Seventeen (Kokichi Ouma x Rea...

Door LoveableLibra

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In the beginning, all you could see was darkness. It was as if you had faded into nothingness, the inky black... Meer

Chapter One - Trepidation
Chapter Two - Hematic
Chapter Three - Nostalgia
Chapter Four - Secrets
Chapter Five - Wounded
Chapter Six - Melancholy
Chapter Seven - Bereavement
Chapter Eight - Farewell

Chapter Nine - Renewal

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Door LoveableLibra

Everything was dark. Everything was silent.

It was as if you had faded into nothingness, the inky black hands of unconsciousness pulling you under as reality dissipated from your cognition. You fought as you tried to escape it's tempting grip, but in the end the effort was futile. The darkness enveloped your mind as you gave in, taking over all your senses until your thoughts escaped you. And with that the world drifted away, leaving you in a state of dreamless rest.

But then, through the darkness a brilliant flash of light roared to life. It pulled you out from the cloak of black that shrouded your consciousness, reality revealing itself as the luminescence grew brighter and brighter. Until finally your eyes fluttered open, heavy with fatigue as they adjusted to the white walls that closely surrounded your form. The only sound you could hear was that of your own breathing, heavy as confusion had began to set in. Where were you?

Memories flashed before your eyes as you tried to piece everything together, the last thing you were able to recollect being Maki. The way her form hovered over you as she plunged the blade of a dagger into your stomach, your screams filling the room as tears blurred your vision. Clutching the area where the knife had hit, you could almost still feel the searing pain that ripped at your abdomen once again. Curiously, you lifted the hem of your shirt to expose the flesh of your stomach, being met with it's perfectly intact surface. There were no wounds, lacerations, or scars like you expected. There was evidence to ever suggest you had faced any harm.

You ran your fingers over the soft skin, cold to the touch as they made contact with your abdomen. But even so, you allowed your hand to inspect the area, being met with the same unbroken flesh you had observed. There was no way. Even if you had survived, there would have been major scars left over. Not to mention the other wounds you accumulated throughout the game, from the underground passage to the many times you injured yourself due to your knack for the reckless. Where did all of those wounds go? The bruises and cuts that scattered your body, leaving behind pale pink scars. It was as if they all had disappeared, like they had never happened in the first place.

The thought left your mind as quickly as it entered, being forced out as you tried to rationalize. Everything had been real, there was no way it couldn't be. The memories of your time inside the game were much too vivid to be false, the details fresh in your head as you thought back. But through everything you remembered, the walls that surrounded you weren't familiar. Wherever you ended up was someplace entirely new.

Without thinking you extended your hand in front of you, fingers running along the smooth rounded surface that circled your body. It was a confinement of sorts, similar to the locker you had ended up in at the beginning of the game. But just from a quick look you could tell it was nowhere near the likes of the aforementioned, giving off a high-tech feeling as your hand rested on the cool metal. Maybe that is what healed you, you thought, maybe it used some type of sci-fi-like science you had no idea existed.

Rolling your eyes, you dismissed the silly thought with a swift shake of your head. It was then that you felt a tug at your temples, the sensation of a device attached to the area. Cautiously, you reached up, feeling the metallic surface of a headset rested at the crown of your skull, several sensors branching off to adhere onto various points of your head and face. Eyes widening, you could feel the panic begin to form in the pit of your stomach as you ripped off one of the sensors, a sting of pain accompanying the motion. The reason for the headset was unknown to you, and you wanted to keep it that way.

Hastily, you ripped the rest of the sensors off, removing the headset entirely to examine the device with curiosity. It was a metallic shade of black with an odd shape, several long wires attached to the back where the nape of your neck had been, leading to the area behind you and through a small hole in the confinement. Beyond that, you had no idea where it might've gone, and more importantly, you had no idea what it was being used for.

Dropping the device on the floor beside your feet, you shifted your attention back to the rounded white enclosure, it's presence seeming more threatening with the addition of your headset. The entirety of it was smooth, giving the impression of there being no exit or way of escape. But as you pressed your palm on the area ahead of you, you could feel the wall give under your touch, opening slowly to reveal what awaited outside your confinement. The lights were somehow brighter than the interior as you shielded your eyes from the blinding glow, a minute passing before everything became clear.

The first thing you noticed were the pods, a number of tall structures lined up against the walls of the room you found yourself in, the place itself being entirely unfamiliar. Everything was cloaked in white, eerily pristine as the smell of iodoform paralleled that of a hospital. Goosebumps formed on your arms as you stepped over the threshold of your pod, the cool air hitting your arms briskly, though you paid no attention to the unpleasantness. The only thing you could find yourself focusing on was the sight before you.

