Girl Meets World: ONESHOTS

By fearless_lovelace

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This book is filled with GMW (Girl Meets World) Oneshots. I will write for all ships! Mainly Rucas, Joshaya a... More

Joshaya: I'm staying the night
Rucas: Carnival Date
Lucaya: Semi-Formal
Joshaya: Today
Joshaya: Thanksgiving with the Matthews
Joshaya- Josh's Opinion
Smarkle- I'm smarter
We're at what?
Joshaya- Jealous
Joshaya- Let me go (Part One)
Christmas Oneshots?
Joshaya-Don't let me go (Part two)
Rucas- All I want for Christmas
Smarkle- Adventures on Christmas
Joshaya- Happy Always
Smarkle- Get to know me
Riarkle- Just Cuz
Rucas - Long Distance (1)
Rucas - Long Distance (2)
Rucas - Secret Admirer?
JOSHAYA-Single... Double... No Triple Date

Rucas - Long Distance (3)

516 6 10
By fearless_lovelace

I hope you enjoy the third portion of this little story, maybe a forth depending on how this goes. 

This will be in Riley's POV

Six months of not talking to anyone from New York, not Maya, not Josh, not Farkle and most certainly not Lucas. 

How could they all have kept this information from me, that Lucas didn't want to come to London. That I wasn't his home despite all the times he told me he would be fine anywhere as long as it was with me. 

Lies - liars, all of them

For six months I've cried myself to sleep wondering what went wrong. Why did Lucas not want to come up here anymore, why was he not willing to work for our relationship, why wasn't he my shoulder to cry on anymore. My new shoulder to cry on was my pillow and that certainly did not give the same comforting hugs Lucas gave. 

It's not like they didn't try to contact me, they did. All of them, but I just could not stand to hear the excuses they all had on why they didn't tell me about Lucas' sudden decision change. 

But those six months of silence had to come to an end, I wasn't going to act cold to my best friend and uncle at their engagement party. 

Josh and Maya finally got engaged after years of dating, after not being able to wait too long after promising someday. That was supposed to be me and Lucas. My heart pounded at that thought. 

I found out from my mom and dad after Josh informed them. They were overjoyed about the news, and when they told me a real smile managed to inch its way onto my lips but soon disappeared when they said "we got tickets back to New York for the engagement party." 

I eventually told Mom and Dad about Lucas' change at heart, for some odd reason after telling them his arguments on why he is staying they didn't hate him. Not that I want them to hate him, I just want someone to hate him for me because no matter how hard I try to dislike him to see him as some heartless villain, I remember all the reassuring answers to my questions, all the small kisses that grazed my neck whenever he came to hug me, all the times he would drop anything to pick up a phone call of even fly on a plane for me; all the visits to London and how he'd hold my hand as we strolled down the streets and my frowns from the week before that reflected the rainy state of the city would turn to a smile with every second I would catch his eyes on mine or would feel his presence in a room. 

The cab came to a halt as it stopped outside a quaint hotel, a friend of Josh was standing outside directing people into the room where we would all congratulate the happy couple even if we were mad at them. 

I plastered on a fake smile; I had gotten pretty good at those lately, stepping into the room my grandpa had rented out for his youngest son's engagement. 

At that my breath hitched- across the room stood the boy who managed to capture my heart and New York's. 

"Riles," said a small voice to my left - the small voice that belonged to my beautiful best friend. I turned as she gathered me into her arms, as I felt like I could finally breakdown in front of someone and receive the comfort and words I wanted to hear. 

"I'm sorry," we both breathed out as we pulled out of the hug, earning a light chuckle from each of us. Maya was the only one who could make me smile or laugh when I was feeling down

She began to apologize, explaining how she had thought Lucas had told me but I couldn't concentrate. Not when I felt as if there was someone's burning stare on me. I gave a faint smile and nodded as I subtly tried to locate the eyes that was burning my skin. 

With a sigh my attention was on Maya, then the party, on my home; New York - Lucas

I was suddenly snapped out of my haze of bliss as Lucas took the stage preparing to deliver his speech of congrats to Maya and Josh who were sitting at the head table looking utterly in love. 

I soon found Lucas's eyes as he began the speech - that's love in his eyes

"Thank you all for coming; because of the free drinks or because you are genuinely happy to see these two fools be happy and celebrate." There were a few chuckles that danced around the room that his eyes followed but eventually ended up landing on mine again. Because you are his confidence. "I want to congratulate these two fools for fighting for each other even when things go tough, for both putting 110% into this relationship that keeps a smile plastered on both their faces, for not letting age bother them as they both knew in the long run it's just two people who care deeply about one another; who only wish happiness for one another. I applaud them for putting the other before their own needs, for taking their time to get to know each other and to fall in love. I am thankful to have seen their love blossom from a small one-sided crush from Maya's side to a equally loving pair who would drop anything for the other. They support one another even if the plan seems dumb; they stand by the other in any decision made even if I wasn't the original plan. With every change they go through they go through it together and adjust their futures accordingly so that they can be by the other's side through it all." 

