Pitch Perfect 4

By victoriabeacon

6.3K 110 58

This is a fan made sequel to Pitch Perfect 3. Two years have passed and the Bellas have gone on their separat... More

Chapter 1 - THE CALL
Chapter 6 - BACK AT THE GAME

Chapter 2 - THE REUNION

1.2K 21 16
By victoriabeacon


Over the phone, Beca sounded so excited about the news.

Oh, my gosh! You're getting married?

Yes! It's crazy, I know! But I'm sooo happy!!

Chloe couldn't help but glance at her engagement ring once more and admire how the sunlight plays with the edges of the diamond.

Well, I can't really say that I didn't see it coming. Chicago's a good guy. I'm so happy for you.

I know. I'm so lucky.

Have you told the others already?

Well, yes. Lucky for me, they weren't in busy meetings like you.

Well, sorry I'm being too passionate about my job!

It was their favorite argument everyday since they parted after the USO tour. Beca has never had a vacation eversince and Chloe couldn't help but be concerned about her.

I'm serious Beca. You need to chill. It's not like you haven't sold over a dozen records already in two years. Like, really. Who else can do that?

I'm pretty sure it's not just me. Look, this isn't really about getting all those record labels..

It's being able to make music, yes I know! You've said that way too many times, which is why you definitely need to come to my wedding.

Oh tots! Definitely! You don't need to ask twice.

I'm so excited to see you all again. Everyone's gonna come and we're gonna have so much fun!

So when does this wedding happen?

Oh! Next week actually.

Next week?? Are you joking right now? Today is Friday, Chloe!

Then you still have a few days to pack.

Seriously dude, are you pregnant?

What? No!

Then why the hurry? You just got engaged!

Okay, calm down.
So you know Chicago's been back from Iran three months ago, right? Actually, that's all the time he has to spend out of base and two weeks from now he needs to go back.

Then why not wait until the next time he can have his break?

That was actually the plan. But just this week we came to visit his parents and when we told them we were engaged, his grandfather insisted that we get married ASAP!


Chloe saddenly felt sad.

Chicago's grandfather is dying, Beca. And he means so much to him. He's literally been there for Chicago so much more than his dad. If we waited for another six months, his grandfather might not make it.

There was silence as Beca didn't know what to say.

Beca, are you still there?

Yes, I'm still here. And you're right! This wedding needs to happen! So, see you next week then.

Chloe finally let out a sigh of relief. With Beca's confirmation, the Bellas will all be coming to her wedding. A big smile formed in her face.


New York

When Beca reentered the studio, Theo could immediately tell something was up.

Is everything cool?

Beca just gave him a blank stare without saying anything.

Hello? Earth to Beca?

Suddenly, Beca's face brightened up, first in her eyes then it went to the smile on her lips.

What's happening? You're acting kind of weird.

Theo, you lucky turtle. I might just have the way to sign you that contract.

What? How?

Theo was obviously surprised but Beca was already all over the studio, gathering her stuff.

I don't know. Just going with my gut. I'll be off for a week.

A week? Woah woah. You haven't had a single break in two years and now you're telling me you'll be off for a week? What's happening?

Beca was about to step out of the studio but before she did, she looked back at Theo and gave him the biggest smile he has ever seen.

Chloe's getting married.

Four Seasons Hotel
Atlanta, Georgia

A few days later, Beca has just entered the grand lobby of the hotel where the Bellas were supposed to meet Chloe. She immediately spotted Cynthia Rose and Emily who was obsessing over a cute little pug.

She approached them and while they were exchanging hugs, Flo and Stacie arrived with two large luggages in tow.

Woah. You guys going to boot camp?

It's good to be prepared, just in case there is a zombie outbreak and we get stranded here for six months.

Wow! I guess some things really don't change.

Well, I packed a lot of fancy dresses and I'm letting you girls borrow some if you need one. I mean, this is a five star hotel so why not dress five star, right?

I know. Chloe has really great taste!

Cynthia Rose:
Well, Chicago must be dang rich. Ain't cheap to let wedding guests stay here for a week.

So, where are the others?

Cynthia and I just got here five minutes ago. We haven't seen the others yet.

There's Aubrey!

