Andante, Andante

danilynn87 द्वारा

169K 5.9K 2K

When Emma Swan finds herself at a crossroads in her life she makes a spontaneous decision about her summer th... अधिक

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter Nine

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danilynn87 द्वारा

Monday morning snuck up on them far too quickly, forcing everyone into an awful funk that they all pretended they didn't notice. The atmosphere was heavy, thick with awkward tension knowing what tomorrow was going to bring. It truly felt like a dark grey, ugly, storm cloud was following around the small family the entire day.

For Mr. and Mrs. Mills, their hearts were aching of the uncertainty of the future. Regina hardly traveled to Sicily anymore to visit since school had been her top priority. So, the week spent with their daughter was bittersweet. They were thrilled to see their daughter after almost one year apart, but the time spent was never enough and the torment they felt in their hearts would soon return again when she would say goodbye Tuesday morning.

For herself, well, Emma was in too deep. She knew they only had one week together, but she never thought that bumping into Regina Mills would set her heart on fire and turn her world upside down. That's all it took, one week, less than seven days actually, to fall recklessly, head over heels for the smart mouthed, highly intelligent, Italian speaking, sex goddess. She couldn't be more perfect even if she tried and Emma is an absolute fool for her.

As much as she would love to call this trip to an end and follow the brunette back to the states, she knows that wouldn't be wise on her part. She came to Europe for a reason and obviously her long stay in Sicily was all for a reason as well. However, her time there is not complete, and it would be careless and irresponsible of her to end her once in a life time opportunity for a week-long romance.

Cora cooked an elaborate breakfast that morning, complete with omelettes, fruit, pastries and exquisite lattes. The woman usually cooks breakfast, but this time she really out did herself. Like clockwork, her and Regina cleaned up the mess in return and soon found themselves strolling into the village.

They spent that morning with Cora and Henry, walking through the town, admiring all the shops and almost everything Catania has to offer. The older couple walked hand in hand as Regina and Emma kept a respectable distance, never once revealing the intimacy they share when Regina's parents are not around. Emma felt that type of affection, after only knowing each other for one week, it would be inappropriate in front of her parents, even if Cora knew.

They spent the afternoon laughing and trying on different articles of clothing, but never purchasing anything. Henry made them stop for a small lunch at a local cafe that he adores, but their stomachs were still full from breakfast. So, they indulged in the famous coffees and espresso drinks that any American would be ecstatic to try and enjoyed the summer breeze outside while they held a light conversation.

When the late afternoon crept upon them, they headed back to the farm, so Henry and Cora could prepare another extravagant dinner as a farewell for Regina.

After the lasagna with homemade Sicilian sauce, the freshest salad Emma has ever tasted and far too much oven baked bread, they spent most of the evening chitchatting with Cora and Henry over wine.

"I really should get to bed. I have to be up at four in the morning," Regina sadly announces around ten o'clock, causing a sharp pain to jab unexpectedly through Emma's heart.

"I understand," Cora offers through sorrowful eyes and a very prominent pout. "Make sure you wake us, I still would like to say goodbye one more time before you go."

Regina nods as she rises from the couch, her feet sluggishly padding across the floor to meet her parents for their first set of goodbye hugs. They whisper how much they love her and how proud they are and Emma's heart breaks all over again.

"Don't stay up too late gabbing away you two," Henry playfully scolds, draping his arm lovingly over his wife's shoulders. Cora clenches his hand and stares at Regina like she may never see her again and there goes what little heart Emma has remained intact.

"We won't daddy," Regina replies before they slip out the door.

With heavy feet, they trudge back toward their tiny addition, adding more weight to her heavy heart with each step they take. Emma holds open the door and watches as Regina reluctantly steps inside. She follows her lead and softly closes the door behind them.

Regina whips around far too quickly for Emma's mind to comprehend and slams her back against the door with her lips colliding with an animalistic force. A small grunt escapes Emma's mouth from the crash, but her hands don't hesitate, burying her fingers deep into those raven locks and helping herself to two fistfuls, prompting the brunette to erotically moan in response.

