Desperate for Love - Harry St...

Door desperately

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The blonde beauty herself, Essie Lynn; a college student who's studying and perusing her dream of becoming an... Meer

Desperate for Love(Harry Styles Fan-Fiction)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17:

Chapter 7

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Door desperately

Sorry for the long wait guys; glad you stuck together though! This chapter is kind of packed with tons of information and drama so just a forewarning; and it's not my best since I kind of rushed it a bit. Hope you enjoy though !:) xx Also i didn't quite read through it completely. tell me any errors!

Chapter 7:

After watching the movie, Harry left and planed a kiss on my cheek before he exited Lo’s apartment.

“So,” Sam struts over to the couch, sitting next to me about to question my thoughts on Harry, “you fancy him don’t ya?” she asked me, making me nervous and thinking if I should answer honestly. I’m still confused whether I should tell anyone who I fancy because I have a lot of trust issues, including me telling others who I fancy because it’s quite difficult to expose my crush to others. When I was little, I fancied this little boy in my grade, it was around first grade and I told one of my friends and she told the whole grade, so therefore I much rather not tell anyone my crush any longer.

“No,” I told her, whipping Harry out of my mind. I just want him with me. I walked back into the guest room where I stood in the mirror for a while. Staring into the mirror, I look at the necklace I just received from Harry, and admiring it. It was so beautiful, and heart whelming how he gave me a present for my birthday even though we’ve been friends for about a month and a half now.

I’m just going to feel horrible when I have to tell him I have to head back to America for school. I wouldn’t know how to tell him, whether I should or not, and if I did would I just come out and say it. I shook the thought out of my mind and slipped into a pair of sweats since I was a little chilly. Walking out of the bedroom, I noticed that Sam left, oddly enough she didn’t change nor did she tell me. Where is she off too?

“Lo, where’s Sam?” I asked her, making her shrug in confusion. I took out my cell phone and texted her.

Hey, where are you?

Samzi: I’m out


Samzi: doesn’t matter.

Well, okay then Sampson, I see if you would rather not tell me where you are, I’ just going to go out myself and come back the next day.

“Lo!” I hollered out, and later did she immediately come to where I was, “let’s go out!” I tell her, and her violent nodding her head yes. She probably needs a breather after all that happened.

 I wanted to get wasted after everything that has happened with all this drama and bullshit. I haven’t really got a good drink in a while; the last time I did was during school and I always prefer to drink after school since it won’t interfere with my school work since I’m such a huge book worm.

“Hey Es?” Lo came out of her room, with her head peeping into the guest room, her long brown hair stroking down to her mid back.

“Yeah?” I responded, brushing my hair and looking at myself in the mirror.

“So are you and Harry and item?” She asked me again; walking back into her room and grabbing her makeup bag; bringing it back to the guest room.

“I don’t know I mean he’s a nice guy and he’s extremely sweet and handsome, so I guess sometimes I fancy him; sometimes I don’t.”

“What do you mean by sometimes?”

“Well, sometimes I just think we’re not right for each other,” and by that sentence, we continued to get ready. “Oh, hey Lo can I borrow a shirt to wear?” I asked her, and saw her sitting up and heading to her bedroom, coming back with a pink lace bandeau top. “Thanks,”

“No problem! I have a jacket to go with it, want it?” she offered to me and I nodded. She brought back a high-low leather jacket with studs on the shoulders. It was an extremely hot jacket. I did my typical makeup, and had my hair naturally wavy. I slipped on the top with a pair of black, high waist jeans and black heals. I put on the jacket and then ruffled with my hair a bit to make it look nice.

“Good?” I asked Lo, turning in a circle with my arms out.

“Smoking hot!” she says, and she headed to her room right after to find an outfit. I scattered around the room for my black leather Chanel bag, and once I found it I slipped my phone in the bag; but shortly noticed I had a message from Harry.

Harry =): Hey love.

I didn’t feel like responding since I want to take the day off from the world. I looked in the mirror at myself and saw the necklace Harry gave me for my birthday. I almost completely forgot he gave that to me.

“Cute?” Lo asked me, walking in with an extremely short, black dress with a cut out lace in the back.

“Smoking hot,” I tell her with a wink, and we headed out the door down the street at a local bar.

Once we reached the bar, we walked in and noticed a bunch of younger men stare at us.

“Well, this will be fun. Let’s get drunk!” Lo yelled with boys chanting ‘yeah’ after, making me giggle. We walked over at the bar and had a man buy us a few shots.

“Jesus! That’s like my fifth one!” I tell Lo, and myself feeling dizzy. A man on my left saw me and I looked over and winked at him. He then made his way over.

“Hey, can I buy you a drink?” he offered and I nodded my head. He ordered me a read headed slut, which is a strong shot.

