one night

由 imarmanisss

5K 135 45

armani two-shot for the intellectuals. 更多

that night

one night

2.4K 74 34
由 imarmanisss

Did not proofread. Enjoy.

One of the best things about being a model was seeing beautiful women from all around, in different skins, with different hair, gorgeous bodies, slim, thick, chubby, skinny. Every woman had her own unique spicy that made them special in their own way, it could be their skin color, it could be their hair, the way they carry themselves, the way they expressed themselves and beliefs, everything about a woman is blessing. There isn't a single flaw in them.

Ariana loved women. She adored them, cherished and praised them like goddesses. Ariana never got tired of being a model, besides it being one of her passions, she woke up everyday thinking what new things she was going to try or try it with. She was in love with her job and every aspect of it, specially seeing naked boobs and butts every once in a while—those were her favorite by the way.

The sound of heels clicking the ground echoed through the large, almost empty room, heads turned, smiles formed and jaws dropped, welcomed Ariana Grande to another one of her magazines cover photo shoots. Ariana smiled at the photographers and her peers, waving at them lazily due to the weight she felt in her forearm because of her heavy-leather purse. Her hair was down and no extensions were added this time leaving the tips to rest close to her shoulders. She wasn't really in the mood to put on make up in the morning besides, everyone knew she was gorgeous with or without make up, so Ariana went with her natural look, she only applied chapstick on.

Ariana spied from across the room the corner where he glam squad were setting everything up. She walked over to them as she greeted everyone with a charming smile. She let out a sigh of relief as she arrived at her glam station, she placed her purse on top of the table that didn't have make up supplies on top and flopped on top of a chair. She immediately got rid of her boots, she felt her pinky toe start to cry out.

Ariana's eyes met her make up artist through the mirror glued to the table, he smiled brightly at her and she smiled back because his smile was contagious. His perfect teeth and wide lips enlarged his smile and it made him look funny, he was always in a bright mood too, she doesn't remember a day Johnny was under a dark cloud. "Good morning, sunshine!" He said, adding more enthusiasm than he normally do.

"Hi, Johnny." Ariana smiled.

"How's your lovely morning?" Johnny said as he looked away from the mirror and went back into placing at the make up cosmetics in the table, from the ones he used most to the ones he barely touched but could be needed in case of anything.

"Interesting," Ariana responded. "How's your lovely morning, Johnny?"

"Mine is spectacular, darling."

Ariana giggled. "Alright so, what's in for today?"

"Okay, so since the backdrop is gonna be a beige color we're gonna go with platinum hair and extensions, light make up and nude lipstick. Your eyebrows are gonna be a little darker to make the roots of your hair, though." Johnny said. He looked at Ariana's face, she looked like she was really in deep thought. But no worries, he knew she'd go with his idea because she always does. She was always down for something different.

Ariana never had a photo shoot with platinum hair, never thought about it neither but she wanted it now. The way Johnny described it, it didn't sound like a bad look after all. Life is about trying and experimenting new things, anyway. "Let's do it." Ariana grinned as she nodded her head. Jonny nodded his head too in agreement.

Ariana sat back and let Johnny do what he did best; make her look fabulous. She plugged her phone to a wireless speaker via Bluetooth, music always helped her focus whenever she was about to get in front of the camera. And specially when she has to sit on a chair for hours at glam.

"Have you met the new girl?" Johnny said as he finished applying the hair dye on Ariana's hair. He wrapped each string in aluminum foil and lets it sit for a moment before watching it.

"There's a new girl?"

"Yeah, girl! I heard she was signed a couple days ago. This is her first professional shoot, supposedly."

"Where is she?" Ariana said. Now she wanted to meet the girl. Maybe give her friendly advice on how to be a professional model and how it feels to get in front of a camera. Learn how to love the camera.

"I don't think she has arrived yet. But, we have to wash that hair girl because you're up soon."

"Do you know her name?"

"Normani Kordei Hamilton but she goes by Normani. She's a African-American, she's a dancer, she's been dancing since she was a toddler. Then around her teenage years she got into modeling and been doing both ever since. She lives in Houston, Texas but now she's in New York. Her friend Blair is like, her personal photographer or whatever. The girl is classy, girl."

Ariana don't know how Johnny gathered so much information about someone he never met. But then again, he is Johnny. She wouldn't be surprised if he knows her ancestors too. Ariana just laughed. They went back to the regular after exchanging rumors they've heard from others, to each other. Gossiping is part of their bond, actually.

The rest of the day should be interesting.


"Much of luck, Miss Hamilton." The lady behind the front desk said, delivering a warm smile which Normani returned. Normani stepped into the building with one goal; to make it her bitch. She walked in the room with lots of confidence, her mindset was right, she was carrying herself the way every woman should. Despite this being her first professional photo-shoot, she was ready. She knew she was ready. How different Blair's camera is from the camera she was about to get in front of?

