Meeting on stage

De NaokiIchigo

4.8K 68 12

After being thrown out by his team, Su Muqiu went to Ye Xiu. Since there was nothing he could do for about a... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 6

800 14 7
De NaokiIchigo

Well, and this is why I shouldn't write long fics. It takes me forever to update, nothing much happens, the chapters are boring and maybe I should just simply give up on writing as a whole... because I suck...


Revenge? This was something Muqiu was not interested in. First of all, he had no reason to take revenge. Yes, the way thing had been handled by his former club were far from nice and they were probably even morally questionable, but it was understandable. Furthermore, he also was partly at fault for how things turned out. Secondly, taking down a guild needed a lot of time and resources. Muqiu neither had a lot of time nor any resources. A club and its guild were closely connected with each other. If the club did bad, so often did the guild. However, Excellent Era had suffered a lot the past few years, yet Excellent Dynasty was still a formidable enemy towards the three great guild, Blue Brook Guild, Tyrannical Ambitions and Herb Garden. If Excellent Dynasty was able to hold on against those three guild, how should Muqiu without a guild or a small guild like Happy do anything against Excellent Dynasty? It would take years for Happy to become as strong as one of the club guild and even longer to seriously cause damage to Excellent Dynasty – and this only when Excellent Dynasty did not get stronger and improved. Excellent Era had replaced him with another player – someone who was better than him in their eyes. Partly Muqiu hoped that they would improve again and fight their way back to the peak of Glory. If Excellent Era returned to their former strength, than it was very likely that Excellent Dynasty also grow stronger. There was no way for Muqiu to do anything against Excellent Dynasty besides being an annoying housefly. Taking revenge on Excellent Era directly was even more of a fantasy – for that Muqiu would need a team and then fight against his former team and win. But even then the harm would be minimal, since losing once or twice would not destroy a club.
Yet, Ye Xiu's little joke made Muqiu thinking. People took revenge when they had been wronged, when something had happened they couldn't accept, because it involved underhanded methods or because they thought the other side had used underhanded methods. Muqiu couldn't accept his departure from the professional scene. He may not be the youngest anymore, but he also wasn't old enough to leave. Moreover, Excellent Era had used questionable methods to get rid of him. The performance of the team dropped every year to the point that now they had to fear to be relegated. It wasn't Muqiu's fault alone. Glory wasn't a single player game. He had teammates, but those teammates didn't work with him. They ignored his order, looked down on him, ignored his advice and therewith committed the same mistakes over and over again. The team was completely out of sync. Only Mucheng worked together with him. But two people working together was not enough to win against a whole team. Neither the management nor the executive did anything against it. They turned a blind eye towards the other players and only focused on Muqiu. As the captain he had to take the blame! Over the years even the fans started to criticize him more and more and pushed the blame on to him. Who could blame them? He being the problem was even supported by the club and the fans were not good enough or didn't want to see, how the team worked against him. Not even a new captain could change such a dysfunctional team – at least not someone like this brat! If it were someone like Wang Jiexi, the current captain of team Tiny Herb, or Yu Wenzhou, the third captain of team Blue Rain and one of the four master tacticians, than there was hope, because they had experience in leading and knew the importance of teamwork. But that replacement of his was just a brat – even Zhou Zekai, who barely spoke a word, was a better captain than that brat. The sad truth.

