I'd Take The Fall ZaynMalik f...

Per leyamikaela

7.1K 127 20

What happens when Emiliana , an average college student who works for an abusive boss stumbled upon THE One D... Més

A Date With You
Surprise , surprise
Flying Away From Love
Get a Break
My Love
Don't go just yet
Handicapped Love

I'd Take The Fall 1D fan fiction

2K 20 3
Per leyamikaela

A/N ;

HEY !! HAHA I DELETED THE OTHER STORY FOR SOME REASONS , ANYWAYS , HERE'S THE NEW ONE . JENG JENG JENG . LOL KAY . Anyways i have no idea who i want to act as the girl in the cast . ? Any ideas ? This actress has to have long curly brown hair and deep green eyes and pale too . Haha Good luck in finding the actress . The person who finds the perfect actress to act as Emiliana gets a dedication in the upcoming chapters ! YAY IMMA STOP RANTING NOW . HAHA ENJOY ~ XX


Chapter 1:

So hi , I'm Emiliana , i am an orphan that works as a waitress at a diner for a living . I live with an abusive boss and his lovable wife in London .

So here i am , taking orders and running from table to table just to satisfy the hard-to-please customers .

I honestly love singing and would not give a thought of leaving if i was offered an album contract .

It was just a typical day for me in the diner .

''OMG! I think i saw One Direction just walking along that block!!!!! '' a girl shrieked .

Soon , each customer went off running for the boys . And all that's left was me and some old couples .

I sighed . ''There goes every customer .'' i said ;looking out the diner window .

I went into the kitchen to tell Gyrett about the customers running off .

''WHAT?? '' Gyrett boomed . I gulped in .

''AND YOU DIDN'T STOP THEM?? '' he shouted , grabbing my hair and throwing me to the floor . A tear streamed down my face .

"I-I'm sorry,Mr G.'' i said ,sobbing .

Then his wife came bursting through the door .

''GYRETT what did you do??? '' she shouted , helping me up .


''I don't even know why i married you in the first place you filthy fool! '' she yelled .

''I'm sorry , Emz . Go look if the customers are back.'' she whispered to me .

I nodded and wiped my tears away before going back out to the diner .

I saw five new customers around the table .

I took a deep breathe before going up to them .

''Excuse me sir . How may i help you?'' i said .

They all looked up . OH MY GOODNESS , they're One Direction .

Louis smiled and said ,''Carrot juice please .''

''TACOS!! ''

''Frappucino please.''

''Do you have nandos here? ''

''Pizza! ''

''Um right . I'll go get what you ordered .'' i stuttered as i went back into the kitchen with the order .

''Here's the orders , G.'' i said , throwing the orders onto the table and went out again . I sit at the Cashier's counter and peeked at the boys once in a while .

Zayn's P.O.V:

Phewh thank goodness we succeeded in getting away from the fans .

We were cold and wanted to have some food and drinks so we went into a diner and sat at the table .

''Wow now that's crazy wasn't it Curly? ''Louis said to Harry .

''The name's Harry , carrots .'' Harry said . Well said , Harreh .

We heard shouting and yelling which were probably the same in this case , and soon a frail-looking girl with long curlish brown hair and pale complexion came out of the kitchen .

She saw us and came up to us . Let the fangirl begin .

''Hello , how may i help you sir? '' she said , her voice cracking .

We looked up and she looked shocked .

Louis asked for carrot juice , blergh . I asked for frappucinos , Harry asked for tacos , typical , Niall wants nandos , and Liam asked for a slice of pizza .

She nodded . She glanced at me . I stared at her deep green eyes . Wow , she's pretty .

She went back to the kitchen , well , barely got herself inside , and went to the cashier's counter .

I think i've heard screaming and yes the fans were back .

''Please , help us .'' I said to the girl . She looked shock , and nodded as she led us out the diner through the backdoor into an alley .

''Take the van .'' she said , throwing me the keys to a worn-down van . Better than nothing honestly .

''Thank you .'' Harry said , hugging her before we drove off with the van .

''That girl's nice .''Louis shrieked .

''Oh God! You should stop screaming lad! '' Liam said , closing his ears .

I looked at the driver's mirror and saw that she was looking at us driving away , smiling .


Emiliana's P.O.V :

There goes my van . I mentally laughed . Taken by five famous guys . I smiled for the last time before hordes of fans burst through the backdoor .

''Where did they go??? '' a blonde girl shrieked .

''Um i think they went that way .'' i said , pointing to the opposite direction of where they actually went .

The fans started running at the direction i told them .

