Being Invisible

Par NoelElizabethWolfe

965 17 5

Everyone's had at least one moment where they've wanted to disappear. One moment in time where they couldn't... Plus

Being Invisible
Chapter 1: The First Day
Chapter 2: Getting to Know Miriam
Chapter 3: What Happens Here Stays Here
Chapter 5: Different Point of Views
Chapter 6: Mission Impossible
Chapter 7: Joshua and Olivia
Chapter 8: Reactions
Chapter 9: The Proudest Night of My Life

Chapter 4: So We Meet Again

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Par NoelElizabethWolfe

I was running fast, breath heavy, heart full of excitement. My bare feet touched the muddy creek bank because I held tight to my flip flops in my hands. It'd been almost a whole week since we last saw each other. I remember the departure perfectly. Him holding me an embrace so romantic and not being able to let go. I didn't want him to go. I needed him. Every single second of him. But he had to go away for a while. He was going to be a counselor at church camp. I had to let him go. I can't control him. But I'd never had to live without him. 

When I finally got to our meeting spot I saw him. He was looking good as ever, laying out on a turquoise blanket, waiting for my arrival. 

" You're late." he spoke. 

"Fashion emergency, you know how us girls are." I giggled and lay next to him. 

"I missed you Joshua. I really did."

"I missed you too." he smiled and rolled over on his side to face me. 

We lay out under the spacious sky and I feel asleep in his arms.

After the blissful memory I had just dreamed about it all faded to black and another dream began. A very bad dream, indeed. Joshua was surrounded by two little babies, each in their own cribs; one boy, one girl. You'd think this would be a wonderful dream but then Olivia walked through the door and walked right up to Joshua, kissing him intensely. I awoke with chills down my back and a small, breathless scream escaped my mouth. I whimpered like a puppy until I got my bearings.


I was brushing my teeth when I heard a strange sound. Almost as if there was a newborn puppy in our room, the sound perpetrated through the walls all around me. I think the source was Miriam's room. She'd been awfully quiet yesterday I wonder what was up with her. I figured it best to leave her alone though; I doubt she would want to talk about it with me. I doubt even mom would know what to do about it. 

I didn't feel like turning invisible right now. I wanted sleep. After all, tomorrow was my meeting with Travis and I didn't want to miss one second with him. An opportunity to spend time with him was much too good to pass up. 

After a good 8 hours or so of sleep I was fully awake and ready to face the day. A harmonious song was done beautifully at church. I wish I could sing like that. I have no talents and possess no athletic ability. 

"Mom, I'm going to GroveWay to walk around a bit. Smell the fresh air. If you need me call. I'll take my cell this time." I shouted, my body already half way out the door.

"Fine, honey. Pick up some darn grapes at the store too! I forgot them and I can't really be without them right now. They're about the only food that doesn't make me what to up- chuck." my mom returned.

And with those words I was out the door. I actually was a bit chilly today for some odd reason. It was California after all. For the second time seeing Travis I didn't think I looked all that bad in a pair of cut off dark wash short- shorts and a flowy tank top of multiple colors. I had paired this with my splatter paint sneakers, seeing as how we'd probably be on trails the entire time. 

"It's 12:05" I called out as I saw him appear behind a group of trees "You're late!" and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Well aren't you just right on time?" He chuckled and sat down on a bench in the shade with me. 

For a bit we just talk about how cool it was to be invisible and how we couldn't imagine why we got to and no one else we knew of could. Then he brought up something out of the blue. 

'So," he commented casually leaning over the table to look closer in my eyes " a girl pretty as you must have all the boys chasing after her."

"Of course not, you crazy." I hurled back at him, it came off a little defensive. He took his arms off the table and leaned back to sit up straight. "Sorry, I'm just not used to hearing that kind of thing. I'm a little undervalued in my family, to say the least."

"No, it's fine. I was just wondered."

"I've heard that's what they all say. But I wouldn't know." 

"Mind taking a walk along the beach?" he started to get up off the park bench.

"No problem" I said hesitantly, he had no idea how much I disliked the beach. How much safer I felt at GroveWay. 

The only reason I felt safer there was because of my father. Back before mom had the twins, she was the one working. My father was a stay- at- home dad and was always looking for ways to spend time with Miriam and me. Almost everyday we would come to this park and walk trail numero six. It was just him and me. Not even Miriam would tag along. My father and I would spend hours under the shade of these trees. Of course once mom got pregnant once again, she stopped working. Once she found out they were twins she knew she wouldn't be able to go back to work any time soon. My dad had to find a job and that's where the memories stop with him.

After about three miles my legs ached, but I wouldn't let him know that. We we're finally at the beach! My sneakers looked out of place against the white sand so I slipped them off and threw them off to the side against a large rock.

Travis did most of the talking. I was still sour about leaving my safe haven. 

"You have Mr.Greggor then?" he questioned while we slowly made our way over to the lapping, cool waters. My feet were relived to be off the hot sand. 


"That dude need a haircut! I'm just glad he's not a lunch lunch man?" he laughed while I smiled.

I really should be going. It was 4: 18. Wow. I had spent a long time with Travis. He was so gorgeous! No, I can't think like that. I can't make things awkward between us. I'd like to call this my first date but I'm pretty sure he doesn't feel that way. Oh goodness... I really hope I'm not falling for him. 

"I should be going, sorry."

"It's fine. Mind if I walk you home?"

Woah! He wants to walk me home, maybe he does feel a little something for me? 

"Yeah, if you don't mind walking about another four miles." I answered back, a hint of flirt in my tone. 

"Here's the house" I said four long miles later. 

"Looks nice" 

"Do you want to come in?" I had to ask because I think it'd be rude if I didn't. Right?

"Sure" he responded as I opened the front door. 

As soon as I saw my mom at the counter I realized I forgot grapes. Darn it. 

"Well hello Rose. OH! Who is this? You went out with your little boyfri-"

"No, mom!" I exclaimed, cutting her off. She really irritated me sometimes.

"I'm just too handsome to be your friend, Rose." Travis joined in on the conversation

"Ha, yeah.. no"  I snarled, but not in a mean way, more along the line of playful.

"At least let me know his name."

"It's Travis. Happy now?" My mom just smiled. Then a minute later walked back to her room.

"You can stay as long as you like" I told him. 

"I'd like that. I think I'll head home before dinner."

Travis did stay at my house till right before we ate dinner. It was honestly one of the best days I've had in a long time. We had watched an episode of Adventure TIme, played Uno with Lydia and Luci for about half an hour, and we'd talked most of the time. Miriam had peeked out from behind her door at one point. I wondered why she would choose to spy on us, but that didn't faze me. It was a wonderful, glorious day.

And as I was standing there on the porch with Travis, saying or goodbyes for the day and telling each other we'd see each other around at school he caught me in a hug so warm and cozy I hated to let him go. 

"See you at school, Rose!" He called over his shoulder as he walked away.

Remember how I said I hoped I wasn't falling for him? I was definitely falling and the great thing was, I think he was falling for me as well.

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