I've Got You Under My Skin


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Todoroki x Reader x Bakugou (L/N) (Y/N) is the daughter of one of Endeavour's colleagues, Reo. Her quirk and... Еще

1 - Meeting the Todorokis
2 - Secrets of the Todoroki Household
3 - A Painful Parting
4 - Broken Bonds
Character Quirk
5 - A New Path
6 - An Explosive First Meeting
7 - Clash of Wills
8 - The Proposal
9 - Unlikely Alliance
10 - Training with Bakugou
11 - Explosive Argument
12 - Shouto's Fragile Facade
13 - Picking Up the Pieces
14 - The Day Before the Entrance Exam
15 - Entrance Exam
16 - Shouto and (Y/N) Reunited
17 - Physical Fitness Test
18 - New Friends at UA
19 - Bakugou vs Izuku
20 - (Y/N) and Shouto's Chilling Exchange
21 - Coupons for Spicy Food
22 - Shouto's Conflict
24 - USJ
25 - Concussion
26 - Shouto and Bakugou's Clash
27 - (Y/N)'s Unyielding Resolve
28 - Shouto's Struggle
29 - All Might Visit, Going Home
30 - Facing their Fathers
31 - (Y/N)'s Midnight Musings
32 - Unexpected Comfort
33 - Midnight Sparring
34 - Facing the Past
35 - Slowly Recovering
36 - Bakugou's Birthday
37 - Sports Festival
38 - (Y/N) vs Shouto
39 - Rivalry Out in the Open
40 - Together Again
41 - Shouto vs Bakugou
42 - Soba Night
43 - Making Progress
44 - Internship Announcement
45 - Making Amends

23 - (Y/N)'s Unexpected Saviors

31.6K 1.4K 1.8K

Hi y'all! I hope you liked the chapters! Thank you all again for reading and liking and commenting, it makes me so happy! I read every single one of your comments and ughhhhh I just love you all so much.

Again, you get two chapters ^_^ although I'm sorry to say this is probably the last time I publish chapters constantly, please see the end of the chapter for more notes on this.

During homeroom, (Y/N) did her best to pretend everything was alright in her head. He needed to hear that. I did the right thing, right?

In her mind, chasing after him wouldn't do any good when she knew he was resolved to stay awy, and she didn't want to keep trying only to keep getting hurt by his indifference. She had a limit, and she figured that she would stop trying to seek him out and wait until he approached her when he worked all that angst out of his system.

She nodded to herself, putting those thoughts away to focus on class. It's for the best. For both of us.

Izuku and Yaoyorozu were then elected as class president and class representative respectively before heading off for lunch.

(Y/N) gathered her food and sat next to Izuku as he confessed to them that he thought he probably wasn't suited for class president, whilst Uraraka and Iida assured him that he was more than capable, with (Y/N) telling him to believe in himself more. They then moved on due to Uraraka's loveable tactlessness to talk about Iida's family.

"(L/N)-chan, are you okay? You're kind of spaced out," Uraraka asked her after a while with a furrow between her brows.

(Y/N) started, realising she had been spaced out. "Ah! Sorry guys! I'm fine, just...thinking about some stuff." She gathered her tray, her food half-eaten, "I think I'm going to clear my head for a bit though, I'll see you guys in class!"

Izuku and Uraraka shot her concerned looks, whilst Iida just looked confused.

"I'm fine," she promised them as she walked away, shooting them a genuine smile. She felt warm inside, knowing they cared about her. She was used to it from Izuku, but having Uraraka show concern after knowing her for only a few days was sweet.

She got rid of her food and took a deep breath, heading outside when suddenly a loud alarm rang through the building.

"There's been a Level 3 security breach," an electronic voice droned through the speakers, "all students please evacuate outdoors promptly."

(Y/N) was confused for a moment, before registering what was going on. She was already on her way out anyway, so she kept walking. However, suddenly faster than she could have imagined, a lot of students burst out into the hallway.