Muqiu sighed and logged into the game. Building up their guild was now his new priority. Honestly it somewhat made him feel excited, because it reminded him of the time, when Excellent Dynasty had been created. Ye Xiu and Muqiu were one of the first members of the guild and had helped to build it up. The fame of One Autumn Leaf had led many players to Excellent Dynasty and with their teamwork Muqiu and Ye Xiu were able to get many dungeon records and wild bosses – of course it wasn't just them, but their strength was one of the main factors. Besides fighting power they also had great leading skills and tactical understanding. If Ye Xiu were part of the professional alliance than he would be one of the master tacticians for sure.
Another sighed followed this thought. Why was Ye Xiu still not a part of the alliance? On the other hand, if he were then there was a good chance that Tang Rou would have never started playing Glory and consequently the alliance would miss out a great talent – let's ignore the fact that Tang Rou had already refused several invitations from official clubs. Steamed Bun probably would also never be found – only thanks to Ye Xiu's guiding did Steamed Bun slowly show his true talent. And Yifan? Who knew what he would have done – well, Muqiu also didn't knew that Yifan's current plans were. Did the boy want to stay here in the internet café and play with Ye Xiu or did he want to get back into the professional scene? In case of the latter, how did he intend to do that? Gain attention inside the game and hope someone would pick him up?
Well, all of this had nothing to do with Muqiu. What had something to do with him, however, was the fact that his avatar had reached level twenty and was currently standing outside of Frost Forest – the first leveling area and dungeon outside of the beginner stage. Differently than the dungeons before, Frost Forest had an entry limit – it could only be run a certain amount of time a day. Therefore the leveling speed would decrease a lot. Besides dungeons, one could also do quests or kill monsters to level up. Quests were the second fastest way to gain experience after dungeons, while killing monsters was the slowest way.
With great difficulty Muqiu tried to remember when he had reach level twenty and went to the Frost Forest. However, he could not find such memories, which wasn't surprising. When he had went to bed, he actually had forgotten his account card – a bad habit of his – and Yifan had taken it to level it up together with One Inch Ash. After reaching level twenty guild Happy had been created and with some other guild members Yifan had taken down Frost Forest. The first clear for Frost Forest belong to Happy! And soon they would rule over the leaderboard as well.

Muqiu checked his avatar's inventory and found quite a bit of items, since he didn't need them at the moment the decided to store them away. At the same time he also discover that he had the title of guild leader. Every other person might be happy about such a position, but Muqiu wasn't every other person – for him this position was more of burden. The second in command was Chen Guo's Chasing Haze and she would probably be the real leader. In the tenth server Lord Grim was the guild leader, at least in name, with Chen Guo's avatar as second in command. Back then this arrangement was made to get more attention – Lord Grim was famous, so people wanted to be part of his guild, consequently he had to stay the guild leader. Nowadays only the first wave of guild members seemed to care about Lord Grim, which was unsurprising, since the rest either hadn't been around during Lord Grim's reign – during his tyranny – or hadn't really understood how amazing he was. Seven Filed and Sleeping Moon were core players of the guild and helped the new players to navigate around and explain various thing to them. Ye Xiu hoped that those two could do the same in the new server for the first few weeks or so – while mainly focusing on the tenth server. Club guilds had the man power to split their attention to different servers without being weak in one, but Happy wasn't a club guild. They were just a bunch of normal players and consequently they lacked manpower and structure. If Muqiu had thought about it a little bit more, he would definitely question Ye Xiu about this, since there was no real need for a player guild to exist in different servers and to put so much effort into this. However, Muqiu didn't think any further. For him it was clear that Ye Xiu had something planned, but he couldn't think of what this might be – maybe it was something related to Glory, maybe not and maybe it was related to his boss or maybe not. Chen Guo still seemed to be the only one, who was overly enthusiastic about all this.
With a click, Muqiu opened his friend list and saw that Walking Disaster and Pretty Little Psycho were both online. They hadn't reached level twenty yet, but they weren't too far away. Yifan had leveled up during the early morning hours of his shift, during the afternoon part of his shift it became harder and harder to get anything done, since more and more costumers had come. Therefore he had to stop playing at some point and Muqiu had only woken up in the late afternoon, so there was enough time for those two to catch up a little bit.


Pretty Little Psycho: Good afternoon! Where are you and One Inch Ash? Running dungeons without you two is kinda annoying.

Autumn Colors: Good afternoon. I am in front of Frost Forest and One Inch Ash is probably still in bed. He will be back at night, I guess. Hurry up and get to level twenty so we can take down the dungeon record for Frost Forest. Are you with Walking Disasters?

Pretty Little Psycho: Yup! We're together!