Regina's hands are everywhere, clawing, groping, palming as the kiss grows frantic and becomes all teeth and rugged force. Emma struggles to catch her breath because she swears this woman is sucking all the oxygen from her lungs, but she keeps going. She rather be deprived from oxygen than those succulent lips against her own.

She sucks Regina's bottom lip into her mouth and scrapes her teeth against the sensitive flesh. She squeezes her hair and tugs just a little harder to draw out those sweet, sexy little sounds Regina creates when she's turned on.

Regina's lips stop moving, but she never backs away, her body pressing further into Emma's, pinning her to the door. They are both panting, heaving messes, but none of that matters, she just needs her there with her one last time.

"I've been dying to touch you all day," Regina confesses while they proceed to gasp for fresh air.

Those slender fingers find the hem of Emma's tank top and she yanks the material away without ever disconnecting their heated bodies. Emma's lost, staring deep into those enchanting orbs, noting how dilated they are from her ever growing lust. She swears every damn time she gazes into Regina's warm eyes, they place her under a spell, encouraging her to undress the temptress. Emma's fingers blindly find the soft material and lift the garment in one swift motion. She tosses the fabric somewhere behind her and then latches onto her face, slamming her hungry lips against Regina's once again.

"I'm gonna miss you so much," she whines into the kiss, but inky tresses are violently whipping all around her.

"Ssshhh, let's not worry about that right now. I just want this to be about us, nothing more," she demands and immediately Emma nods hopelessly along, accepting the terms without another thought.

Emma's hands fall from her flushed cheeks and snake beneath that thick bottom she adores so much. She lifts her into the air, still surprising herself by how strong she's become since working on the farm, and never once do their eyes break contact as she carries her over to the bed with too many emotions silently beating between them. She gently lays her down and follows that sexy body every inch of the way. One hand slithers between them and brushes back dark hair as their lips connect like they have been apart for too many years to count.

Through Regina's jean-shorts, she can already feel the heat emitting from her center, pleading with her to rip her from that denim and set her free. Regina takes her by surprise, wrapping her legs around her back and thrusting her needy core into her flat stomach. Emma instantly breaks the kiss, needing to feel the comfort and warmth of that naked flesh against her own.

Black eyes are wide, full of anticipation as Emma slides down her body. Her fumbling fingers head straight for the button, popping the metal that's keeping her prize hidden from her. She tugs the jeans and thong down toned thighs in one swift motion and drops them to the floor before removing her own bottoms in a haste.

Emma's hands grip the sharp hips and slides her up the bed before she easily flips her onto her stomach. Her fingertips press firmly into the backs of Regina's thighs, gliding into her flesh, massaging her muscles as she makes her way to that full bottom. She grabs two handfuls and squeezes, earning herself a deep moan in return. Her fingers continue their journey up the long back until she finds an annoying bra still in place. She unclasps the lacy black material and lightly drags the straps down toned arms. Regina's body shivers in delight as goosebumps spread across her arms and back. Emma leans down and places a tender kiss to the center of her back, eliciting a soft moan from the woman below.

Her tongue pokes out, the tip traveling a wet path up, along the spine and toward her neck. She gently sweeps the dark hair to one side, making sure her nails drag lightly across her flesh for more tantalizingly pleasure. Emma's core twitches as she gazes upon the remarkable smooth, tan back. She faintly glides her index finger down the spine while placing a wet kiss to the nape of her neck. Regina squirms against the sheets from the timid touches, but Emma doesn't cave just yet. This is her last night and she wants to worship every inch of this goddess figure.

Emma hovers over her back, kissing a trail down her spine as Regina grinds subtly into the cool linen below. Emma, herself, begins thrusting into Regina's bare bottom, not able to control her own arousal. When her lips finally reach Regina's bottom, she sinks her teeth into the warm flesh and watches as Regina grips the sheets with all her might.

She cups the firm bottom once again before she disappears between Regina's legs. She shifts so she can kneel between her lover and skims her soaked opening with two teasing fingers. Regina buries her forehead deep into the mattress while Emma's fingers mercilessly tease her pleading core. Her body convulses with uninhibited need for pleasure, so Emma skillfully dips two fingers inside.

