The Ministers Daughter

Da S-Maggie-S

10.3K 54 26


Team Captain Kent
The girls have arrived
To Hangover Cures
Letters at dinner
Bonjour Jennifer
Jennifer or Jenn?
The Quick Quotes Quill Army
Quite A Catch
Extent Of The Damage
I Got Jinxed For This?
I'm Gunna Need A Drink
Top Notch Psychic Skills
Gray Eyes Meet Green Eyes
The Little Gem Of Wisdom I Was Looking For
You want to be Quidditch players?

We are the champions

731 2 0
Da S-Maggie-S

Chapter Two - We are the champions

I strode into the locker rooms my head held high, my team cheered and yelped around me and I couldn't keep the stupid grin off my face.

"We thrashed there sorry little arses" Rose cried as she strutted into the room.

Now I know what your thinking isn't Rose meant to be the polite Weasly like her mum Hermione, well if you were then you were more mistaken then a turkey thinking it's a guest at Christmas. Rose Weasly was way more like her dad Ron then her mother, don't get me wrong she's clever but she would much rather be on the pitch then have her head stuck inside some old book that was Hugo's job.

"That dive was amazing" Fred said still in awe of Albus dive

"Well what can I say, it's a talent" Albus replied waving his hand as if to an admiring audience

"Pompous little git" I muttered "Right team" I shouted climbing on to the bench in the middle of the locker room

"Great match everyone. Rose, Fred you're beating skills a scary!"

"Aw thank you" Rose cried smiling up at me

"Michael, James great teamwork and nice passing"

"Thank you, thank you" the two said in unison, I smiled down at them

"Albus, as ever you caught the snitch, was very brave ect ect the girls will love you blah blah blah. Have I inflated your head enough yet?" I said looking down at the kid in front of me

"Say you'll go out with me then yes I think I will be" the team groaned, the kid just didn't give up.

"For the hundredth time Albus no!"

"Ah well worth a try" he shrugged

"And finally Scorpius nice save when Smith made that shoot" I said smiling and nodding appreciatively

"Thank you and nice shoot past Archer, he had no chance of getting that one" Scorpius replied ever quick to charm

"Thanks" I smiled down at him and winked "Right now the pleasantries are over. Lets go and get ready to party"

"Finally!" Fred moaned to Rose "Does she have to do that the end of every match"

"Because Fred, it gives me a chance to point out what a great team you are! plus I like to have you all looking up at me, it gives me a great sense of pleasure to be in a place of power"

they gave me a look and Rose whispered to Fred. "at least we won remember what happened when we lost to Ravenclaw" Fred shuddered

"please I'm still trying to repress that memory! It was the eyes so full of anger..." he trailed off looking spaced out and scared. I sighed I wasn't that bad. Grabbing Rose I marched us towards the girls part of the locker room. I pushed open the door gave a sigh of relief the girls changing rooms were much nice then the boys for one it didn't smell like sweat and old socks and we have bigger showers. Not that the boys new this.

"don't you just love being able to get changed some where you don't have to fear an attack from an centry old sock." I said getting my stuff out the locker.

"so so much" came Roses reply. I grabbed my towel and had a shower I was just about to grab my shampoo when my fist clenched empty air "Damn!" I shouted

"What is it?" Rose asked from the shower cubical next to mine

"I left my bag with my new shampoo in it in the boys changing room, my old one ran out" moaned

"you can use mine" Rose said

"I can't" I cried "my curls can only be managed by my muggle shampoo, remember what happened last time" I remembered coming out of the shower with a birds nest of hair on my head instead of my normal hair

"oh yeah James took the piss out of you for ages" she laughed

"Thanks" I said sarcastically "well I better go and get it" I shut of the shower reluntly and wrapped a towel around myself, cursing at how short it was, the bottom of the towel skimmed me just above mid-thigh. I let my hair hang wet around my face and walked to the door the grip on my towel tightening. I banged on the door

"Guys, I'm coming in I forgot something, you all decent?"

I heard frantic scrabbling then Scorpius cried "sure come in"

I opened the door and rushed inside.

"hi... Forgot my shampoo I'll just go get it" I chanced a look up at them before rushing over the place where I left my bag. In the quick glance I gave them all I notice that Albus's eyes were popping as he gazed at my legs. I looked at the others, Fred and James looked indifferent both with only tops and boxers on, and Michael was trying very hard to look any where but at me. Scorpius had his back to me wearing only a towel; the muscles on his back were tense. I reached the place where I left my bag and bent down to get it and immediately straightened back up again.

Damn towel

"Um, guys could someone give me a hand and pick it up of me, only I fear that bending over may be a little compromising" I heard Albus gulp but before he had a chance to rush over someone was already passing me the bag.

"Thanks Scorpius" I smiled at him

"Anytime" was his reply I watched him walk back to where he was getting changed as I walked back to the girl's locker room. When I got to the door I span around "close your mouth Albus you're drooling" I sneered at him and closed the door behind me.

After a quick shower complete with my honey smelling shampoo, I was ready to relieve some stress and relax at the victory party. Grabbing Rose I marched out of the room grabbing James as I went and we marched to the castle singing one of my favourite muggle songs Queens 'We are the champions'

"We are the champions - my friends

And we'll keep on fighting - till the end -

We are the champions - of the world"

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