Damn , how do the boys survive these hordes? I chuckled to myself .


Closing time . It's already midnight .

I locked the diner and went out .

I stayed over with my friend actually . I'm eighteen and i go to London's Arts and Cultural College .

Great , it's like a few blocks away and i don't have my van .

I felt cold and i was starting to shiver . Aunty Harriet had offered me a ride , but i refused . Ugh me and my big mouth .

Then i heard roaring of a car , and it stopped right beside me . I turned and realised it was my van .

The driver stopped the engine and went out .

''VAS HAPPENING?? '' Zayn shouted , a goofy face plastered .

I laughed . '' Just cold , that's all .'' i said shrugging .

Soon i was all alone in the car with him . ''Where are the others? '' i asked .

''Oh they're at home . I offered to bring this van back to you .'' he said , eyes locked on the icy road .

''Oh okay .'' i said .

''We're having tea back home , do you want to join us? '' Zayn said , stopping at a red light .

''Uh , no , it's fine . I don't want to bother you guys . '' i said , smiling at him .

''Please .'' Zayn said , putting on his puppy-dog face . Awwh , i'm melting .

''Fine .'' i said , laughing .

''YES ! '' Zayn said , not noticing the light has gone green .

''Zayn , it's green! Drive drive drive! '' i said .

He focused back on the road and started driving again .

Then after a while we stopped in front of a condominium . Wow they live at a service apartment . Awesome .

I was unbuckling my seatbelt when Zayn dashed out of the car and opened the door for me .

I laughed . ''Lad you don't have to do that! I have this thing called hands , i can do it myself .'' i said ;wiggling my hands in front of his face .

''I know.'' he said ;winking at me . My stomach did backflips . yay! haha i'm crazy .

Then he picked me up and closed the door with his legs .

I shrieked . '' Zayn , I HAVE THIS THING CALLED LEGS! '' i shouted , punching his back .

''I know.'' he said , winking again , Ugh Zayn!

I laughed as he put me down on the floor as we got into the lift .

There was only silence between us when the lift went floor to floor .

''Thanks .'' he said , breaking the silence .

''Wha' for? '' i asked .

''The van .'' he said before the lift opened . We were on top of the condominium , where a penthouse stood proudly in the middle of the roof .

My mouth gaped open . ''Wow..'' i said .

Zayn laughed and grabbed my hand as he dragged me inside the house .

''Well well , look what the cat brought in .'' Louis said/shrieked .

"Hey there beautiful ." Harry said ; winking at me . That flirty boy . I chuckled .

"Hey there handsome ." i mocked him ; winking back . He blushed a deep red .

Zayn clears his throat ; turning our attention back to him .

"What's your name , lass ?" Louis asked .

"Emiliana Yvette." i said ; smiling .

"Come , watch us sing in the studio." Zayn said .

"You have a studio ??" i shrieked . Then i clapped my mouth with my hands .

He laughed . "Yes , yes we do . Do you want to sing along ?" He said ; smiling his famous smile .

"YES ! " I said ; dancing a victory dance .

"I like her , she's funny!" Louis said ; joining my victory dance .


Zayn's P.O.V :

I watch as Harry flirts with her . Ugh , he always gets the girls . WAIT , am i jealous ?? I think so .

I cleared my throat .

"What's your name , lass ?" Louis asked . Oh , i've realized that i haven't asked her name yet . Damn .

"Emiliana Yvette." she said ;smiling .

My stomach did backflips as i stared at her face .

"Come , watch us sing at the studio ." i blurted out . Well , i really do want her to watch us sing .

Emiliana is different , she doesn't faint , go crazy or tried to rip our clothes off . She's more calm and relaxed and act like we're nothing but a bunch of hot guys that borrowed her van . Okay , now i'm being self-centered .

"YOU HAVE A STUDIO ?" She shrieked . Woah , so much like Louis . She quickly clamped her mouth with her hands .

I mentally laughed . How cute is that ? WAIT WHAT ? I sound more like a girl now .

I chuckled . "Yes we do . Do you want to sing along ?" i asked .

"YES ! " She shouted ; dancing a weird dance .

Soon , Louis joined her funny dance .

"I like her , she's funny !" Louis shrieked . I laughed .

Yeah she is . I like her too .

Emiliana's P.O.V :

When i stepped into the studio , i knew it was too good to be true . There was high-tech vocal and melody control and a soundproof room .

I went inside ; totally amazed . They boys watched me as i went in front of the microphone and wore the headphones .

"Well , aren't you boys going to sing with me ?" I asked ; crossing my arms .

"No , we want to see you sing first ." Liam said .