She pushes forward, expanding the tight walls to fit her intrusion as Regina cries out into the sheets. Emma's entire body flushes with a burning fire that will be impossible to extinguish. She clenches her mound and her thighs to alleviate some of the pressure, but the swarming butterflies in her gut aren't helping her problem.

She slowly pumps her fingers into the tight, swollen walls, provoking Regina's ass to pop into the air. Emma places her free hand against her back and pins her back down while she picks up her pace. All her inhibitions fly out the window as she watches this sexy body beg for more. She's merciless, a savage, as she pounds into her dripping center, slamming into the trigger deep within that makes Regina scream out in ecstasy while her toes curl.

Her bottom bucks high in the air again, wiggling back, blindly searching for her orgasm. Emma doesn't know why, but her first instinct is to smack that round bottom...hard, and so she does.

"Oh god," Regina screams deliciously into the bed as a wave of arousal flushes through her body and coats Emma's fingers and now she knows Regina's dirty little secret.

She smirks, pressing her hand more firmly against Regina's lower back once again to pin her back down while she roughly finger fucks her. Regina's squirming, panting, a bumbling mess and Emma vows that this woman has never looked hotter. Her fingers claw at the bedsheets, while she bites down on the soft linen. And it isn't long before her body stiffens and her pussy bites down on Emma's fingers as the sweet release drips down her hand.

Regina's body quivers viciously against the bed as if she is being plagued with a fever, before she completely collapses. Emma covers the gorgeous body with her own as they both try to catch their breaths. She carefully plants lingering kisses all over Regina's shoulder as her soul returns to her spent body.

A wave of emotions unexpectedly hits Emma like a ton of bricks and fills her eyes with tears. She's so thankful that the other woman cannot see her in this moment because the tears would indefinitely fall if she saw her heartache.

Emma quickly swallows the lump in the back of her throat and squeezes her favorite body tight, never wanting to let her go. However, Regina must sense her despair because abruptly she spins around beneath her and kisses the pain away.

"I swear this isn't goodbye," Regina mumbles, slowly guiding Emma to lay on her back.

"That's exactly what someone who is saying goodbye would say," she quips.

Regina lays next to her, her body half on top of hers and half balancing upon the bed. She shakes her head and purses out those thick lips as the back of her nails create a path over a pale cheek, to her chin, where she stops and kisses her lightly. Then her finger continues down Emma's jawline, over her throat, between her breasts, through the dip of her toned abs and lands upon her naked lower half.

"It's only goodbye for now," she states with conviction, her finger lightly dancing against her bare center to distract her.

Regina leans down and captures her lips into a kiss Emma can only assume is vowing her words. Her fingers circle the throbbing bundle of nerves that have been begging for attention, adding enough pleasure to provoke her hips into gyrating hopelessly. Regina's lips part against hers as Emma cries out in pleasure. Wave after wave of overwhelming stimulation crashes into her body. She wants to scream in glory, but Regina's right there, kissing her mouth and swallowing all the little noises.

Regina's fingers easily slip into her awaiting entrance and curl to perfection while her palm works over her clit. Her hips sway wildly as she dangles on the edge of her orgasm already from watching Regina completely come undone.

"Sei nel mio cuore," Regina whispers against her parted lips and that's what sends Emma tumbling hopelessly over the cliff, free falling through an orgasm she swears she had never experienced so intensely before.

Vibrant, colorful spots blur her vision as she soaks Regina's dainty fingers. Her mind spins violently, and she thinks she heard Regina mutter something in Italian, but she's not quite sure anymore. She latches onto Regina's mouth and quite literally takes her breath away.

Regina quickly retracts her fingers and drapes one leg over Emma's. "I could watch you climax all day," she confesses, resting her head upon Emma's heaving chest. Her hand splays across Emma's stomach and follows her abdomen as it rises and falls frantically for more air. "Mind if I record it so I have something to remember you by?" She innocently questions causing Emma to burst into laughter.

