Brotherly love (phan)

Por phanallamallama

2.8M 65K 508K

Phil is an orphan, bullied, and living alone with no friends in a home. He does his best not to let that fact... Mais

Brotherly love (phan)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chaapteer 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 1000
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapperiter 13
Chapter 14
Chaptwe 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chaptere 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapotueur 24
chapter 25
Chapter 25.5
chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 26

101K 1.8K 29.2K
Por phanallamallama

This was meant to be up like seven, now 8, freaking days ago but shit happened i say at the end in my authors note so for now, enjoy Phil's birthday and meeting a character you have all been demanding to see...

"Wake up dorkface." A voice floated around Phil's head like music as he blinked his eyes open slowly, still bleary.

"Mmph," he groaned and Dan chuckled and Phil blinked again, realising he was more hugging the duvet than someone beside him, but it was okay this time as he could hear Dan's voice. Except the face above his wasn't Dan...

"Oli!" he yelled as he realised it was his best friend and flung his arms around him, hugging him as tightly as possible.

"Happy birthday Phil," Oli said into his shoulder as he rocked them slightly, small tears of joy pricking Phil's eyes as he moved back and cupped Oli's face in his hands.

"I can't believe you're here..." he trailed off and Oli stuck his tongue out.

"I take it you're glad to see me then," he joked and Phil shook his head fondly, not being able to stop beaming. "And you should be thanking Dan really that I'm here," he added and Dan sat down on the bed beside Phil and Phil in turn wrapped his arms around his neck and gave him a soft kiss.

"Thank you," he whispered and Dan kissed him again.

"Happy birthday gorgeous," he smiled and Phil could already feel his cheeks hurting his smile was so big.

"Ew, PDA guys," Oli groaned and Phil giggled, shoving his shoulder.

"Shut up or I'll send you back to London," Phil teased.

"Rude, we have a tradition to uphold," Oli pointed out and Phil's face lit up. "We were actually going to wrap me up and put a bow on my head before we woke you up but er, it didn't go so well," Oli told him, gesturing to the ripped wrapping paper on the floor. "But we kept the bow because I look so damn adorable," Oli said and Phil tweaked it, giggling.

"I'm surprised you didn't wake up actually." Dan said, referring to how noisy ripping off the paper must have been.

"So what's the plan for today?" Phil asked Oli who tapped his nose.

"First off an amazing breakfast by chef Ellie and then dressing up warmly before I take you away, but to where? You will not know," Oli said dramatically.

"Oli says I am special enough to come with you," Dan said. "Which I was slightly surprised at as he greeted me with a hug, and then slapped me," Dan said thoughtfully.

"Oli!" Phil exclaimed.

"No I deserved it," Dan said. "It was for all the shit I put you through and I am glad someone finally did it to be honest," Dan said.

"And I did make sure he was okay after. I know he's special to you Phil, so I have forgiven him. But that means I gave him the 'Do-anything-like-that-again-and-you-will-die' talk. And then he got another hug," Oli said and Phil rolled his eyes.

"You're both idiots. Now breakfast time?" he asked.

"Yeah, we're going to do private presents when we're out later, that okay?" Dan asked and Phil nodded happily. This was the best birthday ever already.

They went downstairs happily (Phil finally deciding that it was okay to not bother with crutches) and as soon as they got into the kitchen Ellie gave him a huge hug and kissed his forehead.

"Happy 17th," she grinned. "If you were a wizard you could do magic legally outside of school now," she said and Dan almost hit her.

"That is the worst thing you could ever say to someone," Dan said, protectively placing his hands over Phil's ears.

"Dan stop harassing Phil." Ellie said and he removed his hands but wrapped one of his arms around Phil's shoulders. They had become more open to acting cuddly ever since they decided their parents probably knew they were together, it was a lot more comfortable. "Now what do you want to eat for breakfast sweetheart?" she asked.

"Er..." Phil thought.

"Pancakes? Waffles? Pastry kind of things?" Ellie prompted.

"I used to have a favourite breakfast when I was younger which was-" Phil started before Oli cut him off.

"American pancakes with bacon and maple syrup," Oli finished for him and Phil grinned at him.

"Okay. Sit down at the table boys while I sort out breakfast. Tim should be down soon, he insisted on having a shower." Ellie explained as they sat down, both Oli and Dan having a mini fight over who got to sit beside Phil before he moved to the head of the table to they could both sit next to him.

"You guys are so possessive," Phil giggled once they had finally stopped shoving and sat down and they both grabbed onto one of Phil's hands at his words before laughing loudly.

"Phil if you're not careful one of them will probably eat you and I will not allow that when I am making such a great breakfast so no filling up on human before hand." Ellie said sternly and all the boys giggled. "So where are you taking Phil today?" Ellie asked.

"It's a secret," Dan said and Ellie nodded in understanding.

"Oli be a dear and whisper it in my ear?" Ellie asked and Oli got up and walked over to her, bending down a little due to his height (he had grown a lot in the past few months away from Phil) and whispered something Phil couldn't make out but the way Ellie's face shone must have meant it was a good idea. "Okay this is going to be a great birthday Phil," Ellie told him and Phil smiled at her.

"It already is."


Tim came down when Ellie started to fry up pancakes and ruffled Phil's hair.

"Happy birthday Phil. Did Ellie say the wizard thing? She was planning it all last night," he asked and Ellie went beetroot and hid here face with her fringe as she cooked. He then ruffled Dan's hair which earnt him protests and then Oli's- though there wasn't much to ruffle really. (He didn't dare ruffle Ellie's, everyone knew his hand would probably be bitten off, and as she said, no filling up on human.)

"We're doing presents after food aren't we dear?" Tim asked Ellie after a few minutes of chatting and joking with the boys.

"Yeah, as maple syrup presents doesn't sound as tasty," Ellie nodded as her pancakes began churning out.

"You guys didn't need to get me anything-" Phil started and Dan held a finger over his lips.

"I know it's your birthday but shut up," Dan said and Oli nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, shut up Phil." he said, his lips quirking into a small smile. He had obviously missed saying that to his face.

"Pancake time!" Ellie called as she started serving up onto plates.

"Ellie do we have any bananas for Oli?" Phil asked.

"If you look over there-" Ellie said pointing. "There is a thing called a fruit bowl. On top are bananas. But why does Oli need one?" she asked.

"He doesn't need one-"

"Potassium," Oli cut in.

"Okay for potassium but it's just because it tastes really good with this breakfast,"

"You can't say that though as you hate bananas," Oli pointed out.

"Stop with the technicalities and go get a banana you monkey," Phil said and Oli pecked his cheek before getting up to grab one.

"Oli would you be a dear and get one for me too? I want to try this combination," Ellie asked as she started handing out plates, Phil grabbing the maple syrup and pouring it over his pancakes.

"Sure," Oli said and put hers by her place as he sat down and started cutting it up, Ellie sitting down beside him and copying.

Once they had all sorted out their toppings they started eating and Ellie's face lit up as she tried to bacon-banana-syrup-pancakes combination.

"This is so good. Oli you are a taste king. Tim try this," Ellie said spearing more on her fork and passing it to Tim who ate it and then grabbed his own banana, making Oli chuckle.

"Oli you might be adopted by the end of this," Dan said and Oli shook his head.

"Sadly I am already taken. Your mum sadly can't adopt everyone," He pointed out.

"I can if I try hard enough," Ellie muttered darkly.

"To be honest at least she's sounding sinister to do something nice. It's not like she's going to kill the people she adopts," Tim pointed out.

"Hopefully." Dan whispered to Phil who giggled and poked his side under the table making him squirm.


Once they had finished eating Dan, Phil and Oli all wandered upstairs and started pulling on clothes to prepare for the day while Tim and Ellie 'tidied the kitchen', (meaning they were sorting out Phil's presents in the least subtle way possible).

"Dan what should I wear?" Phil asked while he was standing in jeans with just his top off. Now that most of his bruises were fading he was a lot less conscious of how he looked.

"T-shirt, jumper and coat," Dan said. "It's not gonna be the warmest outside remember," he said, throwing Phil the things he should wear to stop him dithering before pulling on his own top and jumper, sorting out his hair in the mirror before Phil could protest and make him keep it curly.

"Do you guys always choose each others clothes?" Oli asked as he sat on their bed and watched their routine.

"Only when Phil's being indecisive," Dan said and Phil opened his mouth to protest and then closed it. It was pretty true. "Or when I want to make him look super adorable," Dan added and Phil blushed.

"But that is always, Dan," Oli pointed out and Phil went even more red, hiding his face in his jumper instead of putting it on.

"I hate you both," Phil mumbled into his face-hider and he felt Dan slide his arms around his waist and hug him from behind.

"I love you too you cute idiot." Dan said and kissed the back of his head while Oli awed at them.


