nights with you | Haechan ff

By EmilyD76

18.9K 709 279

A tale of a guy named Haechan falling for a girl who's a year older than him. Also a tale of that girl falli... More

Chapter Two ~ Betrayal
Chapter Three ~ New Beginnings
Chapter Four ~ Sleepover
Chapter Five ~ Studying
Chapter Six ~ Fair pt. 1
Chapter Seven ~ Fair pt. 2
Chapter Eight ~ fair pt. 3
Chapter Nine ~ Ew
Chapter Ten ~ Normal
Chapter Eleven ~ Jealousy leading to misktakes
Chapter Twelve ~ whos that?
Chapter Thirteen ~ it's you
Chapter Fourteen ~ It's you pt. 2
Chapter Fifteen ~ New beginnings
Chapter Sixteen ~ Old memories
Chapter Seventeen ~ worries
Chapter Eighteen ~ good times
Chapter Nineteen ~ beautiful night
Chapter Twenty ~ Good times with Great Friends
Chapter Twenty One ~ Wink
Chapter Twenty Two ~ Beach Time!
Chapter Twenty Three ~ Into The Future
Chapter Twenty Four ~ Fresh Start
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six ~ Realization
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thrity-one
Chapter Thirty Two ~ The Break In
Chapter Thirty Three - Without me
Chapter Thirty Four - Stupid

Chapter One ~ Odd Feelings

2.1K 42 24
By EmilyD76


"Miss Han!" The worlds most boring teacher yells pulling me from my oh so precious sleep.

I jump in my seat, my eyes bolting around the room but landing on the teacher, a vein poking out of his forehead from yelling at me.

It's a scary sight to wake up to I'll tell you that.

"Yeah?" I ask, my voice coming out groggy from sleep.

"Were you sleeping again?" He asks angrily.

"Yes?" I answer, though it sounded more like a question. I didn't even bother coming up with an excuse like I usually do.

"That's the third time this week. And what did I tell you last time you fell asleep?" He walks towards my desk.

"... that if I fell asleep again I'd be making a trip to the principals office and I'd be able to sleep as I waited for my parents to get here?" I say word for word what he told me on Tuesday.

"Wha- is that exactly what I said to her on Tuesday? Someone check the Minyoung file on my desk" he orders the class pet.

Yes. This class has a file for me, every time I get scolded or get in trouble of any kind in this class someone writes it down and places it in the folder.

It's degrading really.

I look to the front and see the student flipping vigorously through to get to Tuesday, which was only two days ago.

It's mainly pranks and not listening that I get in trouble for. The prank I did yesterday was mediocre but I liked it. Each time I went to the teachers desk I took something from it when he wasn't looking, then I'd go back to my seat and wait for a student to leave. When they did I put the thing that I took in their desk, at the end of it I had about 23 things from his desk. I still got in trouble though.

I uh seem to get in trouble a lot.

"Yes sir, that's exactly what you said to her" She says and returns to her seat. I think her name is JiWoo, she has never gotten in trouble. Not once, but me? All the time.

I'm not going to say it's not my fault because it definitely is my fault, I care more about sleep, chaos/pranks and video games than I care about school.

"Okay Minyoung that's amazing that you continue to remember exactly what I say, your marks would definitely benefit from that seeing as how you're getting very poor grades" he comments.

"Woah Mr. Kim that was a low blow, no one here needs to know how bad I'm doing" I laugh.

"Well now that they do, you can remove yourself from my class and go to the principals office" He smiles evilly and points to the door.

I sigh and gather my things, clipping in my worksheet that I left blank.

"Way to go sleeping beauty" my best friend Lucas teases as I pick up my bag.

"Shhhhhhut up Lucas" I glare at him.

I put my things in my bag and sling it over my shoulder, "see ya later Mr. Kim, Lucas pay attention for me" I wave as I leave the classroom.

I enter the empty locker covered halls, I sigh as I walk in the direction of the office I'm supposed to be visiting.

"Oh hey Minyoung, finally got sent to the big man?" I hear a familiar voice laugh from behind me.

I turn around while walking backwards, Taeyongs at his locker with a grin on his face.

"Yep, my already bad reputation is getting worse. Ah it just feels so great" I say sarcastically and turn back around.

"Let me accompany you there then" he jogs after me.

"Sure, I already know you're getting good marks so missing 10 minutes won't hurt you" I nod.

"Ohhh this is gonna take that long? Man I don't know, my teacher is lecturing us on class rules and I really think I should be there" he teases.

"Aw really? Please don't leave, I couldn't bear to walk to my doom without you" I fake cry.

"Mr. Lee! Get back to class" my teacher yells from my class.

"What? Does he have like super senses for when I'm having fun and just needs to ruin it?" I question quietly as I look at Taeyong in surprise.

