The Girl in Black (Rewriting)

Par huzailazahid

19.9K 1K 748

[Rank #1 in Action - thriller (12 June , '18) ] Completed 'You know what? I'll be throwing a party once we g... Plus

Chapter, 1
Chapter, 2
Chapter, 3
Chapter, 5
Chapter, 6
Chapter, 7
Chapter, 8
Chapter, 12
Chapter, 14
Chapter, 16
Chapter, 17
Chapter, 18
Chapter, 19
Chapter, 20
Chapter, 21
Chapter, 22
Chapter, 23
Chapter, 24
Chapter, 26
Chapter ,28
Chapter, 42
Chapter, 43
Chapter, 44
Chapter, 45
Chapter, 47
Chapter, 48
Chapter, 49
Chapter, 53
Chapter, 54
Chapter, 55
Chapter, 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60


223 11 4
Par huzailazahid

For all those who want to kill me for not updating, I was on a journey to my inspiration. And guess what? It hasn't end yet.

'Els, enough now get up.' Just as Austin's words roamed around my ears, I groaned and dug my head underneath my pillow.

'Five minutes!' I shouted under my pillow that actually came up as a whisper.

'Your five minutes have completed an hour by now. Get up! We'll miss the flight!' He shouted and I groaned and snuggled into my covers.

There was no way in hell, I'm gonna leave my peaceful sleep.

Yes, sleep is my life.

'Els you haven't even packed. You haven't even done your breakfast and the flight's in half an hour!' His ear piercing voice killed my ears. I threw my pillow to him which he caught easily and threw my covers on the floor.

'Fine.' I whispered and rushed to him. 'FINE!' I screamed on his face.

'Fine.' He repeated composing his tone. I ran in the bathroom and shut my door violently. What the hell I can't even sleep? This is my right to sleep for at least eight hours or extra but I can't! I so fucking can't! Why? You ask. Well when you fucking kiss Leonardo Black in rain and have him in your mind for whole night, it's not easy to find sleep.

I took my clothes off , throwing him all over the bathroom. I turned on the shower and moved the lever to the cold side. I need cold shower to get him out of my mind. I told myself. I need to get him out. I hella need this. You know what? Actually it's too cold. I said and instantly moved the lever to the hot one.

Shit! Too hot. And moved the turned the lever to the middle. Still too hot. What the hell I can't even shower! I groaned and kept on adjusting the water temperature.

I showered and wrapped my body in towel. I walked up to mirror and almost shrieked when I glanced at myself in the mirror.

Dark circles shadowed my eyes and the colour from my face was drained out. My eyes were blood shot from the only one half hour sleep I had whole night.

I touched my lips and felt them tingling as I imagined last night.

Oh Shit! Again? No Elsa get him out of your mind.
I can't!
Try to.
I am! Alright?

I battled with my inner voice until the I thought it was pointless. I brushed my teeth and still wrapped in towel, walked out of the bathroom. I searched through my bag to wear something when suddenly the door opened.

'Elsa Austin told me you're not getting up... Holy shit!' Leo's eyes widened as he eyed the single piece of clothing on my body and instantly turned around.

'There's a thing called knocking!' I yelled at him as I too turned around totally embarrassed. I knew my cheeks had already heated up and I tighten the grip on my towel.

'I'm sorry I didn't know you were...'

'Get the hell out!' I exclaimed still confused why he still was there.

'Yeah... Yeah right.' He said hesitantly and when the footsteps faded and the door closed, I sighed a relief and quickly picked up the outfit that touched my hand the very first in the bag and ran to the bathroom to change.

I was messily stowing a pair of socks into my bag  , when my phone buzzed. I checked to see 6 missed calls from Austin and 10 from Justin. And yes , Dave didn't forget me either and currently won the award as there were 26 missed calls from him.

Dave called me again and I picked it up, supporting it with my shoulder as I tried to find my hoodie. 'DO YOU WNAT TO DIE?' Dave shouted from the other end of the phone and I almost dropped my phone. 'Or do you want me to do fulfil your wish?!Cause I swear I will if you won't come down here for breakfast.'

