Hold On ( A Trey Songz Love S...

נכתב על ידי ItsStarr13

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Mahi'ya ( mah-hee-ya) is a simple girl from Detroit. or so she thinks. She is use to her lifes rountine and... עוד

Chapter I
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
..Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
authors note*
Chapter 20
authors note
Chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
The Chapter 25
looking for two co writers
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
5k reads
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 26

821 23 5
נכתב על ידי ItsStarr13

Today is one of those hard days for me evrything I try and do just fails me. I don't know what I'm gonna do when Trey leaves for the shit load of meetings he has today.

I got up early and decided to take a shower and wash my hair I grabbed all of my body wash and headed into the shower lord knows this is where I spend most of my time because the water soothes my aches so much. I stepped into the shower adjusted my water and started to think about how my life is changing drastically over this past year all due to a man that I used to only dream about. I grabbed my body butter cream wash and the whole bottle fell over where I couldn't even see it let alone reach it. I was so big now that anything that fell to the floor nowadays just stayed there until Trey got home and there was usually a trail telling him exactly in which rooms ive been that day.

watching my body butter wash spill down the drain I instantly got frustrated and began to cry. TREYYYY!! I screamed out loud

Trey finally comes running in to the bathroom practically breaking the door down. WHAT!! BABY WHATS WRONG ARE YOU OKAY!!

Me* (still crying) I cant do this I just want it to be over with I can't even help myself  I feel so helpless Trey.

Babe whats wrong

I was Trying to wash up and all my soap spilled and I CANT EVEN GET IT..

(Trey starts to chuckle) Baby dont worry about it Ill help you.

Trey takes off his socks and rolls the bottom of his sweat pants up and takes off his shirt he then steps into the shower picks up my wash and proceeds to wash me from head to toe even my hair.

Babe why would you try to do this yourself. I told you to wait for me like every morning and I will do this for you. your not suppose to have your hands over your head like that.  How many times do we have to go through this Cakes..

I just wanted to let you sleep in so I tried to do it myself this onetime.  but you dont have to yell Trey

Trey turns me around to face him and wraps me in his arms and puts his head on top of mine.

Baby im sorry I just dont want you and the kids to be stressed and you are being so hard headed you want to do everything by yourself and you can next month ok after the babies you'll be independent again I promise now just give me this time to take care of you.

at this point in my pregnancy im just tired of the mood swings. I look at Trey and he is soaked his pants his draws and his boxers. I take a step back and laugh. this man really loves me he does some really random things to make me happy.

So babe if you are over your episode I can shower and get ready for these meetings and then is just me and you...

Trey why do I have to keep going to these damn meetings babe. I just want to lay in the bed with my laptop and remote.

well Ill tell you this either its studio and metings with me or its the midwives I hired as caretakers for you to sit home with you the choice is yours...

no no studio meetings fine those damn midwives are so freaking annoying don't do this don't do that put your feet like this breathe like that eat your food this way what are you watching turn your head and cough I mean ugh I can't take them. I don't care if they are the best at what they so they are also the best at being annoying.

I thought you would consider it my way. .

folds my arms hmph your such a meanie Trey

Yea yea.. Tell it to the judge

What judge

the judge of thi..

Trey say it and I will kill you


I headed to our room..( I love the way that sounds ha) and went to the closet to find a outfit for today. I decided to wear a long striped white and navy sundress with a red sports bra underneath and red sandals I opted out for panties its extremely too hard going to the bathroom with them on..(dont judge me pregnancy drama) I grabbed my red chanel bag and decided to wear my natural curly hair down since I  couldn't trust Trey to put it into a ponytail.

I waited for Trey to get out the shower so he can help me put my clothes on...

******At The Studio******

We walk into the studio and Treys big security guard Sammy was laying on my chase lounge in the area Trey had set up for me.

Trey I know his bigg butt ain't laying on my chase and slobbering on my pillow ugh  wake him up!!!

BODYGUARD* aint nobody slobbering over here and big aren't you the pot calling the kettle black big gurl...

my eyes got wide and my mouth dropped everyone was in there cracking up..