Though some of the other pods remained closed, most were open just like yours was, familiar faces stumbling out of them with the similar baffled expressions. The panic you felt previously grew as your heart sped up, recognizing each and every person who made their way out of the pods. They were your classmates, all the people who were thrown into the killing game with you. All the people who died in the game with you

Watching in awe, you saw as Kaede stumbled out from her confinement, nearly tripping as one of her hands subconsciously clutched at her neck. Her face was pallid as she glanced around in a similar way to you, spotting Rantaro with a mixture of fear and remorse in her eyes. He, on the other hand, failed to notice, running his fingers through his hair with a pained disposition. The rest of the students acted in a similar manner to the two of them, leaving you to observe their actions in a morbid curiosity. Ryoma coughed roughly into his sleeve, Kirumi approaching him apologetically as she comfortingly placed a hand on his shoulder, Gonta doing the same for the panicked Miu who had retreated into a corner.

You felt the anxiety begin to settle once you spotted Miu, the sight of her face calming your mind. She was alright, she was alive. With little reserve you began to make your way towards her, feeling the sting of tears build up in the corners of your eyes, though the motion of a pod opening a few feet away stopped you in your tracks. A figure clad in red stepped out slowly as she clutched the space over her heart, blanching as she looked around to meet your tentative gaze. Before you could react, however, she turned away in shame, clenching her fist with white knuckles. You wanted to say something, anything to her, but fear rooted you to your place as the memories of what she did played through your mind.

The sight of Maki was enough to paralyze your movements, any thoughts of getting to Miu being replaced with pure anxiety. The most you could do was watch as the pods around you opened one by one, more of your peers emerging until all of the structures were vacant, the students voices filling the air with confused chatter and emotional reunions. But out of all of them, only one voice brought you out of your haze as it called out from behind you, it's tone filled with disbelief, "(y/n)!?"

Turning on your heel, you were met with a familiar form a few feet away, his small stature in a rigid state of shock. The violet eyes you knew so well were bloodshot, a tear escaping from the corner as he mouthed your name once more. In a second you were running to him with little reserve, Kokichi following suit as he wrapped his arms securely around your waist, lifting you into the air with a painfully tight grip. You buried your head in his shoulder as he twirled you around, earning the faintest giggle from your lips.

As he set you down you refused to release the embrace, failing to stifle a sob as you held him as close as you could, feeling him stroke your hair in an effort to soothe you. Even as he did so you couldn't help but feel a few of his own tears land on your shoulder, growing more consistent the longer he held you. After a few minutes Kokichi spoke, voice hoarse and he whispered just loud enough for you to hear, "I thought you were dead. T-There was blood... you weren't breathing. The announcement played, a-and oh my god I thought I lost you, (y/n). I thought I lost you..."

Pulling away, you wiped your cheeks with the back of your sleeve and took a shaky breath, "I don't know what happened, I thought she killed me. I thought I was dead... I knew I was dead," you explained, meeting his eyes with remorse, "I'm so sorry, I couldn't escape. You were right, I really can't take on an assassin."

"Of course I'm right, you idiot," he chided, letting out a weak chuckle as he copied you, wiping off his face with the back of his sleeve, "I'm just so fucking happy you're okay. I almost gave up when I saw you like that... I'm just... I'm just so glad you're alright."

"I know, I am too. I mean, it would kinda suck if I was dead, right?" you joked, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. He returned the grin, nodding in agreement as he pulled you into another embrace, pressing a kiss to your forehead as he did so. His grip was looser than it was previously, but the feelings behind it were clear. You closed your eyes, breathing in his scent like you had done so many times before. It had always been comforting, just knowing the boy you loved so much was right there with you.

Pressing a light kiss to his shoulder, you rested your chin on the spot shortly after, voice quiet as you asked him the one question that ran through your mind, "Hey Kichi, did you... did you survive?"

He nodded, "Yeah, until the very end. It was Kaito, Shuichi, Himiko, and I. We all got to leave that place together after your trial," he explained, pulling away with downcast eyes, "Kiibo destroyed it, he destroyed that whole damned school for us and sacrificed himself doing it. The whole place was in rubble, but we survived."

