The Pregnancy Pact (COMPLETED)

Von Anissa_Eylene555

226K 5.3K 827

**This is the FIRST book, the SECOND book in called The Baby Pact** Nicoletta, Delilah, and Kassidi are three... Mehr

IMPORTANT Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chaper 15
Chapter 16
Authors Note
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Authors Note
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Authors Note PLEASE HELP
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Authors Note
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Author's Note
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Author's Note
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53 (LAST CHAPTER!!) :D
Author's NOTE!!!!!! :D
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Chapter 41

2.8K 76 8
Von Anissa_Eylene555

**Chapter 41**

Nicoletta lays on the bed, the paper crinkling underneath her body everytime she moves.

The big monitor had an X-Ray of her leg and Dr. Jones examined the picture.

"This right here," He says and points to an area around her knee. "This is her knee cap where she fractured it. As you can see it's healing perfectly. The rest of the leg is in perfect condition considering the time."

"So when do I get this stupid thing off?" Nicoletta asks, referring to the cast on her right leg.

"Well, that depends on your knee and if your bones are strong enough yet" He looks at the picture again. "I want to say maybe two weeks with the cast on still and then I will see if we can put your knee in a brace."

Nicoletta's heart starts to race. Two weeks and she might be able to walk properly again.

"If we put you in a brace I want you to set up a thearapy session so we can get your whole leg working properly the same way it was before you broke it." Dr. Jones says.

He flips the lights back on and smiles at Nicoletta and Arabella.

"I will see you both in two weeks time." He says and hands Nicoletta a bottle of Orange Juice.

All Nicoletta asks for when she comes to visit Dr. Jones is a bottle of Orange Juice, so Dr. Jones always has a bottle ready before she comes in.

Nicoletta screws the lid off and takes a sip. She sighs at the amazing sweet taste.

Dr. Jones smiles and nods at Nicoletta before leaving the room.

"I have to go fill out paperwork and set up your next appointment." Arabella says. "Dr. Smith will be right in for your ultrasound. Do you think you could start without me or do you want me to be here?"

Nicoletta shakes her head. "No, I think I can handle it on my own."

"Alright, because the paper work might take a bit."

Nicoletta nods her head. Arabella smiles at her and steps out of the room, shutting the door behind her.

Nicoletta looks at the ceiling. She was still in the same room that she had gotten her X-Ray done, all they would do was move the ulrasound equipment over and into this room, that way she didn't have to walk on her leg more than needed.

Nicoletta pulls out her iPhone from her pants pocket and looks at the lock screen. There is a picture of her, Kassidi, and Delilah all at Astrid's graduation party just four weeks ago. They are all huddled together in a big hug, with Delilah on the left, Nicoletta in the middle, and Kassidi on the right, they had Jace take the picture for them.

Nicoletta smiles at the picture, so much had happened that night, all the memories of the evening would stay with her forever. Nicoletta only wished that she could have skated with everyone, she had even gotten Jace out on the ice. Jace wasn't bad at all, he had it perfect once he got used to the skates. He was probably so good at it aince he could roller blade and surf, which meant he had the balance and stability to stay on his feet. His roller blading even helped him do some really cool tricks on the ice that even he didn't know he could do.

Nicoletta unlocks the screen and looks at a picture of her and Jace, taken just a week ago. Nicoletta smiles a goofy smile as Jace is kissing her cheek.

Nicoletta smiles at the picture. They haven't kissed since the night of graduation, which upsets Nicoletta but also relieves her. She doesn't want to ruin their friendship anymore than he does. So whenever things get heared up Nicoletta changes the subject or makes up an excuse to leave momentarily. 

Nicoletta sighs as she opens up her Youtube app. She told herself she was going to start vlogging her pregnancy, so she was, with Youtube. Nicoletta had watched a few pregnancy story video's and decided this was how she wanted to do it. Her growing followers on Instagram were already subscribing to her channel on Youtube even though she hadn't posted a single video yet.

That's what she was going to do today. Make her first video for her first twenty-five subscribers.

She gets into the "Make A Video" section of her youtube account and gulps before pushing the 'Record' button.