While typing down his reply, Muqiu received another message.

Walking Disaster: Good afternoon.

Autumn Colors: Good afternoon. I heard, you and Pretty Little Psycho are together running a dungeon.

Walking Disaster: That's right. However, without you and One Inch Ash, things are a bit harder. By the way, Red Jewel is with us as well.

Autumn Colors: Red Jewel?

Walking Disaster: Our fifth player yesterday.


Muqiu remembered their fifth member. A future Blade Master that was quite talkative – by far not as bad as Steamed Bun or Huang Shaotian, but still quite talkative. Since they hadn't sent each other a friend request, they couldn't see whether the other one was online.


Autumn Colors: Have you settled for a class yet?

Walking Disaster: Not really.

Autumn Colors: If you need some advice, don't be shy.

Walking Disaster: Okay.


With this the conversation between them ended for now. Going back to his chat with Pretty Little Psycho, he wasn't sure what to reply anymore.


Autumn Colors: That's good. Just talked to her. The three of you should level up, change class and then come to the Frost Forest. I will introduce you to some of my friends.

Pretty Little Psycho: Roger that!

Autumn Colors: Ah! And don't join any other guild than Happy!

Pretty Little Psycho: Okay...


Did this come off as strange? He just didn't want to lose those three to another guild. The three great guilds and the not-so-great- anymore guild Excellent Dynasty had more than enough experts on their side, they didn't need another three! However, Happy was a small guild in need! Three great players were like Christmas and birthday together for them. Of course, he couldn't force them and after knowing each other for less than a day it actually might come across as strange that he made such a statement. However, said was said, so he couldn't take back his words anymore. Somehow Muqiu had the feeling that Pretty Little Psycho wouldn't think too much of this and it was only him fussing about it – if it had been Walking Disaster, he might not even had said it in the first place.
During his conversation with the two girls, Muqiu saw that Seven Filed and Sleeping Moon came online – Ye Xiu's Fallen Leaves was also on.

Since Ye Xiu and Muqiu were sitting next to each other, they could look at each other's monitors. Usually the computers were separated by a screen, so every costumer had their privacy. However those screens could be taken away, which Muqiu and Ye Xiu had done before, because it was more convenient for them to see each other's monitors, also it felt strange to not see each other, while sitting next to each other and chatting.
"Why are you in the dungeon without me?", Muqiu asked.
"Because you were busy with admiring your avatar and chatting with your new friends. You can play with Concealed Light and Little Cold Hands, those two shouldn't be too far away from you."
"Have they reached level twenty?"
Since both Concealed Light's Luo Ji and Little Cold Hands' An Wenyi were the first that had logged off, they were far behind everyone else.
Muqiu "humphed" and turned back to his own monitor. Soft Mist, One Inch Ash and Chasing Haze were both offline. Seven Field, Sleeping Moon and Fallen Leaves were in a dungeon together. Concealed Light and Little Cold Hands were not level twenty yet. The only other person that he could team up with was Steamed Bun Invasion. With a quick look he saw that Steamed Bun was online, so he wrote the other one a message.


Autumn Colors: Where are you?

Steamed Bun Invasion: Arena!

Autumn Colors: Want to team up and go through Frost Forest?

Steamed Bun Invasion: Um, boss said I shouldn't level too much.


With "boss" Steamed Bun referred to Ye Xiu, who had to stop Steamed Bun in the tenth server from leveling too fast, since otherwise they couldn't set a record. A dungeon record could only be made by a party of players in the same level range as the dungeon. So for Frost Forest the players of a party had to be between level twenty and level twenty-five. If one of the players inside the group was above twenty-five the system would not accept the "new" record. And everyone under level twenty was not even able to enter the dungeon in the first place. This time Ye Xiu had only reminded Steamed Bun to rest, but didn't say he had to stop leveling. At the moment everyone was about the same level, so there was no problem with Steamed Bun Invasion going through a dungeon.


Autumn Colors: It's fine. We're all the same level. If you don't dungeon than you will fall behind.

