The Destiny Theory

By seraphinaking

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Destiny Halliwell, is a simple yet reserved business woman with a big problem. Destiny harbors deep dark secr... More

The Destiny Theory
Chapter 1: Visions
Chapter 2: Bad Memories
Chapter 3: Signs and Portents
Chapter 4: The Coming Darkness
Chapter 5: Disasters of circumstance
Chapter 6: Sleeping In Light
Chapter 8: Endgame

Chapter 7: The Awakening

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By seraphinaking

          "Tell me about this Randall Ravoncroft. I know I've seen him in the news but the media usually distorts a lot of the truth." Grenouille never did like the media after his own fiasco a while back. Destiny looked at Grenouille and just opened up about her experiences while Lizzy just listened on.

          "He's very powerful and very resourceful gentleman. I went to this incredible meeting which was called..." Destiny was trying to remember. "'The Gathering' the chauffeur had called it." She remembered in a snap.

          "You said there were paintings on the floor and ceiling." Grenouille started taking down notes on what Destiny was telling. He was fascinated by her vivid telling of an event most don't get to experience. Ravoncroft was known to throw lavish yet secluded social gatherings and being invited was always a rarity.

          "Yes, Orion was on the ceiling and the pyramids were on the floor. The pyramids were made from this incredible crystal structure and everything seemed just incredible. There were both Greek and Egyptian symbols all around." Destiny described this majestic hall as if it was taken out from the Greek heavens and the Egyptian mythos. Grenouille was hanging onto every word of what Destiny was saying and was still fascinated with the telling of her story.

          "And you said he wears a unique pendant, a special, Raven of sorts?" Grenouille added to his notes. Destiny was a tad shocked as she didn't disclose that part of things to him.

          "Yeah, yeah he told me it's a family heirloom," Destiny looked at Grenouille and seemed puzzled.

          "Destiny, the Raven was very symbolic in the ancient Egyptian culture. It represented one of their chief deities--Thoth. Thoth was supposed to have been the god of the universe and ruler of the gods and arbitrated disputes between them. Thoth at one point was supposed to have been married to the goddess Gaia. Something had happened between their sacred union that caused their worlds to become unconsecrated." Grenouille continues giving Destiny a history lesson on Egyptian culture. It seemed even Grenouille was an expert on the subject.

          "Thoth sounds weird. Almost like a disease". Everyone chuckles at her remark.

          "Yes well, he was an extremely powerful god, Chief General of Ra, father of the gods sort of thing and one no one wanted to piss off. Think of Loki to a point in Norse mythology. For Thoth, he was believed to have taught the secrets of the universe to men through great wisdom, and boundless magical powers, giving some spiritual immortality." Grenouille ponders at all of this information.

          "So what does all of this have to do with me?" Destiny now was more confused than ever at what she was learning. Lizzy couldn't help but take more notes. She was getting more fascinated with this than both of them put together.

          "Destiny, the paintings that you saw give a vivid example of the relationship between men, and their gods in times of antiquity. But it was also more than that; they believed that they were responsible for the creation of man. The Egyptian and Grecian culture had many similarities of parallel mythology. You see many historians believe that a very, very long time ago, the ancient Egyptians lived 'between the sky..."

Grenouille pointed to the ceiling.

          "And the earth." Destiny pointed toward the ground.

Destiny remembered like a flashback to what Ravoncroft had said during the gathering. She mumbled under her breath;

          "As Above, So Below and Mr. Ravoncroft believes in this stuff?" She nodded her head and now understood what was going on.

          "Correct. Before the veil of modern thinking was cast over men's minds, they not only worshipped their gods, but they walked amongst them as almost equals to a degree. A privilege, of course, reserved for only the most worthy and trusted" Grenouille stroked his chin a bit and pondered something else deep in thought.

          "You were at this ritual, weren't you? did you see an hourglass of sorts, made from a clear fine crystal, golden frame with mythological creatures ranging from Greek, Egyptian, Norse and Native American?" Destiny cocked her head back in confusion. She didn't remember an hourglass just the two pyramids with sand and some status on every four corners of them.