He sucks in a breath, "well I think I should get going, I wouldn't want to get in trouble as well" he snickers as he jogs back to class.

I sigh as I continue my journey alone. Soon enough I'm standing outside the office, but I notice one of my old best friends sitting there.

"Haechan?" I ask as I look at him, his head darts up and he smiles when he sees me.

"Noona? Why are you here?" He asks, concern filling his face.

"Oh you know me, got caught sleeping again and Mr. Kim hates me" I laugh, "but why are you here? You didn't get in trouble did you?" I ask as I sit down beside him, our arms touching.

"Uh- no I didn't get in trouble Noona, I got called down here for some reason" he laughs nervously.

"Well you're either really lucky or somehow really unlucky" I pay his shoulder.

"Miss Han, the principal will see you now" the secretary announces as she puts her phone down.

I cringe as I see my parents walk in, a very angry look on my moms face and a disappointed look on my dads. I shrink in my seat as my mom lays her eyes on me.

"Haechan hide me" I pout as I put my head on his shoulder.

"Let's go young lady" my mom says as she marches into the office.

My eyes meet my dads, he flicks his head towards the door. "C'mon kiddo" he sadly smiles.

I hesitate as I get up, walking into the office. Sitting in between my parents, the fourth chair is left vacant.

"Mr. and Mrs. Han It has been brought to my attention that your daughter has repeatedly fallen asleep in class and has been slacking and this has taken a toll on her marks" he pauses as he looks at both of my parents, taking in their reactions.

My mom glares down at me and I didn't think I could sink even lower into my seat, but I did.

"And that is why I am suggesting for her to get a tutor, how does that sound?" He asks.

"I think that would be great for her" My mom immediately answers.

"Great, that's great. This student is younger than her however he is in higher grade level classes" He clasps his hands over my document.

Oh. Was that why Haechan was sitting out there? It would make sense.

"Mr. Lee you can come in now" Mr. Ahn raises the voice and the door opens slowly.

I look back and my eyes meet with Haechans, he gives me a small smile and sits in the chair beside my mom.

"I've been informed that your guys' families know each other so I thought it would be easier and a smoother journey overall" he smiles.

The bell rings signalling the start of lunch. Mr. Ahn smiles at us.

"I'll continue to talk with your parents, you two kids should go and get some lunch" He ushers us out of his office and closes the door behind us.

We stand there in silence for a moment, "guess you were really unlucky then" I joke.

"I don't think so" he sweetly smiles down at me. My heart flutters a bit, why? I smile back in response.

We walk towards my locker, an awkward silence falling over us.

"So what have you been up to? I've seen and heard your name a lot lately" I ask, looking up at him.

"I Uh, well nothing much really. I'm on the soccer team, Dance but you knew that part, in choir and practicing archery" he lists, making me stare up at him in disbelief.

"Are you sure you have enough time for me? I don't want you to overwork yourself" I tell him as we reach my locker.

"What? No I definitely have time for you, it's off season for soccer and my lessons for archery only take place in the summer" he hurriedly says.

"You sure?" I ask as I open my locker, slightly glancing at him.

"Definitely" he smiles.

"Hey! Minyoung how much trouble did you get in?" Lucas asks as he walks over to my locker carrying his lunch.

"Oh surprisingly I didn't get in much trouble from the principal but I'll probably get in more trouble when I get home" I smile as he hands me my phone that I forgot in class.

"You coming to lunch?" He asks as my other friends approach us.

I look at Haechan who's just standing there awkwardly looking around. If he didn't want to hang out he probably would've left already.

"Actually I'll catch up with you guys later, I'm gonna hang out with Haechan" I smile at Haechan who looks relieved.

Lucas nods and waves over his shoulder as he leaves.

I grab my lunch and shut my locker. "Okay, where's your locker?"

"Uh this way" he smiles as he starts walking ahead, but still walking beside me.

We reach his locker, but he couldn't find his lunch.

"You could share with me?" I offer.

He stares at me for a second, his cheeks slowly becoming pink.

"U-uh sure" he stutters.

"Anything else you need to grab from your locker?" I raise my eyebrows.

He shakes his head and I smile in content as I close his locker for him. I grab his wrist and gently pull him towards the cafeteria.

We enter the huge room filled with tables and immediately my group spots me, a bunch of remarks were let out upon seeing me with a guy that wasn't in our group.

"Did Minyoung finally get herself a boyfriend?" Lucas laughs, although he knows that I already have a boyfriend. His name is Jackson. But he's not much of a boyfriend.

We really only got together because that's what people wanted. I have suspicions about what he does when I'm not around.

"Did Lucas finally get laid?" I ask as I see yet another girl holding onto his arm. He laughs but looks away.