She felt her panic increase as she registered that soon enough she was going to get caught in a mob, looking around desperately to see if there was a way out before she heard her name being called out.

"(L/N)! Over here!" a hand was extended towards her, and she was relieved to see the soft pink colour that she associated with Ashido's.

(Y/N) immediately reached out and gripped her hand, feeling herself be pulled in right before a bigger sea of students crowded in.

She collided with Ashido's chest before she felt another two pairs of arms steady her.

"Are you okay?" she heard a loud voice by her ear, turning around to see Kaminari standing extremely close.

"Um, yes," she said, trying to take a step back, realising she had nowhere else to go as her back collided with a hard chest.

"Oh god, we're going to be crushed to death here, what an unmanly way to die," the owner of the chest groaned into her ear and she felt herself be somewhat more relaxed. At least she wasn't alone anymore.

"Kirishima! You of all people are going to be fine here, there is no hope for the rest of us!" Ashido wailed as they were packed even closer together.

"Ow!" Sero yelped as he was elbowed harshly next to Ashido, "guuuuuuys, if I don't make it, please tell my mum I love her!"

They were shoved closer together than before for a few seconds before Ashido burst.

"AHHHHHHHHH!!! I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!" Ashido yelled dramatically, and (Y/N) didn't have any doubts that if she could, she would have dropped to the floor on her knees, clutching at her chest to make her statement more legit.

She would have laughed if she didn't suddenly feel a hard shove, causing her to stumble forward and bury her face into Kaminari's chest.

She could feel her cheeks heating up rapidly as she turned her face away embarrassedly, trying to get more space between them, only to fail as she realised she was sandwiched between him and Kirishima.

"KAMINARI YOU IDIOT STOP SMILING!" she heard Sero wail, causing her cheeks to get even redder.


"KAMINARI IF WE GET OUT OF THIS I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!" Ashido fumed, trying to pull (Y/N) closer to her instead, her efforts futile.

(Y/N) felt Kaminari shift his arms, trying to make himself comfortable, lifting them over their heads.

"If you put those arms around me you're dead, sparky," (Y/N) muttered dangerously, low enough for him to hear.

She felt him stiffen and slowly shift again, trying to keep his arms away from her, making her relax slightly.

However, (Y/N) still felt sick and unbearably hot, finding it hard to breathe when finally there was a sudden yell.

"EVERYONE, EVERYTHING IS FINE!" she faintly recognised the voice as Iida's "It's just the media! There is nothing to panic about!"

As Iida assured the students that everything was alright, (Y/N) finally raised her head. Everyone stopped shoving and simultaneously breathed a sigh of relief.

(Y/N) was finally able to shove herself away from Kaminari, causing him to let out a disappointed "awww."

Kirishima elbowed Kaminari, "you enjoyed that way too much, dude, not manly."

"I did not! I enjoyed that a perfect amount, thank you very-"

"Don't even finish that sentence," Ashido warned, turning to (Y/N), "are you okay?"

(Y/N) nodded shakily, her nerves calming now that she had room to breathe. "God, yes, thank you so much! I don't know what I would have done without you, I'm not great in big crowds," she admitted, fidgeting slightly.

"It was nothing," she heard Kaminari interject, his smile practically audible.

She turned to glare at him, "don't go get any ideas, Pickachu."

"Hohoho, shot down," Sero said with a laugh as they slowly made their way back in.

Ashido threw her arm around her, "no problem! You looked like you needed a hand, I'm always here to help!" she said with a big smile.

"Woah, thanks Ashido-san," (Y/N) said, feeling a surge of gratitude for her.

"No problem! Call me Mina, if you want."

"Call me (Y/N), then," she replied with a smile, feeling incredibly thankful to this queen.

She spent the next few minutes of the break with them before things settled down enough for everyone to get back to class, no more mishaps for the rest of the day.