"Good, I knew you would make it. That's all I ever wanted," you mused, tugging him down into a warm kiss without warning, feeling him return it as eagerly as you had initiated it. But just as it had started it ended, him pulling away moments too soon as his eyes fluttered open, reaching up to stroke your cheek affectionately. Just as he did so, however, a wave of vertigo ran through your body, the room spinning as you removed your arms from his shoulders to grip your head instead. He stumbled as well, his face contorted into a look of pain as he followed suit.

It felt as if your head was being split in two as several memories flashed through your mind, each one sending a surge of pain to your temples. They were so important, though somehow you had forgotten each and every one. The morning you met Kokichi in middle school during your first day, how you had become friends almost in an instant. From there you had only gotten closer and closer, eating lunch under the same old oak tree every day and opening up to one another during your time together.

The memories from high school were even more vivid, the nightmare you always had beginning at the start of ninth grade, always the same scene over and over again. He never failed to comfort you during those times, no matter how much sleep he lost. As you grew older the dreams faded, but real life had turned into more of a nightmare than it had been formerly. The harassment from your peers, especially the male ones, had grown out of hand. Kokichi tried to protect you though it all, though in the end he couldn't put it to an end. And so you ended up...

Slowly the dizziness that crippled you faded, though the headache from the newfound memories remained, throbbing at your skull like a stab from a knife. Wincing, you sucked in the air through your teeth as you forced yourself to look up, your gaze meeting Kokichi's with identical expressions. Whatever you had just seen, he did too.

You were the first to speak through the heavy silence, voice barely audible as you whispered, "We were..."

"Best friends," he confirmed, just as quiet. His mind seemed to be going a mile a minute as he processed the information, muttering something incomprehensible underneath his breath before hiding it with a smile, nodding quickly, "How could we ever forget that? We've known each other since middle school."

You returned the grin, taking his hands in your own as you let out a giggle, "Yes! We used to hang out every day, you were on a first-name basis with my freaking mom!"

"I know, it used to annoy you so much; I had so much fun embarrassing you in front of your family," he mused, eyes lighting up for a moment, "Oh, and your older sister used to hate me whenever I came over; I'd prank her all the time just to get on her nerves!"

"Don't remind me, you were relentless. You pranked me too, I'll never forget when you put hair dye in my shampoo," you said, rolling your eyes with a feigned shudder. "That's why I liked going over to your house more, but your little brother was always bothering us." Your eyes lit up in remembrance, "Wait, he had the biggest crush on me!"

"I had the biggest crush on you," you both admitted, letting out a gasp in sync at the revelation. You felt your cheeks heat up, his ears turning a bright pink to match. It was true, you liked him for the longest time, though never did you expect the confession to go quite like that. And you certainly didn't imagine the circumstances that brought you to it in the first place. But instead of celebrating, you couldn't help but wonder, "But... wait. Our memories... when were together in the game. It doesn't match up."

His expression darkened in an instant, shaking his head with dejection, "I know. Those memories... god I should've known it was true, but those weren't real. You weren't there for it, but we had one final trial after yours. We revisited Rantaro's murder, and Shuichi revealed that Tsumugi was the mastermind behind it all," he explained, earning a light gasp from you, "I know, I didn't expect it either. But after that she told us... she told us that none of our memories were real. Our backstories, our talents, all of it was fake."

"But why? Why would they go through the time of faking something like that?" you asked, the headache from before blooming again at your temples.

He seemed uncharacteristically sheepish, squeezing your hand as he began, "Because, it was all for some morbid reality show. Everything was being recorded and streamed across the world for the audience's sick enjoyment. They gave us these fake backstories to make us more interesting to their viewers."

You could feel all the color drain from your face, going silent as all the words escaped your mind. A reality show? Without even realizing it, you were yelling, gaining the attention of the few around you, "What? Why would anyone be twisted enough to watch a bunch of teenagers kill each other!? Our friends were dying, I died! They found that shit entertaining!?"

"It's fucking sick. I don't know how any of this bullshit is legal, but that's why we were locked in that school. Trust me, I almost decked Tsumugi when she told us everything." He clenched his fist, knuckles turning white with anger, "She... she even convinced me that our feelings were fake, that our whole friendship was fake. And I can handle being told we were never romantically involved, but even in our fake memories you were my best friend for years. So when she told me that wasn't real... I... I just couldn't stand the thought that we were never close."

You pulled him closer, squeezing his hands as you pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek, "But she was wrong. We are close, and we do have feelings for each other. You're my best friend, I could ever forget that, you know."

"Yeah, and I can't believe she convinced me otherwise," he said, a mischievous grin forming on his lips, "I mean, who can forget being friends with a loser like you?"