          "An hourglass?" she paused.

          "Yes, two pyramids, one inverted and placed on top of the other point to point with four statues, with some exotic languages inscribed on them; part of the recital of the sorcerer's maxim, 'As Above, So Below...As Within, So Without.' They're timeless traditions handed down through the ages. Pythagoras, Sir Frances Bacon, Sir Isaac Newton, were all students of the mysteries created by Thoth." Grenouille continued with his bizarre history lecture. It was enough though to rile Destiny a bit.

          "Listen, I don't care about any of that crap. I just want my life back." Destiny started getting frustrated with Grenouille. All she wanted was a normal life like anyone else. The professor glared at her insolence.

          "Thoth was said to have written our reality, past-present-and future, and placed it in a multi-dimensional plane for us to experience. What you perceive as your life, is simply an illusion perpetuated by your own consciousness. The Egyptians called it the duat--or duality, the balance of consciousness and subconsciousness that all humans are supposed to have." He looked and Destiny and wondered for a second. But little did she know that he knew something he wasn't sharing.

          "--And the gods told them about this duality?" She became more confused. Grenouille nodded his head yes to her and placed his hand's tips to tip in a specific pattern. Similar to the associate did in the limo as well and some of the socialites at the gathering.

          "So what the hell does all this historical and scientific bullcrap have to do with me? All i did was sell life insurance for a living" Destiny rose off her chair and just flipped out at him.

          "Destiny, --" Lizzy trie to calm her down who seemed on the verge of crying and breaking down. Destiny started to think how preposterous all this was sounding and was getting to the point of wanting nothing more to do with gods, magical powers and her devastating nightmares that apparently were reshaping the planet on a global scale close to the degree of planetary redecorating. Grenouille looks over at Lizzy to motion her to relax and let Destiny be. After a few minutes go by, Destiny just sat down again and ran her hand through her hair moving it away from her face and shaking her head as if all this were nothing more than a dream too.

          "It's okay; she's obviously under a lot of stress. Destiny, hear me out. I know that what you're experiencing is quite overwhelming." Grenouille calming tried easing Destiny's thoughts.

          "Ya, think?" The professor ignored her sarcasm. But Lizzy gave a subtle chuckle.

          "-- Consider the magnitude of what you possess. The sheer power to manipulate reality is remarkable, move objects with your mind and even see the future. Premonition is a powerful ability to have and if not used right can destroy everything it sees. You've stumbled upon a gift given to you, that kings and queens have depleted their entire treasuries to obtain" At this point Destiny looked at the professor and thought that he was in on all of this somehow. She glanced quickly at Lizzy and now became extremely cautious around Grenouille.

          "Instead of rejecting this gift, embrace what the gods have given you." Grenouille was trying to get Destiny to comprehend her new found power that she has.

          "There's an entire city underwater, and you want me to embrace that?! Your one sick screwed up dude, you know that right?!" Destiny became quite miffed toward Grenouille.

          "The same catastrophe befell the Atlanteans, and they were far more advanced than us. But you have the opportunity to lead all of mankind to a new Golden Age," Destiny turned and headed for the door. 

          "You mean 'people-kind'? right professor?" Lizzy was started to get a bit politically smug.

          "Oh please, Lizzy, enough of the Justin Trudeau politically correctness crap. Can't stand that bullcrap. It's mankind and that's the end of it." Grenouille snapped at Lizzy for her own way of trying to be inclusive when she didn't have to be.

Lizzy rushed over to Destiny and tried to keep her calm enough to listen to the professor some more and was on the verge of pleading and begging for her to calm down.

          "Mastering your power is like learning to ride a bike, right now you still need practice, nurturing, but in time--" Grenouille paused.

