His Last Choice

De LoveScripter

5.4M 129K 9.7K

[BOOK 1] NOTE FROM AUTHOR: "I wrote this book in High school, so if you don't like it and find it poorly wri... Mais

Before Reading
His Last Choice
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 19

118K 2.7K 161
De LoveScripter

*BEFORE READING* please note that this story is my copyright! Plagiarism in intolerable and is punishable by law.*
PLEASE report if you find my work is copyrighted. Your help will be rewarded.
Enjoy reading....

Peyton's POV

"I can't wait to have you sleeping in my arms tonight" Soren nuzzled his nose onto the back of my head and whispered it to my ear as we walked back to his—our—room.

The contours of his face were upright, showing his eagerness, though I felt like running away and getting the heck out of this place!

The dinner was fabulous, the people were welcoming, but, OH GOD, I couldn't stand the stares I got tonight. Mom was right; they were eyeing me down like freaking vultures! Soren was obviously aware of my nervousness, but he didn't get why and I wasn't going to show him how pathetic I was by acting like a coward in front of his pack.

Maybe it will get better over time? This is only my first day, right?

"Finally...privacy" Soren inhaled deeply over my head as he closed the door behind us to his room. His large muscular arms hugged me from behind and trotted me forward. "Make yourself comfy while I get myself ready for bed..." He chuckled nuzzling his nose into my hair.

 I watch as he practically skips to his closet, then to his drawers like a kid off to the amusement park.

Looking over my shoulder, I noted the two pillows and groan. Imagining him and me in the same bed together was bringing forth butterflies in my stomach—And I thought having a mate was supposed to be magical. The feeling in the pit of my stomach is a lot worst then that stupid rollercoaster incident.

God, it felt like a thousand feathers were tickling me from the inside!

Soren glanced at my direction and immediately his mood dropped as he stood watching my profound silence.

"You can go freshen up first, if that will help ease your nerves. I'm sorry...I forgot how this must feel for you. Moving into a new pack and meeting new people--

"Thanks", I reply. What else was I to say? It wasn't like I've had much experience with guys before. "Umm...I'll wash first then." I said pointing awkwardly at his bathroom.

"Okay" He nodded, slightly smiling to encourage me. I felt stupid right now. He's my mate for heaven's sake! I need to relieve this tension and allow myself to relax with him!


 I sound like a babbling fool!

Shit, what is wrong with me?! My heart feels like the energizer bunny ready to explode! I quickly rush into the bath, before furthering my embarrassment. I shut the door and slide my back against it, slumping to the tile floor.

"Get it together" I whisper to myself. For a second I close my eyes and curl into a ball with my head on my knees.

Looking around, the contents of his bath, it was all masculine: his scent mixed with his faint cologne, his décor was black and white appealed to his style. I felt like the only once of feminine touch in the whole scope—trapped and shivering, like an abandoned puppy.  

It sucks being raised in a house of all female, I thought. Why could dad have had at least one boy! Actually, scratch that—that would be like throwing a man in a den of lions. I wouldn't have wished anyone such punishment especially with my sisters' in the picture.

After my shower, another dilemma aroused; I forgot I hadn't brought clothes with me! Looking down at my old clothes, I felt tempted to put them on again.


A pound sounded at the door. "What's taking you so long?"


"Need some help in their?" He offered rather enthusiastically, humor entailed in his voice.

"NO" His laugh wasn't mistaken on the other end. He was torturing me on purpose. "I didn't pack any clothes." Silence. Then I heard a loud bang, almost like a sandbag fell to the floor. "Soren" I asked worriedly.

"That was nothing, I just tripped on something" He cleared his throat. "You can borrow my shirt and shorts"  

"Thanks" I doubt he heard; I didn't project it loud enough maybe, because he didn't respond.

Few seconds later, clinging on only the towel that concealed me from the world, naked as a new born baby--- Soren returned and fiddled with the knob on the door.

"It's locked" I informed him. Thank goodness I didn't forget that!

I inched the door open a crack and offered my hand out for him to hand me his clothes. He didn't give it to me. "Soren, hand it to me, Please" I stretched the word. I waved my hand in irritation, waiting for him to stop acting like a child!

"You need under clothes too...?"

I think the blood from my cheeks filled up to my ears; "Uh...yes" I forgot I needed those too.

"I'm sure one of the—

"NO!" Gross, sharing underwear is totally out of the question!


"I knew I should have packed, but Luca insisted your mother would want to take me out shopping." I mentally groaned. The mere thought of the activity made me want to puke. "I'll just call my mother to send me some of my things"

            "I got a better idea, why don't we go out" Soren insisted.

"How is that solving my problem?"

"While we're out, I'll have someone buy you a change of clothes." He pulled the door open. I stopped him, gripping the knob.

            "I won't have people buying my clothes, Soren." I said gravely. The door twisted again, he was trying to get in while I was nearly naked!

            "Just your underwear, you're a small right?"

            I can't believe he was asking such a question. "No and I won't tell you. I'll go myself! Just let me make a call."