"Absolutely not! I don't need my O-face leaked out into the world." Regina laughs and shakes her head, probably wondering how this is their actual conversation right now. But all too quickly the laughter subsides and they are left with dread that cannot so easily be removed. "Regina?" The brunette doesn't move to face her and somehow Emma knows she's too emotional. "I really hope we can at least remain friends when we both end up back in the states."

"We will," Regina shortly replies while her finger begins drawing the infinity symbol over her stomach.

"Please talk to me," she suddenly begs, smoothing out the untamed dark hair. "I know you are probably exhausted from the day and I know you should probably be sleeping, but I want to spend the rest of the night talking, until your alarm goes off."

The brunette lifts her head and turns to peer over her shoulder. Those beautiful brown eyes are filled to the rim with emotions and Emma is forced to swallow to keep her own feelings in check. Regina crawls on top of her, places her hands on top of her chest and rests her chin upon them. Emma knows she's studying her face, preparing herself for the time she won't be able to see her so easily.

"My birthday is February first. My middle name is Maria. I hate popsicles, but I love ice cream. My first kiss was when I was five. I lost my virginity when I was seventeen. Now you go."

Emma laughs through her nose and studies the gorgeous woman with amusement. She curls a chunk of wild hair behind Regina's ear and smiles from ear to ear.

"Well, my birthday is October twenty-third. My middle name is Lynn. I'm offended you hate popsicles, because I love any and all desserts. My first kiss was when I was twelve and I lost my virginity when I was sixteen. And to one up you, this is my favorite place in the world."


Regina and Emma continued back and forth with their little game of knowledge until just after midnight, when the air grew chilly and distracted them from further conversation.

Emma tugs back the sheets and quickly scampers beneath the chilly linen. "Hurry, get in here to keep me warm," she commands, encouraging Regina to slide into the spot next to her. They lie face to face as Emma yanks the sheet and quilt over their naked bodies. She slides one leg between Regina's and pulls her impossibly close. "Burrr," she shudders dramatically and nudges her cold nose against Regina's. "Warm me up."

"You are such a baby, you know that?"

"I do! Now keep me warm."

Regina smirks and wiggles her body against Emma's to create a friction that will surely warm up her frozen limbs. She lightly kisses the tip of Regina's nose that rewards her with a soft moan of contentment.

"What's your five-year plan, Miss Swan?" Regina suddenly blurts out, once they are settled in their cozy embrace, taking Emma by surprise.

"Don't die," she deadpans.

"Oh stop!" She swats her butt causing a small yelp to squeal passed Emma's lips. "Seriously, what are some of your goals?"

"Um," she shrugs because she never truly thought about it. She always lives in the moment and focuses on the now, not the uncertainty of what's to come. "I don't know? I guess, find a good job at a respectable dentist office. Maybe buy a condo for myself...and then don't die?" She weakly replies, prompting those brown irises to roll.

"Where do you live now? With Neal?"

"Ummm, I did." Green eyes quickly drift away, so her summer fling doesn't see the pain building in her eyes. "So, how about you?" She quickly turns the table. "Do you have a portfolio back at home with a detailed description of your five-year plan?"

"Something like that," Regina enthuses and steals a quick peck. "Once I finish with my residency, I would love to work in a hospital for maybe a year or two until I can open my own practice."

"What about your parents?"

"What about them? They made their choice to live here and as much as that hurts, I know they should enjoy the rest of their time here on Earth."

"Would you ever move here?" She inquires, hoping to hide the true tone in her voice.

"No," Regina pauses as though she is saying this out loud for the first time and reality is hitting her a little too hard at the moment. "My home now is in New York. And as much as I would love to be with my parents every day, we lead different lives."


Somewhere around two in the morning, her and Regina found themselves deep in a conversation about their ex-fiancés.

"I mean he's a great guy, don't get me wrong, and I do love just...I don't know, we fizzled. That spark was no longer there, and he was just always around," Emma explains while Regina's eyes bore into the dull green irises that have never seemed so lost before.