          "What time? Everyone'll be dead." The whole room fell silent. It was evident Grenouille knew what was going on at that point. She was starting to have an even more suspicious view of him. The room fell silent and you could hear a pin drop a mile away. Destiny looked at Lizzy.

          "I thought you said you could help me, not buy into the delusion of this, freak." Destiny maintained an irate composure.

          "How many people do you think would actually listen to you without having you committed? You certainly couldn't tell the police. Destiny, I am trying to help you. Trying to help you understand that you were born with an incredible gift, but cynical, destructive behaviour will only make matters worse. Destiny, listen to me, we can get you through this, but you have to take the first step." Grenouille now was trying to push Destiny to accept the same thing Ravoncroft was also hinting at. Now though, Destiny was on the verge of a mental breakdown and slumped on a chair and began to cry.

          "I don't know what to do, I can't sleep, and I lost my job. I'm hurting so many people." The professor reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a bottle of pills.

          "I have some medicine that can calm your nerves. In the meantime, I'm going to give you just a few that you can take whenever you feel anxiety or emotions come over you. They will help but it's only a temporary solution." He opened the lid and dropped a few red-coloured gel capsules into Destiny's hand.

          "What are they?" Destiny asked as if now Grenouille was a drug-dealer, even though he was just trying to be kind.

          "It's Methaqualone, better known as Quaaludes. A medication used to treat insomnia and restlessness. It's perfectly safe." He was lying though but she didn't know that. He offered them to her but also told her that it's a choice and it's up to her. Destiny tensed up and felt like this was similar to the red pill, blue pill thing in The Matrix, just without Keanu Reeves, and the rabbit hole. 

          "Don't worry; I didn't give you enough to become an addict and actually you can't get addicted to these. Lizzy, fetch a glass of water will you?" Lizzy went to go grab some water while the professor tried to relax Destiny a bit more.

          "Destiny, I'm going to give you my home phone number and address. I want you to contact me whenever you need someone to talk to." He wrote his information on the back of a business card and handed it to Destiny. The card was pretty identical to Ravoncroft's.

          "Thank you. Look I'm sorry for my outburst. I just --" she was cut off by the professor

          "That is quite alright Destiny; all of this is new to you. We'll get you through this. You know the old adage: Rome wasn't built in a day." Grenouille chuckled.

Lizzy returned with a glass of water. Destiny popped a pill and drank it down. All three shared smiles of relief. Destiny and Lizzy got up and left. 

After Destiny and Lizzy left, the professor reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out his phone and dialled someone on it. 

          "-- It's me. All is now in motion. We can begin."  The professor put his phone on his desk. As Destiny and Lizzy started leaving further down the hall, the sound of loud thunder and lightning could be both heard and seen. Lizzy's hair stood on end for a second as a wave of static electricity washed over them. As they looked back to the professor's office door, it had vanished, and nothing was there. They both looked at each other and were a bit clueless as to what had just happened. Lizzy left and went her separate way while Destiny headed back home and was starting to feel a bit drowsy. She changes into her pyjama's and closes the curtains and climbs into bed and fell asleep just as a bright white flash of light washed over her mind.

*snap, ...crackle, ...BOOM* Came a deafening sound.

Destiny woke up and was facing the great Giza Pyramid and watching in awe as the sun rose behind it. The capstone was illuminated when it was kissed by the rays of the sun. She squinted her eyes and saw a large golden eagle flying out of the radiant capstone with wings larger than a 747 Boeing jet. As the eagle drew closer, it's shaping shifted into a massive, black winged-bull and landed on the ground, causing a monstrous earthquake, crumbling buildings, and people screaming and fleeing as far as they could. The bull charged toward Destiny with its hooves barely touching the ground. She didn't flee. Instead, Destiny furrowed her brow in defiance and charged towards the bull. 