At the end of the day, (Y/N) said goodbye to her classmates, walking towards Bakugou.

"Short fuseeee! Haven't really talked to you much today!"

"And you just had to fucking ruin it, didn't you," he muttered, turning away.

"Where were you during lunch?" she asked curiously.

"Eating outside, what the fuck else would I have been doing?"

"Oh, good, you didn't get caught in the stampede. I'm pretty sure you would have blown someone's head off haha."

At that, he turned to look at her, "you mean, what that shitty nerd was talking about? You were there?"

"Yeah, it was pretty scary but Mina and some of the guys helped me out! So it was fine," she replied, looking at him curiously, "I know it's only been a few days since school started but you should probably make an effort to socialise with people. They seem really cool!"

"They're just a bunch of damn extras, not worth my time," he said with finality, causing her to frown.

"You kind of sound like a more profane version of Shouto."

He briefly stopped walking, then turned to glare at her, "don't fucking compare me to that fucking half 'n half, I'll kill you."

"But it's true, I mean you two are dramatic as fuck, like would making friends kill you?"

"Maybe not, but I might kill them."

She gave him a look that meant I know you're bullshitting. "Right, if you say so."

"And why the fuck are you following me anyway maggot? Don't you have to go and be stupid somewhere else?"

"Not until tomorrow," she replied with a straight face, "until then, I'm all yours bomber man."

"AHHH WHY WON'T YOU FUCKING LEAVE ME ALONE FUCKFACE," he groaned rushedly, trying to cover up how that sentence made him feel all fucking weird inside, but she just shook her head at him.

"Dude. Bakugou. Blasty. Short fuse. In all honesty..." she stopped and turned to look at him straight in the eyes so that he was forced to stop walking. The force of her gaze, the seriousness in her tone and her closeness disarmed him at the moment, and he felt a tingle run up his spine. "I'm worried that if you don't get at least five minutes of good human interaction daily you're going to lose your marbles. It's sort of like your human emotions need to be stimulated by genuine interaction so you don't lose the limited range of emotions you do have and become a real menace."

And just like that, the tingle disappeared, and he felt his palms crackle with explosions. Her gaze shifted down to his hands, but she just smiled without a care in the world. "See, that's what I mean! You've been without me all day and now you're-"

"I'm this close to blowing you up," he cut her off, gesturing with his fingers to make the point.

She squinted at him. "Your fingers are touching," she finally observed.


There was a second where she looked up sharply, and they just stared at each other in total silence, before she got a teasing look in her eyes as she quickly darted away.

"GET BACK HERE YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" he boomed, giving chase even as he heard her sweet laugh, desperately trying to push away any feelings he didn't understand.

He'd been doing that a lot around her, and he'd continue to do so because he didn't think anything good could come from these foreign thoughts.

Guys seriously thank you for all your responses. To be honest I just started writing this to pass the time in the summer and didn't plan on posting the story at all. When I did, I didn't expect a lot of people to actually read it, and this is waaaayyy more than I hoped for, so thank you!!

That said, because I started writing this a while ago for myself I already had some chapters pre-written! So that's why I've been able to post everyday, because the chapters were ready to go and only had to be edited (since some of you have asked me how I did this ^_^)

However, this is the last chapter that I have pre written :( I have ideas for the next chapters obviously but I've just become busy lately and haven't had time to write them yet.

And the reason for that is that I'm actually going to uni tomorrow! I'm going to move into the dorms this weekend and start uni next week, which is why I've posted as much as I can for the past 2 weeks before I go and get more busy!

So please be patient until I get settled at uni, this is obviously very new for me, I don't really know what to expect from uni life and I'm moving away to a new city sooooo... I probably won't have time to write as wrote in the summer.

But I'll do my best to post soon, I promise! There just won't be any more posting-daily-for-a-week type of posts. Thank you all so much for supporting me and my story, I love you all!!!!

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