Cold Embraces and Hot Kisses...

De BrujaWrites

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It's been about 6 years since you've left Japan because your father scored an official hero job in America. N... Mais

Blissful Memories
An Interesting Start of The Day
A Grand Reveal
Old Friends and Old Enemies
Revenge is A Dish Best Served Cold
It's Not Your Fault
Friends and Strangers
Mysterious Feelings
What Does Love Feel Like?
The Wonders and Mishaps of Dorm Life
A Decision is Made
A Hero in Need
~ Lemon ~

That Unforgettable Smile

427 11 2
De BrujaWrites

"Cause all of me loves all of you,

love your curves and all your edges,

all your perfect imperfections"

~ John Legend, All of Me

Todoroki raised his head in curiosity as he stared at you with a confused expression. Gripping your skirt, your heart rate shot through the roof as your palms became clammy. 'Why am I doing this? I should've stayed quiet,' you thought as your cheeks heated up.

"What is it?"

"I... I have feelings for you."

His expression didn't falter, "What do you mean?"

"I don't know... when I'm around you, I feel complete. I can't describe it... I think I-"


Your eyes widened as he blurted out the word that you was looking for. 'Did he know all this time?' His expression softened and a small smile formed on his lips. Even though he didn't smile much, it brought an indescribable warmth to your heart. He held eye contact with you as your nervousness and anxiety peaked through the roof.

"How did you-"

"I feel the same way around you too," he said in an almost whisper.

"W-what do you-"

"I think... I like you. No... I love you (L/n) (F/n)."

Your breathing hitched as those words flowed out his mouth. You couldn't believe it. 'There is NO WAY he has feelings for me. NO WAY!' Shaking your head in disbelief, a perplexed expression crossed his face. 'Even if he did like me, he would've never confessed first.'

"Shouto-chan... are you-"

"I would never lie to you, (F/n)-chan."

You've never felt your cheeks heat up so much in your life. A satisfying feeling washed over you as your mouth was agape from the shock of it all. Returning to your calm composure, your heartbeat raced as he stared at you. He still seemed a little confused. The room filled with awkward tension as you avoided eye contact. 'How in the world am I supposed to branch off into a conversation after a confession?' He remained silent as the waiter brought us the food. You quietly thanked him and dug into the food. Todoroki ate his soba, savoring every single noodle. His expression seemed... sad? 'Why the sudden mood change?'

"Is every-"

"I'm fine," he cut you off harshly.

He looked away and ate his food as his expression didn't falter. 'Was it something I said? I know that he can sometimes have mood changes but... why all of a sudden?' A chill ran down your spine as something quickly passed by the window. Squinting your eyes, you see a pair of icy blue eyes look into your (e/c) ones as the blur passed. Rubbing your eyes, you saw nothing there. 'That's... strange. Maybe I'm so nervous that my eyes are playing tricks on me.'

After finishing and paying for your meals, you and Todoroki walked out of the restaurant. The same expression remained on his face as before. His heterochromatic eyes gazed at the pavement as he released a sigh. 'Something is definitely wrong.'

"Stop playing games. What is the problem?"


"BULLSHIT! You've been wearing the same sad expression ever we talked," you furrowed your (h/c) brows.

"Don't worry about it," he harshly spat out as he turned around.

You clench your jaw in anger at Todoroki's cold attitude. 'What the fuck is his problem?' Charging toward him, you suddenly realized why he may be mad. Your expression softened as you hung your head down. 'Did he... just want me to say I love you back?' Raising your head, you cleared your throat. This attracted Todoroki's attention as he stopped in his tracks.

"I... I l-love you too, Todoroki Shouto."

Turning around, he wore an unreadable expression; almost like he was processing what you said. Suddenly, a bright smile played on his lips as he approached you. You've never seen him smile so... happily. It was a smile that you could never forget; a smile anybody could not forget. As soon as you reached him, you wrapped your arms around him. He accepted your embrace as he returned it. You felt his rapid heartbeat as your head rested on his chest. Looking up at him, his face got closer to yours and your lips grazed against him.