Phil came out of hiding after a few minutes of coaxing and teasing before he was blindfolded and lead downstairs. It took a while of Dan double and then triple checking that Phil was okay to trust them. But Phil was pretty sure that with two overprotective people he would be okay. And they'd stop if something went wrong.

"Honestly I'm not sure why we're blindfolding you," Oli said as Dan guided his down the stairs, Oli bracing himself in front of them in case he fell. "All the presents are wrapped. Which reminds me, usual traditions occur and you get our presents when we are out," Oli said and Phil chuckled.

"Well obviously." Phil said as Dan picked him up and carried him down the last few steps to hurry the process up.

Gentle guitar music strumming the tune of 'happy birthday' drifted from the direction of the front room where Phil was being lead and as soon as he got in (due to instructions from Oli and Dan of where to stand) Phil ripped off the blindfold and saw Charlie behind a guitar and grinning.

"Charlie!" He squealed and as soon as Charlie finished playing Phil hugged him.

"Happy birthday lion," he grinned and kissed his cheek, the guitar pressed a little uncomfortably between them.

"You never told me you could play guitar," Phil said as he pulled away and Charlie took it off, resting it against the sofa.

"You never asked." Charlie said and Phil nodded and his eyes finally fell on the pile of presents Ellie and Tim had laid out of him. Quite a few of them looked rather bulky and were wrapped slightly awkwardly but it seemed like so much compared to what he had been used to.

"There are so many! Thank you!" Phil beamed and Tim laughed.

"Thank us once you have opened them," he said and Phil nodded, unsure what to open first.

"Go with this one first," Ellie said, picking up a large, weirdly shaped present which when she handed it to Phil, squished in his hands. He didn't bother to shake it before he pulled the paper off and was holding a large Totoro plushie in his arms.

"Wow!" he squealed and hugged it to himself tightly.

"And Dan your place of cuddlebuddy has been stolen." Ellie told him and Dan scowled at her, then the toy.

"You should probably sit down before doing the rest of your presents." Charlie said changing the situation and all of the boys had another miniature fight of who got to sit next to Phil again before they all crammed onto the same sofa and Ellie passed Phil another present, due to the fact he could barely move with Dan's arm around his waist protectively and two other people crowding him.

He unshelled it and out came a new sketchbook which Phil was extremely thankful for as his literally had one clean page left.

After that was a backpack which was holographic and showed the galaxy and it changed when it was moved in different angles. After that it was a couple of new t-shirts, some paint and pencils and then finally he unwrapped a 3ds with the new animal crossing game attached.

"Oh my god!" he squealed. "You are never going to see me again now," he warned as he started furiously trying to get it out of the box but Dan grabbed his hands.

"Play it later, Oli didn't come all the way here just to watch you play it," Dan reminded him and Phil nodded.

"Fine," he mock pouted. "Thank you so much!" Phil said gleefully, wriggling up and giving Tim a big hug and then also hugging Ellie and kissing her cheek.

"You're welcome honey. Now you boys have strict instructions to be back by six or me and Tim will go out and eat without you," Ellie said sternly and Phil grinned.

"Is the majority of my birthday just going to be a secret to me?" Phil asked.

"Yes," Everyone replied at once.



The boys pulled on coats and Ellie fussed over them being warm enough before they all managed to escape (a picnic basket in Oli's hand as Phil noticed) and went towards a bus stop, Dan taking Phil's hand and Oli and Charlie chatting happily together as Oli has stayed at his the night before to keep the surprise from Phil.

"Good birthday so far?" Dan asked and Phil kissed his cheek.

"The best. Thank you for getting everyone down here. And honestly I'm surprised you haven't tried to kill anyone for cheek kissing yet," he added and Dan went red.


"Dan I know you got jealous," Phil teased.

"Well it's because you're mine. But I don't really care so much today as I trust Charlie and I am scared of Oli so everything is okay. I'm not letting your 17th birthday be ruined," Dan said and wrapped his arm around Phil's waist and pulled him closer.

"I don't think it could be ruined with you guys around," Phil said and Dan kissed his cheek and Phil couldn't help but giggle and blush, although he would blame the cold for the colour in his cheeks, Dan had nothing to do with it.

"I love you, little red cheeks," Dan teased before pecking him again, making his stomach swoop.

"The cold- wind... erm..." Phil trailed off and Dan beamed at him.

"Me?" he asked.

"You're so conceited,"

"So yes?"

"Yeah. But don't get big headed-" Dan cut him off with another kiss to his nose.

"Come on, or we'll get left behind." Dan said, looking ahead where Charlie and Oli were pretending to look at watches and stroke their beards which made Phil chuckled before he he slid Dan's arm around his shoulder and cuddled into him as they began to walk again, catching up their idiotic friends.

"Phil doesn't know the bus route, right?" Charlie asked as they sat in the bus shelter.

"No, he hardly goes on buses," Dan said.

"Walking is good for you," Phil muttered and Dan pulled him close.

"You would teleport everywhere if you could," he pointed out.

"Everyone would." he replied defensively before changing the subject. "So Oli, are you and Charlie the besties I believed you would be?" he asked and they both nodded.

"If I didn't have a boyfriend I would be all over that," Oli said pointing and Charlie hit his shoulder.

"Oh Oliver, you do make me swoon with your loving talk," He teased and Oli stuck his tongue out at him, before coughing and darting his eyes away.

"So yes?" Phil questioned and they nodded.

"Yup, we are now super ultimate best friends," Oli said to Charlie who nodded but both looked slightly more red than usual. It was probably from the cold.

"So what am I to you?" Phil asked.

"My brother," Oli replied.

"My best friend," Charlie told him.

"My brother, best friend and boyfriend," Dan chipped in superiorly and both Charlie and Oli scowled at him.

"Can you guys not fight over me? I mean you Dan," he added as Dan shot them a smug look and his face fell. "I love you all a lot- Dan the least- so stop fighting over me," he said and laughed at Dan's scowling face.

"Fine, we'll stop fighting, part of it is to only annoy Dan anyway," Oli said, nudging Charlie too and Dan's mouth fell open.

"Why? What have I done?" he complained and both Charlie and Oli gave him a stern look and Dan shrunk back, removing his arm from Phil and moving into himself.

"Hey it's okay. Don't be mad at Dan," Phil told them and shuffled closer to Dan again, letting him know he was okay, even if the memories were stinging him a little. At least they had mostly faded by now. Well, kind of. It wasn't like they would ever leave properly.

"Sorry, natural protection," Oli said and Charlie nodded in agreement.

"To be honest it was because you get jealous easily and it's fun seeing you cling onto Phil," Charlie explained more.

"That's because he's perfect and I don't want to share someone who gives very nice kisses." Phil smiled and it was odd looking back up and seeing Charlie and Oli pretending to throw up to tease them.

"You guys are such idiots-"

"That's our bus!" Oli pointed as it headed towards him and he waved to it to make sure it knew they wanted on. On the front it said a place Phil only recognised the name of, so this would definitely be an adventure.

They paid and went to the back of the bus, opting to stay on the ground floor and sat on the seats that faced each other in a sort of cube, meaning Phil could cuddle up to Dan happily.

"Because you all have backpacks does this mean you all have really big presents for me?" Phil asked but then jolted up slightly. "Oh Oli, I forgot your Christmas present is at home," he said.

"How about we do Christmas presents in the half term as I am coming back then?" Oli asked and Phil nodded.

"Okay." he smiled. "Hey how long is this bus route?"

"About an hour. Why?" Charlie replied and Phil pulled out his sketchbook, a pencil and a rubber from his new backpack.

"So I can draw you guys of course," Phil replied as if it was obvious.

"Oh and I brought my camera with me," Dan said, taking it out of his bag and turning it on, seeing Oli and Charlie both start to pose, arms around each other, and took a photo.

"Stay like that," Phil ordered them and they both moaned as they had both decided to do peace signs for the camera. "I just wanna get the rough outline idiots, you wont have to stay like that all bus journey, I can always use the picture Dan took," Phil told them as he started mapping their outlines. Dan started pulling faces at the frozen duo to irritate them.

"You guys can talk you know," Phil told them.

"Dan stop being a twat," was the first thing that came out of Charlie's mouth once he unfroze.

"Rude," Dan pointed out.

"Dan, what's in the picnic basket? Can you look as I'm a little stuck at the moment?" Oli asked and Dan dove into the basket, looking through the contents.

"We have cold pizza, some kind of sandwiches, cans of coke, stuff in boxes and even fruit dipped in chocolate," Dan said, looking almost tempted to try some now and Oli squirmed.

"Oli stop moving I'm almost done," Phil told him.

"But I'm uncomfortable," he whined, trying to touch Charlie as little as possible.

"Rude, I don't smell," Charlie said defensively, but he was doing the same.

"Charlie is a much better model than you," Phil said and Charlie winked at him, making Phil roll his eyes but then return the wink, much to Dan's jealous touch to Phil's arm.

"See Dan, you get jealous so easily," Charlie then pointed out.