Well Im carrying Three extra people so whats your excuse fatso

They were really dieing now

Bodyguard Sammy* in a little girly voice* my.momma says im not fat im just big boned. .

I couldn't help it I was laughing so hard I had tears coming out.

he grabbes me and gave me a hug.. I love him he is one of Treys most sweet and funny security guards. we always did the samething everytime I seen him.

Trey* well if you two big kids are done then I can go get started on these meetings.

Sammy and I both look at Trey and sticks our tongue out at him

Trey* shakes head... big ass kids.. he mumbles under his breath.

I go to my reserved area which is really a room with a chase lounge small refrigerator flat screen TV and cabinet filled with my favorite goodies and essentials I can say he went all out to make me comfortable. I was given my daily walkie talkie to be able to reach a guard or staff member incase I needed anything, but I rarely use it.

Its now been four hours since we have been here and im hungry Im thinking of getting me a big fat salad with all the trimmings. I picked up the walkie and adjusted it to my channel but I overheard talking on another before getting to mine.

voice#1 remove her from the building she is not on the visitor log

voice#2 who let her in

voice#1wait for boss instructions

voice#2 I don't think its wise

I get up to see what all the commotion is about I don't see anyone in the halls so I walk to the meeting room where Trey is supposed to be

standing in the door I couldn't believe my eyes Crystal the executive Trey is meeting with is standing behind Treys chair giving him a very intimate massage.  she starts at his neck and then proceeds to take both hands and rubs them down his chest

Trey* Crystal come on what are you doing?

Crystal* shhhh you are so tense let me take care of you

she reaches down and grabs his crouch squeezing it.

she goes around the chair and gets down on hers knees assuming the position just as I hear his zipper go down I step in the room.

umm what the hell is going on here.

T* jumps up with wide eyes adjusting his zipper.... Baby its not what it looks like

well it looks like you were about to get your dick sucked to me

T* No babe It wasn't like that

just then Janice steps into the room

J* well whats going on in here, turns to me... Damn your fat.. pregnacy is just blowing you up like a whale.

Bitxh im pregnant with Triplets by the man you so desperately want. When I have my babies Ill go back down to my regular size but your ugly so whats your excuse for that

J* Im not hardly ugly I must have looked good enough I was with him for two years

And he finally wised up and got rid of your ugly ass

T* Janice you need to get the fuck out of here disrespecting her like that, I dont have time for your bullshxt today.

J* but I came to help you release some of that stress we talked about the other day.

Oh her too? now this shit is ridiculous You all can sit in here and have a fucking threesome for all I care

I turn and run down the hall to my area and try to close the door

Trey is running behind me loud as ever


Trey puts his foot in the door before I can close it

I scream for him to get out.




just then Sammy steps into the room..

Sammy* Come on boss just let her calm down and then you can talk to her... Sammy pushes his chest and gets him out of the room while looking at me with worried eyes

T* No move just let me talk to her for a minute.

Sammy* Boss I can't do that you hired me to watch over her and those babies so the stress this is causing is not good for her just give her time and I'll come and get you when shes ready.


Sammy* yes boss I am

Trey turns around and walks out a little so that he can close the door. after sammy closes the door Trey puts his back against it and slides down and sits on the floor.

Mahi'ya pov

I sat in the room and bawled my eyes out. I mean was he serious how could he do this to me. I didn't know Trey was still on the other side of my door until I heard him curse and then punch the door.

I decided to call Mel and have her come get me.

*M hey honey bunch whats the word

* sniffs... Heyy are you at work

M* Noooo whats wrong

* can you just come and get me I don't want to be here anymore

M* oh honey where are you

* at Treys studio

M* say no more just send me the address

after I send her the address and gather my things I call for Sammy

on the walkie

.... Sammy

.... Yes bosslady

....can you come here for a second

.... at your door

I open the door to let him in

Where is Trey

S* he is out back getting some air do you want me to get him for you.

Noooo Nooo. I just want to leave without him seeing me I just can't deal with him right now.

