Who Are We?

By sweetghostgirl97

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*I don't own any Vampire Diaries characters the all belong to their rightful owners. * Arielle and Blair Faye... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Nine


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By sweetghostgirl97

Waking up to the sun blinding me, it made me realize how lucky I am. Even though I'm a vampire, I get to enjoy the sun still. It was always my favorite time of the day. To watch the sun rise over the hills and turn everything shades of gold and orange, like a blanket covering the world.
I remembered the conversation a few days ago in the woods. Damon Salvatore had hope in his piercing blue eyes. That was something I hadn't seen since I'd met him. The same question I asked that night ran through my head once again.
What was this man doing to me? Why can someone so dark draw me in like a moth to a flame? How can I trust a vampire that has killed hundreds, maybe even thousands, of people? With Damon there was no fear, there was no worry because he always put everyone he cared about before himself. Though he would never want to admit it, he was selfless.
A ringing from my left interrupted my thoughts. I glanced at the small, lit up screen to the devil himself  gracing my phone.
"Good morning sunshine," his voice chirped, seeming to be in a happy mood.
"You're calling so early why, Damon?"
"Because maybe I'm bored and contemplating going for a snack?" He asked a hint of sarcasm coating his words.
Rolling my eyes I answered, "You know Stefan would kill you if fed on anyone in Mystic Falls."
"That's why I'm thinking about going on another road-trip," he laughed. The thought of being in a car with his mom again excited me, but the last time we took a trip together didn't end too well. That bastard Klaus killed my mom and step-dad and then I got my neck snapped, and we all know the train wreck that ensued. 
"Um...I don't know, Damon. The last road-trip didn't end too well," I explained with a slight sound of sadness cover my voice.
"And I'll never forgive myself for that, Arie. I promise nothing bad will happen this time," Famous last words there Damon. "When's the last time you fed?"
"Oh, uh," I hesitated to answer, glancing at the empty blood bag sitting on my nightstand. I didn't want to tell him that I'd been sneaking a couple blood bags every time I went to their place. "A couple days ago. I'm fine really," I didn't want him to think I had a problem with as many bags as I go through.
"What? Where and who?" He asked quickly. He knows I don't like to feed on people, so the mere thought of me doing it by myself was a little hard to process.
"Uh, just a couple hours away and I don't know, she had blonde hair, probably a college student," I lied. I hoped it was enough to get him to drop it, but I know him too well.
"Oh, alright," he replied clearly not believing my story. "Well, I'm starving so you in or out? Just know I'm not going to take no for an answer," well then what choice did I really have?
Rolling my eyes, I said "Okay, Damon. I'll meet you at your place."
"Can't wait," he replied with a hint of sarcastic happiness. I just laughed as I hung up on him.
Throwing the covers off my body, I walked into the bathroom to find Blair standing staring at herself in the mirror.
"Blair? What are you doing?" There was a strange aura in the room around her. The vibe was different then normally when Blair was around. I looked down her arms and noticed her hands gripping the sides of the sink very tight.
She quickly turned and stared at me with her dark eyes. Normally her eyes are deep brown, but this was different. They were almost black.
"Stay away from me," she said dangerously. Her voice had changed as well. It wasn't her usual happy, chirpy voice she greeted everyone with. It was darker, more sinister sounding.
"Blair, it's me. It's Arielle," I said calmly putting my hands out in front me. I tried to take a step towards her, but a deep guttural sound escaped her throat. The growl was nothing I had ever heard.
I could see that her muscles we tense and her hands were in fists, her nails almost piercing the palms of her hands. "I know who you are, Arie. How about you try and convince your precious sister to switch off her humanity again and let me out for good?" She smiled, but it twisted up into an evil smirk.
I couldn't understand what she was talking about, but that's when I remembered Klaus and Elijah. They had told us the story of the Dragonov sisters, Klara and Rayna. How somehow Blair and I were connected to them.
"You're Klara Dragonov," I cautiously stated.
"Well you're not so dumb after all," she laughed. I slowly tried to back away from her because I knew what she was capable of, but why was she here controlling my sister now? What caused her to take over?
Deciding I needed to take action, I  jumped towards her and threw her head against the sink, hoping to knock her out. With a loud crash being heard, I turned and ran to get my phone. Quickly dialing the last number I talked to, I prayed that he would pick up before something bad happens.