"Because Phil is precious and I don't want anyone else to steal him away from me," Dan pouted and Phil stopped drawing for a few seconds to roll his eyes at him.

"You have been super protective of him since I met him actually," Charlie said thoughtfully.

"Well I've been in love with him for a long time. And I was right to be protective considering you tried to steal him away," Dan said and Charlie smirked.

"That was one hell of a kiss," he said, pretending to look back on it dreaming to see Dan's face darked and become slightly annoyed and Oli was looking thoughtful too.

"Wait so all of us here have kissed Phil," Oli said and Phil tutted loudly when he moved and Oli went back into his position, Charlie staring at him in wonderment (he obviously hadn't known this information).

Dan's face was getting more stormy now.

"Except our kiss was gross and disgusting," Oli said and Phil chuckled.

"Yeah. I mean not that you were a bad kisser, you were just too-" he cut off and waved his hands in the air as if trying to describe the feeling. "You're like an actual brother compared to Dan," he decided and Dan scoffed and folded his arms. "Dan most brothers don't fall in love, don't look like that," Phil reminded him and Dan shrugged and nodded, unfolding his arms and leaning his head against the window.

"Are we playing the 'how jealous can we make Dan get before he starts making out with Phil to prove his dominance over him' game?" Charlie asked, smiling a little wickedly, Oli joining in.

"I'm not playing but it looks like you two are," Phil said. "But ground rules: No one else apart from Dan can kiss me on the lips and please don't touch me too much. Otherwise within reason and try to be subtle-ish, go nuts with flirting," Phil told them and Dan looked mildly worried as Oli and Charlie smiled sweetly at him.

"This will be a lot more fun when we get off the bus," Charlie said and Oli nodded.

"It's a lot easier to get to Phil then," Oli added and Dan leant a little closer to Phil.

"You know how I said I didn't really care so much today because it's Oli and Charlie? I might have to take that back." Dan whispered to him and Phil chuckled. He hoped this didn't go horribly wrong.


When they got off the bus Dan's hand was entwined with Phil's, but then on his other side Charlie had his arm around Phil's shoulders.

"How far is it to the place as this is uncomfortable?" Phil asked.

"About 20 minutes so I will be a gentleman and leave you be," Charlie said and then pecked Phil's cheek before moving away, smirking as Phil yelped and Dan glared as him, pulling Phil closer and sliding his own arm around Phil's waist and guiding Phil away from them.

"That is certainly the opposite of being a gentleman," Phil told him and Charlie just smiled cheekily.

"Nice one," Oli told Charlie who mock saluted at him, before ducking shyly away. "But this place is really nice Phil. It is pretty much the middle of nowhere but it's really pretty and you will like it a lot," he said and Phil grinned at him.

"When did you find it then as you haven't exactly been around for some time?" he asked and Oli grinned.

"Actually Dan helped me out again. He said there was something around here and I was down yesterday staying at Charlie's house. You know how Dan went out yesterday? It was because him and Charlie were showing me the place to see if it would be right. I slept over at Charlie's but he wouldn't wake up this morning so I set an alarm to get him up which is why he wasn't eating breakfast with us," Oli explained, if a little awkwardly.

"You know how hard it is to get me up in the mornings," Charlie said to him guiltily, rubbing the back of his neck and glancing at Oli, and Phil just smiled.

"You're a good cuddler though so it's cool," Phil said and Phil felt Oli bump his hand and he turned to face him, seeing him smile at Dan's slightly tightly lipped face at the comment but he leaned in closer to Phil.

"Dan put a lot of effort into this. He really does love you so I forgive him," he whispered and Phil smiled at him.

"Good because I quite like him too." Phil said and reached around to peck Dan's cheek who smiled slightly and and stood up a little taller.


About 3 minutes away from the 'secret location', after crossing many fields along hard dirt paths, Dan had broken.

Charlie had grabbed Phil's hand and dragged him away before leaning him up a tree and whispering stupid things in Phil's ear to make him giggle, then resting his hands on the side of Phil's cheek and slowly bringing their lips closer before Dan flew over and ripped Charlie away, literally knocking him to the ground. He then kissed Phil and leant his head on his shoulder.

"They broke me," Dan said and Phil hugged him.

"That's okay. You did push Charlie on the ground though," he said and Dan turned around.

"Sorry about that," Dan said and Charlie shrugged, being helped up by Oli.

"It's okay, I won," he said and Oli rolled his eyes.

"Yeah yeah don't gloat," Oli said and Phil laughed.

"Are we going to keep going?" Phil asked and Dan let go of him.

"Yeah, come on."


Dan gave a piggyback down a woody path until they reached a road where Phil was suddenly blindfolded (again. Seriously, how many times would they do this?). Dan continued to carry him, Phil clutching on tightly when he realised they were going down a hill wherever he was meant to be going. It was only when he was put down and felt wood under his feet that he was allowed to remove his blindfold.

He pulled it off and before him was a small river, glistening in the small rays of sunlight reflecting off it as the withered trees hung over it, their tendrils of twigs gliding across the water as their branches dipped and skated in the wind. He was stood on a thin wooden bridge that looked like it could crack at any time but he really didn't care as although it didn't seem like much to other people, it was a lot to Phil. It was his adventure for the day.

Pathways along the stream carried on either side, large rocks carved into the earth, big enough to stand on and be proud as mauve coloured heather and thick straw coloured grass rippled in the breeze around their feet. Then further down where he could see the path ending, it travelled through a gate and into the woods, following the river as it widened and fell, leading them forwards into mystery.

"It's perfect," Phil breathed after a minute of taking in the view.

"Really?" Oli asked and Phil nodded.

"Yes. Please get over here so I can hug you all." Phil said and they piled onto the bridge and Phil dived into a hug group hug, even if they didn't all properly fit. "Thank you all so much, it's perfect," He told them and they all beamed.

"It's called Padley Gorge, I came here a lot when I was little and paddled in the stream in summer," Dan told him as they broke away. "I made a few one-day friends and I thought you would like it. It's exactly how I remember it, just cold," he explained as he took Phil's hand tightly. "Now sir," he asked, bowing. "Would you please join me on your quest to our luncheon point?" he asked and Phil chuckled as Dan kissed his hand.

"Yes I will my dear companion if you promise not to steal me away on a dragon," Phil said and Dan blushed.

"Off we go then." Charlie said happily, leading the way across the bridge.

They walked happily down the path, Phil slightly dazzled at the simple beauty around him.

"Did you know that up on those rocky hills behind us is where part of a film was shot?" Dan asked as they stopped, looking back at it.

"Which film?" Phil asked.

"The princess bride. When Buttercup and the masked man are running away from the prince," Dan said and Phil smiled.

"I want to watch that film now." Phil said and Dan kissed his hand again before they carried on walking, seeing Oli and Charlie standing on tall rocks beside the path, pulling poses, and Dan quickly took a photo.

"Idiots." he whispered and Phil giggled.

They passed through a wooden gate and then they were in the forest, moving along the twisted path which looked over the river running down beside them. Falling off the path would not be a good idea, and yet they jumped across the rocks leading their way, swinging around trees and laughing at each other's stumbles over tree roots.

Then they reached the old, massive stone wheels, around the size of a bed, some even stuck in the side of an overhang of earth where a higher path had lead.

"Wow, why are these here?" Phil asked as they went over to them and Oli sat on the edge of one of them while Charlie opted to sit inside the hole in the middle, just the right size for him to not quite fall into.

"I think they were here because of mining or milling or something. I'm not sure, I don't remember properly," Dan said thoughtfully as Charlie tried to get himself out of the wheel.

"Er guys?" Charlie asked, adjusting his wolf hat casually and resting his elbow on his knee, propping up his head with his hand and trying to look casual. "Can you get me out? I'm a little stuck," he asked and they all started to laugh, making Charlie glow beetroot.

"No we are going to leave you there forever," Oli said, obviously joking.

"He'd freeze to death. We can kill him in much better ways than that," Dan said happily, taking a picture of Charlie before he hid his face.

"Like a new rendition of Titanic," Phil added and Charlie rolled his eyes at them.

"Just help me get my junk out of the trunk." he said and held his arms out which the boys grabbed and pulled at, making Charlie almost fly out of.

"Well that was interesting," Dan said.

"My butt hurts," Charlie whined and Oli started waving his hands around almost wildly.

"We did nothing last night I swear no sexy times none at all!" he said rapidly making everyone laugh.

"Well obviously. Charlie would totally top," Phil said. "Am I right?" Phil asked and Charlie tapped his nose, although he was a little flushed.

"You could always find out lion," he winked and Dan glared at him.

"Phil is mine," Dan whined.

"So who out of you two tops. I mean you haven't done it yet as Phil is still way too innocent but like, who tops?" Oli asked and both boys went red.

"That is none of your business-"

"Phil tops?" Charlie said, looking at Oli who nodded.


