for the life of her. She's always draped over some sleazy guy or girl. She's the definition of a sex addict. And what's worse? She's terrible in bed.

     "You make that noise, yet you know that as soon as you get back to Florida, you're going to be all over her like white on rice." He states honestly, bringing his beer back to his lips. "Casey." He looks to the girl that's started to kiss over my torso.

     She snaps her head up, and he gives her a look that has her bowing her head before muttering an apology to me and leaving with her friends. "Teach me that look."

     "Trust me, you have it already." He makes sure Casey leaves just as Hunter walks over to us.

     "Would you stop the bitch talk and come play some cards with the guys? I need some cash." He nods his head towards the living room and grabs the beer from Ryker's hands, taking a swig as he walks off.

     "You suck at cards, Hunter." I call from behind him, gently nudging girls away from me and shoving past guys that tried to size me up.

     "It's not about how you play the game, but how you hustle the players." He shrugs, making his way to a couch and settling between a set of twins. They smile at each other before they get a good look at Hunter simultaneously.

     I grab a chair, pulling it up to the table in the middle and Ryker does the same, sitting on the opposite side of the table. There was a total of seven guys seated around the table, with a deck of cards in the middle and various cans and bottles of beer decorating the table.

     "What's up Carson." A guy from another baseball team nods toward me. He was a shortstop for someone that we beat terribly.

I nod back, and soon, we were in the middle of the game Spades. So far, Hunter and I were winning, and Ryker decided to sit and swap tongues with some random chick.

I was getting quite bored. Parties aren't that fun for me anymore. The whole getting drunk, getting laid, not remembering what happened the next day has gotten old.

If I could, I'd be in the damn bed all day. Whether or not I'd be tangled up in the sheets with someone was a toss up. I had know clue, but one thing was for sure. I wanted my bed.

So as I yawned, I contemplated taking a piss break and calling an Uber to get the fuck out of here when I heard the chanting. Chanting that brought back unwanted memories. I cringe.

Chug! Chug! Chug!

I turn around, locating a crowd of guys. All guys in a circle, which was weird to have. Especially at a college party, where girls are all over the place.

I look at Hunter, who then shrugs and looks at Ryker who shrugs as well. I place my cards on the table, walking towards the crowd of wasted guys, and I push my way through, until I was in the front.

And there, I saw two guys holding up Carter's legs in the air, apart may I add, which put her ass on display for all guys' hungry, lustful eyes to see. She was wearing a thong.

My eyes trail down from her ass, to her hands, which were clutching onto a clear tube, which beer was pouring through. Her lips were wrapped around the tube and her eyes were shut tightly as she focused on swallowing everything that another guy was pouring down the bong.


She opened her eyes, and somehow they landed on me. I quickly gave her a dark look before turning, walking away.


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