Call Of Duty Zombies: United...

By Kwarduk

1.7K 31 10

When three groups of Zombie killing survivor's find themselves in a new world, wondering how they had got the... More

The Forest
All Together
Wave One
Into The City
Swan's In The Pipe

The Compound

297 4 1
By Kwarduk

"That damned little girl, she finds new ways to ruin everything" Richtofen hissed to himself as he walked, along with the entire group who was now travelling down a dirt path which led off the open area they were at, they had all just given a short introduction of themselves, it was brief but at least they all knew who each other's names were, to avoid the awkwardness.

"What did you say Richtofen?" Dempsey turned his head to look behind him, "err nothing!" the German quickly said and looking innocent in the process, Dempsey sighed and turned back around, "what's up with him?" Decker asked him as he walked alongside, "he's just being the crazy German fuck who got us into our mess" Dempsey replied, "right. Is he your usual stereotypical crazy German guy?" Decker then probed a bit more, "well man, I think stereotypes don't do him justice" the marine confessed, "also, did you say you were from the future?", "2060 man, is that a future for you?" Decker answered, "whoa, so you have stuff like flying cars, lasers, and spaceships?" Dempsey questioned, "pretty much" Decker confirmed Dempsey's predictions, "ohh, and I bet you have some sweet hot chicks in the future right?" Dempsey sniggered, "yeah right man, you went in a club or anything like that in my time, the women you would see would knock you senseless with just their looks" the security guard reminisced, he however just turned his thoughts behind him, "but I think I may have a chance with someone closer to me" he continued.

Misty huffed while she kept walking, carrying her Remington shotgun in her gloved hands, she looked forward and saw that Marlton was busy discussing something with Lennox, she then also saw the other woman right ahead of her, she walked a bit faster to catch up with her and got up on her right side, "hey there" she greeted herself "err hey" the woman replied, "Lilith was the name am I right?" Misty tried to confirm, being honest she was rather bad with names, "yeah, did you want to talk about something?" Lilith continued, "well, the first thing is sorry for kicking you in the stomach" Misty apologised, "it's okay, I've would've done the same if I were you in that position", the other replied, "hey, I've been meaning to ask, but is it weird we're the only girls here?" Misty mentioned, Lilith looked around, "yeah, but that doesn't matter doesn't it? You don't look like much of a pushover" she then spoke, "Lilith, I'm a knife fighting champion, if anyone tried to push me over, they would get a knife in the neck" Misty boasted, she then took note of Lilith's appearance especially her eyeliner and ruby lips, "are you wearing makeup?" she then asked, "yeah, you think it looks nice?" Lilith smiled, "well, do you think your kinda a slave to fashion?" Misty replied honestly, Lilith then rested a hand on her cheek, "well, the thing is Misty, I come from an organisation where looking pretty is a great way for others to actually notice you, I mean at first I was just a nobody Atlas IT intern, and later, after just slapping some makeup on, I was the chief IT technician at the facility I worked at, looks can get you places, especially other things like a marriage as well" she told, she then looked down at the ground, "but at the price of nobody taking you seriously" she admitted, "Riiight, well I'm the sort of woman who lets toughness take her places" Misty said, "hmmm, well is there a reason why you show off a lot of skin?" Lilith asked, Misty then hissed, she fell right into that one, calling Lilith a slave to fashion and beauty while having her chest mostly on show herself, "erm, I mostly do that just to tease Marlton" she quickly changed the topic, trying to avoid being called a hypocrite, "isn't Marlton a bit, how do I say this, below you on the social scale?" Lilith said confused, looking forward at him further ahead in the group, "aww but he's so cute, so smart and so funny as well" Misty reminisced like a horny schoolgirl thinking about their crush, Lilith was confused, "well, isn't he kinda, nerdy?" she answered, "I don't really care at that, in a zombie apocalypse, you can't really be picky, and what about you? How many boys have you been in bed with?" the farmer responded, Lilith let out a noise which was a mixture of a gasp and a sarcastic chuckle, laying a hand on her upper chest, "ahh, ahh, I'm a happily married woman Misty, do you think that's a bit inappropriate?" she stammered, "well, was it a happy one?" Misty just replied, Lilith however seemed to stumble and looked lost in thought, "well?" Misty reminded, with Lilith then sighing, "well, thinking on it he wasn't really into it, he just saw me as another person living under his roof, just another good looking face to be with him" the technician confessed, she then brought Misty in closer, "we were married for four years, and we only had sex twice, and that was even more sad when they were both during our honeymoon" she continued, "oh, was he really into it?" Misty probed more, "well, he didn't seem to be, hell I even tried to force myself on him a few times and he would always come up with an excuse to get out of it" Lilith described, "and that's always a bitch especially as my sex drive is rather strong" she continued, then she paused for a bit, "ahh, but he's probably dead anyways so who fucking cares now?" she finished, Misty just shrugged her shoulders, "you could see this as having a new beginning, and find a man you really want" she suggested, Decker immediately popped into Lilith's mind, sure he was an asshole at the start towards her, but after all what they had been through she would be lying is she said she had no interest in him, she had shot herself in the foot back at the resort by joking that she actually loved him, but now those jokes were starting to become serious feelings, and Lilith did see Decker as someone as being good looking and possibly having a good personality if she fished it out of him, god and what would he be like in bed as well? That thought made a blush developed on her face which Misty took notice of, "fantasizing on some candidates?" she teased, Lilith just smiled and shrugged it off, "pretty much" the technician replied.

