LURE ✧ l.s. ✧

Od highlikeharry

2.6M 100K 329K

Harry Styles is the owner of a very popular strip club called LURE and he happens to need a new stripper. Whe... Více

Part two?


51K 2.1K 12.5K
Od highlikeharry

"No, no! That wasn't supposed to happen!" Louis shouts.

"But it did, and I won," Harry says taking the deck of Uno cards and shuffling them for the third time of the night.

"It's not fair," Louis pouts.

"Just 'cause you didn't win doesn't mean it's not fair, Lou."


Louis looks up from the table, his pout totally vanishing from his face. Only his friends call him Lou...

"Are we playing again or are you done?" Harry asks, obviously oblivious to what he just said, or rather what it meant to Louis.

"Yeah again. Do it agai-" Louis catches himself. "Shuffle again, I mean."

"Why did you even bring these anyway?" Harry asks as he passes the cards out between him and Louis.

"I was going to take them back to Zayn, my friend, after I left here," Louis explains. He took the cards one night when him, Liam, Zayn, and Niall were playing after getting home from drinking. Louis was mad that he kept loosing so he said he was going to take them home and burn them but obviously that didn't actually happen.

"Oh, okay." Harry flips the card on top of the deck over and they start playing for the third time in a row.

He came to dance tonight but after his three dances, Louis checked the time and it was still fairly early so he decided he should go see Harry. They started talking and somehow they ended up on the subject of board and card games. After Harry said that one of his favorites is Uno Louis remembered that he had a deck in his bag so he went and got it. Now, almost an hour later, they're still playing.

"Why do you keep getting all the good cards? I bet you gave yourself them, huh?" Louis says after Harry puts down a draw four card and choosing the color he wants it to switch to.

"No I didn't, you just can't win," Harry says, earning a glare from Louis who's drawing his new cards.

"Can too! I'll win this time, watch me," Louis protest as he puts down one of the good cards he drew.

Harry puts down an equally good card. "Bet you won't."

"Fine, if I win I don't have to give you house pay," Louis says with confidence, even though with the luck he's been having so far tonight he's not so sure he'll actually win.

"And if I win?"

Louis shrugs. "You get to choose."

Harry thinks for a moment as he draws a couple cards. "Okay, if I win you have to stay and help clean."

Louis tries to hold back his smirk because either way he's happy with the outcome. Spending extra time with Harry? How is that losing? Louis' become a little too obsessed with Harry lately. He considers Harry a friend now and like he told Niall, something about Harry just pulls him in and lately Harry's been on his mind a lot more. However, Louis manages to keep a straight face so Harry doesn't change his mind.


And okay, so maybe Louis loses on purpose but Harry definitely doesn't need to know that.

"It's only two, we don't close until three. You don't actually have to stay if you don't want to," Harry says to Louis after they finish playing.

"No, you won fair and square. I have to stay," Louis says a little too happily as he puts the cards back in their box.

"Okay if you're cool with that. I'll be right back I'm gonna go to the bathroom," Harry says then gets up from his desk and walks to the door. Before he closes it he turns back to Louis. "Thank you by the way."

Louis just smiles and nods before Harry closes the door all the way leaving him alone in the office. Louis really thinks that Harry's coming out of his shell and he couldn't be happier about it.

He didn't know if trying to befriend Harry was a good idea because of the whole boss employee thing. If it didn't go well it could've resulted in Louis not being able to work at the club anymore. Even though there were risks, Louis' glad he went through with it because he really likes having Harry in his life. Now the next step is to get him to do something outside of work.

The door opens again and harry walks in and back over to his desk. "What are you going to do for the next hour and a half?"

Louis shrugs. "Don't know. There's really not many options is there?"

"You could organize the file cabinet for me," Harry says jokingly, not actually expecting Louis to do that for him.

"Okay," Louis agrees, Despite Harry obviously not meaning it

"I was just kidding," Harry tells him.