'Ok ok. I will. I just need to find my hoodie...' I mumbled but he already hung up. I cursed under my breathe as I looked under the bed, in the closet, in the bathroom but I just couldn't find it. I couldn't leave it either cause it was damn special for me. Why? Cause my mother gifted it to me when I came in this agency.

Shit! I said before receiving another threatening missed call from Dave , so I picked up the key, my phone and left for breakfast. It was already eight in the morning and our flight was on nine. Sure it was domestic but we were pretty late.

I reached down and lingered my eyes among the crowd until they landed on a head of charcoal messy hair and I already felt the hairs of my neck standing up. My hear thumped loudly in my chest and I rested my hand over my heart to calm it down. Inhaling and exhaling long breaths, I hoped to calm myself down but in vain.

I can't go in front of him. I thought.

So I turned on my heels when a chest blocked my way to exit. I looked up and faked a smile. 'I was just going to get my phone.' I lied to Austin and Justin who kept their amusing faces on.

'Oh no you're not.' Justin said and intertwined his arm into mine and Austin copied his brother's actions. Both of them began dragging me as I struggled to get out but boy! these boys were a piece of work. 'You need to have good breakfast Els. It is essential for you health and give boost to your body so you can work—'

— Alright alright. Don't put your whole vocabulary in one sentence. Your brain wouldn't be able to handle such vacancy.' I mocked him as they dragged me to the table. It's not that I couldn't walk it was just it was nice to experience being dragged down to the table when everyone around been giving you disgusting looks.

'Hey! I have good vocabulary.' They both protested. 'Me too.'

'Tell me the spelling of 'necessary'.' I asked them. Just as words escaped from my mouth the face that they made were priceless. I instantly began laughing until they both let go of my arm and I fell on the floor. 'Ouch! Jerks.' I sniggered and this time they began laughing but it wasn't until the whole restaurant joined in and without wasting a single second, I joined in too.

Well, the beginning is good. I told myself.

Massaging my back, I stood up and limbed to the table faking my hurt in my leg. There were two seats empty, one was between Chloe and Dave and the other was between Leo and Austin. I was about to chose the one between Dave and Chloe's but Dave shifted in the middle of the two seats, preventing me to sit there. He threw me a smirk ,receiving a death glare from me.

Holding me breath, I settled on the one next to Leo. 'Morning.' He greeted and I gulped down. Why am I being so nervous around him? Oh God...

I tucked a strand behind my ear and looked down and then I remembered I didn't even reply him. 'Morning.' I murmured.

'How's you're leg Elsa?' Chloe faked her concern. 'I saw how you put on a show.' She smiled showing her perfectly aligned teeth through her full, painted in nude lipstick lips.

'Thanks. At least they laughed for real. And yes my legs fine.' I replied to her and she began greeting her teeth. 'At least better than your resting bitch face.' I commented.

Satisfied feeling.

'You need look yourself into the mirror.' Chloe hissed and I looked at her as if not sure that it was really her. No, she was faking it. How do I know? The eyes. They tell it all.

'Ive seen hundred times. Yes, I'm not perfect. But I'm fine. Rather than you who have to put pounds of makeup to hide what you should embrace. 'I told her and she looked a bit taken aback.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Leo, half smiling. He leaned in, rested his elbows on the table and passed me the plate of French fries and sandwiches. 'Eat it. We have to go.' That's all he said before I began shoving the breakfast in my mouth.

'Where's Jake?' Just as words escaped from my mouth, I noticed Leo snorting , Dave threw nervous glances at Leo, Chloe rolled her eyes and twins tensed up.

'He —Er—he didn't return.' Dave managed to answer me. My eyes widened as I hinted Dave to tell me more. But he didn't.

'Did anyone call him or something?' I asked the boys who were as tensed up as I was. 'Did you guys contact him?'