Steamed Bun Invasion: Oh! Then I'm coming.


Muqiu send his coordinates to Steamed Bun and then took a look around Frost Forest. As the name indicated Frost Forest was a forest, the surrounding were partly covered in white and if it was possible to feel something, the player would probably also freeze – but since this wasn't possible the cold could only be shown through some snow. The forest itself was a leveling area, which meant that players could come here and fight against monsters – in this case those monsters were blue skinned goblins. Inside the forest was the dungeon, which could be entered through different gates, because only having one way in and out was not convenient at all. It would be similar to the beginner village, where it was almost impossible to navigate around, due to the large number of players.
Although the monsters inside the dungeon were at the dungeon's highest level, in this case level twenty-five, and dying cost experience and there was the chance to drop equipment, many players tried their luck right away – later when the player got stronger more and more would challenge the dungeon. For new players it was the safest to kill the goblins outside of the dungeon, which ranged from level twenty to level twenty-five, depending on how deep the person went into the forest.

"What about Yifan?", Muqiu suddenly asked.
Since everyone was around the same level, One Inch Ash would fall behind, if no one took care of it, while Yifan was resting.
"We will drag him along."
Ye Xiu turned his head and looked at Muqiu. Luckily, Fallen Leaves was not alone or else the monster would have ripped him apart, while the person in control was staring at his friend as if said friend had just said the unspeakable, the unthinkable. In some way Muqiu had done it. It may not be possible to play with two account at the same computer, but one could play with two accounts on different computers. So all they had to do, was log into Glory on another computer, enter One Inch Ash's card and have him enter the dungeon together with Muqiu's avatar. All that had to be done then, was to move One Inch Ash along the way, so he always near to also reap the experiences of killing monsters. This way he would level up without actually playing. Yifan had done the same the entire morning with the different avatars. How could Muqiu not know about this method?
"Standard method?", Ye Xiu answered hesitantly.
"Yeah, but how?"
Muqiu stared blankly at Ye Xiu. Ye Xiu stared back. The seconds passed by without them saying anything until Ye Xiu went back to his screen and continued with his dungeon. More seconds passed and Muqiu was unsure what to do. Did his friend decided to ignore him, because the other one thought he was an idiot? How could he not know about the standard method? He may have never used it, because there never had been any need to, but he had played Glory for over ten years by now! His problem was the fact that for this method they need another computer right next to them, but the internet café was quite packed. During the late afternoon and early evening the Internet Café had the most costumers, it was already hard for Muqiu and Ye Xiu to find a place to sit for themselves. Furthermore the costumers had priority, so when a costumer wanted to use the computer, they had to leave. Yifan didn't have that problem in the morning, because he sat at the reception, which had two computers. No costumer would sit there and switching between the game and the desktop was no problem – moreover the early morning hours had the fewest costumers, so Yifan got barely disturbed. There was no way Muqiu could do the same at the moment.
"Shouldn't we also help Tang Rou?"
Tang Rou was currently at the reception desk and busy with taking care of the costumers. She barely had time to play Glory. If they helped Yifan and Tang Rou than they would need two extra computers, which meant they needed a total of four computers – at the peak time of costumers this was not possible.
Finally also Ye Xiu seemed to catch up. Until now he never had this problem, because everyone was playing in the Heavenly Domain with their maxed out accounts. Leveling wasn't important anymore. During the time in the normal server Yifan had someone else power level for him, Tang Rou and Steamed Bun were usually on when Lord Grim was on and Mucheng played whenever it was convenient, later when Muqiu joint they could help each other out. There was no need for them to drag someone along to level.