"Ouch, that stung. But it's good to have you back, I was starting to think all this serious shit broke you," you mused, breaking out into a smile as you tugged him into a quick embrace, patting him on the back as you did so, "Now let's cut all this sappy stuff and get to the part where we're grossly making out for all the others to see."

He wiggled his eyebrows, pulling away only to inch his face closer to yours, "I'm okay with that."

"No, no, I didn't mean it! I take it back, I take it back!" you giggled, wiggling out of his grasp and stumbling backwards, colliding with a figure not too far behind you. With a gasp you stopped in your tracks, cheeks flushing as you turned around to apologize, "Oh my god, I'm sorry-"

Your voice caught in your throat when your eyes met hers, flushed with a bloodshot pink as she tried to keep her composure. Before you could react she extended her arms towards you, wrapping your form in an embrace as she rested her head on your shoulder, long locks of blonde hair cascading down to settle on your arm. Returning the hug, you could feel the fabric of your blouse grow damp where her cheeks brushed against it, causing tears to sting at the corners of your eyes as well. Of course, how could you ever forget that Miu was okay too?

Soothingly rubbing your hand up and down her back, you took a deep breath, squeezing her tightly as you spoke, "Hey, it really has been a while, huh?"

She sniffled in response, nuzzling your shoulder as she began to respond, "I-I'm sorry, (y/n). I shouldn't have... I really can't believe I would... I'm so fucking sorry. If I actually did..." She choked on her words, forcing herself to finish the thought as she lifted her head up, "...kill you, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. You know that, right?"

"Yeah, I know. You're one of my closest friends, and you know I don't blame you for any of it. It's not your fault we were stuck in that damned killing game," you explained, pulling away to rest your hands on her shoulders.

She shook her head and stood up straight, wiping her eyes with the ends of her sleeves, "You should blame me. I don't even know what happened or how I'm even here now, but in the game I could've decided not to kill anyone. But I was a coward, I tried to kill my best fucking friend. How pathetic can I get? You were the one fucking person I could trust and I tried to betray you."

"I'm sorry to interrupt this moment, especially because I know how much you hate me, Miu, but you're not pathetic," Kokichi disagreed, taking a step closer to the two of you. He looked her in the eye, his voice confident as he spoke, "You hesitated."

"What?" she asked, letting go of you completely.

A smile pulled at the corners of his lips, though it wasn't taunting. The expression he wore, it was almost knowing as he continued, "You heard me, Miu. I was there, don't you remember? When you were about to hit her, you hesitated, and that's how Gonta was able to catch you in time. But that's not pathetic, what would be pathetic is if you were able to kill your best friend with no remorse." His gaze flashed darkly over to Maki, who Kaito had just enveloped in a tight hug, "If you were able to kill anyone with no remorse."

Miu followed his line of sight, scrunching up her eyebrows, "Maki...? I knew that bitch was going to end up killing someone! Who was it?"

You casted your gaze to the floor, trying to figure out the words to tell her, "Um... It was me, she killed me a few days after Gonta's execution. A lot of shit went down after you died, and long story short, she thought I was working with the mastermind. So she killed me in my lab..." you trailed off, letting out a small sigh, "I don't blame her."

"Well I fucking do! Why the hell would she think that in the first place!?" Miu asked, the previous self-loathing in her tone gone.

Before you could answer Kokichi butted in, barely able to meet her eyes, "It was my fault. I told the others I was the mastermind. I explained everything after she died, but I had a plan to trick the real one and end the game. I used the remote you made for the Exisals and everyone else seemed to believe me. But since (y/n) and I were so close, Maki thought she was working with me and killed her."

Miu shook her head, though she wasn't nearly as angry as you thought she would be, "Wow, you are such a fucking idiot! Do you really think you could go pretending to be the mastermind without any repercussions!? And you-" She gripped your shoulders and turned you around to face her, "-Why the hell do you never fight back!? When I was about to fucking deck you with that hammer you didn't even try to escape!"

Her question resonated through your mind, any words you were about to say stopping in your throat. You hadn't even realized your habits back in the game, but now that Miu was bringing it to your attention you couldn't help but wonder the same thing. Why didn't you ever fight back? Sure, with Maki you struggled, but did you try nearly as hard as you should've? Nervously you looked up, seeing as Kokichi's expression changed to one of worry.

"I... I don't know. I really don't know, maybe I was just scared?" you guessed, though you didn't sound too sure of yourself, "I dont... you don't really know how you're going to react in a situation like that, I guess I was just too scared to do anything."