Everyone's conversations were however stopped as the path they were following soon came out of the thick forest and onto a clear plain, with long grass mostly covering the ground, to the left it went into another part of the forest which went up into a faraway mountain range, to the right, the plane went down towards a river, and beyond that river where the shadows of tall metropolitan buildings and skyscrapers but right there, nearby just ahead of them, was a large compound with high, grey brick walls, and a large building which made a large part of the structure, "that seems to the location the voice talked about" Takeo said out at the sight, "we can see that Takeo, can you say something less obvious?" Nikolai just scolded, with the Asian grimacing back at him, "do you two argue like this all the time?" Kahn asked, "just because Takeo sucks, and because I have no fucking vodka!" Nikolai replied, Takeo just rubbed his face with his hand trying to keep his internal anger in check, "okay can we just get to that place before you two kill each other, my bones need a rest" Russman barged in like a whiny elder, walking ahead of the group, everyone looked at each other and just followed.

The compound's outer walls where rectangular in shape and were built for defence, as they had large wooden platforms lining the inside for people to stand on and shoot over the edge, this wall contained a large open courtyard which the large, metal gate immediately went into at the front half of the compound, the rear half however was made up of a large, multi-storey building which looked reminiscent of a run-down factory, with multiple windows and smashed, rusted machinery on the inside, on one side of this was a large tower which seemed to be primarily made up of a repurposed smokestack, with the cabin on top looking rather makeshift, the entire group walked into the courtyard to find a floor with a mixture of gravel and grass, a pair of old park benches, some large discarded pieces of fabric which could be used for a soft sitting platform, random stacks of crates, and burning oil barrel braziers which lit the entire area in a soft yellow light.

Everyone had made themselves home in the area, the entirety of the Tranzit group were sitting at one of the benches with all their weapons on the surface, Nikolai had gone into the factory to see if there was anything useful, Takeo had gone up a ladder to investigate the tower, Dempsey, Decker, Lennox and Richtofen has gone up onto the battlements behind the walls, while Kahn and Lilith just stood around and looked at the general status of the area.

Russman was busy messing with his MP5, as his War Machine laid on the table in front of him, Marlton was also inspecting his DSR-50, especially the scope as he made sure it was still on point, "hey Marlton, when 'they' finally come, where are you going to fight them from?" Stuhlinger asked, Marlton looked around and noticed the large smokestack, "I'm sure I can go up there" he pointed up to it, the rest looked up to it as well, "could you, you know, just snipe them from the battlements?" Misty mentioned, "Misty, I would have the best shot up there, and I would be able to cover all of the complex and the area around it, it's also a safer area as well" Marlton explained, "yeah, are you scared you would be lonely without him Darlington?" Stuhlinger teased, "shut up Stupinger!" Misty just barked back at him, then turned around to face Marlton again, "just be careful" she asked for, Marlton just nodded and got and started walking, however he was stopped by Nikolai coming out of a door, "hey guys look what I found!" he said in joy, everyone in earshot turned to face him, "what exactly did you find?" Marlton said in curiosity, "my life is saved! I found vodka!" Nikolai immediately brought up one bottle of many tucked against his side and took a large drunken swig, some people let out a sigh, Kahn in particular was pinching the bridge of his nose, but Dempsey was happy for Nikolai, especially since they were great friends, "is he some kind of drunkie?" Decker asked him, "he wasn't at first, but then something happened to him and then he became an alcoholic overnight" the marine replied, "did that German have something to do with it?" Decker continued while giving a sly look to Richtofen who was on the opposite wall looking out, "yeah, I bet he had something to do with not just Nikolai, but all of this shit that's been happening that fucker" Dempsey replied, however Lilith then walked up to the base of the wall and looked up to Decker, he saw her and noticed that she wasn't acting normal, like she had something massive on her mind, "hey Decker, can I speak to you for a minute? Like, in private?" she asked him, "sure" Decker responded, walking down the stairs to her, "see ya man" Dempsey parted, "I'll talk to you later" Decker said back, Lilith then weirdly wrapped a hand around his elbow and pulled him along to the factory, Decker was surprised, it must've been urgent if she was this willing to pull him along like this hard as they entered through a door.