"Yeah but it's something to do." Louis gets up from his chair and goes over to the file cabinet that Harry was talking about. He sits in front of it, crossing his legs, then opens the bottom drawer. Right away Louis looks back and says, "Harry, this is a mess."

He pulls out a few of the sheets from the drawer full of other random papers. It's not organized at all and Louis doesn't really know what to do with the stuff because he doesn't know what the documents mean, or whatever they are, are for.

"Here," Harry says before getting up and going to sit next Louis. "I'll help you."

Louis looks over to Harry who's sitting very close. Close enough that Louis can smell his cologne. It's so good that Louis kind of just wants to lean over and breathe in the scent of Harry's sweatshirt even more.

"Oh, okay," Louis says, moving over a little bit so Harry can grab the papers.

They empty the drawer and Harry explains what papers should go together. Some of them are colored so that makes it much easier for Louis to figure it out. He gets the hang of it and quickly, they both put everything in different stacks so it can be put back in the file cabinet.

"Still two more drawers," Harry says after they finish the bottom one. "You sure you wanna do it?"

Louis looks at Harry and nods, he can't help but admire Harry's pretty features. His hair is getting a little longer now and Louis can start to see little curls coming in. The thought of Harry with curly hair is...well it's just a really nice thought.

"Yeah. We've got nothing better to do, right?"


So for about the next hour both Harry and Louis work through the drawers. Louis thinks most people would find this task boring but to him it's not because Harry's right next to him and that makes anything better.

"Why do you have all of these papers from years ago?" Louis asks holding up a stack of outdated papers he's collected.

"I probably put them in there and forgot about them. You can just throw them away."

Louis sets the stack next to him and decides that'll be the garbage pile. While Harry goes through other papers Louis gets distracted and starts folding one into an airplane. Once he's got it finished he throws it across the room. It doesn't go very far but it does do a loop.

Harry looks over to Louis with an amused grin. "A paper airplane?"

"Yep. You should make one. We can see who's flies the furthest."

"Fine. But no more bets or we'll be here forever."

Louis nods in agreement and then hands Harry a paper so he can make an airplane. Once they both have finished folding theirs—and Louis has put back Harry's pen that he used to draw on his—they stand up and go to one side of the room.


Harry nods.

"Okay go!"

So both throw their planes across the room. At first it seems like Harry's is going to win but then Louis' does another loop and ends up hitting Harry's and going the furthest.

"Hey, that's not fair."

"Just because you didn't win doesn't mean it's not fair," Louis says, mocking Harry from earlier.


"Yeah I thought so too."

After a few more times of throwing the planes they decide to finish cleaning the drawers out. At the end Louis gets excited because Harry said he can use the paper shredder to get rid of the garbage stack.

"Be careful," Harry tells Louis after plugging the shredder in.

Louis rolls his eyes. "What, do you think my hand could fit through that tiny opening?"

"No but still."

Louis just smiles and sticks the first paper in. He watches as the machine turns it into hundreds of tiny scraps. After putting the entire stack through it, Harry puts the shredder back where it goes

"I've been meaning to clean that out for months," Harry says, referring to the file c0abinet.

"Well now it's done."


Louis nods. "Yep. Let's go check and see if people are leaving yet," Louis says.

Harry stands up from where they're sitting, which is on the floor because they had to put the other papers back in the cabinet. Louis starts to get up but almost strips when his entire foot starts tingling.

"What was that?" Harry asks with a half sympathetic and half amused smile.

Louis sighs, looking up to Harry who literally towers over him. "My foot fell asleep."

"Are you okay? You're not going to die right? Are you crippled now?" Harry asks sarcastically.

"Temporarily, yes," Louis answers. "Help me." He reaches both his arms up implying that he wants Harry to pull him up.

Harry shakes his head but grabs Louis hands nonetheless and easily pulls him to his feet. Louis walks it off and once he's able to properly move they go out to see if people are leaving.

When they get out to the bar Noah pulls Louis aside. Harry's not paying attention so he doesn't hear what Noah says. "What were you doing in there for so long?" He asks suspiciously.