“Ready?” I asked him, with the shots near out mouths, he nodded and I took the shot, and the alcohol rushing down my throat, burning my sinuses.

“Woo!” the man said.

“I didn’t catch your name?” I told him.

“Peter,” he tells me.

“Essie!” I shouted over the music that started to play. He advised me to come to the small dance floor the pub had and started to drunken dance. We started to dance with his left hand in my right hand raised above our heads, and me trembling from my high heels.

I noticed Lo with a man, flirting a bit. Before I knew it, Peter leaned in for a kiss, and before I know it; we’re making out; well snogging.

“Bathroom?” he asked, grasping for breath. I nodded my head and we walked into the boys bathroom into a stall.

At this point, I was completely intoxicated; and I couldn’t control my actions. We started to kiss again, and it turned vicious. I wrapped my two legs around his waist, leaning against the wall of the stall, kissing him and running my hands through his brown hair.

He ran his hands on the sides of my body; then started to kiss my neck, nibbling on it a bit. He started to take off my leather jacket, following my top; leaving me with just a black bra. I unbuttoned his top as he was leaving me love bites on my neck. He went back to my mouth, kissing me then licking the bottom of my lip asking for entry; and I let him; letting his tongue explore my mouth. I started to shimmy my pants off as I was on top of him; then leaving me with just my red knickers.

He then helped me out with my pants, throwing them on the bathroom ground and started to kiss all over my body. He then started to take off his pants and boxers as well; and before I knew it, I was completely nude.

Then I blacked out.

Yawning, I stretched out my arms and legs and was waking up in someone else’s apartment. I looked over and saw Peter, the man I hung out with last night. I lifted his plaid blanket up and saw I was completely nude.

“Fuck,” I said, as I scattered quickly out of his bed and throwing on my clothes. I just lost my virginity last night to someone who I don’t even know, don’t even like; and I don’t even remember.

I noticed Peter didn’t move as I was making tons of noises, which is good because I can leave quicker.

I took out my phone and dialed Lo’s number. I needed someone to pick me up since I have no money; because I didn’t expect to buy any of my drinks last night. She didn’t answer; and now I know I was screwed because Sampson would never pick me up in a situation like so.

I decided to call Harry; and I know this is risky.

“Hey Harry,” I said when he picked up the phone.

“Hello Essie, how are you?”

“Good, can you pick me up?”


I scattered around the outside of the apartment building and looked at the street sign.

“Roseville Street?”

“Ah, okay,” he said and hung the phone up. I sat on the steps leading into the apartment building for about an hour, then I saw Harry’s car roll up. I then walked over and was greeted by him in the window. He had a huge grin on his face, and was blushing. I slid inside the car on the passenger seat.

“So, what were you doing there?” Harry asked, making my heart tremble; knowing I just lost my virginity to someone I didn’t know. I bet if I told Harry I just had my first ever one night stand, he wouldn’t be all joyful.

“A friend,” I told him, lying straight through my teeth. I figured if I did tell the truth I would feel bad. I always did wanted to lose my virginity to someone who I love, trust, and you know; someone I’m in a relationship with. But I fucking screwed up; big time. I lost it; and I’ll never get it back.

“Well, see you later Essie.” Harry said as the car came to a complete stop.

“Thanks for the ride,” I tell him, leaning in for a kiss on the cheek; making mine, and his cheeks heat up from excitement. Figuring out and putting the puzzle pieces together, I think I finally realize I fancy Harry Styles, and I want him; I want him now.

Opening his passenger car door, I step out and let out a waved and smile before I head back into Lo’s apartment building.

“Lo?” I call out in the apartment, placing my purse on the table near the door, slipping my shoes off and heading into the apartment to scavenge around for Lo since I have no clue where she went. I walk into the hallway and open Lo’s door, which didn’t seem to have Lo in it. I noticed that Sam was in the guest room so I pop in for a quick second.

“Did Lo come back here last night?” I asked her and she shrugged her shoulders, having no clue why I’m asking. She probably didn’t realize we were out last night. I called Lo several times, and no answer. I then started to panic a bit knowing that she always answers her phone in these kinds of cases.

“Sam,” I started to worry.

“Yeah?” she looked up from her laptop and looked at my worry face about to burst into tears.

“I don’t know where Lolo was,” I tell her and she shot up from her bed, looking for her something.

“Did you try and call her?” she asked me, picking up her cell phone that was underneath her blanket, dialing her phone number.

“Obviously,” I tell her and she groans in aggravation. Lo didn’t answer Sam’s phone call either.

“Should we call the police and file a report?” Sam started to panic with me, pacing in the bedroom.

“Not yet, maybe she’ll come home, I mean it is only three,” I tell her and she started to cry a bit. She can be in danger and I have no fucking clue where she is, I’m hyperventilating; I’m freaking out basically.