I know he hasn't, he's never actually been in a serious relationship. He barely pays attention to those girls because he's hung up on another girl. Specifically Jisoo, one of my friends.

He should just go for it, I know she likes him too. They'd be the cutest.

I lead Haechan to an empty table, he sits across from me. I open my lunch and pull out some things.

"Do you still like watermelon and cookies?" I ask, he quickly nods his head with a smile.

"Well it's your lucky day, because I happen to have those two things In my lunch" I smile as I push over some watermelon.

He smiles as he takes the watermelon, his hands quickly opening the container.

"Hey babe" Jackson calls as he plumps down beside me. I catch a glimpse of hickies on his neck but he pulls up his turtle neck, covering them.


Jackson; Minyoungs boyfriend sits down beside her, lazily covering up the bruises on his neck. That were most likely caused by another girl seeing as how Minyoungs mood immediately changed into a gloomy one.

She deserves better, I've heard that he's been cheating on her but I finally got the truth when I saw him with a girl in my grade.

"Babe who's this?" He asks as he casts his gaze towards me.

"Jackson this is Haechan, we grew up together. He's my friend. Haechan this is Jackson my... boyfriend" she hesitates before she says the last part.

"Oh cool, nice to meet you bud. Keep this one out of trouble" he laughs as he gets a text and immediately gets up and leaves, not saying goodbye to Minyoung.

She deserves so much better.

"Haechan?" Minyoung mutters, I look into her eyes. A certain sadness in her eyes.


"You wanna hang out later?" She asks, popping the rest of her cookie into her mouth.

She wants to hang out?

"Y-yeah sure when?" I stutter, my face becoming hot when she softly laughs.

"Tonight. There's a party and I only wanted to go for a little bit and head back home, we could watch some movies?" She suggests, a hopeful look on her face.

What am I gonna do? Say no?

My smile doesn't falter, "Sure, when do you want to go?" I ask, finishing off the watermelon.

"I'm not quite sure but I'll just text you, right that reminds me can I have your number?" She smiles as she gets out her phone.

I thought I'd be the one to ask that.

I nod my head and tell her my number. She hands me her phone, I look up to her questionably.

"So I'll have a picture of you as the profile picture" she laughs.

I blush and take a quick picture of me doing an aegyo. She watches me take the picture adding even more pressure.

I smile when I'm happy with the picture and hand it back to her. She smiles at the picture and types something.

I catch a glimpse of the screen and make out what seems to be 'Haechanie' making me blush and look away, making eye contact with my friends from across the room.

Jisungs eyes are wide as he looks at me, Mark and Jeno are whispering and giggling with Chenle, Jaemin is just smiling like an idiot and Renjun is just looking at us while eating his pizza.

We talk about random things, most of which being something funny. Our faces are practically red by the time lunch is almost over.

I'm about to say something when the bell rings.

"I'll catch you later Haechan" she waves as she gathers her things.

"Yeah, bye" I wave back, as soon as she's out of sight I'm attacked by my friends.

"Was that Minyoung? Are you guys dating?" Chenle asks as he shakes my shoulders.

"Yes and no, but we're hanging out later" I grin, thinking of the party later.

The guys smile suggestively at me while wiggling their eyebrows.

"Wha- guys no. She has a boyfriend okay? Even if he's a jerk she's still loyal to him" I shake my head.

"That doesn't change the fact that you're still hoping for something to happen" Renjun points out.

"Yeah obviously, who wouldn't want something to happen between them and their crush?" Jisung laughs.

"Right?" I say as we walk towards my locker, I pass by Jackson standing particularly close to another girl. We make eye contact and he brings his finger up to his lips to tell me to keep it quiet.

I roll my eyes, what a prick.

I can't believe him, he has such an amazing girlfriend and he spends his time cheating on her with girls that will leave him in a second for someone hotter.

I reach my locker taking out my books, the rest say their goodbyes as they go to their lockers.

"Haechan!" I hear someone call out, I search the hall and see Minyoung coming over.

"I forgot to give you a cookie" she smiles as she holds it up to me, warming my heart.

I smile as I take it from her hand, "did you make the cookies?" I ask.

"Yep, you know how good I am at baking" she laughs.

That's true. Her baking is the best, she's baked a cake for me every year on my birthday since she learned how to. I always thought they were store bought until my mom told me four years ago. yet she still makes them even though we're not as close as we were.

She's super thoughtful, it's one of the reasons why I like her.

"True, anyways you should get to class before you're late. You wouldn't want to get into even more trouble would you?" I raise my eyebrows.

She laughs, "okay, see ya later"

I wave back before closing my locker and heading towards class, a smile on my face.

I can't wait for later.

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