"Playing Uno and cleaning," Louis says casually not catching onto what Noah was really asking.

"Playing Uno and cleaning..." Noah repeats.


Noah shakes his head. "Nothing. This is just crazy."


"Harry spending this much time with you. It's weird."


"We've talked about it before Louis."

"Oh that. It's not that unbelievable is it? I mean it's just Uno and cleaning."

"For Harry it is unbelievable. I just—I don't think you should count on it lasting."

Louis gives him a confused look. "What? Why?"

"I just think he really likes you but doesn't know it yet and when he realizes how he feels about you he'll get closed off again 'cause he'll be scared."

Louis rolls his eyes. "You're making this a bigger deal than it really is. Bebe always does the same thing."

"It's because we've both been here a long time and we've seen how Harry is. He's not a social person. He doesn't get attached to people and he definitely doesn't 'play uno and clean.'"

"I don't get how you guys know all of this. You don't even talk to him?" Louis looks around for Harry. "Where is he anyway?"

"I don't know, he probably went to the bathroom or something."

"Yeah probably. Can you make me a drink please? I have to help him clean and my head kind of hurts so it'll help."

"Help him clean up?"

"I'm not explaining it to you. You'll just tell me how 'crazy' it is."

"I'm just saying. You need to be careful. If you get too close to him he's going to end up hurting you."

"Just make my drink. I'm gonna go get money," Louis says, before going back into Harry's office to grab a few pounds to pay for the drink.

When he gets back Harry's there and he's talking to Noah. Noah better not being saying anything about what they just talked about because it's not his place to do that. Louis would be so mad if he ruined everything.

Louis walks over and sees that Harry's still in a good mood which most likely means Noah didn't say anything so that's good.

"Here," Noah hands Louis his drink. "Tell me if you like it because it's a new thing I'm trying and I'm not sure if it's actually as good as I think it is."

Louis stares at the drink inside the cup, a little hesitant to taste it. Usually he just gets the same drink so he thought Noah would just make him that. He takes a sip anyway and is pleased when it tastes even better than what he usually gets.

"Oh wow, it's actually really good. You should definitely keep making them," Louis tells him then looks to Harry. "You should try it."

"I don't want a full drink right now," Harry says.

"Well just take a sip of mine then." Louis reaches out to hand Harry the cup. Harry takes it and doesn't hesitate before taking a sip of it and handing it back.

"Yeah, it's pretty good. Could probably sell it for a decent amount."

Noah smiles. "Thanks guys, too bad pretty much everyone has already left."

Louis looks around and notices that there's only a few people left and they look like they're about to pass out right on the table.

"What if they fall asleep?" Louis asks.

Harry shrugs. "Just gotta wake 'em up I guess."

"Oh, well maybe if we turn the music off and unplug the open sign they'll get the hint," Louis suggests.

"Yeah, I can go and do that."

Harry walks away to go over to the DJ booth to turn everything off. All of the dancers have already gone home or are still in the locker rooms so the club is pretty much empty.

"So you guys are sharing drinks too then..." Noah says after a couple seconds.

Louis turns around with an expressionless face. "I'm going to choke you."

Noah just smirks. "Kinky."

"Oh my God. Go home please."

"So you can be with him alone?"

"Yes actually. You're just a bother."

Noah dramatically puts his hands over his heart. "Oh Louis, I'm hurt."


Noah laughs but starts to clean up and get his things together. By now everyone except for them have left so once Noah leaves it'll just be Louis and Harry.

After a few minutes Noah's ready to go. "I'll see ya later," he says then leans closer to whisper in Louis' ear so Harry can't hear. "Use protection."

Louis pushes Noah away who—finally—leaves with a stupid smirk on his face that Louis really would like to punch off.

"What was that for?" Harry asks once Noah is out of the club.


"Okay? I'm gonna start wiping the tables you can do whatever you want," Harry says before going to the supply closet to get the spray and rags.