After finishing the dungeon, Ye Xiu turned around to face Muqiu again and let out a soft "Oh". Who had thought that he was capable of such a soft sound? Muqiu hadn't.
"We can use the room upstairs."
Upstairs were the VIP rooms. Costumers could book such a room and play together with their friends. One of these rooms was now booked out for the founding members of guild Happy. Stealing wild bosses was safer inside their private room. Many costumers of the Internet Café were fans of team Excellent Era and part of the guild Excellent Dynasty – if they knew that the Internet Café had its own guild and caused trouble for Excellent Dynasty, who knew how this would end. Honestly, it was a bit surprising the regular costumers didn't catch up, since all of them knew that Chen Guo was Chasing Haze and that she was a fan of Excellent Era – more particular a fan of Su Mucheng – and that she had left Excellent Dynasty a while ago. Inside the guild she also had many friends – she was not a well-known member or anything special, but she was there for a long time and had made many contacts – so her leaving wasn't unnoticed. Yet no one questioned her in person or stopped coming. Maybe Chen Guo had already been forgotten.
Without any further delay, Muqiu and Ye Xiu logged out and went to the reception desk. There they got Tang Rou's and Yifan's account cards and went upstairs, where they logged into the game again. Steamed Bun had finally arrived at the coordination Muqiu had send him. Soft Mist and One Inch Ash were also there.
"How do we split the team?"
"Um, Seven Field and I will take Soft Mist. You should take One Inch Ash, Steamed Bun and Little Moon Moon", Ye Xiu suggested.
The reason behind his suggestion was quite simple. Even after playing for a year, Steamed Bun still was unstable and would suddenly make mistakes that only a noob would do, so he still needed someone to look after him. One Inch Ash wouldn't do anything, so he needed to be protected. Taking care of two avatars, while killing monsters was a bit much, even for someone as skilled as Muqiu, so Sleeping Moon, who was called Little Moon Moon by his "friends", had to provide some steady support. Sleeping Moon was just a veteran and couldn't really be called an expert, but he was a steady player and over the past year he also had improved a bit, especially in the knowledge department. Seven Field was like Sleeping Moon and there was no need to talk about Ye Xiu. The only one in their group that was no good at the moment was Soft Mist, since no one would control her besides Ye Xiu to move her along. It probably would still be better to have a full group of five people, but at the moment they didn't have that many people. Maybe they could call someone from the guild over? Partying up with some random player would be no good. Or they simply waited for Concealed Light and Little Cold Hands to reach level twenty – Pretty Little Psycho, Walking Disaster and Red Jewel should reach level twenty soon as well. Then they would be more than enough people.
"Alright, then let's go."

When running a dungeon for leveling, a player tried to kill every dungeon monster. When running a dungeon for a record, a player tried to avoid as many monsters a possible. Muqiu belong to the first category at the moment. In a group every member would gain experience, so as long as the avatar was within a certain range, he could gain experience without doing anything. With this method Muqiu parked One Inch Ash at a more or less safe place and started killing monsters. Every now and then he had to move One Inch Ash. It took them longer, but this was the only way to ensure that everyone was around the same level. At the end for Muqiu's second run through the dungeon, Red Jewel and Pretty Little Psycho had reach level twenty and changed classes. To change classes one had to fulfill a quest, which wasn't too hard. If it were, Glory wouldn't be so popular. However, there were always players that had trouble with these quests. When he didn't see Walking Disaster, Muqiu immediately wondered, whether she had problem with the quest. Should he ask? Better not. What if she felt ashamed because of it? Also one didn't have to change classes at all. After reach level twenty a player could change classes whenever he wanted. So when a player wanted to play without a class – this was called unspecialized – then they could do so as long as they wanted to. Therefore, changing classes, for example, at level 30 was possible.
Luckily he didn't have to ponder over it for long. Pretty Little Psycho and Red Jewel had joint his group and Steamed Bun had been pushed to Ye Xiu. Halfway through his third run, Muqiu received a message from Walking Disaster that she now had changed class and asked for his whereabouts. Muqiu immediately answered her and reminded her to join guild Happy – a long pause had followed, which ended with her admitting that she had no clue how to join a guild. She also couldn't find a guide for it. There were many posts about, which guild to join, but none on how this was done. After explaining it to her, he received a crying emoji as answer and a few moments later Walking Disaster waited to be accepted by the guild leader of guild Happy.