The rest of the Bellas looked to where Stacie was pointing at and sure enough, Aubrey was there talking to a pregnant woman.

I can hear your baby. She's coming out any moment now.

Pregnant Woman:
Really? Oh, I sure hope so. My husband and I are super excited but my doctor says we might need to wait for a few more weeks.

Well, you know what? Birthing is supposed to be a beautiful experience. It's a journey you need to enjoy and not focus on those IV poles tethered to your body.

Pregnant Woman:
Wow! What a beautiful thing to say. I think I'm gonna cry. Are you a doctor?

No. I'm a doula. And if you need help getting that stubborn little pimple out, you call me and I'll scream the hell out of her, she'll slide right into my hands like a handsoap.

Pregnant Woman:

The pregnant woman who, just seconds ago, looked so excited about giving birth suddenly gave Aubrey a frightened look, grabbed her husband in the arm and quickly walked away from Aubrey.

Wait! I didn't give you my calling card yet!

Aubrey tried to catch up with them but the couple just walked even faster.

That's Aubrey alright!

The Bellas made their way towards Aubrey and stopped her from following the couple any further.

Dude. Chill!

Hey. What are you doing? Those are prospective clients.

I'm pretty sure they don't want their baby to slide like a handsoap.

So what? That line always works in Mykonos.

But we're in Georgia now so you need to stop working. It's Chloe's wedding. Right, girls?

Everyone except Cynthia Rose gave an inaudible and unsure "Yes" response.

Oh come on! You guys, this is the first time we'll get together after two years. Can't we just focus on this reunion and forget about our jobs?

True that!

Emily's right! I'm sorry ladies. How about a proper Bella group hug?

Beca, Emily, Aubrey, Cynthia Rose, Flo and Stacie wrapped each other in a tight group embrace when Aubrey suddenly made a sound of disgust.

Ew! That's too much PDA! My dad always say, if you can't keep it in your pants, at least keep it in your room.

The rest of the girls were puzzled by Aubrey's remarks but they too, looked at the couple who was making out behind a tall plant in the corner. It was hard to see their faces but the movement of their heads is clearly an evidence of heavy kissing. Just as they were about to look away, the guy's head moved to the side, revealing the face of the girl he's kissing.


Lilly's closed eyes opened and when she saw the Bellas, instead of ending the kiss, she made a sign with her hand to give her a few more seconds.

Sure! Just go get it girl! No one's watching anyway.

In my country, kissing in public is a criminal offense.

Where are you from again?

Sorry, I pledged not to tell Americans.

Okay, cut the dramatics and Lilly, cut it out! Why is DJ Dragon even here?

As if on cue, Lilly and DJ Dragon slowly parted lips but were still holding hands.

Don't miss me too much babe.

DJ Dragon:
I won't if you promise to call everyday before you sleep, when you wake up, before you eat..

Yeah, why not add every second she breathes to the list?

Does anyone else here feel like they should be getting a boyfriend, or is it just me?

Just you, babe.

Okay. I could definitely use a boyfriend now.

Lilly gave DJ Dragon one last peck on the cheek and she excitedly approached the Bellas.

Cool beans guys! Everyone is still alive! I'm so happy!

So much positivity. I hope that's a good thing.

Somewhere nearby, a champagne bottle was popped open which stopped the Bellas' conversation. They looked behind them and saw Chloe carrying a bottle of champagne in one hand with a wineglass on the other hand. Behind her, Jessica and Ashley were carrying more glasses.



Show that soldier who's boss!

I hope you make a lot of cute little babies.

Just don't name them Bella because I already named my daughter that. But you can name her Bella Two!

Babies should be given a right to name themselves.

Oh my gosh guys, I'm so happy you're all here.

Of course! We wouldn't miss this for the world.

Chloe then poured some champagne on her glass as Jessica and Ashley distributed the glasses. Soon, everyone had a glass of sparkling champagne in their hands.

Bellas, a toast! To a long and lasting friendship that surpasses all obstacles in life and to milestones that we will experience together. May we always be enveloped in each other's embrace no matter where we go, may it be weddings or honeymoons. I will keep you guys with me.