In a flash, the two clash in a collision that shook the earth causing more massive quakes and a concussion of wind. She clutched the bull's horns and began pulling the bull. The horns started to glow as they tore from the flesh head of the bull. She ripped the horns out of the bull's skull and a great howl resonated throughout the desert. Destiny triumphantly raised the glowing horns of power to the heavens. She looked down at the bull as she pressed both horns together, one on each side. The horns magically held fast creating an incredible staff with the horns in a crescent moon shape as the head of the staff and a star radiating between the tips, and their radiance engulfed Destiny's body in a cocoon of bright white light.

The cocoon erupted in a sunburst and Destiny, now the size of a giant stood shining as an angel like a god with eyes white as the stars and as deep as the night sky. She was dressed in this flowing gown made of shimmering threads and the colour of the heavens. Clouds of mist surround her feet, while the rivers flowed wild and rapid. She then raised her right hand to the sky and it instantly changed it from day to vast starry night where the milky way could be seen, star by star.

With a voice like crashing waves she proclaimed:

          "As Above,"

The stars begin to tremble and she drops her hand in a sweeping motion.

          "So Below."

Amazingly, the stars fell from the heavens to the earth like a meteor shower. As the stars hit the ground, they raised up into shining beings as well. Destiny's mighty staff with the crescent moon horns and sparkling star whirled around leaving trails of light, as she surveyed her gleaming army, surrounding Destiny, they look to her eager for conquest. She pointed towards the pyramids and shouted.

          "To the east!'" Her voice like a sonic boom could be heard for many leagues.

An imperious Destiny and her radiant battalion were posted beside where bonfires dotted the rolling hillsides. Figures or peasants danced around and around, to drums that pulsed out into the echoes of darkness moving to the starry sky. Somewhere in a hidden memory, images floated before her eyes, of fragrant nights of lilies and bonfires dancing till the next sunrise. She could see the lights in the distance as she trembled in the dark cloak of night. Candles and lanterns paved their way along this hillside to a town in the distance. Destiny glared down at the city within the valley.

          "Tir Na Nog--"

Destiny spread a pair of glorious wings and raised both arms. She dropped her arms toward the city below and shouts.

          "Attack!" Came the rumble order from her mouth as trees shook and animals brayed.

Amid the horde of shining demons terrorizing their captives, Destiny approached two massive doors. From the other side of the doors, a light was streaming through the crevasses, intensifying in brightness. There was an explosion, and the doors along with the walls disintegrated revealing Destiny in all her majestic glory. Just then, the Queen of Tir Na Nog bolted out of her closet toward the bedroom window. But she was quickly cut off by Destiny, and the queen cowered before her.

          "You're a vicious being of this earth and you shall be struck down like that of all demons that walk the earth." The queen kneeled, and Destiny rose her right arm which shapeshifted into a glowing sword. Destiny's voice bellowed...

          "The sands of time have run out, and have taken your glory with them." With that, she swung to behead the queen just as a big flash of light surrounded her as she moved in to behead her.

As Destiny swung and the flash of light faded, she could see the entire universe all of a sudden. A majestic tree stood in the centre of a lavish garden filled with flowers and animals. The night sky could be seen quite vividly with brilliant colours and auroras that filled the daylit night sky. She looked down into a reflection pond and saw herself wearing an olive and gold ornate crown, white robbed toga and in her hand clutched that of a white glowing longbow and an arrow with white light. As she stood up another flash had washed over her.

Destiny thought she had awoken back at home, but another awaking memory took place instead. Destiny was back at home with Amy and two strangers. A man and woman were sitting at a table, playing cards. Destiny looked at the man sitting across from her and was a bit blank with her stare.

          "It's your turn to throw out, um. I'm sorry; I don't know why I keep forgetting your name."

          "That's okay, it's Demetrius." You seem a bit zoned out there for a sec, are you ok?" He asked Destiny.

          "Demetrius, right. It's your turn. I'm fine." Amy looked at Demetrius and gave a flirtatious smile.

          "I won't forget your name, baby." As she rubbed her leg against his under the table, Demetrius smiled at Amy. Demetrius looked at Kaylee and motioned to her that, it was now her turn.