Miu raised an eyebrow at the response, crossing her arms skeptically. Instead of questioning you, however, she turned her attention to the rest of the room, "Yeah, I guess," she said with a sigh, motioning towards the pods a moment later, "But does anyone know how the fuck we ended up in these things? One minute I was dead and the next thing I knew I in there."

"I have no idea, I woke up right after we left the academy. It seemed like as soon as we stepped outside those gates we ended up here," Kokichi explained, giving a smirk as he continued, "I thought I had died for real, but at least my death would've been way cooler than (y/n)'s."

You shoved him, a grin tugging at the corners of your lips, "Hey, being killed by an assassin is a badass way to go! And a painful one, at that. Have you ever been stabbed with a freaking dagger!? It's not fun."

"No, but I've been choked by her a few times. I felt so special," he joked, rubbing his throat in a bitter remembrance, "I think that might be her kink. I wonder if she ever choked Kaito."

"Oh she's definitely choked Kaito. If she did that so often to someone she hated , just imagine what she'd do to someone in bed. I bet she's a freak," Miu replied, the previously dark tone of the conversation seeming to have dissipated.

"...Do you want to die?" a voice from behind you threatened, embarrassment clear in her tone as the words left her mouth. Your whole body went rigid with recognition as the other two turned towards the source, your limbs too numb to follow suit. It seemed as if you were stuck in your spot, every inch of your being paralyzed with a newly developed fear of the person just inches away. Her presence, the piercing eyes that bore into the back of your skull, sent your heart into overdrive. The faint smell of her perfume caused your breathing to hitch in your throat, face draining of all color.

Your senses had seemed to stop working, the only thing you were able to hear being the flow of blood from your quickened pulse roaring in your ears. It was only when a familiar hand fell to grip your shoulder that you were pulled out of your daze, blinking harshly before turning your attention to Kokichi. But instead of meeting your gaze, he was staring ahead of him with a look of disgust, gripping your shoulder tighter as he spoke, "Oh, look who it is. Our favorite little assassin. What do you want?"

"Nothing to do with you," Maki replied hastily, her voice softening slightly as she continued, "I need to talk to (y/n)."

At the sincerity in her voice you turned to face her, your heart rate calming when you saw she was accompanied by Shuichi, an expression of remorse riddled across his features. Finding the courage to speak, you were about to start when Miu cut you off, following Kokichi's actions and squeezing your shoulder, "I don't really think that will be a good idea, whisper tits."

"Hey, I'm alright guys, calm down. I'm not a child, let me speak for myself," you said, though your voice wavered near the end. Bringing your line of sight to meet Maki's eyes, you felt yourself hesitate under her gaze, though you continued regardless with a weak tone, "Alright, let's talk."

She nodded bluntly, motioning to an empty spot of the room far enough so that no one could overhear your conversation, heading over to it with you in tow. Shuichi stayed behind with Kokichi and Miu, whispering a soft apology under his breath as you passed him. You could tell he had more to say, the rest of his reparation waiting on his lips for when you returned, watching with worry as your anxious form stood before Maki, waiting for her to speak.

She looked to the floor with an unnatural timidness to her, biting the inside of her cheek harshly as she began, "I'm sorry. I should've listened to you back when we were in your lab, when you told me to put down the knife."

You were taken back by the bluntness of it all, but the apology was enough to release the tension building up in your shoulders. A wave of relief coursed through your body as your posture relaxed, taking a moment to calm the knot of fear embedded in the pit of your stomach before responding, "Yeah, you really should've. Do you know how much that shit hurt!?"

"Yes, I've been hurt in a similar way a few times back when I first became an assassin. They told me it was to build up my resilience," she explained, a weak grin making its way to her features when she noticed the one that had just began to play on yours. It didn't last long though, as her expression quickly dropped, "You were innocent, though, you didn't deserve to be hurt like that. I just wanted to protect the others."

"I know, I understand why you did it. Kaito and Shuichi, they're like your Kokichi and Miu. You'd do anything to protect them, just like I'd do for those two. You wanted to get them out of that twisted game, and although that doesn't excuse killing me , I know your motivation, and I forgive you," you said, crossing your arms, "But, that still doesn't let you off the hook. Once we get out of here, wherever we are, you're buying me lunch."

The smile she wore previously returned to her lips, the corners of her mouth quirking upwards so subtly one could barely notice, but you could see it clear as day as she rolled her eyes, "I guess I have no choice."

