Family is all that matters...

由 doodle1403

384K 7.3K 1.8K

Follows the adventures of Liam and Louis as they adopt two young boys and become the family that they have al... 更多

Character descriptions
Good news
Bringing the boys home
First night
Meeting the grandparents
Nightime visitors
Sick day
Lazy day
Camping adventures
Stormy night
Getting ready for school
Side effects
Daddy's birthday
Day with Daddy
School begins
Showing off = A&E
First fall out
Happy birthday Niall
Party time
Growing up
A very wet Saturday
They suit you
Family time
Don't want to sleep alone
Photo album
Travel sickness
Problems after problems
Bonfire night
Sick louis
Back to work
Flu spreads
Loose tooth
Winter wonderland
Decorating the house
Christmas eve and a birthday
New year
Doctors are allowed to get sick
Stressed out
Sickness strikes again
Harry's 6
Florida part 1
Florida part 3
Break in
The great outdoors
Rabbit on the loose
Easter egg hunt
Operation Niall
Dads job
Left out
Beach day
So much for just hayfever
Fun at the fair
Journey from hell
Another down
Getting better
Picnic in the park

Florida part 2

2.5K 75 10
由 doodle1403

Louis' point of view

"My god I'm hot." I mumbled to myself as I rolled over trying to get comfortable. I may have loved the warmth in the day but at night when I was trying to sleep it could seriously do one.

"Lou stop moving." I heard Liam moan.

"I can't I'm sweating like mad." I complained.

"Well go and put the air conditioning on then." He stated and I sighed before getting out of bed and walking into the hallway to turn the air conditioning on. Before I went back to bed however I headed to get a drink finding Niall already in the kitchen getting a drink himself.

"You Alright sweetie?" I asked him and he jumped slightly at my voice before turning around and nodding.

"Yeah just getting a drink, I'm still really hot."

"I know I am as well but I've just put the air con on so it should start cooling down in here." I said and he nodded.

"Go back to bed sweetie." I told him and he nodded coming over to hug me before taking his water and heading back into the room he was sharing with harry.

Once I got myself a drink I walked back to bed and climbed in sighing in relief at the fact that it was finally cooling down in here.

The next morning Liam decided we were going to discovery cove and when Niall found out what that would include he was more excited than ever.

"Can I really swim with the dolphins?" He asked as he put his shoes on as we were heading down for breakfast.

"Yep and you can feed the rays as well." Liam said and Niall was pretty much bouncing.

When we were all ready we headed downstairs into the restaurant part of the hotel for breakfast Harry holding my hand.

"Papa are you going to swim with the dolphins?"

"I wish I could baby, but I can't because of my wrist." I said and Harry nodded.

"Can I stay with you then?"

"Don't you want to swim with the dolphins?" I asked and Harry shook his head.

"Scary." He mumbled and I chuckled.

"It won't be scary love, how about when we get there you can look at them and then decide. Don't make a decision straight away Love." I said and Harry nodded as we entered the restaurant.

"What are you 2 talking about?" Liam asked as we were shown to a table.

"Harry's a little nervous about the dolphins." I said and Liam nodded.

"I'm not going to force you to do anything love but I think you might regret it." Liam said as we all sat down around a table and Harry nodded.

"Dad where's the menu?" Niall asked and Liam smiled.

"There isn't one bug."

"Then How am I meant to know what to have?"

"It's a buffet Ni so you can choose as much as you want and there's loads of choice."

"What we waiting for then." He said getting up and heading over to the buffet causing Liam and I to both laugh before we got up along with Harry following Niall.

"What do you want Haz?" I asked and Harry shrugged.

"Well you like cereal and toast so do you want that?" I asked him and he nodded as I knew he wouldn't want any of the cooked food as he's extremely fussy.

When Harry and I got back to the table I chuckled seeing Niall and all the food on his plate before Liam looked up.

"I'm surprised you didn't get any hot food lou." Liam said and I nodded.

"I know I wanted to trust me but I'm pretty warm and I don't want anything hot to eat." I said as I began to eat my fruit and yoghurt that I had found at the buffet table.