          "You sure, I thought we were playing the other way?" She looked at him confusingly.

          "Yeah, you always follow me," Demetrius said to her as if she was now being forgetful.

          "Right right. Hmmm, let me think here." Kaylee throws out a card and Amy then throws out her card.

          "Anybody need that?" Destiny popped up asking if anyone needed the card. No one makes a request for it so Destiny scooped it up. She then laid down her hand.

          "Good because I win." All three grimace and throw in their cards. Their cards are not standard playing cards but resemble hieroglyphs from different cultures from Greek to Norse to Egyptian to Asian. And as she laid down her cards another flash of light overwhelmed her like staring into the headlights of a car as it tries to run you over.

Destiny abruptly woke up drenched in sweat. She looked at her clock and panicked.

          "Oh, crap I overslept." She motioned to get out of bed then freezes. She laid back down in bed and looked up at the ceiling. A puzzled look appeared on her face but was replaced with a bit of a smile as well.

          "Oh yeah, I don't have a job anymore."

As she looked at the ceiling, she saw a bright light shining on the ceiling. Destiny looked around for the source of the light. She looked back at the ceiling and realized the light is moving when she moved. She looked down at her feet which were covered under her sheets. As she pulled the sheet back, the room lit up and she saw her feet shining like a homeless Prince from a dream she had. She stumbled out of bed and headed to the side stand. In her purse, she found the capsules given to her by Dr. Grenouille, Lizzy's professor. She ran to the bathroom and popped two pills. Sticking her mouth under the sink faucet, she gulped some water to wash them down. Destiny looked into the mirror and realized she looked like hell as stumbled out of the bathroom. Destiny picked up her purse and pulled out a business card and a cell phone. As she dialled the number she heard a voicemail recording.

          "You've reached Dr. Zacharius Grenouille. I'm sorry I can't take your call right now..."


Disappointed, Destiny ended the call without leaving a message. Suddenly, the doorbell rings. 

          'I wonder if that's, no it couldn't be' ...

She threw on some clothes and her bunny slippers, hurried to the door as the bell was now being rung nonstop. She opened the door and was surprised to see Amy standing in the hallway. Amy was smiling from ear to ear holding a gallon of orange juice in one hand and in the other a bottle of vodka in the other. What else she thought. 

          "Wassup? I called your work and they said you got 'da boot'. So I came over to cheer you up." Amy invited herself inside and plopped down on Destiny's couch.

          "Get dressed, we're going out tonight." With that, Amy went back to Destiny's bedroom and started tearing through her closet looking for clothes to hit the town in. From her bedroom, she could hear Amy go through her stuff.

          "Yo Des, can I have a few of these dresses, you're living' like a 'Dior Couture' back here?!"

Destiny closed her door and gave a big sigh. She proceeded to her bathroom to take a shower and get ready as she knew there was no stopping Amy when she has her mindset. As they both hit Whyte Ave the party haven for many, they went from bar to bar and just danced the night away. After some time Destiny and Amy were supporting each other as they staggered down the crowded street and laughing while having a good time. It had been a while since she felt this good and relaxed. The two stood out quite a bit in their expensive dresses and jewelry; they were turning many heads from many passersby and also a lot of the guys. Amy caught a drop-dead hunk of a Newfie man admiring her as she walked past him, so she did an about-face nearly planting Destiny on the pavement while doing so. Destiny spun and nearly fell when her human crutch ditched her.

She turned around and laughed when she saw Amy talking to a guy.

          "Of course." Destiny gathered herself together and walked over.

The three of them were conversing and Amy was 'feeling' up her new friend. Being drunk also worked as the guy was not the most handsome of gentlemen.

Their fun was abruptly interrupted by a medium-sized woman that also approached them.

          "Hey, Having a little fun aren't we Demetrius?" She stopped. Destiny snapped out of her drunken haze when she heard the name. She finally realized who this pair of strangers were, sort of.