"Nope, it's a rule. If you kill someone, it's only polite that you buy them a meal," you joked, motioning back towards the center of the room where Kokichi, Miu, and Shuichi were waiting, "Let's head back, I haven't had a chance to talk to Shuichi yet."

With a turn of your heel you started towards the others, though Maki stopped you before you could get very far, her fingers clasping around your wrist with a strong grip as she spoke, "Hey, (y/n)?"

"Yeah?" you asked, looking back with a quirked brow.

Her expression had shifted to one of sincerity as she released your arm, dropping her hand to her side, "Thanks. For forgiving me."

"No problem. I never thought I would be forgiving someone for killing me, but it's not your fault. We were locked in a game that forced us against one another, and you believed I was a threat. Anyone would've felt the same way, Maki. Just... don't kill me again. That hurt like a bitch," you joked, your fingertips subconsciously reaching up to ghost over the area her knife had hit.

She noticed the motion, face seeming to pale as her gaze met your stomach. Although you were alive and well, you could tell by the way her eyes refused to meet yours that she was picturing it. Standing over your body with remorse as your crumpled form lied below her, blanched with death as a crimson painted your torso. Shaking her head subtly, she spoke "Sorry, I won't. That's a promise. I don't kill my friends."

You smiled, "Good, because your knife is sharp . I'd rather get choked out than feel that again," you joked, giving a fake shudder as you started back towards the group once again, "Now come on, I feel like if we stay here any longer Miu might just lose her mind."

She nodded and followed close behind you, watching as they talked amongst themselves, Miu rapidly tapping her foot against the floor in impatience as they did so. At the sound of your shoes her head whipped towards you, a look of confusion crossing her features when she noticed the grin that tugged at your lips. Before you knew it she was bounding up to you, Kokichi following shortly behind as she began her questioning, "What the fuck happened? Are you alright?"

You rolled your eyes, brushing them off as you began, "Yeah, I'm fine. It's not like she was going to try and kill me again. We're not in the killing game anymore, so you can't really judge someone for what they did at that academy," you explained, pushing past the two to meet Shuichi, who seemed to be caught off guard by your presence, "And you, did you really think you were going to get away without giving me a hug?"

"I... no. It's good to have you back, (y/n)," he said, a smile growing on his lips as you tugged him into a hug, his arms wrapped tightly around your waist. Just before you could pull away, however, he stopped you, his voice low as he whispered, "I'm sorry-"

"Shhh! I know what you're going to say, and don't. I've had enough apologies today, it's starting to sound like a broken record. Besides... I forgive you," you said, breaking away from the embrace and patting him on the shoulder clumsily. Just as you did so, a thought crossed your mind, "Actually, you know what?"

He quirked an eyebrow, "What?"

You raised your fist, reeling it back and socking him on the arm as hard as you could. He flinched backwards, yelping at the impact, causing you to let out a small chuckle, "Okay, now I forgive you. I just had to do that so you'll remember not to divulge people's secrets next time!"

"You hit hard !" Shuichi exclaimed, rubbing the area your fist had landed, "You know how easily I bruise, this is going to be so dark."

Kokichi gave a loud laugh, bounding up beside Shuichi to prod him on the torso, "You got beat up by a girl! Oh man, I didn't know you were that weak, I bet even Kiibo could take you down-"

Before he could finish you hit him on the arm as well, Kokichi stumbling into Shuichi from the force, knocking both of them onto the floor with a dull thud. You couldn't contain yourself as a giggle escaped your lips, Miu doing the same as they struggled to pull themselves up, groaning from the pain.

Rubbing the back of his head, Kokichi got to his feet, narrowing his eyes once his gaze met yours, "What the hell was that for!?"

"Really? Pretending to be the freaking mastermind!? Do you think I was just gonna let you get away with that? You are literally the biggest idiot I've ever met," you explained, crossing your arms as an amused smirk played on your lips, "Of course, I forgive you both for being idiots, but I needed to do that before I could."

The two exchanged a look, Shuichi nodding with a knowing grin as Kokichi gave a light chuckle, shaking his head in disbelief. You quirked an eyebrow, motioning to the both of them in confusion, "What is this? This thing going on right here? I've never seen you guys get along, this is really weird."

Shuichi opened his mouth to respond, but before he could the room fell eerily quiet within a split second, the only thing you could hear being the hitched breathing of your peers, mixed with a few hushed whispers. You looked around for the source, following Maki's stare towards the other end of the room where a pure white door was located. A metallic clang rang out through the silence, and just then did you notice it . On the front was a silver doorknob with a metallic lock, which had just began to turn from the other side.