"Guys!" Dan whined.

"What? You said he was yours, didn't you? Or can Phil find out if I do top or not?" Charlie asked cheekily and Dan let out a frustrated yell.

"I hate you guys," he decided and hugged Phil to him and hid his head in his shoulder.

"He's not denying if he bottoms though." Oli whispered to Charlie and Phil shushed them.

"Should we move on before someone else gets stuck in a wheel?" Phil asked and Dan pulled away from him.

"Yeah, with my butt I will probably just slide through and disappear." Dan said and Phil chuckled.


They kept moving along the path and had to climb up quite a steep hill (which they all struggled to get up) before they started to come down the other side, but a large dead fallen tree was blocking most of the path.

"Is this meant to be there? Isn't it dangerous?" Phil asked and Dan just smiled.

"Take a closer look," he said and Phil walked up to it and saw loads of penny coins hammered into the trunk, most of them really old, but a few newer ones.

"There are pennies in it!" he said happily.

"My mum once said that people hammer in a penny to keep a memory, but I'm not sure if that's actually why it's there. Either way, I brought some coppers with me," Dan said, pulling one out of his pocket and Phil grinned at him. Dan knew him so well.

"PDA guys," Oli complained but he had a large smile on his face to show he was joking.

"How do we hammer it in?" Phil asked.

"Like cavemen," Dan said and picked up a fist sized rock. "Do you want to do it or should I?" Dan asked and Phil took the rock off him. "Of course." Dan smiled as Phil carefully started to knock the penny into the rotten wood, glad it was soft so he didn't have to do much.

It went in with just a few hits before Dan took the rock off him and dropped it to the floor.

"Now we have a memory of Phil's 17th birthday so when we come back here we can find the penny and maybe something magic will happen," Dan said and nudged Phil's shoulder with his own.

"And a camera full of photos." Charlie said, grabbing the camera from the pocket in Dan's bag and getting a picture of them staring at the coins before they turned and saw him, both blushing before Dan kissed Phil's cheek and flipped off the camera.


After about a billion stupid poses Dan got the camera off Charlie and flicked through them.

"Those are cute, I should be a photographer," Charlie said, peering over Dan's shoulder.

"Why does Phil get all the kisses?" Oli moaned as he joined Charlie in looking over Dan's shoulders at the camera pictures.

"Excuse you," Charlie said, turning his head and giving Oli a prime bitch face. "I am the single one here. I should be moaning about not being kissed," he said and Oli rolled his eyes, if he looked a little guilty.

"Well sorry if my boyfriend is all the way back in London," Oli said and Charlie gave him a cheeky smile.

"Does that mean he won't know if anything... happens, between us?" he teased, running a finger along Oli's chest who gave him an unimpressed look, but he was blushing and slightly flustered.

"Babe you missed your chance. I have to go to the train station before dinner," Oli said sassily and Charlie groaned and rolled his eyes.

"Eugh, why can't you live here? We're like the perfect besties," he said seriously and Oli patted his shoulder.

"I know dear, now stop your pouting," he said and Charlie shook his head.

"Or what?" he asked sassily, keeping his mouth as a pout.

"Or I will kiss it off," Oli said and Charlie rolled his eyes.

"Except you have a boyfriend which you have been going on about for the past few days I mean does he even exist-" he was cut off by Oli pecking his lips, making Charlie's mouth fall open. "You kissed me?"

"Yeah," Oli replied, raising his eyebrows and Charlie looked at him with so much confusion.

Fuck, we this was just a once thingy. We had agreed it was. Shit fucking fuck. Why did I do it again? Charlie, I'm sorry, that wasn't as friends.

"Wait you kissed him?" Dan asked who had just come over with Phil at his side, both their eyes wide.

"Yeah..." Oli trailed off nervously. "Friends kiss all the time,"

"We were over there for a minute and you guys have been making out?" Dan asked and Charlie still looked kind of shocked.

"We haven't made out I just pecked him," Oli said, but now he had gone red and he and Charlie couldn't quite meet each others eyes. "Friends kiss all the time,"

"Mostly female friends,"

"Dan get your gender roles away from me,"

Charlie then burst into a song. "It started off with a kiss how did it end up like this? It was only a kiss! It was only a kiss!" he sang loudly while Phil and Dan laughed while Oli just stared at him, shaking his head.

"Thank you for that rendition of Mr Brightside Charlie, it really fitted the situation," Oli said sarcastically, but he was biting his lip and Charlie was still a little red.

Wasn't Mr Brightside about cheating?

"I liked it, Charlie has a good voice," Phil cut in, and cut was probably a good word to describe how thick the tension had become.

"Why thank you lion," Charlie said before he took off his wolf hat and put it in his bag, ruffling up his hair a little before fixing it. "Should we keep walking?" he asked.

"Yeah, probably a good idea." Oli said quickly and they set off again.


They reached their apparent picnic destination at around half twelve and Phil was about to flop down on some grass when Dan covered his eyes and started to lead him somewhere.

"This is the third time I have been blindfolded are you guys going to push me into a volcano or something?" Phil complained as Dan laughed into his ear.

"Well you are a virgin." Oli said as he was pushed forward until jolted to a halt, Dan slowly taking his hands away from Phil's eyes to reveal a vast pond with trees hanging over it. A windmill about the size of their tower was across it, not moving, but still painted a storybook red as its while sails creaked in the breeze. The pale blue sky framed the horizon as more thick heather tangled across the banks of the pond, more woodland growing on the other side of the mellow pond, ducks casually gliding across it, quacking happily as Phil-

"Motherfucking ducks!" Oli yelled as one of the ducks had come onto the bank and was trying to peck at the ends of his shoelaces.

"Well that ruined the mood. We can feed them once we've eaten if you want," Dan told the beaming Phil as he wrapped his arms around his waist, cuddling him from behind. "If they don't eat Oli first," he added.

"It really means a lot you did all this for me," Phil told him and threaded their fingers together and squeezed. Dan just grinned back.

"If you don't come over here in four seconds me and Charlie will eat everything and you wont get your presents." Oli warned them and they quickly rushed to a little picnic table where the boys had set out the food and plates, making Phil grin and slide down next to Dan, leaving Charlie and Oli sitting next to each other, going red every time they touched and trying not to make eye contact.

They began to tuck into the food happily, Dan every so often feeding Phil bits of food which made Oli and Charlie pretend to throw up from the other side of the table.

"If you guys were doing it we wouldn't be complaining," Phil said as he bit off some pizza.

"No you'd be doing what we're doing," Charlie pointed out.

"Actually we'd be doing what we're doing now as we would both be couples." Phil said and Oli and Charlie looked slightly stressed.

"But we're not a couple," Oli said and Charlie nodded, even if he gave off a tiny hurt look.

"Oh yeah, I haven't asked, how's Jake?" Phil asked happily.

"Oh he's great," Oli smiled, talking quickly. "He's such a gentleman, he always tells me off for swearing which is cute as then I just do it more and he kisses me to shut me up," he gabbled before shoving more food into his mouth, starting to choke. Charlie hit his back and he was able to breathe again. It was lucky no one needed to do anything more than that as non of the boys had any idea about first aid.

"You okay?" Charlie asked gently as he placed his hand on his shoulder, leaning closer to Oli as he breathed heavily, barely audible to Dan or Phil.

"Yeah I'm fine, sorry if I scared you," Oli said in the same tone, then blinked hard and moved away from Charlie so his hand fell.

"It's okay, I live for danger." Charlie said dramatically, making even Oli laugh slightly, even if he did look stressed still.


They finished up with their food and then it was present time, Phil sitting excitedly on Dan's lap as Charlie pulled out a squishy wrapped parcel from his backpack.

"I think you will like this a lot," Charlie grinned as he passed it to him and Phil unwrapped it quickly, beaming as a lion hat rested in his hands.

"Oh my god!" he squeaked and put it on, sorting out his fringe before leaning over the table and hugging Charlie. "We can start an animal hat group," he grinned and Charlie nodded, putting his wolf hat back on and saluting.

Oli was next and he handed Phil a small thin, book shaped present.

"Is it a camel?" he asked as he pulled off the paper but laughed as it revealed the present inside: his very own death note. "This will be very handy," Phil smiled.

"Yeah, if anyone tries to hurt you again at school you're very protected," Oli beamed and Phil hugged him too.

"Dan's turn," Charlie said and Dan went a little red.

"Is it okay if you guys go and be somewhere you can't hear me? I want this to be special," Dan asked and Oli and Charlie both shook their heads.

"Nope we wanna see," Oli said.

"Please guys." Dan begged and something in his tone of voice made them grumble and get up and leave.

"What did you get me that you're embarrassed enough to not want me to open in front of our closest friends?" Phil asked and Dan smiled sheepishly, rummaging around in his bag.