After climbing a rusted ladder, Marlton finally reached the cabin on the top of the smokestack, it wasn't anything to ride home about, it was just a metal floor with some wooden supports on the four corners, each holding up a tin roof, Marlton caught his breath and wiped the rust off his hands, "damn iron oxide, so dirty!" he complained, "what are you grieving about? Just a bit of rust?", Marlton saw that Takeo had noticed his presence, sat in position and was busy loading a few stripper clips for his rifle, the rifle in question was a Type 38 Arisaka, with a side mounted scope laying next to the Asian, "oh yeah, you're that crazy guy who almost cut Stuhlinger" Marlton replied, Takeo sighed, "I have honour, and he had none, he was so pathetic in the way he reacted to my presence, shrieking like a little girl" he shamed, Marlton just sat down near him, looking out to a different part of the horizon, "well I guess Misty would like you for doing that, she hates his guts " the nerd continued, the samurai turned to look at him, "the farm girl" Marlton added on, Takeo understood and turned back around, a moment of silence grew as Marlton pulled his DSR-50 off his back, "I heard that Nikolai had found some more vodka" Takeo then said, "oh you heard? Yeah, he did, he seemed rather happy" Marlton said, Takeo just shook his head, "his lack of honour doesn't cease to amaze me" he said to himself, Marlton just got his rifle up in his shoulder and looked through the scope momentarily, "also, what is it between that farm girl and you? Is there something you both have?" Takeo asked in curiosity, Marlton stammered a bit, not expecting that sort of question being asked from somebody like him, "well, I do like her, but it's just that I don't think I'm ready to go for it yet, if you know what I mean" he tried to explain, Takeo thought about those words, "I do see that woman being a great warrior Marlton, you can learn a lot from her actions, and it could also strengthen your bond even more" Takeo said, Marlton thought about those words, as he looked at Misty down below though his scope, "I'll take that advice to heart Takeo" he responded.

"Lilith why did you drag me here?" Decker asked, almost tripping over a coil of wire as they were now in an empty room within the factory, all alone and away from the others, Lilith turned around to face him, swallowing a lump in her throat and having a slight blush on her face, "look Decker, I know we haven't had the best of starts, but, there something I need to tell you" she managed to say, "what like?" Decker asked her to continue, "I mean, what I wanted to say was" Lilith was seriously struggling to get her voice out, she had two sides of her persona fighting against her, and the blush on her face had gone red hot, "what Lilith?" Decker said again, this time with a bit more seriousness, Lilith then finally cracked, "ahh fuck it!" she gave up, she grabbed Decker by the shoulders and immediately pushed their heads together into a kiss, Decker's eyes opened wide as Lilith forcefully pushed her tongue into his open mouth and pushed him against the wall behind him, she moved her lips around on his as she continued the desperate French kiss, with the blush still fully in force on her cheeks, she finally broke the kiss to take a breather, all while keeping her eyes locked on his surprised ones, "what? I- I thought you were just lustful" Decker sounded rather panicked, "well if I just kissed you like that, do you wanna move it up to love now?" Lilith responded, she then let go of him and turned around, "look Decker, my husband is pretty much dead, I- basically have nobody left but you and the others" she admitted, she then turned back around to look at him again, "but it's you especially, who I'm especially fond to have" she continued, Decker rubbed the back of his head, "well, I wasn't expecting that you actually liked me, especially after what happened back at the facility" he mentioned, "look, fuck what happened back there, we changed did we? I became a better shooter and more open and you became a bit less childish" she said, "I wasn't childish, I just had adrenaline in me that's all" Decker defended him, "you so were Decker, but I seem to like the current type of you even more", a bit of seductiveness dripped in the last part of those words she spoke, "however" Lilith then went back to the point, "the thing I'm actually scared about is losing you Decker, if I lost you, I would have absolutely nothing left, I would pretty much kill myself at that point" she confessed, Decker was rather touched and also concerned at the same time, "the whole point is Decker, I wanna 'be' with you but I'm afraid I'll take it too far and if I lose you, who knows what I'll do" Lilith continued, "well, what do you want to do?" Decker asked, Lilith then stuck out her little finger, proposing a pinkie promise, Decker obliged and wrapped his little finger around hers, she then put a hand on top of both their hands, and Decker also put his hand on top of hers, "no groping, no sex, just hugs and kisses until this is over" Lilith outlined the promise, Decker nodded and their two hands finally let go of each other, "well, now I have to try and keep my drive in check especially with a woman as good-looking and aggressive as you" he mentioned, Lilith giggled and gave him a gentle kiss in return, just a lips on lips moment and not as sloppy as the first one they did, "well I think you can do it, as you managed to grow up since I met you" she pointed out, as she was now walking to the door, Decker grinned, "well I've grown up a long time ago, but I think your still jealous that I'm a better shot than you" he sniggered, Lilith turned around and had a keen smile on her face, still remembering that sentence he said back at the facility, "I'm a better everything than you" she replied with the same words, Decker walked up to her smiling about the old times and just put his hand around her back, "okay technician, how about we go back to the others?" he suggested, "okay then soldier" Lilith joked back as he opened the door, Decker chuckled as they both walked out the room and back to their friends and new companions.


Well then, it looks like some hormones are buzzing in the two couples, so will Decker and Lilith keep with their agreement, or will the love be too much for them? Only time will tell.

Also, I'm just gonna say it right now, there will be some 'making love' scenes in this fanfic, so when that time comes, these chapters will be marked NSFW, so if they aren't your cup of tea, you can just skip over them, I'll try to write them in such a way so even if you skip over them, you won't miss anything important in the story, anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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