"I don't think Niall's having that problem." Liam said and I laughed as I saw Niall with his plate of food.

"What? It's nice." Niall stated and we all laughed at him including Harry.

When we were done we headed back up to the room to grab stuff for the day and then headed down getting into the car that Liam had hired for these next few days as it would be cheaper than relying on taxis and public transport.

"Are we going to discovery cove now?" Niall asked and I nodded as we set off on the road.

"We sure are." I said and I saw Niall smile.

"You thought anymore about joining in Haz?" Liam asked and Harry shrugged.

"I don't know." Harry said and Liam nodded.

"That's Fine Love, you don't have to decide yet."

"You should do it Harry, I mean when are you going to get another chance to swim with a dolphin." Niall stated.

"Niall he doesn't have to if he doesn't want to." I said seeing Harry looking extremely conflicted.

"I'm just saying."

"Niall Stop." I interrupted him and he sighed but did stop.


We arrived at discovery cove around an hour later and Niall was out the car as soon as it came to a stop.

"Come on let's go." Niall said as Liam got Harry out.

"Hang on Ni the dolphins aren't going anywhere." I said with a chuckle as Harry came over to me and held my hand.

"Right let's go." Liam said once he had grabbed his rucksack and locked the car.

"Yes come on." Niall said as he took Liam's hand and attempted to pull him along.

"Alright Ni, I'm coming." Liam said and I laughed as Harry and I followed them just slower.

"Papa I really don't know whether to do it or not." Harry said quietly.

"Is this about the dolphins again?"


"I'm not going to decide for you Love, It needs to be your decision but you do need to decide as Daddy needs to pay for you if you are doing it." I said as we caught up with Liam and Niall who were already queuing for admission.

"I don't know though." Harry said and when I looked down at him I saw he had tears falling.

"Hey what's the matter baby?" Liam asked when we reached him.

"He's really not sure what he wants to do in terms of the dolphins." I said.

"How about you just watch then sweetie, Your probably still be able to stroke one." Liam said and Harry sniffled.

"But you keep saying I might regret it." Harry cried. Liam sighed and picked him up cuddling Harry close.

"I think it's best if you just watch Yeah, you never know we might come back to Florida another time and you can swim with them then." Liam said and Harry nodded against Liam's shoulder.

"Right now that's sorted let's go and see some dolphins." Liam said as we reached the front and Liam payed for the general admission and then for him and Niall to swim with the dolphins.

After an hour of looking around we headed for the dolphins and Harry watched them closely. I just hoped he didn't change his mind about wanting to swim with them.

"Harry come on Love daddy and Niall are going to swim with them and we're going to watch." I called out as Niall and Liam headed off to get changed into wet suits.

"Coming." Harry called coming over to me.

"Where we going?" Harry asked me as we walked through a gate.

"Well just because we're not swimming with the dolphins doesn't mean that we can't feed them." I said and Harry smiled at that.

"We can't feed them yet as daddy and Niall are going to swim with them first but once they've done that we can then feed them."

"Okay." Harry said as he sat on my lap once I sat down in the viewing area.

"Hey looking good Li." I called out when I saw Liam and Niall come out.

"Thanks love." He said and I just shook my head laughing as I wrapped my arms tighter around harry.

"How long until we can feed the dolphins?"

"Well daddy and Niall will probably be with the dolphins for at least 30 minutes but after that your get your chance to feed them." I promised and he nodded as we both watched Liam and Niall with the dolphins.

Niall was loving it although Liam seemed to be keeping his distance.

"Love your supposed to be swimming with them not away from them." I called out and Liam shot me a glare.

"You try, there a lot bigger than you think."

"I would love to love but there's a problem with that." I said gesturing to my wrist and he shook his head but did inch closer very slowly.

"Is daddy scared?" Harry asked me and I chuckled.

"I think he's a little scared baby." I said and Harry nodded.

"I didn't think Daddy was scared of anything." Harry said and I smiled.

"Daddy May act tough but even daddy's scared of some things." I said.

"But Why dolphins?" Harry asked and I shrugged.