"This is a horrible cliché and it's so cheesy so please don't laugh, you don't even have to wear it, but-" Dan trailed off, bringing out a small black box. Phil gasped. "It's not an engagement ring," Dan said quickly and Phil sighed in relief. "Come on, where would I get the money? I'm not gonna rob a bank," he chuckled and Phil smiled at him. "It is a ring however," he said, clicking the box open.

A small black band sat inside it's cushion, silver letters trailing around the middle as Phil gazed at it. It must have been so expensive, especially as Dan had seemed to have gotten it engraved.

"Dan..." Phil started but Dan cut him off.

"It's a promise ring. I said it was a horrendous cliché. But it's not something you need to promise, it's what I'm promising. I'm promising to stay as caring for you as I am now for as long as you want me around, and to make sure you're always okay and just love you as much as I possibly can. I know we're young and things could go wrong and you could fall in love with someone else and to be honest if they were good for you that would be okay as long as you're happy-

"Bear, you're rambling now," Phil cut in and Dan chuckled.

"Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that I promise to be myself and care for you as much as I possibly can while we're still alive, even when we're old and even I have a beard. I mean, it's kinda also like a promise ring because I'm saying I would like to marry you one day and have our own house and a koi pond. And probably a dog I'll let you give some stupid name. But the main point is that I love you and you can have me in any way you want, best friend, brother or lover. So is it okay if I do that?" Dan asked and Phil leant forwards kissed him softly.

"Of course," Phil smiled and Dan took the ring out of the box for him.

"Dan... did you actually get the person to inscribe elvish onto the ring?" Phil asked him and Dan shrugged.

"Maybe," he grinned.

"What does it say?" Phil asked and Dan chuckled and blushed.

"It says 'Brotherly love'," he said and Phil couldn't help but laughed.

"You used a fucking pun?" Oli's voice rang out behind them as they emerged from behind a tree.

"Shut up it's a great present," Dan said, looking up at Phil as if to check.

"It's perfect," Phil beamed and kissed Dan again, cupping his face gently and relaxing into him.

"I brought a chain because I didn't think you're much of a jewellery person, even though you seem to love my bracelets. Want it?" Dan asked and Phil nodded.

"Yes please, I'll be less likely to lose it," he said as Dan pulled it out from his pocket and slipped the ring onto it, before clasping it around Phil's neck.

"There we are. Gorgeous." Dan stated and Phil snuggled into his shoulder, hugging him around the neck happily.

"I really love you all a lot," Phil said after about a minute of hugging Dan contentedly, not seeing the many photos Charlie had been taking of them.

"Good because we love you too." Charlie spoke up for all of them as Dan pecked Phil's cheek.

Phil felt very lucky.


"Hey we should play hide and seek," Oli piped up.

"Yeah! But only in this area," Dan said.

"Can we hide in pairs? I don't really know this place at all and I don't want to get lost," Phil asked and they all nodded, even though Oli looked uncertain.

"Okay so I'm with Phil and we'll count first. We will count to sixty so you have a minute to hide somewhere. Don't go past the stile over there or that one near the end of the pond," Dan said, pointing and all the boys nodded in agreement.

"Ready? Go!" Phil shouted, closing his eyes. "1... 2... 3... 4..."

They both bolted and Oli started leading the way, checking Charlie was beside him often as they ran in a random direction.

"Where are we going?" he half yelled to Charlie.

"I don't know, just follow me!" Charlie told him and they kept running until Charlie randomly grabbed Oli's hand and he yelped as he was dragged into a hollow part of a tree trunk, crouching down as Charlie pulled him in beside him.

"Well that was tiring," Oli panted as Charlie laughed, sorting out his hair. Oli stared at him with red cheeks as he watched. Charlie was incredibly beautiful, even when he was slightly sweaty and flushed from running. Actually he was especially beautiful looking like that. Like yesterday-

"Yeah, we should have saved more food to make up for the two calories we just burnt." Charlie giggled. "Oh your leg is showing," he said, pointing and Oli frowned. There wasn't really room to tuck it in too comfortably.

"There's not really enough time to move, is there?" Oli said and Charlie shook his head.

"Er, how could we do this?" Charlie said thoughtfully, nibbling at his lip. For some reason Oli couldn't take his eyes off them.

"Er I have a very awkward idea," Oli said. "You don't have to if it's too weird, but if I moved and kind of, there's no unawkward way to say this, straddle you, then you can move your legs out more without us both being seen," He suggested, knowing his cheeks would be bright pink. Luckily Charlie's were matching.

"If it's okay with you then... I mean it is just hide and seek," he said and Oli nodded.


He stood up quickly and Charlie stretched his curled up legs out a little, Oli moving to straddle him before sitting on his lap, staring right at Charlie's face a few centimetres in front of him.

"Erm..." he muttered before Charlie dipped his head, then looked back up.

"Oli, I'm sorry about last night. I wasn't thinking and-" What?

"Wait why are you apologising?" Oli asked, confused. "I came onto you. I started this," he said, gesturing to the position they were in now and how similar it was to last night. "Why the hell are you apologising to me?" he asked and Charlie shrugged.

"I don't know. Because me being there made it happen? I don't know," he shrugged again.

"You're an idiot," Oli told him and Charlie gave him a small smile. "You're not allowed to feel bad about this okay? It's my fault, I screwed up my relationship, not you," Oli said, then sighed. "Would it be weird to say I don't entirely regret it-"

He was cut off by Charlie's hand going over his mouth, and at first Oli was confused and worried almost at this action before he heard Dan and Phil's voices moving through the trees. That's why Charlie had stopped him. It almost made him sad to think Charlie didn't want to be with him that way...

He moved Charlie's hand away from his mouth and leant closer towards him and whispered in his ear.

"Oh god, what if they find us like this?" he asked, and he almost started laughing. So much so, that Charlie had to cover both of their mouths while they silently laughed erratically at the situation they were really in.

Their laughter died down as Dan and Phil's voices moved away and Charlie's hands slowly dropped from their mouths as their eyes caught properly.

Oli blinked slowly, before his face gradually moved closer to Charlie's, until their noses brushed and their lips collided.

Automatically heat started to flow through Oli's body and he reached up and cupped Charlie's face, deepening the kiss as Charlie pulled him closer by his waist, wrapping his arms around him and hugging him closely as they kissed passionately.

Charlie let out a small gasp as Oli leant forwards into him and Oli connected their lips again quickly, his mind filling with stars and his dropped eyelids showing him only images of Charlie. They mystery boy from so far away that was too wild for his dreams, and too sweet for him to deserve.

He moved a hand to tangle in Charlie's hair, tugging it slightly and Charlie responded by lightly running his fingers down his back, making him squirm.

Then it all stopped abruptly with Charlie's hands sliding up his chest to his shoulders and gently moving him away, a sad smile on his lips now they were no longer occupied.



"Fuck," Oli cursed, sitting back and resting his head in his hands before Charlie cupped the back of his neck and pulled him into his shoulder where Oli clung, trying desperately hard not to cry.

"Hey, it's not so bad," Charlie said and Oli sniffed. He felt so guilty.

"I'm so sorry Charlie," he sniffed, wiping away the first tear, determined not to let more than three fall. "I keep hurting you and fucking things up,"

"Hey, don't worry, it's not like I didn't enjoy it," Charlie told him, gently stoking his hair as the second tear fell.

"It's just, when I'm around you I..." he trailed off and Charlie moved his head away, giving him a soft, broken smile.

Oli almost thought that he was going to kiss him again, hoping for it even, but Charlie tilted his head and kissed his forehead instead. His third tear fell, and he promised no more.

"I know," Charlie said gently, continuing to stroke through Oli's hair soothingly. "Me too," he whispered, and Oli could almost hear Charlie's heart cracking. "Maybe we should move somewhere else," he said and Oli let out a small snort.

"Yeah, I'll move back here, Ellie would adopt me," he said almost bitterly.

"Hey, it's okay. Stop thinking so much," Charlie shushed him and Oli nodded.

"I'm sorry," he sighed and Charlie chucked his chin.

"Stop apologising. Now let's go move somewhere where those idiots can find us or we will be here all day," Charlie said and they awkwardly stood up, almost crashing into each other.

"Yeah, I have a train to catch," Oli said sadly and Charlie patted his shoulder.

"Hey, you're coming back in two weeks, that's hardly any time at all," Charlie reminded him.

"Yeah, but that means two weeks back in London," Oli sighed and Charlie sighed with him. "I wish I didn't have a boyfriend," he said honestly, guilt tingling at his heart as he saw Charlie's torn smile.

Charlie whispered something he didn't catch and he ducked his head for a moment, a tear now rolling off his fingers. "Come on, let's find somewhere else."

Dan and Phil found Oli and Charlie sneaking around and a new rule of not being able to move from the first hiding spot was put in place before they returned to the picnic table and Oli and Charlie began to count while Dan and Phil hid.