Louis decides to pick up the trash like last time. They clean in silence for a little bit. Louis' almost finished with the garbage when Harry says, "So are you and Noah friends?"


Harry comes over from the table he was cleaning so he's closer and Louis can hear him better. "Are you and Noah friends? Like do you talk a lot?"

"Uh I mean, we're friends but we're not really that close. We don't talk out of work if that's what you mean."

Harry nods to himself. "Oh okay."


"Uh, just wondering."

"Oh, so what next?" Louis asks referring to what needs to be cleaned.

"Um well there's sweeping but that's really it."

"Okay how about you sweep that half of the club and I'll do this side," Louis suggests.

"Okay I'll go get the brooms."

So Louis and Harry both sweep their sides which doesn't take very long. Once they're finished they empty the dust pans and then put the brooms back in the closet.

"So that's it then?" Louis asks, a little disappointed because he knows this means he has to leave soon.

"Yeah. I should beat you at Uno more often."

Louis chuckles. "Yeah well maybe we can have a weekly Uno match."


"My stuff is in your office can I go get it?"

"I mean is not like I'm going to forbid you from getting your stuff or anything."


So Louis goes into Harry's office to get his things. He finds his bag that's sitting on the floor and goes to pick it up, but when he turns back around the bag tips over his open water bottle that was sitting on Harry's desk. It's too late now, the water is already spilling on his hoodie that he sat next to the bottle.


Harry hears Louis and goes to make sure everything is alright. Right when he walks in he asks, "Are you okay? What happened?"

Louis holds up his sweatshirt that's soaked from all of the water that was in his water bottle.

"I spilled on my sweatshirt."

"Oh damn okay, um well, you can't wear it outside now," Louis shakes his head. "It's way too cold to not wear anything, though."

Louis folds up the hoodie. "It's fine. My car is close I'll be alright." He stuffs the wet sweatshirt into his duffel bag. All that's in there are things he has to wash anyway so it's okay if they get wet too.

"Yeah but still, it's freezing," Harry says before going behind his desk and pulling out another hoodie. "Here."

"What? But what will you wear?" Harry pulls on the sweatshirt he already has on. "Right."

Louis gratefully takes the sweatshirt and pulls it over his head. Just like last time, it's about three sizes too big and he feels like he's swimming in it, but he definitely doesn't mind.

"Thank you. I'll bring it back the next time I come in."

Harry nods. "Okay."

Louis grabs his bag and swings it over his shoulder. Him and Harry both walk out of the office, Harry shutting the lights off and closing the door behind him.

"Are you leaving now, too?" Louis asks.

"Yeah. I'm tired I want to go home and sleep."

"Yeah same."

They get to the door and Harry opens it letting Louis through before turning around and locking it. As they walk to their cars Louis gets confused because Harry's following him, but it all makes sense when he gets to his car and Harry goes to the one right next to it. What are the odds?

"Night Lou," Harry says to Louis.

Before walking around so he can get to the drivers side, Louis smiles and gives a small wave with his hand that's covered by Harry's sweatshirt sleeve. "Night."

They both pull out of the parking lot leave the club. The whole way home Louis has a smile on his face, feeling very happy with how the night went. He ends up using one hand to steer and wrapping the other around himself so he can hold the sweatshirt closer.

He's just really cold is all.

He gets to the dorm and goes inside. The lights are off and Niall's in his bed sleeping. Hoping that he doesn't wake him up, Louis turns the light on and goes over to his dresser but his efforts in not waking Niall are useless because he turns over and faces Louis while rubbing his eyes that are now open.

"Sorry, let me just change"

Louis takes off everything except for the hoodie and his boxers. He figures because it's cold and his is ruined, really, he doesn't have any other option but to sleep in Harry's.

"Who's hoodie is that?" Niall asks sleepily.

"Harry's," Louis answers before he pulls the hood over his head and climbs into bed, leaning over and shutting his lamp off.

"Of course it is."

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