            "Fine" He grumbled and he let go, causing the door to slam shut from my force of pulling. He came back giving the door a slight knock. "Here's a robe, I don't want you catching a cold."

            For the first time in my life, I felt like I was being well taken care of. Not by my parents but someone I will learn to trust, to take care of me and hopefully love me more than this wolf bond has brought us.

"Thanks" I said sincerely, taking the material from the small cracked open door. As soon as I got out, Soren sat looking lustfully down my body.

"Stop it, you're starting to drool" I joked, hoping it would remove that silly expression on his face.

"Can't help it, it's nice to look at someone so fresh and beautiful" He gave me a prefect smile, one that made my toes curl in anticipation. But what was I anticipating? My body seemed to be screaming to come closer.

His chest well-toned and unclothed invited my feet to walk forward. It was like pure instinct for me to be near him. He is my mate. I needed to remind myself. Even as I neared him, my common sense was telling me to keep myself preserved.

I wasn't like Sam, who'd pounce on a man, to get him in her clutches.

"You smell sweet" He said touching a strand of wet hair.

"That's because I took a bath." I watched as he took the strand between his fingers and pulled it behind my ear. He did it repeatedly until my hair was lying across my back.

I gulped, "Aren't you going to bathe now?"

"Later, I think I plan to take you out in our wolf forms first. What's the point of bathing when we're going to go out and get dirty anyway?"

I tisked, "True, but you still stink" Stink with pure male masculinity.

"What you smell my sweet, is the scent of a dominant male!" he boasted, pounding his fist like a cave man.

I crossed my hands over my chest. "If you're head got any bigger, I think it would topple out of your neck."

His eyes dropped down to my cleavage that swelled from my arms against it. I dropped my stance and shut the robe tighter covering everything beneath my neck.

I cleared my throat, "Your phone please"

"Oh yeah" He grabbed his cell from the top of his side table drawer and handed his smartphone to me.

"Nice" I said staring at the advance device. My shabby old cell looked prehistoric compared to this.

"Don't you have a phone?"

"Yes, but it's broken" I lied. I'm not one to text and call friends hours every day; my phone is sufficiently for emergency calls only, which rarely occurred. 

"I'll get you a new on. Like this one, but a different color. Don't girls like it if they match with their lovers?" He asked me absentmindedly.

            "I don't care" I answered bluntly.

He smiled. "You are really a unique woman, Pey. I'm glad we're mates. My life would've been really boring without you in it." He placed the cell softly in my hand, his fingers barely brushing mine; I almost dripped the cell as it landed on my palm.  

            Those where the nicest words I think he would ever tell me. Dang it! Wish I had a voice recorder right about now.

            "I'll be outside" He said giving me privacy.

            Still bear chested and he was going out looking like that?! I don't think so!

            Just as he was about to step out I stopped him, "You're not going to put on a shirt?"

            "Everyone here is used to me walking around like this" Not when you're mated to me you're not!

            "Put a shirt on" It came out more authoritatively then I had wanted it.
            "Why you want to keep my body all to yourself" He wiggled his brows.

I can't believe this male!

            "No, I want you to act like a civilized Alpha and not parade like a-a—

            "Animal...? Sorry to break it to you babe, but I am part of one" He puckered his lips at me and gave me the most annoying duck face I've ever seen in my life. For a second I thought I'd have to pinch those lips and nail them to the ground! That would teach him to act serious with me.

            "You are such an Ass" I muttered.  The nervy feelings I had earlier vanished and his cocky attitude began to piss me off yet again.

            "And your stuck to me like the mole on my left butt cheek" He smirked.  

            "Out" I yelled, pointing out the door.

            He winked at me before closing the door behind him. That hard sculpted chest of his. That's all that went through my head as the clock ticked past each second.   

            I looked at the phone and dialed the number I knew by heart—home.

            It only took one ring and immediately someone answered.

            "HELLO" Crap, why...?

            "Hi dad" I answered nervously.

            "Did anyone harm you, touch you, looked at you funny...did HE touch you..."

"Dad,dad...I'm fine. Seriously, I just got here and they are treating me like royalty!" I tried to persuade him.

            Knowing my father, if I didn't convince him right away, he'd have our top fighters heading here this instant as we had this conversation.

            "Of course they are taking good care of you!", screamed over the phone. "You are MY daughter. A possible benefactor to their pack; they could be brainwashing you in believing their lies'!" he whispered, knowing wolf ears could still slightly pick up his shallow voice on both ends.

            "Ivan, who is it?" Mom's voice sounded at a far distance.

            How I missed that voice. They sound of my mother's voice sent a message down my bones of comfort and encouragement. If only she were here now to help me get use to the new environment.

            But she's not.

            "Nothing dear--

            "Dad I want to talk to mom!" I fussed.

            "I'm not done talking to you" He answered in a hushed tone. Almost as if he was covering the receiver with his hand.

            "Ivan" Mom sounded like she knew dad was hiding something. She always knew what dad was up too.