Her face shows up crystal clear on her iPhone in the little box given for her video. She smiles into the camera.

"Hey, my fellow Youtubers." She starts off. "Wow, sorry that sounds lame. If I keep at this youtubing, which I'm planning on doing, then I will need a better nickname for you all." She smiles into the camera again.

"So as you can tell this channel will be all about my vlogging of my babies growth. Now to answer some questions that I know will come." She clears her throat. "My name is Nicoletta, I am fifteen years old and pregnant. I did not know I was pregnant until I was diagnosed by a doctor as I was in for my broken leg and anorexia."

Nicoletta has to take a deep breath. "I'd like to say that my baby saved my life. I was ready to give up entirely.  I was starved and sleep deprived. I hadn't slept or eaten for weeks before I finally passed out at my Soccer practice. I fell down the bleachers and on my way down I broke my whole right leg and got a head wound."

"They thought my head wound was serious, but then later they told me I would just have scaring from the stitches they had given me. I could have had a concussion but no one knew for sure. My leg was in a full body cast, and has been in one since. I got an X-Ray done today and my doctor says two more weeks until I might be able to take it off. Which then after the cast comes off I will have to wear a knee brace since my knee is healing slower than the rest of my leg, and I will have to go through therapy in order to get my leg working again."

"I am laying in the doctors office right now as I film this actually." She half shows the room she is in. "I am just about to get an ultrasound done. This will be my first time seeing my baby. I first heard my babies heart at three or four weeks pregnant. Today I am a little over ten weeks and I am srarting to show a belly. It's not just bloat either, because I was bloating before and I thought it was a baby bump but it wasn't, just water weight."

"Hopefully this appointment goes smoothly and everyhing turns out possitive. I will see if I can get a bit of the footage and post it separately for you all. I am excited for this. The heartbeat was the most beautiful thing I had ever heard in my life and I'm sure that seeing my baby will be the most beautiful thing ever."

"Back to the topic of my baby saving my life. I had given up on life. I was being bullied by some girls at school and I was being called fat. I had a little chub here and there. I took their words seriously. I started eating less, and working out like crazy. Any spare time I had, I was working out. Pushing myself harder each time."

"I lost my virginity to a guy who only seems to take virgins." Nicoletta laughs. "My mom actually calls him a man whore. I guess if you think about it he is the school's man whore." She takes a sip of the Orange Juice. "Of course, we didn't use protection. But he also," She pauses to choose her words carefully. "He had alcohol and we drank, he kind of forced me but I also took it willingly because I didn't want him to think I was a looser. I don't remember much of the experience since my brain was clouded with the alcohol.  I have no idea, I don't think there were any drugs involved, but I'm not one-hundred percent sure either."

"After that one night stand he never really talked to me. It was upsetting me on an emotional level which just made my situation worse. I thought I was bad at it or something. I remember it being quick. He was quick and fast. He knew what he was doing and didn't hurt me much. I don't remember any blood or anything else for that matter. All I know was that it was quick, we used no protection at all, and we were drunk."

"When I told the father I was pregnant he told me to get an abortion. I didn't cry in front of him. But I told him no, that I wasn't going to kill my just forming baby. He told me to forget about him and not to contact him about the baby. I haven't since. Once he left I started to cry and my friend," She bites her lip. "Let's call him B since his name srarts with a B, I just want to keep his identity safe."

"B comforted me and we talked about it. He said he would be my babies Step-In-Father, which is like a step daddy but not. I agreed but since school got out we haven't really talked much. I don't know why either. But I have this new friend, we will call him J. J is helping me more than B, everyday he asks how I am feeling and how the baby is doing. He even talks to the baby through my belly. J was the one who was there when I first found out I was starting to get a belly. He was just as excited as I was."

"My mother has instructed that J be kind of like my body gaurd in a silly way. Everyday after work he comes to stay with me while my family is gone doing their things.  Both my parents work full time jobs so they are gone most the day. My sister is pregnant as well and just graduated high school four weeks ago so she is out doing who knows what with her friends and boyfriend."

"J doesn't need a job but he wanted one so he wasn't at home doing nothing all day. He got shorter hours though so he could help me during the day. I am still on crutches so I still need help around the house doing things, that's when J is always there. J doesn't complain but sometimes I feel bad that I am taking all his free time up."