Your hand subconsciously reached down to grab Kokichi's, your fingers intertwining as he moved closer to the crowd that started to form, pulling you close behind him. From what you could tell the others followed close behind, everyone hesitant as the door finally opened, the hinges squeaking as it revealed the person that lied beyond.


You shook your head, taking a step back as she entered the room, a small timid girl by her side as two large guards followed close behind. You failed to notice as you exited the pods that there was one missing, one person who failed to reunite with everyone else.

It was unreal, there's no way it could've been her. The Tsumugi you knew was much younger, a plain face with long flowing hair that reached her back. She was always polite, she was always a friend. But as you stared at this woman, desperate for answers, it became clear. This was Tsumugi, but not the one you had become acquainted with.

Her features were the same as how they were in the simulator, though much more mature. If you had to guess, you'd say she was in her twenties. The long flowing hair you once associated with her was cut short into a bob of sorts, and her school uniform was traded for business attire. The workers around her treated her with respect, that only given to a superior. What tied it all together, however, was the badge she wore around her neck. In bold letters it read "Team Danganronpa", her name printed right below it.

"I know this is all very strange for you guys, but truth be told, this isn't the first time you've seen me like this. Your memories are just starting to come back, so I don't blame you for your confusion," She explained, pushing up her glasses to the bridge of her nose, "I am still Tsumugi, though I'm far from the teenager you knew in the simulator. For those of you who made it out alive, you'd know I was the mastermind behind this game, hiding amongst you all to make sure everything went off without a hitch. In reality, that wasn't exactly a lie.

"Here at Team Danganronpa I am the chief manager. For the last few years I have not only chose the contestants, but have written each motive and execution. The writing team of course helps me out, especially with your backstories, but for the most part it's all me. If you haven't guessed, this was nothing more than a reality show. One that you all willingly signed up for, the final season of Danganronpa."

A wary silence settled over the group as you processed the information you had been told. You... signed up for this? To watch your friends die? To be killed yourself? You could still feel the sting of the blade in your abdomen as your fingers subconsciously ghosted over the area, a shudder running down your spine from the contact. Though it was clear now you had never really been injured, let alone deceased, the memory seemed to be burned into your mind, leaving you with only one question. Why would you ever sign up for this?

Shuichi was the first person to speak his mind, his voice hoarse with emotion as his face paled, "Why? Why would we willingly sign up for something as cruel as this... this game? I can't even remember doing something like that."

"None of you do, but you will in time. A side effect of being in the simulator is memory loss, though everything usually comes back within a few months. Soon enough you'll remember everything, from your auditions to your motivations for signing up, but since it's so early on, I hardly expect you to recall any of that now. So, these will suffice," she said, motioning to the assistant by her side. The timid girl nodded hastily, reaching in her bag and pulling out a stack of papers, giving them to Tsumugi gingerly.

"Are those..." You started, eyeing them skeptically.

She began to hand them out to everyone, "Contracts? Yes, you all signed one. I'll even give them back to you all so you can see for yourselves. And if these don't trigger a memory, at least you'll have proof that you came here on your own accord."

She pressed yours into your palms, the stack of papers weighty in your arms. Did you read all of this, or just speed through it and sign everywhere that had an "x"? Knowing you, it was most likely the latter. Flipping through the pages, you spotted your signature littered throughout the mess of text, rushed and sloppy, just like it always was. You really did sign this, didn't you?

From beside you, you could see Kokichi doing the same thing, his eyebrows scrunching up as soon as he laid eyes on his signature. It was messier than yours by far, and seemed to change with every line signed. He never really got the hang of cursive, did he? Letting out a small chuckle, you got his attention, his eyes meeting yours quizzically, "What's so funny?"

"Your signature. I mean, it looks like a five year old signed it," you joked, eliciting a weak laugh from him.

"Like yours is any better," he began, reaching his arm over yours to point at your document, "What is this? It looks like some foreign language. I can't even read these scribbles." He flipped the page, "Is that French?"

You hit him on the shoulder, "Be quiet."

The two of you appeared to be the only ones who had the nerve to joke, the rest of the group silent with shock. A part of you felt guilty for being so lighthearted, but then again, people cope differently. At some point in the game, everyone used humor to forget, you and Kokichi more so than anyone. But that was in the game, cloaked in lies and false memories. Was the real you different? Did it even matter anymore?