“I’m fucking freaking out Essie! What if she’s gone! What if-“

“We’ll see,” I interrupted her, making her give me a bitchy look. I went back near the door near the table where my purse was. I dug through my purse and took out my cell phone and dialed Harry’s number.

“Hey Essie!” Harry greeted me.

“You have to come over, now,” I commanded him.

“Why?” he asked.

“Lolo’s gone,” He then hung up the phone; signaling he’s obviously coming over in order to help us to find Lo. About ten minutes later, he knocked on the door, and I greeted him and the four other boys.

“Well, where is she?” Zayn asked panicking and running inside to look for her.

“Well, I don’t know,” I mock him, making Niall giggle a bit and Zayn giving him a dirty look.

“Where were you guys last night?” Liam asked.

“Well, we went to a club, and I kind of left her there with a guy at the club.”

“Where did you go?” Liam asked again.

“Peter’s apartment,” I slurred, looking down at the ground and feeling Harry’s eye pierce on me.

“A man?” Louis asked all surprise, and I looked up to notice that Louis is leaning on Harry’s broken body.

“Uh… yes,” I spitted out of my mouth, nervous enough to say I was feeling like absolute shit doing this to Harry.

“Boyfriend?” Harry asked, looking up from the ground and his eyes beaming into mine. I nodded my head no and it looked like a whole weight lifted off his shoulders.

“I met him last night, and we hit it off,” I tell him.

“Forget about that boy, and think about Lo!” Niall shouts and everyone drew their attention back to the Lo incident.  Liam decided to call the police and file a missing person’s report. Being the nervous wreck I am, I started to shake profusely, but Harry walked over and grabbed both of my shaking hands.

“Hey, calm down okay?” he told me calmly, making me shiver from goose bumps. I smiled at him and he started to blush.

Honestly, I wanted Harry now; but knowing what had happened it wouldn’t feel the same. A few moments after, the boys insisted on going out themselves without Sam and me helping them. I started to brew some coffee and tea so when they get back; and if they didn’t find her we’re going to have to stay up all night to find her.

“Hey Sam?” I hollered out throughout the apartment.


“Come here,” I insisted, and she did as told. “I lost it last night,”

“Your virginity?” She asked, shocked. I nodded yes and she had an awe face on. The fact though I lost my virginity to someone who one, I didn’t know quite well and two, I didn’t love him. I’m actually surprised that I didn’t cry. Losing your virginity is like to me, dying and reliving again. The dying part is losing your virginity. Even though that may not quite make sense to you; it makes perfect sense to me.

“Did you tell Harry?” she asked, and I nodded my head no, feeling the tears forming in my eyes, but not making it noticeable by breaking on the outside, only the inside. “Well, I personally think you should tell him; he’s basically in love with you from what I heard,”

What? Did she just say Harry; loved me? That couldn’t be right because she surely doesn’t seem like he loves me. I mean, yes he looks like he’s interested in me, just a crush though but the whole point about it is that Harry can’t love me; I’m nothing special. Am I?

I was silent in the kitchen by myself sipping on yummy green tea; thinking about Harry and I being together actually; maybe it’ll be nice to be in a relationship with Harry, overall he is such a sweet, handsome guy. About an hour later after thinking about Harry, my phone started to ring and I immediately answered it, noticing it was Liam.

“Any luck?” I answered the phone, hoping he found her.

“She’s in the hospital,” I shot up from my seat, running towards Sam’s room and telling her.

“Be right there,”

I quickly threw my hair up in a bun and ran out the door, catching a cab and driving off to the hospital. Once we reached the hospital, we quickly ran in and found her room, seeing her bruised up and cut up.

“WHAT HAPPENED?” Sam screamed running towards her laying body on the bed.

“It seemed as she has been raped due to signals of abuse and a broken pelvic region, also; semen is found in her body as well.” The doctor said, holding on to his clipboard. I looked over to the five guys who were sitting down on fold out chairs, looking upset. I placed my face in my palms, on the risk of crying; but on the left of me, Sam is already crying. It seemed that Lo was passed out from whatever drug they gave her to make her sleep.

I stood up and actually said something, unlike the others, “is she going to be okay?”

“No guarantee; she might have a few broken bones if she lives, but that’s if.” That’s when I started to cry as well. No guarantee my best friend, practically my sister, is going to live. It’s just going downhill. I notice Harry was staring at me so I took him out of the room by signaling him with my hand. Once we left the hospital room, I hugged him.

“I’m going to take Sam home and relax her, tell the boys they can leave whenever. I’ll come by tonight to check on her,” I whispered in his ear before I let go out of the hug. I kissed Harry’s cheek and headed back in the room and grabbing Sam to leave.

Harry’s Point of View

“Where did they go?” Zayn asked.

“Essie is sending Sam home to calm down,” I tell them.

“Do you love her Harry?” Louis asked; weirding me out from a type of question out of the blue.


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