Everyone gave nervous laughs as they raised their glasses and downed their drinks. Finally, when the excitement of seeing each other died down, everyone anticipated going to their rooms to relax after a long trip.

So Chloe, where do we stay? You didn't really tell us under whose name the room reservations are.

Oh! We're not actually staying here.


Aw. I would've loved checking out their gym.

Sorry guys. I just wanted to meet you here because this is the nearest place to my couturier.

So where are we staying? It better be somewhere I can rock these heels.

We're going to Mitcham!


No. It's a farm.

Aca-scuse me?

Why? You hate farms?

No, it's not that. I'm just not wardrobe ready.

Trust me, you're not the only one.

Oh don't worry. I'm sure we'll have lots of occasions to dress slutty but I'm sorry ladies. I should've told you we won't be staying here.

It's okay Chloe. Guys, come on. We're not here for the five star experience. We're here for Chloe. Let's make her wedding memorable. The place is not important. It's us getting together. Wow, that sounds really cheesy.


Yes to the cheesy or yes to the speech?

Both, actually.

Great! We're going to a farm! Perfect place for the zombie apocalypse.

Chloe gave Flo a questioning look.

Well, my dad always say, face adventure head on! Let's go ladies. Let's make our sister's wedding happen.

Aw. Thanks, Aubrey. Well what are we waiting for? Our ride's waiting outside.

They were all heading for the doors, about to exit the hotel when Beca remembered something.

Wait, where's Amy?

Oh, she'll meet us in the airstrip.

We're flying to the farm? Oh-em-aca-gee! Talk about arriving in style!


A few minutes later, the Bellas were piling out of the van that took them to the airstrip. The sound of a plane's roaring engine welcomed them.

There in the middle of the tarmac, they saw an expensive looking white private plane with the name "Fat Bird" beautifully inscripted in it's body.

Just like in a movie scene, the doors of the plane opened and out stepped Fat Amy with three buff men behind her.

Slowly, she descended the stairs of the plane and made her way to the Bellas with the air blowing through her hair.

Wow. I've always wanted to make that entrance.

I don't understand why she sways her head from side to side though.

Her ears must hurt. I get that everytime after a long flight.

Doesn't look like the ears.

Must be the neck.

Finally, Fat Amy was standing in front of them, the three men still behind her.

Fat Amy:
Hello, ladies.

All the Bellas just stared at her without an answer.

Fat Amy?
What? You got your butts in your mouth, you aca-pitches?

Suddenly, everyone errupted in loud, excited voices.

Amy! Oh my gosh, you weirdo. I thought for a second I was looking at your clone.

Cynthia Rose:
You're filthy dang rich man!

And you got three totally hot bodyguards!

Are they coming with us on the trip? They would be perfect heroes for the zombie apocalypse.

Fat Amy:

Fat Amy glanced behind her and it was only then that she noticed the three men standing behind her.

Fat Amy:
What are you three still doing here? I told you just follow me down the plane, not follow me around.

With that said, the three men went their separate ways away from the Bellas.

They're not your bodyguards?

Fat Amy:
No. I just saw them getting off another plane a while ago and asked them to come check out my plane. You know.

Fat Amy gave Stacie a wink.

Oh. I see.

And technically, a bodyguard usually gets off the plane first to check the premises.

Fat Amy:
Aye, aye captain!

But it is your plane! Wow!

Fat Amy:
Don't overreact Beca. I can give you one right now if you want it that bad.


After all the jokes and laughter died down, the Bellas went aboard the plane and positioned themselves in each of the cushioned seats.

This feels like another group date on The Bachelor, except this time the ladies ditch the bachelor for a farm adventure that will lead to the zombie apocalypse.

Dude, seriously. Stop obsessing over zombies.

Beca and Fat Amy sat facing each other near the cockpit.

You're plane's dope man, but why "Fat Bird" of all names? Your dad named his yacht "Fat Dingo Bitch." What is it with 'fat' and your family?

Fat Amy:
Nah. It has nothing to do with family. I just thought it sounded good. You know, "Fat Amy's inside Fat Bird" or "Fat Bird taking Fat Amy to heaven.."

Okay. Just stop there and forget I asked.


After a few minutes, a song came on the plane's radio.