          "Wait, I know you two." Destiny sobered up fast so to speak. They pay Destiny no mind but just stand and glare at each other for a couple of minutes.  Demetrius was getting a bit irate.

          "I told you to leave me alone. You're always following' me, and I don't like it, you know that." Demetrius looked at Kaylee with disgust, Destiny still stunned and looked at them both. Still drunk she also didn't hold back some of her thoughts at that point.

          "Yeah, that's right. Oh crap, I dreamt about both of y'all last night."  Demetrius and Jezebel both looked at her as if she was drunk, but again she was, and quite plastered to boot.

          "So is this your new girlfriend?" She saw Amy's hand rubbing his leg.

          "She is a friend who I am having a conversation with,"  Demetrius spoke in a bit of a Russian accent.

          "I guess she likes talking with her hands." Kaylee crossed her arms and is thinking of crucifying Demetrius to the lamp post while trying to change his religion so to speak. Destiny smiled as if she didn't care what was happening and had no real clue who the two of them really were.

          "Yeah, yeah I remember. We were all laughing' and playing cards. And your name is, wait, don't tell me, ' Kaylee!" The man, woman, and Amy simultaneously whip their heads around to Destiny and peered at her eerily. Demetrius looked at Destiny with a cold look cause Kaylee's name hadn't been mentioned let alone, they all only just met as well.

          "How'd you know her name?" Demetrius looked at Kaylee and then back at Destiny. 

          "Yeah you a cop or something? How do you know my name?" Kaylee was a bit more perplexed but tried calming Demetrius down.

           "Damn girl! how did you know this chick's name?" Amy was now stunned. Stopped trying to feel Demetrius and stared intently back at Destiny.

         "I've been having these crazy dreams and..." As she tried to tell how she knows them, Demetrius and Kaylee started arguing. Amy was thrown back and Kaylee became irately jealous with Demetrius. Both exchanged words and slanders and Kaylee tried to grab Amy. Destiny tried to interfere between the heated quarrels of the lovers. As more people standing around tried to ignore and move away, Kaylee pulled a gun from her waist and raised it in the air. The rest of the group froze in fear, as Kaylee looked at Amy and Demetrius.

          "You two are dressed for a funeral, how sweet." She pointed the gun at Amy's face and fired point blank just at that moment, Destiny screamed at the top of her lungs in horror and almost all of Whyte Ave and those in earshot became chaotic. People were trampling upon each other in attempts to flee from harm as more shots were fired rapidly at Amy. Amid the fray, Destiny and Demetrius were staring at each other with a deathly gaze.

          "Bet you didn't see that in your dream Bitch!" he said with a maniacal laugh.

Destiny looked down at her best friend and the blood oozing out of her head. She felt sick and cupped her hand over her mouth but it didn't help. She threw up on herself instead. Kaylee bolted out of sight while Demetrius chased after her, who was also hysterical at this point. Destiny was left, sitting on the ground, cradling her dead friend in her arms. She couldn't stop crying and completely broke down. Everyone around her scattered leaving her and Amy's dead body in the middle of the sidewalk. She looked down at Amy and tried to talk to her, she was in full grief mode and couldn't stop crying.

          "It wasn't like this in the dream. You were laughing; everybody was laughing..." Destiny now became inconsolable. As some time passed and the police arrived with ambulances, Destiny was still sitting on the ground and holding Amy's body tightly. She could hear footsteps behind her approaching. She saw two pairs of shoes and two individuals from the ground standing in front of her. Destiny raised her gaze and saw two police detectives standing there. Detective Jo Lupo and Homicide Detective Jessica Jones. Detective Lupo used to be a sheriff in the quaint town of Eureka some years ago. Detective Jones was just working on another case that evening involving a hit and run death. but detective Jones also recognized Destiny from another event a long time ago.

          "Well Ms. Halliwell, we meet again. I gotta give it to you. You played your cards well. You're always the last one standing, aren't ya!. By the way nice dress." Lupo was quite crass to her.