"Couldn't get eno-"
"Damon!" I yelled into the speaker. I didn't have time for jokes. "Damon, Blair's being controlled by Klara Dragonov!"
"What? What are you-" I cut him off again.
"Klara and Rayna Dragonov, the sisters that Klaus and Elijah told us about," I explained in a panic. Before he could say anymore, my phone was ripped from my hand and thrown across the room. I turned and saw Blair, well Klara, standing there smiling.
"You think it's that easy? That a weakling like you can just take me on? You couldn't before-" she laughed before I stepped in.
"You had someone else do your dirty work for you," I said sternly. I started trying to back away from her towards the door, but her hand clasped onto my wrist, Blair's nails embedding themselves into my skin. "So what? Are you gonna actually do it yourself this time?" I asked gritting my teeth in pain a bit. I was trying to stall hoping Damon or someone would come help.
"I hope you're not thinking of running because it's just a waist of time," she cackled raising her hand towards me. I could feel my throat being constricted, but she wasn't touching me. How could she be using witch powers when my sister isn't a witch?
"Let...my sister...go," I struggled. I could feel the light-headedness setting in from lack of oxygen.
"Your sister is mine, and soon you'll be gone too," she smirked as she folded her fingers a bit more making the tightness in my throat get worse.
"Arielle!" A voice called out coming into the doorway. "Blair what the hell?!" The voice yelled once again.
"Hello, Salvatore brother. Now you're Damon correct?" Klara asked with the sinister smile returning.
"Leave Blair and Arielle alone," he warned. I had only heard that voice once, and still it scared me.
"Wow. It's true what they say. History does repeat itself. Maybe not the exact same way, but it's still repeating," she laughed coming closer to me. From the lack of air, I had fallen to my knees.
I could barely see anymore, but I felt that her hold on Blair was slipping because my neck had been let go a bit. I had to keep pretending like I was choking, but just enough to get the upper hand.
"Say goodnight little Arielle," she said standing over me. "Tell my little sister I said hello."
I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed her arm that was out in front of her and threw her body into the wall across the room with my vampiric strength.
"Damn," Damon said in awe.
"Thanks for your help," I answered sarcastically with a small cough from my throat being fully released from the invisible iron grip.
"I wasn't about to make any sudden movements and risk you getting hurt," he stated confidently. I was still a little annoyed that he didn't find a way to knock her out, but I was grateful he came.
I looked towards Blair and she just lay still. I went over to her, hoping I didn't severely injure my own sister. Even if an evil bitch had taken over her, Blair was only human, and it just reminded me that I'm not.
"She still breathing, I think she'll be okay. Hopefully that Dragonov sister will stay away this time," I said pulling my finger away from under her nose. Damon walked over and picked up Blair's unconscious body. Placing her on my bed, I stared at my sister. She seemed so peaceful now, but a feeling I had told me this wasn't the last time Klara would make an appearance.
Glancing back at Damon, I noticed him looking at my nightstand. "What is this?" He asked picking up the empty blood bag.
"My midnight snack?" I stated as my voice rose an octave. He just gave me that look that says I-know-you're-lying-so-cut-the-crap.
"Is this a bag from the cooler in the cellar?" He asked looking at the label.
Rolling my eyes, I finally gave in. "Yes, Damon. It is a bag from the cooler. I keep a few here because I don't like feeding on people or animals."
      "How many is a few?" He asked.
      "I don't know," I answered quietly.
      "Think Arielle!" he demanded. "This isn't something I'm going be normal Damon about."
I knew that, but still I go through about five or six bags a day, and even though I'm still a newby, I know that's a bit much.
      "Now, how many is a few, Arielle?" He asked again.
      "I go through maybe five," I heisted. "Or six a day," I whispered. I didn't want him to think less of me. I know about Stefan being a 'ripper', not that that word had an effect because no one went into detail about it.
      I heard him release an aggravated sigh. "Okay, well that's a little excessive, but you're new, I told you I would help you with this," he said walking towards me, never letting go of my gaze. "And I promise I will help you," he whispered leaning closer to my face make seem as though we were the only ones in the room.
"H-how about that road-trip now?" I stuttered trying not to show he affected me so much.
He laughed and shook his head. "I think after what just happened, I can wait 'til tomorrow," he answered. I still couldn't understand what drew me to him, to this life. I should be running for the hills, or at least trying to stay away from trouble, which seems to always follow him, but lately it's been me that's caused everything wrong in my life.