A sudden, irresistible urge took control of you. Your (s/c), soft lips locked with his plump ones. His eyes dilated in shock but he soon returned to a calm composure. His lips melted into your kiss as he pulled your waist closer. You ran your fingers through his multicolored hair and savored the moment. 'I want this to last forever,' you thought as your head pounded furiously.

Breaking away for breath, he stared at you with a loving expression. A smile played on your lips as he interlocked his fingers with yours. You walked with him back to the dorms wearing a wide smile and vibrant blush. While walking, you texted Uraraka everything that happened. All she replied back with was a bunch of smirking emojis. Reaching the door, he unlocked the door. Uraraka sat on the couch and cocked her neck in your direction. A wide grin crept on her face as she made an 'I told you so' expression.

"Look at the new couple~"

"Ochako-chan, please," you blushed furiously at her comment as Todoroki let out a small giggle.

Staring at him in disbelief, you were shocked at the noise that had just escaped his lips. 'He... laughed? What the hell is going on today?' Uraraka seemed shocked as well but she shrugged it off. Glancing at the clock, you noticed that it was waaayy past the time you thought it was.

"I didn't notice how late it was... it's 10:30 P.M," he said while rubbing his eyes a bit.

"Yeah, maybe we should go to sleep."

"Yeah, I need to study for a test tomorrow for my license. Goodnight, (F/n)-chan."

Before he could leave, you placed a small kiss on his cheek. His cheeks flared up and a small smile formed on his lips. He walked down the boy's hall and went into his room after waving goodbye. You walked to your room but your doorway was blocked by all the girls in the dormitory.

Yaoyorozu asked, "Sooooo how was the date?"

"Oh my gosh," Hagakure exclaimed, "I can't believe you scored a date with the cutest boy in school!"

Ashido giggled before asking, "Did ya get a kiss or some sugar if you know what I mean?"

Blushing, I responded, "G-girls-"

"SHE GOT TO KISS HIM," Uraraka beamed while giggling.

"Nice one, ribbit," Asui said.

"Uhh... thanks?"

"Sooooo," Ashido said, "What are the juicy deets of all this?"

"N-nothing much... I confessed to him and... he felt the same way."

The girls broke out in a cheer.

"YOU OWE ME $10 ASUI," Ashido yelled.

"I really thought she would get with Kirishima or Midoriya, ribbit."

"That could not be possible. You see the way Todoroki looks at (F/n)-chan? And the way she looks at him? It tells everything."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I should've looked more into it, ribbit."

"I'm really tired. I want to go to sleep," you groaned a bit.

"We are so sorry (F/n)! We will leave you alone. Goodnight! Have sweet dreams about Todoroki-kun~," Yaoyorozu smirked and went with the girls to the living room.

Entering the room, you changed into your pajamas. You flopped onto your bed and took a deep breath. 'It really happened today... I can't believe it.' A smile crept onto your lips as you got under the warm, (f/c) covers. Closing your eyes, you tried to drift off to sleep but an odd feeling wouldn't stop bothering you. 'Something isn't right.' Popping out of bed, you checked your windows and door. Nothing was there. Shrugging it off, you got back into the bed. A hand grabbed your shoulder and violently ripped you out of bed. Before you could activate your quirk, a blunt object collided with your head. Your vision blurred and you felt your consciousness fade out.

"Y-you won't get away with this," you whispered before your vision went black.

Unknown POV

'Looks like this was easier than I thought.' I slung her body over my shoulder as she slept soundly. Walking onto the patio, a pair of yellow eyes greeted my electric blue orbs excitedly. The cold breeze kicked up as Toga's blonde hair swayed in the wind. A twisted grin crept on her face as she let out a mischievous giggle.

"I can't wait till she wakes up~ We are going to be the best of friends!"

"We should take her back before she wakes up."

"Trueee. Shigaraki is going to be so happy!"

"And I'll be happy if he promotes us."

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