Normani followed every sign that was up in the walls, making sure that she read every word right and followed the arrows. It's not a good luck to get lost on your first day of work and she wasn't going for that, never.

When Normani heard the sound of cameras clicking, she knew she was going the right way. It got louder and louder, she was able to see the flash even, her heart began beating with excitement. She felt her world change already as she got closer to the room. She peaked her head behind the wall, cringing at the flash when it hurt her eyes.

The room was everything she pictured while she was on the road; big, full of cameras, people walking everywhere, people talking loud and over each other. Normani eyes paused when they landed on the wide white backdrop and the model that was posing on a bed before the backdrop. She was laying on her stomach as she stared into the camera's eye. Normani could tell that she was in the industry for while, her face expressions didn't crack as she looked directly into the camera's eye (not even blinking because of the flash), her poses were firm. She loved the camera and the camera loved her right back, or more.

She already saw herself there, making love to the camera.

"What are you doing?" Normani heard. She moved away from the wall quickly, her eyes widen when she saw someone stand in front of the entrance. How she did get there? How long has she been watching Normani watch someone else? Normani didn't know, but the lady didn't look friendly at all. Her eyes were lazy and her hair was all over the place, her outfit looked like it was thrown on her body without seconding looking. Her eyebrows were furrowed as she observed Normani.

"Normani." Normani said, trying not to sound scared. She wasn't but she was still shook, she was pretty sure the lady could hear her heart beat against her chest.

"Normani who?" The lady responded, stepping closer to Normani. Normani cringed.

"Normani Hamilton." Normani said, her tone still the same.

"Mhmm. You're the new model." The lady rolled her eyes.

Excuse me bitch? Normani thought. Normani nodded her head. "Yes, ma'am." She smiled bitterly.

The grumpy lady stepped aside and motioned for Normani to enter. Normani went in quick without saying another word to the lady. "Rude ass bitch." She whispered to herself. She knew that the lady was probably glaring the fuck out of her back as she walked inside but she didn't. First hater and haters made her successful.

"Is that the Normani girl?" Normani paused, looked to the left and spotted the mirrors and glam squads where people were already looking at her up and down. They were whispering and giggling among each other, that made Normani nervous. She looked to the girl she was watching behind the wall, she was looking at her too. The girl smiled and waved at her making Normani blush, she waved back regardless. Well, that was a nice welcoming.

The girl flipped her grey hair and turned her attention back to the camera. Normani wanted to stay and just watch her be beautiful but she'd probably get fired on her first day. So, she went in search for the people that were supposed to be her glam team for the day. As she got closer, she spotted her name written in bold letters on a chair. There were two people already at the station, a guy combing a wig and a shorter woman playing with make up.

She cleared her throat. "Hello, my name is Normani." She said politely. She smiled as the two people turned to look at her.

"Oh my! You're beautiful, girl!" the guy said. Flexing his white smile. "I'm Ray, your hairstylist by the way and that's my girl Grace right there." He pointed to the woman standing on the other side of the mirror.

"Hi!" Grace said, extending her hand towards Normani's to shake it. "I will be your make up artist for the day."

"Okay, let's get to work!" Normani said, unable to hold in her excitement. She was too excited to get started. Once she got comfortable on the chair, she let Ray take control of her hair and Grace of her face. They formed small conversations among each other to get to know each other better. With all of the talking and laughing they weren't worried about time. Time went by fast in deed.

Then Normani realized that she was called up next, it all happened too fast. But she was ready. She was always ready.


"Okay last one, Grande!" the man behind the camera said. Ariana decided that she was going to be sitting in this one. Johnny stepped into the set to fix Ariana's clothing, he pulled the strap of the silky dress so that they are stabled at her shoulders. He pulled her hair over her left shoulder. He shuffled his hand around some parts of Ariana's hair to get the perfect volume. Johnny took one last look at Ariana to make sure everything was good before stepping out. Ariana crossed her legs and put her hands in between. Ariana turned her head away from the camera, she decided to focus on the light that shone upon her face for this one.

The photographer was impressed. She closed one eye as she brought the camera to his other eye, he focused the image on Ariana.


"Wow." He said to himself as he observed the picture. There wasn't one single flaw in it. The lighting made Ariana's highlight shine, along with her diamond earrings. Her skin looked smooth. Everything was great. "This is it." He said to Ariana.

Ariana smiled and climbed off the bed over to the computers to see the pictures herself. "I'm fucking amazing." She said.

"Yes you is." Johnny replies as she walked to Ariana to admire her pictures with her. He smiled like a proud dad as he scanned all of them. The latest one being her favorite because he loved the way his make up work made it even better, it wasn't overdone or underdone for the backdrop. Everything were like puzzle pieces, they were together. The picture was just flawless.

Now it was time for Normani to get on the bed.  She was called up and almost immediately she came. Ariana looked up from the scene to watch Normani. She stepped back and crossed her arms across her chest, a little smirk forming on her face as she caught Normani's eyes. Normani blushed and turned away.