            Rustling came from the other end.

            "It's a pack thing" Dad barked.

Their phone seemed to have dropped.

"This is Alpha Ashley, who am I addressing to?" I laughed at how mom used her professional voice. She sounded like one of those Barbie Movie narrators. "PEYTON, my baby girl!" she squealed.

"Mom, I'm not your baby girl, Ash is the youngest." I groaned, but the smile on my face was plain as day. I missed her crazy out outbursts.

"Ivan I'll have a word with you later" I imagined her glaring at dad as she told him that.

I chuckled, "Easy on dad mom, he was just concerned. Although you should make sure the fighters are still home."

"I haven't sent them—yet" dad shouted. I think I was now on speaker phone.

"Hi honey...how is life in your new pack—

 "She's not there preeminently" Dad interjected.

"Well she will be once they've mated!"

"When I die and get reincarnated as a pig that will happen!"

They completely forgot I was still listening.

"Well I better get your burial ready darling, because you can't stop them."

"Hell, I will!"

They went silent and I didn't know whether to speak up or not. Urg, I hated getting in between a heated battle, but, shit, this was about me, so I had no choice but to but in or hello divorce papers.

Just kidding, mates are for life but I hated when my parents fought with each other. It didn't feel right.

"Mom, dad, I'm totally fine."

"Then why are you calling sweetie? Miss us already" She giggled.

            Yes!! I wanted to scream.

            "I didn't bring clothes" I answered flatly.

            "And what am I; your maid? Didn't Luca say, that would be taken care of?"

            "You wouldn't be  having this problem if you hadn't gone there" I could just imagine him scowling right this minute.


            "Dad" Mom and I said in unison.

            "Just saying" He grumbled. "You should have asked my permission first"

            "You wouldn't have let me go! I need to be with Soren dad, we are fated to be together!" God, my dad is overprotective!

            "It might not be a mating bond. What if this is some temporary attraction!" He said hesitantly. He was obviously denying this.

            "Dad..." I said softly. I didn't realize until now how hard this must have been for him to let me go.

Matt and Alex case was different; they've been closely watched since children. They were almost like childhood friends; meet each other when Alex was twelve when Matt's pack crossed our territory unknowingly.

            Matt's father and ours were at close ends, almost causing a small war, until the two young wolves saw eye to eye and begged their fathers that war was pointless. Little did anyone know the two would end up mates.

            "Dad" I said again with a small tone. "I'm sure, he's mine." I stated with as much seriousness I could enforce in my words.

            I heard a faint groan then the phone was passed back to mom.

            "Don't worry about him, honey. He just needs to get use to the new change. So how are you treating you there?"

            "You won't believe me, when I say how right you where"

            "Told you so..." She sang. "I'll have your clothes sent."

            "Thanks mom."

            "Anytime...remember, your still part of this pack until you marry into theirs"

            I groaned. "Marriage, I can't even picture it"

            She laughed, "Speaking of marriages, Matt proposed the other day" I nearly dropped the phone.

             The bedroom door opened, "Pey, we better head out now so that we don't stay up late." I nodded.

            "Call you back tomorrow, you have to tell me how and when this happened"

            "Love you sweetie, dad sends his love too" Mom giggled.

            "Back at you too and tell dad not to go crazy or the pack might go nuts too" With my final good-bye, I handed the cell back to Soren who was back, still bear chested and oh-so-hot! But I wasn't going to tell him.

(A/N: Sorry guys, I had to rush this part because I wanted to upload before I leave tomorrow for vacation. Back in a week)

            Soren and I headed out the back door. We were greeted by the rush of chilled air. The trees surrounding the house lined the forest like a enclosing wall; it was like being lost inside a maze.

            "Don't get lost, but if you do don't be afraid to call out my name" Soren smirked as he grabbed my hand and held it with his. His grip was warm and I didn't feel like letting go—ever.  

            "How hard is it to lose a pure white wolf?' I said smartly.

Pinching my chin between his thumb and index finger, he lifted my head up so that our noses were an inch apart. "How easy is it to spot a bright white wolf in the dark? If you get lost and some spineless human, half-brained hunter or greedy assed wolf, were to find you, you'd be sold for trade like a silly toy collectable."

            It scared me, what he said. But I braved a face and frowned at him. "Well...I can take care of myself!"

            His eyes shined over the moonlight. It made his amber yellow eyes seem to look like flames. "Sure you will" He chuckled. "Let's play a game of tag. Smell the freshwater on the other side of that hill up there?" He pointed to the huge mount past the trees.

            I nodded.

            "The winner; the first one who reaches the waterfall receives one wish—one request of their hearts desire." He said excitedly.

            "You're on!" I never dismiss a challenge, especially one given by a egotistic male such as this one standing before me.

            "Alright then...READY set GO!" He sprinted before I could even blink.

            "No fair, I wasn't even prepared" I yelled pushing my legs forward trying to keep up with his pace. Goosebumps ran across my back. If it wasn't the wind, I swore my wolf scenes were telling me I was being followed.   

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