A Rose Painted Black || The D...

By CryGardens

27.5K 919 1.5K

In the early 1900s, we have (Y/n) (L/n), a girl only ordinary to the era, having to act ladylike while dealin... More

⊱ ──.⋅A/n⋅.── ⊰
⊱ ──.⋅Chapter 1⋅.── ⊰
⊱ ──.⋅Chapter 2⋅.── ⊰
⊱ ──.⋅Chapter 3⋅.── ⊰
⊱ ──.⋅Chapter 4⋅.── ⊰
⊱ ──.⋅Chapter 5⋅.── ⊰
⊱ ──.⋅Chapter 6⋅.── ⊰
⊱ ──.⋅Chapter 7⋅.── ⊰
⊱ ──.⋅Chapter 8⋅.── ⊰
⊱ ──.⋅Chapter 9⋅.── ⊰
⊱ ──.⋅Chapter 10⋅.── ⊰
⊱ ──.⋅Chapter 11⋅.── ⊰
⊱ ──.⋅Chapter 12⋅.── ⊰
⊱ ──.⋅Chapter 13⋅.── ⊰
⊱ ──.⋅Chapter 14⋅.── ⊰
⊱ ──.⋅Chapter 15⋅.── ⊰
⊱ ──.⋅Chapter 16⋅.── ⊰
⊱ ──.⋅Chapter 17⋅.── ⊰
⊱ ──.⋅Chapter 18⋅.── ⊰
⊱ ──.⋅Chapter 19⋅.── ⊰
⊱ ──.⋅Chapter 20⋅.── ⊰
⊱ ──.⋅Chapter 21⋅.── ⊰
⊱ ──.⋅Chapter 22⋅.── ⊰
⊱ ──.⋅Epilogue⋅.── ⊰
⊱ ──.⋅Alternate Ending⋅.── ⊰

⊱ ──.⋅Prologue⋅.── ⊰

1.6K 47 97
By CryGardens

"Dream away with me
To a world of dark creation
Leave reality
To my imagination"


It was sickening, the way the mirrored-patterned walls shifted both inwards and outwards at every step.

Distorted faces were all around, with voices that sounded like they could belong in Hell. I stood before them; someone was holding my arm and walking me down an empty path before figures with untellable features and with time not going as it should; instead of only forward, it would move forward and then backward, and only backward and then forward again.

"...yrots rehtona, yrots rehtona"

A deep, distorted voice, repeated as the walls seemed to want to shift.

"...yrots rehtona eb tsuj lliw efil ruoy"

At the end was another figure, this one as dark as a void, with extra arms and a bright white smiling face. It smiled, even more, when it saw me. Another figure stood before us both. He spoke.

"We are gathered here today for the union of (Y/n) (L/n) and--"

"--wait." I interrupt. Union?

The walls kept shifting, but the contorted like voices seized. Only the one with extra arms spoke.

"Seisatnaf ruoy edisni evil uoy"

At that, with a cloud of smoke, they all vanished, and the walls shifted with a new, blinding setting.

What appeared was like my own bedroom which shined with pale pinks and whites and appeared calm and like a dream, but through the window was a world of monochrome; where rivers ran backward and nothing worked as it should. A warped world.

Stitch after stitch, the threads go in and out of the lace.

"Miss (L/n)? It's time you finished getting ready."

Another break in the perfect setting. Who I would've assumed to be an elderly maid with odd pronunciation, had a hollow-like face that seemed endless.

But in this world there existed no fear.

"For what?" Even if I'd stitched through some of my fingers, there was no pain.

"Your wedding. Come on now, Miss. (L/n)."

She stood me up in front of the vanity, where small porcelain angels, music box ballerinas, powders, and delicate laces rested before the mirror that didn't show either of our reflections.

The maid clipped on my veil.

"Well, don't you just look dazzling?"

Perhaps if I could see myself I would've answered. I look down, seeing a dress with a frilled collar and the volume of the petticoats.

"You're all ready then."

The maid didn't wait for me to say anything and walked over to the door, where there was a cobblestone path through a garden.

A bouquet had appeared in my arms and the veil fell lightly over my face.

"Come on, I'll be just behind you."

I walked on ahead, and then the door shut after me. The maid didn't follow.

When I looked ahead at the path there were seated guests who cheered and threw petals. This time they were all silhouettes, each like a hollow cavity in the gardens.

"For the married couple!"

There he was again, with fewer arms, but still with the white smiling face.

He wrapped an arm around me, as the other silhouettes congratulated and hugged and took photographs with us.

When I could, I glanced behind. Whatever type of place I had been in before was gone, and the path I had gone through looked endless.

Surely I didn't go that far.

"ecnad ruo, raed."

'Time' had passed and the thing with the white face held out a hand with white nails. I took it, and he moved me around in a waltz type dance before a spectating audience and blinding lights like the spectacle of a lifetime.

At the end, it held me for a moment. From the corners of my eyes, I could see the other figures slowly fade away as the setting dimmed. One gone, five gone, ten gone, slowly like reverse lights that were losing their shine. He keeps holding me until he too disappears and I am alone.

The feeling of a dream dissipates; fear exists once again.

I had become a part of the endless, dark void.

"Don't cry, dear, don't cry."

I could understand him now. But barely and it didn't sound human.

I thought I wasn't crying until tears make darker spots on my no longer untainted dress.

He lifts my chin up a bit.

"This was your own doing."

His words didn't stay in my head for long, but still, I wonder, how did I bring this onto myself?

"Your reality will be what you make of it. Live in actuality and you shall. Live in fantasy and you shall."

The perpetual darkness came in with some color, into a place I recognized. In an ominously motionless room, steadily dreaming, I lay.

"It is your ultimate choice."

...I woke with a cold sweat, and a few heavy breaths that only lasted a few seconds. I looked out of my window and saw a Ferris wheel illuminated in a purplish glow at the foot of my window.

A Ferris wheel?

I blinked a few times. I had still been in some type of dreaming mode.

I try to recall the dream that left me on edge, but it's all bits and pieces and all I can see is that white face. I attempted to go back to sleep just to be unable. I got frustrated and sat up on my bed. The luring starry sky outside got me standing up and opening the window doors to the balcony.

I get outside and into the chilly air where I stare up at the glimmering stars and the bright moon. Well, my first night here is just great, I think to myself. It's not my actual home, it's kind of similar, though, our summer residence. Even if I won't be getting a decent sleep tonight, overlooking the woods circling the garden and the star-speckled sky was a nice view.

I was getting lost in the stars when a harsh blow of wind that shook the trees and made the windows rattle came. I rubbed my arms trying to keep warm when a piece of paper was brought in by the wind. It was being plastered to my side and I grabbed it before it blew away.

The paper seemed untouched and new, the writing in exaggeratingly large, bold lettering. Using the moonlight I tried my best to read the page that said:


Then in the middle of the page a drawn outline of some of the carnies, and underneath it said:


I realized it was being held in a park somewhere near here—if I recalled correctly.

After another strong gust of wind and more thinking of the strange piece of paper that found me, I decided to get back inside. I folded the paper and set it on my nightstand, not wanting to put much more thought into it for now. I settled back down on my bed, awake until I fell asleep.


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