As paramedics attended to the body with the coroner and CSI team around them, Destiny looked back at Amy and became speechless as well as utterly in shock. Her anger became overwhelming, and both Lupo and Jones had cuffed Destiny. The crowd of onlookers shouted slurs at the detectives as they didn't know what was going on and only suspected Destiny of killing her friend. Destiny was sitting in the same interrogation room from her last visit. She was wearing a prisoner's jumpsuit this time. She was still drunk and now tired and could barely keep her eyes open. Agents Gibbs, Lupo, and Jones were standing in the hallway doing their usual scrutinizing of her through a two-way mirror.

          "Gibbs I'm telling' you this girl is into something' deep. Two crime scenes and she's at the center of it" Lupo pipped up angrily and paced the room.

          "I hear ya, Lupo. But her legal representation is top class. They all play golf with Supreme Court Justices." From behind them they hear a familiar voice

          "And we always let them win." The three agents again pivot to see Marcus Cole standing behind them. He's looking sharp as usual.

          "Gibbs, we gotta stop meeting like this. Pretty soon I may have to file harassment papers against you with the way you're treating my client, or maybe get a divorce lawyer." Marcus gave smile to him as he knew Gibbs went through a few marriages. 

          "I know, I know." Gibbs takes a sip of his coffee and followed Marcus again. The two men walked off to Gibb's side office, an elevator nearby. Agents Lupo and Jones flashed familiar looks at each other, disgusted at the expected outcome. After a few minutes, Marcus came out and went over to destiny. As he entered the room, he placed a nice alligator briefcase on the table. Marcus was pouring champagne into glasses for Destiny and himself. He handed Destiny a glass and she promptly refused it. Marcus sat it down and sipped his own.

          "For what it's worth, I'm sorry about your friend," Marcus noted in his British accent to her.

Destiny looked over at Marcus and just gave a stern look of disgust. She knew he isn't sorry as she believed they somehow wanted this to happen, for Destiny, to have as few distractions as possible for her role ahead.

          "Believe it or not, I know how it feels to lose someone. I lost someone very close to me a long time ago. It nearly destroyed me--" Marcus tried to show sincerity towards Destiny and the situation she had to face. But Destiny was still not buying the whole story anymore.

          "I don't think you've felt anything for anybody in a long time. I wonder if you even have a heart left to even shed an emotion or two." She snapped back at him. At this point, her life was pretty much going downhill and she didn't know what to do. She was sitting in an interrogation room being accused of a crime she didn't commit and her best friend was dead. How was she supposed to feel and how could he even care.

          "Destiny, I've been where you're at, I know it's confusing. But trust me; it will all make sense if you give yourself time. You'll understand your unique gift and ability, and why you were chosen. Your power is so rare that you are the only one with it.--" He remarked as he continued to sip his champagne and sat there smugly.

          "Just why was I chosen--why me? You all keep saying I'm special and that I have some grand purpose. I just don't buy it anymore. my best friend is dead, I haven't seen my boyfriend Mark in a while, I get these bizarre futuristic dreams that come true, how else am I supposed to react!" Destiny started getting angry and emotional and started crying when she thought of Amy.

Marcus shook his head. Looked at her with intent and as if something ominous was about to happen, he simply spoke quietly and gently to her.

          "A Golden Age is on the horizon. We're ushering in a new civilization--a glorious new world. Your soul, spirit and the power you wield make you the princess of that kingdom, the ruler. One who can sit as a judge, jury and even executioner to the people you will one day lead." He spoke as if a prophecy was about to happen. Destiny just sat there and didn't know what to do or think, except that she wanted out of here. she gave him one hard look as if wisdom had finally hit her. She leaned over to Marcus.

          "I think I will have that drink. Because now I believe, I am either crazy or having another psychotic episode." She thought to herself, that this had better be a dream or someone will die.

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Tyler, Andrew and Chris grew up as part of one of the most powerful witch families in history. Now, destiny plans to take action as the prophecy Meli...