As everyone calmed, finally mustering up enough courage to whisper amongst their peers, Tsumugi continued, an almost caring tone to her voice, "Now that you're all filled in, I'll tell you what will happen from here. Your parents and guardians have agreed to have their homes relocated, using some of the money from your paychecks, and have been moved into the same neighborhood. Since we wanted to keep you all together for the time being, we had to place you in a rather small town, though you'll be happy to hear we've managed to situate you all within a ten-block radius of one another."

A murmur of relief went though everyone, you letting out a deep sigh at the news. Never had it crossed your mind that you would be separated, though hearing that you wouldn't be was still comforting.

"But, before we can send you on your way to your new homes, you have to be admitted to our rehabilitation center for one month. There you will work on getting your memories back, will receive therapy from our best psychiatrist, and will begin tutoring to prepare you for your return to high school. Any questions?" she asked, her eyes scanning everyone expectantly.

No one responded, a lingering silence hanging in the air. Tsumugi let out a soft hum, giving a nod and turning on her heel, motioning for her assistant to follow, stopping just before she reached the door, "When you're ready, these two here-" she motioned to the two large guards who followed her inside, "-will lead you to the bus. It will be taken straight to the rehabilitation center, where your clothes and any personal items have already been sent by your parents."

And with that, she left. Nobody knew what to do, what to say even, as you stood there in shock. Your fingers curled around the contract you still held in your hands, hugging it to your chest. The motion felt natural, maybe you used to hold your school books in the same manner?

One by one people began to file out of the building, escorted by one of the guards to the bus waiting outside. It took a while for your feet to feel unstuck from their place on the floor as you stared blankly at the wall. After taking everything in, your head hurt. It was a dull throbbing in your temples, accompanied by a wave of fatigue that clouded your mind. You were tired, so tired, but all you could do was stand there, only feeling the papers beneath your fingertips.

It took Kokichi three times before he finally snapped you out of your daze, gently shaking your shoulder as he called out to you. His voice was much quieter than you had ever heard before, soft and shaky as he spoke, "(y/n)? Come on, we have to go."

"Sorry, I just... I was just thinking," you apologized, feeling as he intertwined his fingers with yours. The motion was comforting, bringing a faint smile to your lips as he began to lead you out of the building, his movements slow and wary. He was tired too, just as much as you were, but as you felt his hand in yours you seemed a little less so.

After all, you were finally free.

Your hand hesitated, the pen gripped in your fingers hovering just inches above the paper. After this, there was no turning back. You'd be entered into the game you always dreamed of being in, all your memories erased only to be replaced with false ones dreamt up by complete strangers. You had no idea what they would be, who you would become, but it was what you wanted... or so you thought. Ever since you were in middle school you were a fan of Danganronpa, almost to the point of obsession, but now as you stood before this woman you couldn't help but feel reluctant.

She called herself Tsumugi, smiling sweetly as she explained to the seventeen of you the risks and benefits of entering the killing game. Severe emotional trauma, memory loss, fame, a large fortune. The latter two were almost too tempting to throw away, despite the obvious repercussions that came along with signing the contract. You kept telling yourself as you stared at it that it was what you wanted, no, what you needed. It was your chance to get away from your old life and become someone else, someone new. Someone better.

Casting a glance over at Kokichi, you could see the uncertainty on his face as well, but when he caught your eye he flashed a smile, nudging your arm playfully, "What are you waiting for? Let's do this."

"I... alright. As long as you sign yours too, I see you hesitating over there. You better not leave me all alone to die," you joked, earning a chuckle from him.

He twirled the pen in his fingers before swiftly signing the first line of many, looking to you as if it were a challenge, "You know I wouldn't leave you alone in something like this, loser. So there, it's your turn. Or... are you a coward? Is little (y/n) scared of being on her favorite show?"

"Of course I'm not, I've wanted to do this since I was a kid," you retaliated, more conviction in your voice than you had felt before. Impetuously, you signed the line before you with a messy signature, flipping to the next page and signing wherever it was required, "See, I'm not a coward. This is my freaking dream, I'm not gonna pass up an opportunity to be on Danganronpa."

He smiled, following suit, "There you go, that's the excitement I wanted to see. Let's do this, (y/n). We're going to survive to the end of the game, you hear me?"

"Of course, let's just hope I don't kill you when our memories get erased," you joked.

"You won't, I'm too lovable to kill."

You grinned, nudging him with your shoulder, "Sure you are. Now hurry up, the sooner we finish signing these the sooner we can meet the others."

"Alright, fine" he sighed, pausing or a moment to shoot you a look of curiosity, "Do you think you're going to be friends with any of them?"

"I really hope so."


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