Frost Forest had a daily entry limit of four times. Muqiu had used three of them already, while the other two had used up two of them. Walking Disaster still had all four.
"Safe one run for later, so we can set the record", Ye Xiu reminded his friend.
Later was, when Tang Rou and Qiao Yifan were playing their avatars. There was no way anyone would beat a record set by guild Happy's main force. Maybe it was a bit exaggerated, since they were merely at level twenty and their equipment was quite lacking. Normally the final record was set at level twenty-five. At this level the avatars would gain no skills and new and better equipment could be used. For the big guilds it was no problem to get many strong level twenty-five equipment for their record team, but for a small guild like Happy this was a bit troublesome.

Since Muqiu couldn't use his Sharpshooter now, he talked Chen Guo into giving him her Chasing Haze. Cheng Guo definitely wouldn't pull all-nighters and during the day she was busy with the Internet Café, so she would probably fall behind very fast and play with the rest only from time to time. Yet, for now this was good, since he could now use her account with its four dungeon runs. Concealed Light and Little Cold Hands also finally reached level twenty and changed classes. Little Cold Hands was once again a Cleric – this time a male one – and Concealed Light a Summoner.
Muqiu's group now was put together by Red Jewel, Pretty Little Psycho, Walking Disaster and Little Cold Hands. As Cleric the latter hadn't had it easy in Ye Xiu's group, especially when it came down to setting dungeon records. Only later in the higher level dungeons and the one where more than five players were needed, would a Cleric be of need.
The dungeon runs went smoothly and they got quite some good items – this was relatively speaking, since the lower levels were passed quickly and no one was interested in low leveled equipment. This kind of stuff would find its way into the guild's storage. At a later time a guild would start setting up the guild's storage. This storage could be used for trading items. The guild members could put items, they had gained, into the storage and receive points for it – common and low leveled items would give less points than rare and high leveled items – and after gaining a certain amount of points the player could exchange those points for an item from the guild storage – the common and low leveled items needed less points than the rare and high leveled items. This system was one of the big advantages club guilds had over normal player guilds! The chances to get a strong weapon or good equipment was higher.

When it was time for Ye Xiu to get on his shift, Muqiu also logged out. Chen Guo wanted to show him, how work was down at the Internet Café and he also needed to sign his contract. Yifan was also back at the Internet Café and helped Chen Guo to explain Muqiu his new duties. The work as an Internet Café Manager wasn't anything special or hard, yet one had to deal with other people, so one needed to know how to handle others and what to do, when a problem arose. After their little tour Chen Guo went to bed, Ye Xiu sat at the reception desk and Muqiu left together with Yifan and Tang Rou to their little gaming room. Now it was time to set a record. Steamed Bun, Soft Mist, Fallen Leaves, Autumn Colors and Concealed Light were selected for this duty. One Inch Ash and Little Cold Hand partied with Seven Field and Sleeping Moon. Those four weren't after the record, but after items and experience. Muqiu's little group of newly made friends, on the other hand, had no entries left and did their own thing. Pretty Little Psycho wanted to try her assassin out in the arena. Red Jewel and Walking Disaster went back to the lower leveled dungeons. Walking Disaster wanted to get more familiar and used to her Warlock, while Red Jewel simply wanted to kill a few more monsters and the ones inside a dungeon were more challenging than those outside – also there was no reason to not help Walking Disaster.

This way everyone was doing their thing and nothing much happened, besides a record set by guild Happy causing a major headache to a certain guild leader, who was already writing down his resignation from the position of leader guilder in the new server – he had made it clear from the very beginning that he would leave as soon as trouble arose and Ye Xiu was trouble! That guy was major trouble! Trouble wasn't enough to describe what that guy was! That man was a disaster! Blue River, also known as Xu Boyuan, was the guild leader of Blue Brook Guild in the eleventh server – formerly guild leader of the tenth server Blue Brook guild – and he was so done with Ye Xiu and the rest of guild Happy's main force. Guild Happy didn't bring Happiness to anyone! They brought disaster, despair, destruction, misfortune, shame and many headaches upon others!

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