S* oh no problem bosslady lets go now he just went out so he should be there for a second we can go out the front.

Thanks Sammy

S* anytime you know I got you boss

Sammy grabs my things and we head out to the front where Mel is waiting he opens the door for me and puts my things in the back and gets in.

I know you are wondering why is he going. Well when Im out Sammy never leaves my side he is my personal Bodyguard these paparazzi can be scary and extreme sometimes.

after arriving at Mels she called up jurnei and they decided ro barbecue and make me some homemade ice cream.

after I told them what happened they both offered to let me stay with them. 

Jurnei* so what are you gonna do hun bun

me* I can't even wrap my head around this I should have stayed in my own damn lane and I wouldn't be dealing with this I would be back home comfortable at my place of employment where I was totally FREAKING HAPPYYYYY. NOW IM STUCK HERE IN FREAKING MIAMI WITH THIS JERK ASS CELEBRITY BABYDADDY WHO HAS TURNED ME INTO A GOD DAMNED STATISTIC UGH.

gets up and starts pacing back and forth mumbling insanely under her breath...

Melanie* WHOAAA WHOAA.. how did he make you a statistic sweetheart.

me* girl meets superstar,  girl freaks superstar, girl gets pregnant, superstar cheats , they break up, girls now a single parent like half of the other freaking girls that these stars be giving their groupie love to come on keep up with me here.

Jurnei* okay now she has gone ballistic.

Mel* Cakes your phone is ringing again

me* so what let it ring

the phone keeps ringing and ringing

Phone sounds...

Text from Trey..

wru??? 2:03p

please just answer! 2:10p

I'm so sorry please let me explain 2:15p

I didn't invite janice 2:17p

come on just let me know if you are ok 2:24p

At this point he has been blowing my phone up so much im ready to launch it in the pool. ugh

Mel* Well honey just rest and you can take as long as you need we won't tell anyone you are here.

jurnei* yeah honey whatever you need we have your back as long as you need us..

Me* (breaks down and starts to cry again) ugh how am I supposed to do this. these babies are due in the next few weeks, I mean who am I kidding I can barely do anything,  for myself im so huge my life is a train wreck.

Mel* we are here for you and you know that

me* you guys don't know the half of this pregnacy crap,

Jurnei * come on its not gonna be that bad

Me* yes it is. Trey gives me showers in the morning cause I can't freaking reach my own ass half the time, he washes my hair cooks my meals and helps me get dressed everyday. I want these three out of me I want to be independent again.

after eating and having my heart to heart with the girls I went into the guest room to take a nap this whole thing was taking a toll on me and im exhausted.

Later on that night

I woke up to an extremely quiet house the lights were off and the girls were gone.

I walked into the entertainment room to see Sammy stretched out across the couch. I walk over turn off the TV  and wake him.

I gently tap his shoulder

* hey Sam where's the girls

Sammy gets up and stretches... Oh they went out to get some things for your stay.

*oh okay well you can go home and get some rest Ill see you in the morning.  um around 9 I have a doctors appointment tomorrow.

Sammy* Ok bosslady see you tomorrow make sure you take it easy if you need me Im a phone call away

* Okay thanks

I walked Sammy to the door and locked it. I headed into the kitchen and grabbed some pineapples watermelon and grapes out he fridge with a bottle of water and sat at the counter after almost finishing my snack I hear the girls come in...

Jurnei* Hey honey how you feeling

* Im better

Mel* well we went and got somethings for you to be comfortable here

* ooohh Like what

Mel* Some dresses,  some house shoes, toiletries a body pillow underwear and pajamas...

* thanks guys Trey has a photo shoot and a radio show to do tomorrow so Im gonna go collect some things while he is gone

I hope he just allows me to have my space at this time I can't be responsible for my actions...


so I know that I have been missing in Action for a while I have a bad case of writers block. I know this chapter is kinda dry but hopefully I can get this back on track.

So what do you think she should do??

Do you think Trey would have gone through with it if she hadn't stopped them??

What do you think janice has up her sleeve??

will Trey be able to win her back??

comments comments and votes tell what you think

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