'No. None of us did.' Leo said rather harshly. 'And I don't think we need to call that douche.'

'Leo he's not douche alright? At least you should've called him.' I insisted. He clenched his jaw and ran his hand through his hair.

'I'll never.' Leo's comment hinted  the end of discussion. I sighed and tucked another loosed strand of hair behind my ear.

Ugh. The hair. I now get it why I always keep my hair in ponytail.

I took out an elastic band from my pocket and gathered my hair in a pony. Just as I was about to wrap the pony, Leo snatched it away. 'Let it be.' He said and threw the elastic band on the other side of the room.

'Hey that was the only one I had.' I exclaimed.

'Good cause you don't need it.' Leo stated and I narrowed my eyes.

'I hate you.' I commented.

He leaned in and kissed me on hair. 'I hate you too jewel.' He winked before sitting back.

Chattering started among the boys. Leo was busy discussing some management issues with twins which I didn't get why he was discussing it. Austin and Justin's faces were so stern that I doubted if they did anything but nod. Sure Leo knew how to bring someone on the path.

His face was neutral and he leaned back to drape his hand around the top rail of my chair. My eating started growing slow and it slowed more down when Leo absentmindedly began drawing random circles with his thumbs on my bare arm. Finally I gave in. I can't eat like this. I just can't!

'I'm done.' I said after a little while. Everyone looked at me as if I've gone nuts because the sandwich was just as it was before only few fried chips were eaten. 'Let's go.' I said and without waiting for anyone's reply, I stood up and exited.

Giving a last try to the search of my hoodie, I was about to zip up my bag when I saw a note placed on top of my clothes. My heart sank and my brows scrunched. The note was hastily written and read:

Clock's ticking. The Game's starting soon.
Give us ,or see what'll happen on Saturday.

I re-read it for couple of more times until I realised that the page for the note was actually torn from the notepad from hotel that was placed on my desk. I immediately rushed towards the window but none was there.

Suspiciously, I crumbled the paper in a ball and threw it in the farthest corner of the bag. I threw Leo's jacket from last night too in. Maybe I'll return him at home. I thought and zipped up my duffel bag.

Someone must've joked. I convinced myself. Although it didn't work. I knew , the stage had came where random notes and messages won't be considered as jokes anymore. Deep inside I knew something's terribly wrong and I should any alert but until when... even I didn't know about it.

The flight was quiet. After a long argument, I managed to get the window seat but beside to Chloe.

Yes, I'm that lucky.

My headphones were on for the whole journey to avoid talking to Chloe who was in desperate need to mock me but guess what? I didn't even give her a damn.

From plane to the ride to home, I successfully managed to ignore Leo. The boys kept on throwing me whimsical glances, making hearts out of their hands towards me and Leo, mimicking my voice and not to mention making smooching sounds whenever Leo wasn't around. 'Oh Leo where are you? I'm missing you babe.' Dave mimicked my voice and I threw a whole glass of juice on him.

Nope, he still didn't stop.

I threw my bag on the other side of the room and fell on the bed with my face down. Weariness washed over me and all I needed at that moment was to close my eyes and dive into a deep sleep. But I couldn't cause of the hooting, the boys were doing downstairs.

I groaned and dragged myself to the door to see what happened. Just I landed the last step, someone picked me up in a hug. The pressure of the arm around me forbidden to me to breathe. 'I... can't....breath..e'

Stephen finally released me and I landed hard on the floor again. 'What the actual shit.' I almost yelled as I rubbed my back. It was already broken.

'Well good evening to you too.' Stephen grinned and outstretched his hand. I took it and he lifted me up with a one swift move.

I rolled my eyes and hit him playfully on the shoulder. 'Where the hell were you? You could've joined us in Vegas too.'

' missed me? I'm sorry babe I'd be there next time.' Stephen said.

'Never.' I grunted and we both laughed. 'Where's Greg?' I asked him and looked in the direction where he pointed. Everyone was gathered around the kitchen island , hooting and shouting. I walked up to them. and saw well decorated envelops scattered over the counter.