"If you're making out when we find you I will personally cut off both of your lips when we get there!" They heard Charlie yell after them as they rather quickly found somewhere good to hide. Up a tree.

"58... 59... 60! Okay let's go," Charlie said, opening his eyes and seeing Oli lying across the top of the table, his head hanging off the edge. "Er, you alive?" Charlie asked, walking around and kneeling in front of his head and seeing Oli's eyes open.

"Just about," he half giggled.

"Come on Spiderman, we have two idiots to find," Charlie told him and Oli groaned.

"But then I have to move," he whined and he lifted his head, Charlie now standing near his legs. "Hey, metaphorically of course, what's your opinion of fucking on a bench in the middle of a public path?" Oli joked and Charlie slapped his leg gently.

"Come on, move or I will make you," Charlie said and Oli got up, grumbling.

"If only I could choose how." he muttered under his breath so Charlie wouldn't hear him.

They started walking in silence and honestly Oli had no idea how to sort out what was going on in his head.

He liked Charlie, he did, and last night he hadn't been using him for a stupid reason like 'he was lonely' or 'horny'. He just wanted to find a way to show Charlie how much he meant to him and not even as a friend, as more. Like right now he was forcing himself not to take Charlie's hand as he walked beside him, seeming oblivious to all the thoughts going through his head.

Oli wasn't so sure about Jake anymore. He liked him a lot but now... he just seemed to get a different feeling around him. He was starting to feel less in love with him and like he was more of a friend. But he still had to face the consequences as a boyfriend.

But then did this mean just because Oli had only just met Charlie properly in real life that maybe he had gotten his feelings mixed up between the two and swapped them? He hoped not, because somehow last night was exactly what he had wanted, and what he would want for a very long time.

Charlie just seemed to understand him in a way that no one else had, even sensing when he wanted something like randomly appearing with a glass of water just as Oli realised he was thirsty. It was almost like Charlie could read him like a book, but interpreted him more deeply than others had before.

He liked the feeling.

And he liked the feeling of Charlie kissing him, and Charlie touching him, and Charlie holding him as he slept. He liked Charlie laughing with him, talking with him, understanding him.

He liked Charlie. More than Jake.

It really didn't help that he didn't know how Charlie felt about all of this. But Oli was starting to understand his own feelings, and what he wanted to do about them.

"I want to break up with Jake so I can be with you." Oli broke the silence, and then his hand flew over his mouth. He had definitely not meant to say that out loud.

But Charlie had heard and was now looking at him with eyes that melted with sadness.

"Don't," Charlie said softly.

"Why not?" Oli asked and then he realised. Did Charlie not like him back? Was all of this more of a bit of fun for him? Shit, he had messed up big time already, and now Charlie was about to tell him all of this and it was Phil's birthday, how was he meant to keep this to himself and handle it without being able to say anything with guilt filling his body?

"Because I'm not worth it," Charlie whispered, and Oli stopped walking.

"You what?" Oli replied, hardly believing what he was hearing.

"You have a loving relationship with a great guy who lives so close to you you could turn up at his door at 2am if you wanted with no planning needed. I'm an annoying guy who lives ages away and is too scared to say how he feels most of the time. You don't need that, I'm not worth the stress being caused,"

"No, I-"

"It's okay. Last night can have been a one night thing, meaning nothing. Now you don't have to worry about hurting Jake. It's all okay now, right?" Charlie asked almost hopefully.

'No. That's not okay you idiot. You're perfect and you're worth it. Last night meant everything to me. Please, let me be with you.'

But Oli just wanted him to be happy.



"Found you!" Oli said once he had found both Dan and Phil up a tree, putting on a smiling face as Dan and Phil both slid out of the tree and landed beside them.

"What gave us away?" Phil asked.

"First off, we looked up. Second off, Phil you were giggling pretty loudly, I think that sums it up," Charlie told them and Phil shrugged guiltily.

"Dan tickled me, not my fault," Phil said defensively.

"Another round or do you want to feed the evil bastards- I mean ducks?" Oli asked and Charlie chuckled, seeing Oli giving him a small smile.

"Ducks please," Phil said.

"I've just realised we left like all of our stuff back at the picnic table. I really hope no one has come along here today." Dan said and with wide eyed expressions they all started to run back to the table, sighing in relief when they saw all of their bags still sitting there untouched.

"Thank god we're lucky," Charlie said as they checked nothing had been taken from their bags.

"Yup. It's probably because it's Phil's birthday or something," Oli said and Phil shrugged.

"Well he does have magic powers," Dan said.

"This is new information," Oli said, pulling out leftover sandwich crusts from the picnic basket.

"Oh yeah it's called imagination or something, Dan doesn't have it," Charlie said sassily and Dan's mouth fell open.

"That was mean," he muttered and Phil laughed at his adorable boyfriend.

"Come on bear, let's go feed some ducks-"

"Even if they are assholes," Oli cut in.

"Even if they are assholes."

They went over to the pond and the ducks swarmed towards them, Oli taking a step backwards (he just really hated ducks) before Phil tore off a chunk of bread and the ducks dived on it, opening their beaks for more and so the boys obliged.

"I could go really deep and point out we are slaves to the ducks at the moment," Oli said and Charlie laughed and nudged him with his hip.

"You idiot," he said fondly and Oli just rolled his eyes at him, smiling slightly.

"I'm just imagining a duck in a crown now," Dan said and Phil giggled.

"Mine has a red fur cape," he said.

"And a sceptre," Charlie cut in.

"Are we just imagining the king of ducks now?" Dan asked.

"Apparently so," Charlie said.

"We're totally normal," Dan decided.

"Yes, but what is 'abnormality'?" Oli asked and everyone around him groaned.

"When you start your psychology A level we are all going to want to kill you," Phil told him and Oli saluted.

"As how you should always feel," he said proudly. "And like any of you clouds could take me," he added, raising his eyebrows.

"I don't know, I think Phil might be able to," Charlie said.

"I think Charlie has a chance," Phil said.

"Are we just ignoring the fact that he just called us 'clouds'?" Dan chimed in.

"Yes and you have no hope against Oli," Phil told him.

"Yeah I know," Dan said, accepting the obvious. Oli was taller than Dan (who was already pretty tall and a lot more broad so Dan really did have no hope).

"I still think if it was me or Charlie it would be a fair fight," Phil said.

"And we would win if it's both of us against you," Charlie agreed.

"Otherwise it would just be around even,"

"Sounds about right." Oli agreed.

They finished up feeding the 'greedy bastards' before going back towards the table, everything fine and happy until Oli tripped on a root and almost fell flat on his face. He would have done a spectacular face-plant if Charlie hadn't of grabbed his waist and hauled him up, clutching him tightly as Charlie stood him back up, his hands still gently touching his waist.

"You okay?" Charlie asked and Oli nodded vigorously, knowing his face was bright red. He looked down at Charlie's hands and coughed awkwardly, gently taking them and moving them away and back to Charlie's own body.

"Yeah, nothing ever happened." he said with a small smile, and Charlie nodded, not quite reading between Oli's lines this time.


Time moved on and soon they were back at the bus stop, getting off the bus and starting the walk back to their house, Dan hugging onto Phil to try and stay warm while Oli and Charlie kept throwing leaves at the backs of his head.

"Guys if you throw one more leaf at my head I will-" he got cut off as a flurry fell over his head, some getting tangled in his hair and he just glared at the pair of giggling idiots.

"I think I get the most points for that," Charlie said.

"I agree there. I will win next time though," Oli said and Dan looked stricken, making Phil laugh.

"There's gonna be a next time?" he whined.

"Maybe you should have worn a hat then," Phil said, pointing out the fact that Dan was the only one not wearing one.

"Then my hair would have gone all messy," he said defensively.

"You're the only one who hates it like that," Phil told him.

"Yeah why would anyone hate your sex hair?" Charlie asked and Oli went red randomly and ducked his head, making Charlie shoot him a weird look.

"Because it's annoying," Dan said, still managing to complain and Phil stopped and pecked his lips.

"Shut up," he said, then carried on walking, dragging Dan with him.

"I wish I could go to dinner with you guys," Oli said sadly and Charlie patted his shoulder, Oli giving off a loud sigh. "But I have to go back to Charlie's to get my stuff and then get to the train station by bus and then wait and go home when if I still lived here could be eating with you guys," He moaned as Charlie pulled out his phone and frowned.

"Well I can't go to dinner anymore as my mum wants me back so I could probably come with you," Charlie suggested. "Sorry I can't come tonight Phil," Oli said and Phil smiled.

"Nah it's fine, I will see you again soon anyway," Phil said.

"Okay so I will drop you off at the train station so you feel less abandoned," Charlie smiled.

"You don't have to," Oli said almost shyly.

"I want to." Charlie told him and Oli smiled a little more.

"I don't even know where we're going tonight? Do I get any input?" Phil asked and Dan chuckled.

"There's a nice thai place called 'Sabai Sabai' which we were thinking of as an option?" Dan suggested.

