Arranged Nightmare


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After Supreme Leader Snoke's death, the First Order has gone into chaos. The main generals of the First Order... Еще

New Book!


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Ben's POV
I opened my eyes to see a beautiful sight, Rey. Thank god she is okay. She dived onto me and I groan in pain, only now remembering about my back.
'Sorry' She said frantically and got off of me, I laugh at her cuteness. I heard another chuckle from the other side of me, I turn to see my mother was sitting at the other side of the bed. She lifted her hand and ran her fingers through my hair, which was slightly greasy and disgusting. She removed her hand from my hair and put it on my cheek.
'I'm glad you're okay sweetheart' she said and rubbed her thumb over my cheek. She leaned over and kissed my forehead. When she sat back down, I saw she had tears in her eyes. I reach out and grabbed her hand, giving it a light squeeze.
I look over a Rey, who was looking into the scene before her with slight envy. I could see it in her eyes, she wishes she had a mother like Leia, or just a mother in general.
I give her a small smile and then I remember how pregnant she was, how had her waters not broken during the panic? That is normally something that could trigger it to happen but Im glad that it didn't as I wouldn't have been able to see my children being born.
There was a knock at the room door and then a droid wondered in.
'Ben Solo is going to be sedated and put in a baca tank for a few hours to heal fully. The doctor will be here in a minute to take him away' the droid informed us before leaving the room, the door clattering closed after it.
Rey sighed. 'We literally just go in here and they are taking you away again' she said and rubbed her thumb along the front of my hand. 'But, I do want you to get better as soon as'. The doctor entered the room and Rey and Leia moved so that he could take the brake off of the bed. I was then wheeled away out of the room and down the corridors of the hospital.

Hux's POV
I woke up in a cell, my last memory was of shooting Kylo multiple times and then getting flung against the wall. I must be in a resistance base or ship or something.
I try to stand up and move but a chain around my ankle stops me so I just sit back down and lean my back against the wall.
I really hope that Kylo has been wounded so bad that he won't survive and that dessert rat will be alone with her kid. She didn't deserve to have a family, she deserves to have her kids taken away from her and to be dumped back on that sand planet she came from. She doesn't deserve happiness of any sort and nor does Kylo.

Rey's POV
Leia and I decide to wait in the room for Kylo to return because we apparently weren't allowed to go through into the baca tank room as it was dangerous, which is a load of nonsense.
Leia told me of a time when she was with the rebels on Hoth and Luke had been injured. She said that she had been able to be in the room when we was put into the tank and it hadn't affected her in any way.
She then goes onto tell me about other adventures she had with Luke, Han and Chewbacca, and then stories of Ben's childhood. Apparently he was a very cute and quiet baby who was very well behaved and didn't cry much, which is nearly the complete opposite of what he has turned out to be. She told me of how he didn't have much friends growing up as they would make fun of his large ears and nose. She told me about the amount of times she walked in on him crying because of them, he was just 6 at the time.
As he got older, her job got busier so she didn't see him as much and Han was off doing god knows what. She decided to put him to his Uncle's Jedi Academy in hopes that he would make more friends and not be alone as much. She tried to talk to him when he was there but he never wanted to and mostly ignored her. She remembers the night of the attack at the academy. At first she hadn't known that he had done it so was continuously trying to get a hold of him to make sure he was okay.
Then she found out the truth and broke down. Her own son and a handful of other students had been the ones to do it. She couldn't imagine her baby doing such a horrible thing but then again, she hadn't talked to him properly in years.
She told me how she blamed herself for years and years and still blames herself because she could have stopped it from happening in the first place but she didn't.
Once she was finished, I looked up at her and noticed the tears running down her face. I get up out of my chair and pulled her into a tight hug.
'I was such a bad mother to him' she sobbed. 'It's my fault that he turned out the way he did, it's my fault that he suffered and has been suffering ever since'.
'No' I say and rub my hand up and down her back. 'You didn't do this to him, it was Snoke. All of it was Snoke. You tried your best, Ben knows that now, he loves you'.
She pulled away from the hug and put both of her hands on each side of my face and gave a bubbly smile.
'I'm so glad that you are my daughter-in-law' she said. 'You are so kind and generous, you can even his darkness out and fully bring back my little boy'. Leia moves her hand to my stomach and smiles. 'And this babies will be the little light to help you save him fully. I can tell that he loves the babies deeply already and would do anything for them and you'.
I run my hand over my stomach and feel a little kick against my palm, they were going to be with me soon.

Words- 1079
Thank you for reading! I know I haven't updated in ages and it's because school has been so busy. I've got 2 massive chemistry test next week, maths homework, 2 English tests and 2 English essays. I'll update when I can but it might not be very often. Please vote and comment what you thought of this chapter.
-Grace xx

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