"Maybe you should call Stefan?" I suggested. A questioning look came over his features.
"Why? Everything's under control."
"If you won't call him, I will," I said looking for my phone that had been thrown across the room in the scuffle. I prayed it wasn't broken, but knowing my luck, it would be.
Finally finding my phone, and seeing the screen had a small chip out of the glass, I dialed Stefan, but he didn't answer. "That's weird," I muttered. I found Elena's number and pressed call.
"Hello?" Her voice chirped through the phone speaker.
"Hey, Elena, is Stefan with you?" I asked.
"Um, I haven't seen him today. Why? What's the matter?" She quizzed. I looked towards Damon as he gestured with his hands not to tell her about Blair and Klara.
Thinking quick on my feet, I replied, "Oh, nothing. I'm just bored and wanted to see if you and him wanted to head to the grill or something?"
"Oh, yeah that's fine. I need to go help Bonnie with something in a little bit, but we can hang out," she said sweetly.
      "Okay, I'll meet you in thirty," I replied.
      "See ya then."
      "Well, now I have a breakfast date with Elena and your brother," I laughed. "Why didn't you want me to tell her?"
      "The less people that know, the better right now," he calmly stated.
      "I don't understand that. How is that going to be better, Damon?"
"Arie?" A hushed voice called from my bed.
Sitting on the side next to her, I took her hand in mine. "Hey, are you okay?"
"What happened? I feel like I was hit by a train," Blair moaned holding her head on her right side.
"You'll be okay," Damon chimed in. Blair swiftly shifted her gaze to him, just now realizing he was there.
"Oh, hey Damon. What's going on?" She asked.
"Nothing you need to worry about, Blair-bear," he smiled using her nick-name.
"My head is killing me," she whined.
"She doesn't have a concussion does she?" I asked Damon.
He came over to us, taking a seat between Blair and I. "Here," he said holding out his wrist to her.
"What?" Blair and I asked together.
"Just as a precaution," he explained.
What I felt inside as he held his wrist out to her was something I can't explain. There was no meaning behind it besides caring for her well-being, and easing my mind, but the idea of her lips touching him made me uncomfortable and jealous.
"I think I'll be fine Damon," she declined. A sense of relief washed over me. I wasn't a jealous person, but for some reason when it comes to my sister and Damon, I can't help it.
"Just get some rest. I'm meeting Elena and maybe Stefan at the grill, so I'll be back later. Call me if you need anything," I explained.
"Okay," she sighed as she nodded her head. Lying back down, she brought my bedding up to her shoulders and quickly fell asleep.
Walking quietly out of the room, I turned to Damon. "What the hell was that?!" I yelled in soft tone.
"What?" He asked nonchalantly.
"You just offered my sister your blood!" I shouted walking down our stairs.
"Arielle, I was worried she had a concussion. What did you want me to do?"
"I-" I hesitated on my next words. I dared not to utter them because they could change the relationship Damon and I had.
"You what?"
"Nothing," I said looking towards the hard-wood floor. "I've gotta go meet Elena,"
"Arie," he called as my hand touched the door-knob. "You might want to change," I looked down and sure enough I was still in my pjs. Everything with Blair happened before I could get ready for the day.
"Right," I said pointing my finger at him. Embarrassed, I walked back up the stairs and threw on my black leggings and a maroon shirt. Just the casual look today because I really don't care at this point. "Hey Damon, can you gi-," I stopped at the bottom step where I left him.
He was gone.
"Damon?" I called. No answer. "Oh well," I shrugged and headed to the door.
Opening the large front door, I was greeted by the leather jacket I knew all too well. "Oh hey, you have vampire hearing, didn't you hear me calling?"
"I thought it would be funny to mess with you," he laughed and gave me the infamous Damon smirk. I just rolled my eyes and began walking towards his car.
He will never stop messing with me. Whether it be jokes, or just being around me. I always felt safe, or just relaxed knowing he wasn't far from me. What is happening to me?
The more pressing question is what is happening to my sister? There were two originals I needed to talk to. They seem to know all about what's going on. Pulling out my phone, I secretly sent Elijah a text message.
Something happening with Blair. Need answers. Arielle.
"Damon can you take Blair to your place?" I asked sweetly.
"Why?" he asked raising an eyebrow.
"I just feel like she'll be safer there," I explained knowing that it was the truth. He just rolled his blue eyes and nodded. I felt my phone vibrate, alerting me to my messages.
I'll meet you. When and where? -E
Great now I had to make up another lie to Elena, and I know Damon isn't going to like it.
This should be interesting.

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