"Oh yes please you have made me crave thai food," Phil said, his mouth filling with saliva.

"Looks like that's where we're going then." Dan smiled as he wound his arm around Phil's waist.


They all got back to Dan and Phil's (due to the fact as Charlie's house was on the way to town they could get a lift off the Howell's) and opened the door, seeing Ellie trying to put on her shoe while not falling over, gripping onto her husband for support.

"Damn these heels!" she was yelling before she saw the boys in the doorway laughing at her. "You would understand if you wore heels," she said and they grinned.

"Oh believe me I do," Charlie said dramatically. "Oh, I am very sorry but I can't come to dinner as my mum wants me home so as you are dropping Oli back off at mine I'm hoping it will be okay if you drop me too," Charlie asked and Ellie shook her head.

"No it is not acceptable, you are not allowed to go to your own home," she said and then smiled. "Of course it's okay sweetheart. Now everyone hug goodbye properly so you don't have to get out of the car and do it on the pavement," she said as she pulled her coat on and Phil attached himself to Charlie.

"See you sometime this week?" he asked as Charlie pecked his cheek.

"Yeah of course." he said and they pulled away to see Oli and Dan hugging. They switched the people they were hugging and soon Phil was clinging to Oli like a baby panda.

"Now I really don't want you to leave," Phil said as he hugged him as tightly as possible.

"I will be back in about two weeks," Oli said as he gripped him just as hard.

"Yeah but that' still ages," Phil whined and Oli kissed his cheek.

"We need to actually sort out when I'm coming back," Oli giggled and Phil gave him a small smile.

"As soon as possible," Phil told him.

"Good. Now kiss my cheek and hug me again and then I need to go, my planet needs me." Oli said and Phil laughed before kissing his cheek and hugging him again, slowly removing himself before everyone was good to go.

They all piled into the car (Oli and Charlie in the boot seats to make it easier) and it was hardly long until they reached Charlie's house, all saying goodbye before they drove away, waving from the window like kids before they turned.

"Right, to Sabai Sabai." Ellie said happily and they continued driving, Phil's mind thinking on the fact that his birthday had been perfect so far, and how it hadn't even ended.


"Your train is going to be here soon," Charlie said awkwardly as they sat in the station, all silent apart from the distant sound of train tracks clicking.

"Yeah." Oli said quietly. "I don't want to go back," Oli whispered and Charlie patted his shoulder before Oli just gave up and leant against him.

"We'll see you in two weeks," Charlie reminded him.

"That's not the only reason why I don't want to go back," Oli said sadly and Charlie tensed up a little.

"Everything will be okay. Jake will understand if you tell him what happened and if you don't then everything is okay again," Charlie told him and Oli shook his head.

"But it's not, because I still cheated. And I cheated with you and now I can't get you out of my head and I'm scared Charlie because I like you so fucking much and what happened last night was pretty much perfect and I don't want to face Jake and tell him that in one weekend I have cheated on him and started to like someone else, all in one fucking weekend! People don't do that Charlie! I am so confused and fucked up," Oli sighed and Charlie pulled him into a hug, letting Oli cry a little into his shoulder.

"Oli, please calm down," Charlie tried to shush him.

"How am I meant to be calm? My heart already screams to touch you whenever you're near and I just told you that and now I have to go back and try and tell or not tell my boyfriend I don't like him anymore, and that I slept with someone I only just met in real life. This is too grown up for me to handle Charlie. I don't want to go back, please don't make me," Oli begged and Charlie kissed the top of his head, making Oli want to scream in protest and force his lips on his own.

"Oli, just tell him if you want to. But you shouldn't give up on him for me. We live far away and we have only known each other for a short while and we are both feeling lonely so maybe you aren't even feeling like this. You shouldn't give it up for just me," Charlie told him and Oli moved away, looking into his eyes.

"I would agree with what you're saying if it wasn't stupid. Charlie you're amazing and I want to give this up to be with you," Oli said, grasping at Charlie's hands which were sweaty with nerves. "But I need to know first, do you like me too?" he asked. Charlie just let his mouth gape slightly as he seemed to be trying to form words but nothing was coming.

"Oli..." he managed to choke out.

"Do you?" Oli asked more desperately as Oli's train rolled into the station and the doors opened.

"You're going to miss your train," Charlie said, standing up and letting his hands slide from Charlie's as a few people got out of the train car closer to him.

"Do you like me?" Oli stressed again as Charlie walked closer to the doors, trying to lead Oli away from his seat and where he was meant to go. "I'm not even talking about love Charlie. Please just tell me if you want me to be more than a friend to you."

Charlie remained silent and an announcement went off to say that Oli's train would be leaving soon.

"Fine, you don't have to say. But I can't leave you without doing this-" Oli said, grabbing Charlie and kissing him urgently, clinging to him as Charlie kissed back before a few seconds, clutching Oli just as tightly before Oli quickly let go and rushed through the doors just before they closed.

He knew what he had to do from old movies and tv shows in this situation: No goodbyes, no eye contact.

But even though he had managed the first thing, he still saw Charlie's torn form as he was forced away, a tear rolling down his cheek, their eyes locking.

"Fuck." Oli whispered as he took a seat, resting his head in his hands.

He almost wanted to barge of the train, or text Charlie straight away, his fingers hovering over the phone in his pocket before the returned to his face, knuckling at his eyes.

Charlie hadn't even given him an answer.


"I love restaurants that look all pretty and authentic," Ellie said as they were sat down and handed menus. "And everything sounds so nice," she added, looking over the choices.

"I really want a stir fry," Dan said hungrily as he shared his menu with Phil.

"It's all pretty much stir fries," Tim pointed out and Dan stuck his tongue out at him.

"Ooh sweet and sour," Phil said excitedly. "Oh wait, drinks first," he realised before turning onto the back and and deciding on a simple coke.

After about a minute their waitress returned and she had a basket in her hand and three small dishes of sauce.

"Prawn crackers," she said as she put the items on the table and then pulled a pad and pen from her pocket. "Anything to drink or a few more minutes?"

"No I think we're fine," Ellie said. "I'll have a diet coke please,"

"Same for me," Phil said.

"Fanta for me please," Dan asked.

"Just water for me," Tim smiled and the waitress nodded, writing their order down.

"Okay I will bring those to you shortly, but for now enjoy the crackers." she smiled before leaving.

Phil reached his hand in and took one, biting down on the crunchy shell and his eyes popping at the taste.

"These are the nicest prawn crackers I have ever tasted," Phil grinned as he dipped it in some of the sweet chilli sauce.

"Why are they so dark though?" Dan asked, taking a bite. "Oh it's because they're kinda spicy," he said and copied Phil with dipping.

"I could live off these," Ellie said munching.

"Is that what your main order is going to be?" Tim joked.

"If I could, I would, but I want sweet and sour duck," she said. "And sticky rice," she added. "And now my stomach is rumbling,"

"Mine too, and I might join you with the sweet and sour unless I get a sizzling dish," Phil said.

"Making choices about food is one of the hardest," Dan said. "Wait are we getting starters?" Dan asked.

"I'd quite like to try the satay chicken," Phil said and Dan nodded.

"Share with me?" He asked.

"Sure." Phil smiled and he had to stifle as giggle as Dan nudged him with his foot under the table. He nudged back and felt Dan shuffle a little more and curl his fingers around Phil's under the table, before putting his foot on top of Phil's, starting a subtle (as possible) game of footsie.


The waitress came back and they ordered, her shooting Dan and Phil a rather confused glance as she must have seen their secret hand holding as she walked away before Ellie spoke up.

"Boys, as Valentines day is in half-term in a few weeks, I don't have work, but Tim does. We were thinking we should, the weekend before, go and stay in a hotel in Somerset so we can go on the beach- even if it's cold- and me and Tim can do romantic stuff while you relax," She suggested and both boys grinned.

"That sounds great!" Phil said excitedly.

"Please can we do this?" Dan asked and Ellie nodded.

"Of course, it's why we suggested it as long as you don't mind eating alone and stuff when me and Tim want to have some romantic mushy time to ourselves," Ellie said and Dan shook his head.

"Yeah that sounds great," Dan beamed.

"So you can tell Oli he can come on the 14th, unless he wants to spend time with someone," Ellie said.

"Oh he has a boyfriend. He probably wants to spend the day with him which is sweet," Phil said. "But I'll ask him tomorrow," Phil smiled and Dan nodded.

"Oh I didn't know he has a boyfriend," Ellie smiled happily. "That's sweet, how long-"

"I'm not going to tell you all the details of Oli's love life Ellie," Phil chuckled as she pouted. "But he's called Jake and goes to his school," he said and she beamed.

"Good. Young love always makes me happy. Now you two just need to find someone and then I can smile over you guys as well," she said and Phil coughed and Dan went red.