They all had our names written over them. 'Found it!' Greg took the envelope of his name and shouted. When he noticed me , his lips stretched more across his face and he too came to me for the breath-taking hug, but I stepped back instantly.

'Woah woah. Nice to see you too. I'm fine. Don't hug me like that.' I threw my hands in surrender and told him. He placed his hand on his heart to fake the hurt.

'Ouch. It hurts.' Greg said.

'I know.' I replied.

Soon the counter became less crowded and everyone had their own envelops in their hands. Only one envelope was left on the counter which I assumed was mine. 'Take it.' Greg said.

'What are they for?' I asked him.

'Go. See by yourself.' Greg pushed me towards the counter and there it was with my name over it.

I casted a look to Leo who returned me a assuring smile. I picked up the envelope, opened it up and a black velvet fabric came out of it. On the fabric were written words with golden thread:

The Director  of Secret Agent's Bureau, Marie Stone solicits  you to,

In order to celebrate the Tenth Anniversary of Secret Agents' Bureau and to celebrate the eighteenth birthday of Marie Stone's  beloved daughter, Elsa Stone.


701 street. Central Avenue.

I read the invitation several times until I had every word embedded in my head. Saturday. The word bothered me more than before. My mind roamed around the word, cause that's the same one that was written on the note. I shook my head to take it out of my mind .

I grasped and looked over to the boys who were looking at me intensely.

'This. Is. For. My. Birthday?' I asked in between my grasps. They all instantly began laughing and I stood there too dumbstruck to get anything.

'What you thought your mother will forget about it?' Chloe teased in between in laughter. Her words hit me straight into my heart. She was right. She was my mother and she can't forget.

'Jewel she's still your mother.' Leo said. 'She's been working on it for months.' A warmth unfurled in my body making its way up to my smile. I wanted to go and hug her. I wanted to thank her. To apologise. I wanted to do so many things but I still was at the same point.

'The Golden ball occurs once in every year on 1st April in order to celebrate our efforts.' Dave's words brought me back to reality. 'That's What she says. But we all know, she celebrates your birthday ever year in the ball. The only difference this year would be that you'll be there. The birthday girl in real.' A small smile stretched across my face as words escaped from his mouth.

I never knew this. I had always accused her for leaving me to Dad but I never asked her how did she lived here? Why she did what she do? What was the reason? I never asked this. The sorrow of being left out blinded me and made me deaf against all the positive things. Guilt surged up within me and my hatred for myself grew.

'Alright guys.' The twins said in unison. 'We'll be going. Long day. Hella tired. Will sleep.' They explained my whole condition in three sentences. They bid us goodbye and left.

Stephen and Greg did the same thing. Stephen kissed me on the cheek before leaving and accompanied by Greg, he too left.

Chloe had already made her way in the guest room and Dave failed to stifle a yawn. 'I-I-I'll be moving u-u-up too.' And with that he set off.

After he left, I realised that I was left alone with Leo who was siting on the bar stool with his elbow on the table and rested his chin on the back on his hand. His eyes gleamed amusement but I considered not to get lost in them but rather from here.

Just as I turned on my heels, Leo gripped my wrist and spun me around against my will. I almost crashed in his chest. I didn't even know when he stood up. Leo wrapped his arms around my waist and jerked his head to one side. 'Where Jewel?' He asked.

'Upstairs.' I stated keeping my gaze on the button of his shirt.

'Not so soon.' He said and cupped my chin to look in his eyes. I did. They were beautiful as always. The greens in them shone brightly. 'Why are you ignoring me?'He questioned innocently as I instantly tensed up.

I bit my bottom lip and chose to look down. 'No. I'm not. I was just busy.' I told him in a low voice.

'Look in my eyes and say it again.'He stated and I could hear my heartbeat in my ears. I chewed on my bottom lip , still looking at his button. Saturday. It popped out again and I could tell that even though I try my best to deny it, I can't. There was something about the note that is bothering me since then.