"Oh no you don't." i said ; and started towards the door .

Niall locked the door ! UGH the nerve of the boy !

"Sing or we won't let you out , babe ." Zayn said ; crossing his arms .

"Fine." i huffed and moved back to the microphone .

I started singing my own song that i've made in Vocal Class .

Maybe i love you , maybe i don't ,

But maybe i've realised , a little too late ,

Now i'm just watching you , as you go ,

And leave me in the darkness , all alone ,

Please come back ,

You know i'm the reason you smile ,

So why are you going ?

Why are you going ?

I stopped . "There i sang ." i said .

"It's beautiful . Is it your own song ?" Louis asked .

"Of course , Captain Obvious . Have you heard it in the radio before ?" i said sarcastically .

"Sarcasm , nice ." Zayn said through the intercom ; winking at me .

" I know ." i mocked him .

"Please sing us another song , please ?" Harry said ; the begging look in his eyes . AWWH , now that's just cute .

"Fine , but after that i'm going out and you sing ." i said .

"Deal , lass." Niall agreed .

Shut the door ,

Turn the light off ,

I wanna be with you , I wanna feel your love ,

I wanna lay beside you

I cannot hide this even though i try .

I noticed Zayn staring right into my eyes . I stared right back into his big brown eyes , managing eye contact .

He looked so beautiful .

Heart beats harder

Time escapes me ,

Trembling hands touch skin

It makes this harder

And the tears stream down my face .

And then it happened . Memories of my late brother surged through me . I remembered the time when he passed away in the accident along with my parents . I was only five years old and Aunty Harriet , she was 23 years old at the time who owned the diner , took me in .

Before i know it , tiny droplets of tears streamed down my face .

And a second later , the five boys dashed into the studio and surrounded me .

Zayn pulled me into a hug .

"We're sorry ." he said .

"Wha' for ?" i asked ; sobbing .

"For making you sing , which leads to you crying ." Louis said .

"No it's not you who made me cry . I just - I just had a rough past , that's all ." i said ; sobbing .

Zayn smelled nice . He has the expensive perfume kind of smell . I loved it .

"Come now ," Zayn said ; bringing me out of the soundproof room into the control room .

He made me sat down on the sofa , gave me a tissue , put headphones on my head and went back into the soundproof room .

"Babe , don't cry okay . We're gonna sing for you ." Niall said . The five of them started humming the intro .

I'm broken , do you hear me ,

I'm blinded cus' you are everything i see ,

I'm dancing alone , i'm praying ,

that your heart will just turn around .

They started singing More Than This . I smiled a little . They sound so perfect , so flawless in comparison to me .

I wiped my tears away . And then when the song ended , Louis randomly shouted ,"KEVIN!"

I laughed out loud . THAT WAS SO RANDOM !

Then we had tea in the living room and watched How I Met Your Mother . We laughed out loud .

"WOW , this show is so good!" Liam said ; laughing like crazy .

"Haha , yeah . Um , guys ?" i said ; standing up . I've realised that i was late . It's already 2.30 a.m and i've classes tomorrow ! CRAP i forgot .

The five of them turned to look at me .

"I've to go . I've a class tomorrow ." i said .

"Where ?" Harry asked .

"Um , London's Arts and Cultural College ?" i said , uncertain .

"OH WOW , YOU'RE EIGHTEEN AREN'T YA ?"Louis shrieked .

"Yes , i am eighteen . I'll meet you guys tomorrow ."i said , taking my car keys before going out of the penthouse .

Wow i've forgotten that it's cold outside .

Then i suddenly felt a warm hand grabbing mine . I shrieked and a hand clamped onto my mouth .

''Shh! It's me , Zayn . Geez , why are you so jumpy lass? '' Zayn said ;turning me so i was facing him .

''Sorry i just thought you were a kidnapper .'' i said ;holding my beating heart .

''Um , actually i want , um.'' he stopped .

''What? You want what? '' i asked .

''Can i have your number? '' he said , blushing a deep red under the moonlight ,

I stood there shocked . Zayn asked for my number?? Someone pinch me . Oh wait on second thought , don't pinch me .

''Um sure .'' i said . Soon we were exchanging numbers .

''Um , okay , bye now .'' i said , turning to leave . Zayn grabbed my hand and turned me around so i was facing him again .

Suddenly he kissed me . Well not in the lips , but on the cheek . I blushed .

''Bye babe.'' he said , smiling at me before heading back to the penthouse .

I stood there , in front of the elevator , totally speechless as i registered the fact that Zayn Malik had just kissed me in the cheek .

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