"Don't know Love he's scared of quite a few animals and dolphins is obviously one of them, along with mice and rats."

"Why is he doing it then if he's scared?"

"Because he knew how much Niall wanted to do it and you need to have someone with you who is over 18." I said knowing if it wasn't for my wrist I would have been going with Niall no questions asked and Liam would have stayed well away.

"Daddy's brave." Harry stated and I nodded as we continued watching Niall have the time of his life and Liam keep a safe distance.

"Can we feed them now?" Harry asked 30 minutes later once Liam and Niall were out and getting changed.

"Yep come on." I said taking his hand as we approached the feeding area.

"Hey, you coming to feed the dolphins?" One of the workers asked bending down so they were the same height as Harry.

"Yes, papa and daddy said I could because I didn't want to swim with them." Harry said and the worker chuckled standing back up.

"To be honest I'm not a fan of swimming with them either, in my opinion feeding them is more fun." He said and Harry smiled wide before tugging on my hand to get me moving.

"Alright Love I'm coming." I said as we walked over to the feeding area.

"Right So What we Do is we blow on the whistle to get them to come over and then we give them 3 fish each to get them interested, we then get them to perform some kind of trick and then feed them 1 more. We then repeat that cycle 3 times." The worker said and Harry nodded excitedly and I got my phone out to take pictures.

Harry was in his element when I felt someone jump on my back and I knew instantly it was Niall.

"Hey baby, you have fun?" I questioned as he came and sat on my lap instead.

"Yeah it was so good Papa." He said as Liam sat down next to me.

"How did you find it Li?" I said with a chuckle.

"If we ever come again next time your going, broken wrist or not." He said and I laughed as Niall got up and went over to Harry.

I was just talking to Liam when I heard Harry shout.

"No Ni, I'm feeding them."

"Harry, Niall can feed them if he wants." I called out to them but Harry shook his head.

"But papa you said I could feed them."

"Yes But So Can Niall. You either share or we're leaving." I said and I heard Harry huff but he did let Niall help feed them.

"What do you want to do for the rest of the day?" I asked Liam as the boys happily fed the dolphins.

"I'm not sure maybe the beach for a couple of hours? I mean it's only 1pm so maybe head back to the room grab the beach stuff and then spend the afternoon there." Liam suggested and I nodded.

"Sounds good." I said as I cuddled into Liam's side waiting for the boys to finish with the dolphins.

"Right are we ready?" I heard Liam call out as I was finishing packing the bag of beach stuff.

"Yeah I'm nearly done, have the boys got suncream on?" I called back.

"Yep." Liam called back and I then walked into the living room seeing the 3 of them waiting.

"Finally let's go." Niall said as he picked his beach ball up Liam had brought yesterday and headed to the door.

"Papa can you help me build a sandcastle when we get there?" Harry asked as we walked back outside and into the boiling afternoon sun. I know I moaned about the cold weather at home but I don't think I could deal with this heat all the time either. And to think this was February I dread to think how hot it would have been if we came during the summer.

"I can do that." I said with a smile as Harry grabbed hold of my hand. That was his new thing he did now while I couldn't pick him up and for the first time I was quite happy I had a broken wrist as carrying Harry in this heat would be a nightmare.

When we reached the beach we set up a spot before I sat down on a towel Harry copying my actions.

"Dad can we go into the sea?" Niall asked and Liam nodded.

"Yeah Course, harry you want to come?" Liam asked but he shook his head and Liam nodded before running off after Niall who was already pretty close to the water.

"Papa can we build my sandcastle now?" Harry asked and I nodded as I watched Harry fill up his bucket with sand.

30 minutes later And Harry was still busy building and when I looked over to the sea I saw Liam and Niall happily playing.

"H come on, lets go down to the sea, it's far too hot." I said and to my surprise Harry nodded obviously feeling the heat himself.

"Will my castle still be here when we come back?"

"Yep and while we're down by the sea you can find shells and pebbles to decorate it with." I said and Harry nodded taking his flip flops off and we both headed down to the sea.

"Ah I was wondering if you two were ever going to come down?" Liam said as he came over with Niall on his back.