"Yeah." he said quietly and tugged at Phil's hand under the table a little, making Phil giggle quietly.

"The satay chicken and squid tempura?" The waitress asked, having come back over.

"Tempura's over here," Ellie said and she placed it between her and her husband.

"And the chicken's here," Dan smiled and she nodded and gave it to him and he shuffled it over so it was an equal distance away.

"I hope you enjoy it." she smiled before walking away.

"This looks amazing. My tummy is growling," Phil said as he picked up a skewer, dunking it in thes sauce before trying some. "Mmmmph it is amazing," he sighed happily.

"Wow it really is. Do you want to try some?" Dan asked, holding out a skewer to his parents.

"Tempura for chicken swap?" Tim asked and Dan nodded, exchanging the skewer and holding up some tempura for Phil to bite off. Phil took a big bite and then passed it back to Dan.

"This is also amazing," Phil said and Dan agreed, munching his own.

"The food here is always great. We need to go more often," Tim said.

"We should but then it wouldn't be so special," Ellie pointed out.

"You have a point. Do you like the chicken?" Dan asked as Ellie was nibbling some off and she nodded vigorously.

"Yes. It's heavenly peanutty," she smiled.

"Mum I don't think that made sense,"

"With food it doesn't have to make sense,"

"I think this is why you're an art not and English teacher,"

"Shut up Daniel before I skewer you and dip you in sauce."



They finished up and then their main courses came, all tucking in eagerly.

"I think thai egg fried rice is nicer than chinese," Dan commented as he shovelled a forkful into his mouth.

"I have to agree," Phil said, stealing some of Dan's.

"You have your own!" Dan objected and Phil just giggled and smiled at him.

"It's my birthday," he said in terms of reasoning and Dan muttered something under his breath.

"On that subject, what did you do while you were out at Padley Gorge? Did you have fun?"

"We hammered a penny into that tree and Charlie got stuck in a stone wheel," Dan said and Tim and Ellie laughed.

"Oh Charlie," Ellie smiled. "Anything else happen Phil or was that the highlight?"

"The picnic you made was lovely, and we fed the ducks. And played hide and seek," Phil beamed.

"Basically we turned into five year olds for the day. You shouldn't leave us alone," Dan said and Phil rolled his eyes at him.

"It was great," Phil corrected him and Ellie smiled.

"Good, I'm glad. Should we watch a movie when we get home if it's not too late?" she asked and the boys nodded.

"I'm guessing I have choice rights?" Phil asked and they all nodded. "Perfect," Phil smiled evilly and Dan swallowed beside him.

"Please don't choose a horror movie because you're intrigued." Dan pleaded and Phil just kept smiling.


"Oooch I am stuffed," Dan said as he laid back a little in his chair. But Phil was pouring over the dessert menu.

"Am I the only one to have a pudding then?" Phil asked and Dan shook his head.

"I said I was stuffed not that I was dying," he said, looking with Phil.

"I don't think I'm going to have anything," Ellie decided and Tim nodded.

"Same, I'm too full," he said. "I don't get how you two can still be okay to manage more food,"

"Because you have your sweet stomach and your savoury stomach," Phil explained. "We have filled our savoury ones, but still have room in our sweet," Phil explained and Ellie giggled.

"Dan used to say that when he was little too. Is it just like a general thing?" she asked.

"It's science," Phil stated and Dan giggled before squeezing his hand.

"So what are you thinking?" he asked him.

"I think thai pancakes," Phil decided and Dan nodded.

"Banana fritters for me. But can I try some of your pancakes?" Dan asked and Phil nodded.

"If I can try some fritter."


When their puddings came Phil was a little surprised to see that his little rolled pancakes were a leaf green colour, and his stunned face made the waitress laugh.

"Don't worry, they aren't poisoned," she told him and he giggled before trying some with ice cream and beaming at the taste.

"Oh my god they're amazing," he beamed and she nodded.

"Good, they're actually my favourites,"

"I understand why," Phil replied and she laughed, setting Dan's dessert down in front of him.

"Enjoy." she grinned before walking away.

"Please can I try this delicious wonder?" Dan asked and Phil got some on the spoon for him and fed it to him.

"Holy crap it's so sweet and hot and cold and my mouth is having a party," Dan said as he chewed and Phil nodded. "Try some of my fritters," Dan said.

"But you haven't tried any," Phil pointed out. "That goes against pretty much all food rules,"

"Fine." Dan said as he swallowed and broke up some fritter and ice cream and ate it. "They are incredible try them now," Dan said and shoved a spoon in Phil's mouth, making him yelp and then giggle as he chewed.

"It doesn't help that I hate banana but it's kinda nice with the syrup and ice cream," Phil said.

"You don't appreciate the best things." Dan mumbled and hogged his pudding to himself.


When they were actually stuffed ready to burst they paid and got back into the car and drove home before deciding to watch the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie which Phil fell asleep halfway through after a lot of talk about Johnny Depp having magical powers. He only realised he had fallen asleep when he woke up in Dan's arms, being carried halfway up the stairs.

"W-what?" he mumbled and rubbed his eyes, seeing Dan smiling down at him.

"You fell asleep so I'm carrying you to bed," he said.

"Oh, okay," Phil said, closing his eyes again and cuddling into Dan, hearing his soft laugh above him as he was put onto a bed, but Phil didn't let go.

"Hey don't cling on now, you're still in clothes,"

"My Dan," Phil mumbled.

"I have a sense of deja vu now," Dan chuckled. "Come on at least get undressed and then I will be all yours." Dan said and Phil let go, opening his eyes and getting rid of his clothes to his boxers while Dan did the same.

Dan slid into bed a few seconds later and Phil cuddled into him, letting out a small yawn.

"Did you have a good birthday love?" Dan asked and Phil nodded into his shoulder.

"The best," Phil said. "But bed now,"

"Yeah. Go to sleep, you had a busy day today, and there's school tomorrow," Dan said and Phil groaned.

"I don't wanna learn," he moaned and Dan chuckled.

"Me either, but it will be fine when we get there probably,"

"Yeah, night bear. Thank you for my ring, I never want to take it off," Phil told him and Dan pecked his forehead.

"I will remind you to before showers however," Dan said and Phil giggled.

"Probably a good idea. Night Dan, love you,"

"Love you too. Sweet dreams you old man,"

"Don't be mean, you proposed, you're not allowed to be mean, you want to get married to me,"

"I promised and shush,"

"Same thing." Phil muttered before falling asleep.

Dan couldn't be bothered to argue, it was pretty much the same thing anyway.

So that took longer than it should have due to wattpad getting confused and saying this chapter was r rated when it wasn't (eugh) so this should have been up a few days ago. Eugh.

So what do you guys think about choli? You might have seen random freaking out posts from me on twitter on my profile about someone in this story cheating earlier in the week and yeah it was Oli but come on, they are cute together and yeah no one hate me for ending it with them that way. Actually now that I think about it this chapter was so mood swingy. Oops but like, not oops. It was great. I am the queen.

Oh by the way the restaurant and the place (padley gorge) i described are real places :3 go to the restaurant if you can as the food really is yummy and padley gorge is in sheffield and i love it as it's where my grandparents live and it's just really pretty and i love it, google images it if you wanna see how pretty it is as it's really pretty.

This is not advertising i swear.

Anyway i have done two paintings this week (one had a reason as it's for a friend's birthday and she's gonna see this and probably be like 'oooh' [but no Zena, shut up] and the other is for my own enjoyment [my neighbour totoro guys!])

So that was your incite to my life i need to go bite the head off a cat.

CHOCOLATE CAT OMG OOPS I DONT EAT CATS I SWEAR! (LIBBY I REALLY DON'T) (also thank you daisy for the cat it hurt my teeth)

anyway i need to go (this is cool as you will be reading this in the future and stuff and anyway)

stay away from people who eat cats

anni out!

chu <3

*apologises for realising how long it has been since i updated and gives you a chocolate cat*


Edit from the next day as I wait for wattpad to say my story is okay: Also guys, my great friends Zena and Mei-ling (the evil but lovable girls who beat devon's ass last chapter) have, with my lordly permission, started a spin off series called 'Hell's trinity' which is in my reading list and pretty fun to read :) so go check that out if you want to see Devon slowly falling to pieces.

(I swear all my friends are doing spin off things from this story like hells trinity and then the killingdevon blog its scary idk guys stop) <3

Edit from it now being 5 days (I'm crying inside): My friend told her dad that i write fanfiction and then he ended up telling my dad when he didnt know (obviously) and it was so embarrassing as then he told my mum and then my brothers and they don't know i write gay fanfiction about the youtubers i am obsessed with but hey, at least they're supportive (I'm going to kill you zena)

day 6: I want to kill wattpad you don't understand i have already got the next chaprwe done and edited and i want to cry because this isn't being sorted and going up :'( i don't know what's wrong :(

Day 7: I am going to destroy

Day 8: might have found a way to fix this

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