'I told you I'm fine.' I said. 'I'm just tired.' My voice came out barely as a whisper.

'Then why can't you say the same thing while looking in my eyes?'

'Because I get lost in them.' Just as soon as I said it, my cheeks began heating up and I escaped from his arms and took a step back. 'No...I didn't mean...that...'

A flirtatious smile decorated his face and soon he bursted in laughter. 

'What?' I asked annoyingly.

'You change colours like chameleon.'He said as he wiped a fake tear. 'Just confess that you like me.'

'I don't!' I exclaimed.

'Oh you don't?' He raised his eyes brows.

'Er... I mean like... shoot why you always make it so hard?' I said and opened the fridge to get me some water. That's all I could do to hide my red cheeks.

'No. On a serious note. What's bothering you?' He asked me as I fetched glass and poured in the water. I leaned against the counter opposite to the one against which Leo was leaning.

'Nothing. It's just that it's a ball and the fact that I have nothing to wear on a ball and yes, I can't dance.' I told him half truth. That's was true. My closet always have hoodies or crop tops and jeans. Nothing else. And don't even ask about the dance. Never in my whole life I danced.

'Well the dress would be taken care of but dance's a problem.' He said and pushed his body against the counter. He outstretched his hand . 'I'll teach you.'

My glass was about to slip through my hand before Leo took it from me and placed it on the sink. He held my hand and walked me in the lounge. He played the DVD player and the song PERFECT By Ed Sheeran. He walked back but I took a step back or two or maybe six.

'Jewel if you're gonna stand mile apart how the heck will we dance?' He chuckled.

'I can't dance.' I repeated. 'And I'm in no mood in making a fun of myself.'

'Oh come on. You won't be that bad.' He insisted but I remained on the spot I was before.

'Leo really I can't—'

I couldn't even finish my sentence when Leo pulled me. He held my hand and guided it on his shoulder and the other in his. He rested his free hand on my waist.

My brows were scrunched in fear of learning the steps and taking in Leo's instructions but all he said was , 'Just go with the flow. The rest will happen for you.'

I nodded and closed my eyes to feel the music. To feel the mellowness and comfortability his hands were transferring in my body. To feel his cologne that always makes me forget every bad smell I scented, through every bad circumstance. To feel his presence that evinces my safety, protects me from every danger. To feel him, who never failed to make me blush with just a little sentence.  To feel me.

Just as he said, the music controlled my body as we swayed in. Our steps matched with one another's. He did a under arm turn and I laughed as how unpredictably he did that. He showed me a few more moves including the bronze waltz which I loved the most as our feet moved in perfect sync. I laughed my heart out and instantly all the burden was out.

He laughed with me and we both ended inventing many of the weird moves we imagined to be doing on the ball. 'And you just go like a robot and I'd come like a ballerina , , on my tip toes, running for you and then we'll both dance a waltz.' He commented and the fact that Leo would be in ballerina costume boosted my laughter.

I fell on the floor and my stomach began to hurt. Leo joined in too.

We continued like this until the clock chimed midnight and we both finally gave up to sleep.

I walked up to my room and changed in my pj's and when I came out, I saw what I wanted to, Leo. I thought he might've forgotten about it but he still considered to sleep on my bed. It  somehow made me more happy. And I felt like the luckiest girl.

Leo seemed to be fast asleep and so I barred my window, turned off the lights and snuggled in the bed.

Leo shifted and kissed me on the cheek. ''Night Jewel.' He whispered sending a tingling sensation down my bones.

'Night Black.' I whispered back but I knew he had already slept. And just like that, my perfect day with a bit doubt, a perfect surprise and loads of memories, ended.

YOLO. Enjoy every moment.

Very happy chapter with happy moments ended on a happy note. But guess what? The climax is just at the door.

If you liked the chapter , please vote.

If you want to tell me something, then comment.

And if you want to keep yourself up-to-date then follow.


See ya on Friday .Till then Huzaila will be off. Good day everyone.

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