"Yeah it's way too hot." I said as Harry went over to Liam beginning to splash around.

"You coming in any further?" Liam asked chuckling seeing me just paddling in the shallows.

"No, i'll just get my cast wet." I said and Liam raised his eyebrows at me.

"You sure that's the reason?"

"Yes Liam it is." I said nodding my head in confirmation.

"Alright." He said raising his hands in surrender before continuing to splash around with the kids. Harry soon became whiny though when Niall splashed him and it went in his eye.

"Shh H your Okay, it's only water. How about we search for some pretty things to decorate your sandcastle with." I said as I wiped his tears away and he nodded before pulling me out the water and we started searching the shoreline for decorations.

"I love the castle." I heard Liam say around 45 minutes later and when I looked up I saw him with Niall on his shoulders.

"Thanks Daddy." Harry smiled and Liam ruffled his curls before placing Niall down.

"No careful dad I'm going to touch the sand." Niall whined and Liam carefully readjusted him so he landed on the towel.

"Why is it such a bad thing if you touch the sand?" I asked and he looked at me like I'm crazy.

"Because I'm all wet and the sand would stick to me." He stated like it was the most obvious thing ever.

"But it's alright to stick all over Dad." Liam said as he began helping Harry finish his castle.

"Yeah but you don't mind, I mean your now sitting on it." Niall stated.

"He does have a point Love." I pointed out and Liam just shrugged.

"When I dry off it will easily just brush off." Liam said as Harry started giving Liam instructions on where he wanted the shells to go on his castle.

"Do you want to play football Ni?" I asked and Niall nodded drying himself off before testing that the sand wasn't sticking to him.

"Be careful Lou." Liam said and I nodded.

"I know Li." I said seeing Niall grab the ball and running off as I followed closely behind not wanting to loose him in the crowds of people.

Niall and I played football for around 30 minutes before it became to hot and when I looked at my watch I saw it was nearly 5pm anyway so I would have thought the boys would be getting hungry and Niall was quick to assure me that he was when I mentioned it.

"Right come on then Ni let's go back to dad and Haz and we're pack up and go and get cleaned up back at the room and then go out for something to eat." I said and Niall nodded following me back over to where we had set up camp for the afternoon.

"Look papa I'm burying daddy." Harry said proudly as we approached and I chuckled seeing Liam who was now covered in sand. I think it was safe to say he had fallen asleep although I couldn't be sure as he had sunglasses on but I wouldn't have thought he'd let Harry do this otherwise. Niall soon joined in helping Harry as I packed everything away. By the time I was done and was getting the boys to put there shoes on Liam groaned.

"Bit stuck Li?" I said with a chuckle earning another groan.

"What's happened I can't move my arm so I can't take my sunglasses off."

"Let's say you won't be falling asleep on the beach again anytime soon." I said as I went over and took his sunglasses off for him.

"Woah Okay, now I can see why I can't move." He said seeing all the sand that was over him.

"Did you have anything to do with this?" He asked me and I shook my head.

"Actually no, harry was the one who started and then when Ni and I came back over Niall helped out." I said and Liam nodded before worming his way out the sand and running for both boys who squealed when he picked them up leaving me to just watch on fondly.

"Papa help." I heard Harry giggle as Liam tickled the pair of them and I just shook my head.

"Nope Sorry Haz your the ones who buried him so I'm not going to stop him." I said but Liam did let them go coming back over to me and putting his shoes on before grabbing the bags as we walked back to the hotel.

So that's part 2 there will be atleast 1 more part to this storyline maybe 2. Anyway I finally managed to complete this chapter after spending my day today at a quarry and I'm not even going to try and make it sound exciting because it wasn't in anyway shape or form. I mean I'm studying to become a primary school teacher not a geologist. This meant I obviously lost interest very quickly and when it came to the theory side of the rocks I just wrote on here rather than taking notes. If the worst comes to it and it turns out I did need them Ill just use my friends notes.

I'm also 20 next Wednesday and I can't be dealing with that thought. I am in no way ready to leave my teen years as that means I'm most definitely an adult (even though I've been one technically for 2 years).


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