There's a delicate glint shimmering in the depths of warm chestnut eyes, expressing her compassion as Emma shares her story. She's not sure if Regina can relate or maybe she just feels sorry for her previous inadequate relationship.

"Do your parents like him?" Regina softly whispers into the night while her fingers interlock with Emma's between their chests.

"Umm," she pauses. Does she tell her the truth and fully allow Regina to see all her scars or does she avoid to stay clear from that awful look of pity that she hates so much? "Yeah."

"My parents hate Robin and they have every right. He's scum. It's just that he has a son, Roland, and I am very close with him. I hate that I won't be around anymore and that I won't be there to watch him grow," Regina honestly explains and somehow Emma feels a pang of guilt for not truly opening up.

"So, you definitely want children in the future?" She suddenly asks without the question ever registering in her mind for approval before spewing out.

Regina's face softens that moment she hears the word, children, and Emma already has her answer before the brunette even speaks. A sloppy grin spreads across Regina's face and reaches her glowing eyes.

"I would love to have children one day. I adore them. I love their curiosity and their innocence. I just love the idea of unconditional love and a bond that is never truly broken."

"So, how many are you shooting for?" She playfully questions, nudging her nose against Regina's, seeking more of her warmth.

"I'm not quite sure. Three would be ideal, but with my work schedule I don't believe that's possible. The amount of hours I work wouldn't be feasible for three children."

"Then you need to find yourself someone willing to stay home, so you can work and support your family and they devote all their time to your beautiful children."

"Are you offering, Miss Swan?" She teases, but her sultry tone is an instant turn on combined with that nickname.

"A drop-dead gorgeous sugar momma? Where do I sign?"


Around three in the morning, Emma's muscles become stiff and ache for sleep. Her eyelids are growing heavy, drooping and struggling to stay open. Yet, somehow, she continues dragging her nails against Regina's silky back, because she's not ready to give her up just yet.

"You're tired," Regina lovingly murmurs into their intimate bubble.

"You're tired," she fires right back, but her eyes have finally fallen closed.

"Go to sleep," her lover whispers, bushing her lips ever so delicately against the pale pout.

Green eyes spring to life and she quickly shakes away the sleep poisoning her body. "No, you can't sleep either. We only have like an hour left and then you leave." She pouts out her bottom lip and prays the gorgeous woman takes pity on her.

"No sleep," Regina agrees, pressing her body suggestively until she guides Emma to lay on her back. She slides on top of her, her body warm and silky smooth and Emma shudders from the wave of emotions that wrack through her body from the touch alone. "Eyes open, Swan," she orders, provoking those green eyes to pop.

"I'm up," she mumbles half asleep.

The deliciously heated body slithers against hers while Regina's hands stake their claim against her cheeks. She holds onto Emma's face for dear life as she kisses her with a fiery passion. Emma moans instantly into the kiss which inspires Regina's mound to drag against her own.

"Stay awake."

"How could I not with the sexiest woman alive naked and on top of me?" She playfully replies and captures a puffy bottom lip between her teeth. She sucks the warm flesh into her mouth and groans deeply before releasing her prisoner.

"One more time?" Regina softly questions, her voice thick with insecurities and overwhelming emotions and Emma's heart feels painfully heavy in her chest.

She doesn't bother confirming the question with words, sometimes actions speak louder than words. So, Emma grips her face and pulls her back down, claiming her lips once more.

With their overwhelming emotions consuming their thoughts and crying out just below the surface, they are both already dancing on the edge of their orgasms. Not to mention, how sensitive they both are from previous activities.

Regina circles her hips into a perfect rhythm as they kiss with every ounce of infatuation pouring from their souls. Emma sneaks her hand between their slick bodies and cups a perfect little breast. Her mind is spinning with uncertainty of what tomorrow brings, but still, her and Regina reach their highest climax together, embarrassingly fast. Neither one of them mind though, because it was something they both needed one last time before Regina's depressing departure in a half an hour.

Regina doesn't move. She keeps her sticky core pressed firmly against Emma's as her head falls to the side and they bother surrender to the sandman, despite everything.

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