🎶🎵(It's our party we can do what we want
It's our party we can say what we want
It's our party we can love who we want
We can kiss who we want
We can see who we want)🎶🎼


Fat Amy quickly started chanting with the beat.

Fat Amy:

It's our party we can do what we want
It's our party we can say what we want
It's our party we can love who we want


Jessica and Ashley also started singing.

Jessica & Ashley:

We can kiss who we want
We can see who we want

Fat Amy:

Red cups and sweaty bodies everywhere
Hands in the air like we don't care
'Cause we came to have so much fun now
Got somebody here might get some now


Suddenly, Beca had an idea and she started singing as well.


If you're not ready to go home
Can I get a hell no
'Cause we gonna go all night
'Till we see the sunlight alright


Beca looked at Chloe but she was busy flipping through a bridal magazine.

Fat Amy:

So la da da di we like to party
Dancing with Molly
Doing whatever we want,
This is our house
This is our rules


Beca looked at Emily but her eyes were covered with a hoodie and her earphone wires were sticking out of her front neck lining.


And we can't stop (whoa)
And we won't stop (whoa)
Can't you see it's we who own the night
Can't you see it we who bout' that life


At the farthest corner of the plane, Cynthia Rose, Lilly and Flo were playing cards.

Fat Amy:

And we can't stop (whoa)
And we won't stop (whoa)
We run things, things don't run we
Don't take nothing from nobody yeah yeah


In another corner, Stacie and Aubrey were busy taking pictures of the plane's interior and taking selfies.

Jessica & Ashley:

It's our party we can do what we want
It's our party we can say what we want
It's our party we can love who we want
We can kiss who we want
We can see who we want


Suddenly, Fat Amy stopped singing and looked at Beca intently.

Fat Amy:
Wish we could go back to the good old days huh?

Everyone's probably just tired.

But even as she said that, Beca looked towards her friends longingly.

Fat Amy:
Well, I need to take a smash. It was nice dueting with you again, Beca.

Then she noticed Jessica and Ashley looking at her expectantly.

Fat Amy:
And you too, uhm.. Jesley and ah.. Never mind.

And with that, Beca was left alone to listen to the remainder of the song.


🎶🎵(To my home girls here with the big butts
Shaking it like we at a strip club
Remember only God can judge us
Forget the haters cause somebody loves ya
And everyone in line in the bathroom
Trying to get a line in the bathroom
We all so turnt up here
Getting turnt up yeah yeah yeah

So la da da di we like to party
Dancing with Molly
Doing whatever we want
This is our house
This is our rules
And we can't stop (whoa)
And we won't stop (whoa)
Can't you see it's we who own the night
Can't you see it we who bout' that life
And we can't stop (whoa)
And we won't stop (whoa)
We run things
Things don't run we
Don't take nothing from nobody yeah yeah

It's our party we can do what we want
It's our party we can say what we want
It's our party we can love who we want
We can kiss who we want
We can see who we want

It's our party we can do what we want to
It's our house we can love who we want to
It's our song we can sing if we want to
It's my mouth I can say what I want to yea, yea, yeah

And we can't stop (whoa)
And we won't stop (whoa)
Can't you see it's we who own the night
Can't you see it we who bout' that life
And we can't stop (whoa)
And we won't stop (whoa)
We run things, things don't run we
Don't take nothing from nobody, yeah yeah
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah,
(We can do what we want, we can do what we want) hey)🎶🎼


When the song finally ended, Beca decided to check on her mix to pass the time. As she opened her laptop, a message from Theo popped from her inbox.

[' How's it going with the contract? ']

With a heavy sigh, Beca replied.

[' It's a lot more difficult than I thought. :( ']


*What will it take to get that recording contract signed? And what is in store for the Bellas on their little farm adventure? Find out more on the next chapters!!

[{**Hello aca-awesome nerds!! I have been out for a while so I wanted to quench your aca-thirst by giving you this long chapter. (Yikes! That sounded sooo Chloe-ish!) Anyway, hope you loved it guys. Feel free to leave your aca-mazing comments. 😘**}]

❤ An aca-huge shoutout to user86973113 for giving me that 'wake up call' to finish this chapter. ❤

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