For the whole shoot, Ariana refused to leave anywhere. She wanted to stand there until Normani was done. For reasons; Normani's ethereal beauty was impossible to resist and Normani's body was also impossible to resist. The poses she was doing weren't to risky though, but Ariana knew what was under that silky robe; God's masterpiece.

Johnny had mentioned this was Normani's first professional photo shoot, she'd fool anyone in believing she had years of experience by the way she was working that camera and her choices of poses. Her support team were cheering her up in the sides like families at graduations.

Normani's heart jumped everything she would look at Ariana to see that she was looking right back at her. It was hard to focus knowing she was creeping on her, in a good way she hoped. But she smiled every time because she couldn't help it.

After Normani was done with her last picture she was given a round of applause from everyone including Ariana. The small platinum-haired girl wearing a genuinely smile in her face as she clapped away. Normani blushed and thanked everyone, she was afraid that the attention was on her the whole time. She was showered by lot of compliments as she stepped out of the bed and out of the set.

"Are you sure that was your first time?" Ariana said as Normani came close to her.

Normani was surprise at how deep Ariana's voice actually was. It was hot. She chuckled, "first professional photo shoot, yes. First photo shoot ever? No. My friend, Blair, takes my pictures." She smiled.

"You were amazing. Can't wait to see the final shots." Ariana said. She took Normani's hand in hers and lightly squeezed it, "I'm Ariana, by the way."

Normani ignored the warm feeling that bubbles up in the middle of her chest and smiled at Ariana. "I know but it's nice to meet you. I'm Normani." Normani tried not focus on Ariana's hands that were still wrapped in her own. It was hard because they were so warm and soft. They would feel good touching something else.

"I knew that too." Ariana responded smiling and releasing Normani's hand. "Are you coming to the party?"

"Uh, I don't think I'm invited since I know nothing about it." Normani laughed nervously.

"We're all invited, silly. The company just decided to have a party to celebrate us. You should come."

Oh she wanted to come very bad.

"I'll be there." Normani pressed her lips together in a smile.

"Great. See you then." Ariana walked off. Normani watched after her in awe. She didn't know Ariana much but she knew that she was going to be trouble.


Normani decided to invite Blair to the party with her, so she wouldn't feel so foreign. Normani expectations of the party were high, she expected a mansion and lots of models everywhere, like a Barbie Dream house collection. Big enough to get lost and never go back to the starting point. Slow music would play, everyone will be drinking expensive wine and networking. Everyone would be dressing in thousands of dollars, looking fine as wine. Therefore, inviting Blair was a good decision.

Normani was surprised when she saw Ariana in between the crowd of people. She was very small but Normani could spot her anywhere, it's be hard to miss a diamond surrounded by rocks because it shines brighter than anything. She was grey in a black dress with spaghetti straps that stopped above her knees and silver high heels. Her platinum hair was down, a little amount of hair from the front tied in the back. It wasn't a coincidence that she was the first familiar face she spotted.

"I'm gonna to try to get a drink, you want anything?" Blair said, catching Normani's attention.

"No, thank you." Normani said. Blair nodded his head and turned to leave. Normani waited until she could no longer see Blair to walk off to Ariana to greet her.

Or she fucking thought.

Ariana has had a few drinks in advanced before the party, she was in that state of mind that erased memories within a few hours. She was giggling at everything she was being said to, she felt ticklish everywhere and her body felt heavier than usual. "Normaniiiiii," she shouted.

Normani turned where she thought she voice was coming from to see a Ariana holding a glass cup in the air, waving her to go up to her. Normani did happily. "Hey!" Normani said. "You look good."

"And you look sexy as fuck." Ariana responded, roaming Normani's body with her eyes. She wasn't ashamed of checking out Normani, the girl was gorgeous. She was sure she wasn't the only one doing so.

"Thank you." Normani managed to say, she swallowed a squeal. Ariana don't need to know what she really wanted to say anyways.

"Did you come alone?" Ariana asked as she finished looking (fantasying) at Normani's body.

"Not really. I brought my friend with—"

"I've been dying to pee. I literally feel like I'm about to explode."

"Well then just go—"

"Can you come with me? Please?"

Can she? Can she really? She can't but she will.

"Yeah, sure. Let's go."

Ariana had no time for a conversation, it wasn't needed. She reached for Normani's hand behind her so she won't lose her in the crowd. Normani held on her hand tight as she walked in between bodies. It took them a while to get to the restroom due to the house being so big but thankfully Normani didn't lose Ariana and vice versa, they held hands until they arrived. People didn't pay them no mind and Normani was glad.

Everything around Ariana was blurry, out of focus. Her mind was set in something and someone.


This wasn't supposed to be cut in half because I hate doing that but this is way too long and I didn't to bored you guys. I am sorry 🌚 but I hope you enjoyed.

The smut is coming though. I know y'all want it so bad ;)


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