His eyes were turned to the couple who sat in front of him; in the center of the room. Everyone was focused on them; this pair who put in an equal amount of effort, unlike Lucas and I. My eyes shot back to Lucas to find his on mine as he read out his last sentence. "If you don't call that unconditional love; where anger does not last, where sadness is rarely present, where hope is always found beside patience, where open arms are wide and welcoming, where kind eyes stay steady on yours - I'm afraid we can't be friends." A small laugh escaped my lips as the room was lightened by humour. "To Maya and Josh!" 

The room erupted with cheers and all I could feel were the eyes burning holes into mine. A tear slid down my cheek as I brought my glass up following those around me with a real smile. Soon Lucas wasn't just across the room but rather only a metre away form me. Get out. 

I quickly got up and tried to get out of the room but was caught at the elbow by the boy who still looked at me with everything he could. 

"Hi," he smiled lightly as he tightened the grip on my elbow. Not to hurt me -never to hurt me - but enough to make sure I would not leave. 

My eyes caught his for a mere second before I settled them on his furrowed eyebrows. He was studying me like it was his last moments before he would be handed a test that would determine his entire life. 

He shifted his feet, trying to find a comfortable stance before letting go of my arm finally sure I would not run. Placing his delicate hand under my chin he nudged my face towards his. 

I took in a sharp breath - taking in everything, the growing bags under his eyes, the spark of love they held, the small curving of his lips to something of a smile that could easily be mistaken for a smirk, to the way his muscles finally seemed to relax as I let my breath go. 

"I missed you," he whispered gently. All I could do was nod and close my eyes as his hands cupped my face. "How long are you staying in New York?" 

"For the rest of the week," I sighed. He smiled and rested his forehead on mine. 

"A week with my favourite girl," he let out finally closing his blue orbs. I placed my smaller hands onto he cheeks.

"Then back to London," I mumbled, "without you, forever." 

His eyes shot open and met mine as he moved his hands to my waist hoping for a better hold of me. So that I couldn't run away from him; not again

He tugged on my waist as I stepped closer to him and was finally in his embrace. 

What are you doing, you are meant to be mad at him.

Inner conflict was brewing. 

But he's acting so sweet and gentle I just don't want to be out of his hold. 

"Stay in New York then," he mumbled into my hair as he took in breathed in my scent. 

"Or you could join me in London like you promised." 

He let out a sigh, not taking a step back but bringing my eyes to meet his. 

"I can't." 

"You can't or you won't?" 

"I can't," and there I stood in his hold slightly breaking. "I can't leave Josh, Maya, Farkle, Zay, Smackle, anyone. I can't leave work. I can't leave school. I can't leave New York, it's home." 

"I thought I was your home." 

He bit his lip as his eyes softened, "Home is where the heart is, part of my heart lies with you and part of it here, in New York where all of my greatest memories are. Where all of our greatest memories are." 

"Just move to London, I need you, I miss you. I miss the way you'd guide me through a busy street by taking my hand. I miss how you'd kiss me in Time Square every New Years. I miss our picnics at central park. I miss the quaint dates at the bakery. I miss us." I pleaded, praying for him to agree, for a nod but could only find an apologetic smile. 

"Why can't you come to New York, live here where we can do all these things again. Everything you listed is here in New York and it's not like I haven't been to London, where we have done things too. Admit it, your heart is in New York like mine, with me; New York is our home." 

Tears started running down my eyes, blurring the image of the boy I loved who stood in front of me. "You promised London, Lucas, please just stick to your promise." 

"I promised you London when I thought we could make a home there, but I can't see that, I was a happy life with you. London isn't keeping you happy, I won't be happy in London, just please. Please stay here in New York with me." 

"Lucas," I began as I stepped out of his embrace. His hand reached for my hand and sparks of electricity ran through me. 

"Just think about it, please Riles." His eyes were pleading, I looked away as he whispered another fleeting please. 

"I'm tired Lucas." 

"Please Riley, Please beautiful." 

"I'll think about it," I said meeting his shining eyes for less than a second. 

Soon I was back in his embrace, both not willing to let go. 

He was right, I did miss the home I built here in New York, but so much of my life was now in London and I'm just not sure New York will still have me. 


Part Four?

People Change People ~ Girl Meets World

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