"J lives just next door to me so it's not like he can't leave any time he wants, he just chooses not to. J is sweet and adorable. I would love to see more of B but he hasn't really made an effort, I guess I will have to contact him and ask what's been going on."

"Well, my sister is actually the same as me. She is ten weeks pregnant and getting an ultrasound done as I film this in another room. I don't have much more to say. So I'll leave it at that. I strayed from topic a little bit but that's okay I guess. I will upload this later today and hopefully get you thst footage of my ultrasound." Nicoletta smiles at the camera and waves. "If you haven't already, subscribe for more vlogs on my pregnancy and hit that like button." She waves one more time before hitting the 'Stop Record' button.

Nicoletta saves the footage and just in time too. Dr. Smith knocks on the door and then drags in the ultrasound equipment.

"Good morning again, Nicoletta." She says as she sets up the equipment next to the bed Nicoletta lays on. "I saw your mom out doing paper work and told me to start without her."

"Morning." Nicoletta smiles at her and nods her head.

"So how has everything been going on with you lately?" She says and sits on the little black stool that was already in the room.

"Good. I've got my Orange Juice with me that Dr. Jones gave me." She lifts up the bottle, already half gone. "I'm still craving it like crazy. Other than that nope."

Dr. Smith smiles at the Orange Juice. "How about your sister, how is she doing?"

"Astrid, well she's mooder than usual, but she's not at home as much anymore since school is out. So it's just me in the house until Jace gets off work at noon."

"Jace? Is he a friend or?" She rubs the cold blue jell on Nicoletta's even bigger stomach.

"Yeah, he's my next door neighbor. Mom wants him to help me out when he gets off work since I still can't do much on my own yet with my leg."

Dr. Smith nods her head in understanding.

"Did you see I'm staring to get a belly?" Nicoletta asks happily.

Dr. Smith smiles wide as she looks at Nicoletta's belly. "Yes, I did notice that. When did you first notice?"

"Last day of school, so four weeks ago." Nicoletta thinks.

"Oh, a bit early, but that's perfectly normal." She hovers the little device above her belly. "Are you ready?"

Nicoletta gulps. "Oh yeah I almost forgot. Can I film it? I want to show my friends and I'm vloging my pregnancy."

"Of course." Dr. Smith says. She waits for Nicoletta to get her phone ready.

Nicoletta pushes the 'Record' button.

"I'm here with Dr. Smith," Dr. Smith smiles into the camera. "I am about to see my baby for the first time today." She nods at Dr. Smith to start. She takes a deep breath and holds it in.

Dr. Smith places the device on the blue jell and moves it around. A dark picture shows up on the screen that Nicoletta's iPhone is plastered to. Dr. Smith looks at the picture a bit and moves the device around the jell.

She points at a dark figure in the screen. "That right there, do you see it?" She asks.

"Uhm, yeah that little blob." Nicoletta says as she stares at the screen,

"That is your babies head."

Nicoletta never takes her eyes off the screen. "That's my babies head?" She asks. The figure moves and Nicoletta's breath hitches.

Something on the screen moves and Dr. Smith smiles. She points at the screen again.

"It's kicking. Can you feel him I there?" She looks at Nicoletta's belly.

Nicoletta shakes her head. "No I can't." She sadly says.

"That's alright, it's perfectly normal for your first pregnancy." She looks at the screen some more.

Nicoletta is mesmorized by the pictures. She doesn't even take her eyes off the screen when Arabella comes into the room. All she can do is stare at her kicking baby.


This is a long chapter so I hope you like it. :) I wanted to let you feel like you where there with Nicoletta watching her ultrasound with her. I watched a fee video's on ultrasounds and there actually pretty cool.

Yes, I sometimes do my homework.

This is Chapter 41 of The Pregnancy Pact. Hope you enjoyed it!! :) Make sure to show some love and COMMENT, VOTE, and SHARE amongst your friends!!

SHARE, SHARE, SHARE, SHARE, and uhhh, SHARE please!!!!!

SWSptvLOVER out :D


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