The Hollywood : Reign 》Audrey...

Von RedBeautifulPink

12.7K 396 542

It has now been a year since Audrey Blanchard has created her youtube channel. Since then she has launched an... Mehr

A VLOG INTO THE LIFE OF A BUSY BEE ! *insert clickbait title*
Ant & Dec's Undercover Prank On Audrey Blanchard !
Instagram drama
Twitter Drama !
Audrey : from doubts to embarrassment..
The TRUTH about the Audrey Blanchard COACHELLA ASSAULT !
Audrey's official statement
Audrey's public appearance at the Queen's birthday concert..
The Return of Audrey Blanchard


235 7 8
Von RedBeautifulPink

"9 million dollars ?" Audrey reveals shyly

"9 mill- What ?!" a teenage boy chokes on his own words "But- how could you afford to spend..."

🔮  [▪▪▪]  🔮

"Good morning, Blanchers and welcome back to another episode of a day in my life ! So, gooooooooood morning, good afternoon and in case I don't see you, good evening and goodnight !" I introduce my vlog from bed

"Shhh... too... early." Charlie groans snuggling his face under my pillow

"Thank you for that intervention darling." I say as I get out of bed and he groans, and I keep on walking out of the room "It's currently six a.m. and I have to get to the studio for half eight so let's go."


"Whoo !" I transition myself on set "Can I get hoyaa ?!" I shout

"Hoyaa !" Noah Centineo, my on-screen brother shouts back

"So we are currently on set. The Russo are going to New York, New Yoooorrrrrrrrrrkkkkkkkkkkkkķkkkkkk ! Dah Dah Dala Dah-" a hand covers my mouth to shut me up and another set of hands grabs my camera as Noah lifts over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes

"The Russo family is going to New York for a family reunion with the American side of the family. Which hint, is going to end up with introducing Audrey's blonde hair..." Rowan explains


"Oh hey, this Dove Cameron." I say with an arm around her shoulder

"And I'm going to be playing the evil cousin. Mouah ha ha ha ha !" Dove says

"Okay, we get it you're maleficent !" and I wink at her "Get it ? Mal, maleficent ?""

Dove awkwardly laughs "So..."

"We just filmed the first scene where we met in the iconic Waverly Place alley. Where I sort of flirt with Dove's on-screen boyfriend which is the only scene he appears in."


"Hey David ?" I call for his attention as I walk up to him "How does it feel to be back on the original set ?"

"Weird. I'm just waiting for Selena to come out and prank me or something ?" he explains

"Oh well, I can prank you if you want ?" I ask with an evil smile

"No !" he shouts "No, absolutely no ! As your fake father, no. Now go tidy up your room."

"Okay, Justin..." I moan begrudgingly, making us both laugh


"Okay, so we're about to film a scene and I'm aloud to show you so, here we go. Exclusive footage for season 2 of Wizards of Melrose Avenue." I explain


Isabelle Russo - Audrey Blanchard
Ricky Russo - Noah Centineo
Anabelle Russo - Rowan Blanchard

"I just love New York, don't you ?" Isabelle asks turning to Anabelle who nods

"Don't get too used to it Izzy..." Ricky says as he lays a hand on her shoulder

"Don't be such a downer, big brother... I mean this where dad and aunt Alex grew up." Isabelle says breaking away from her siblings and then stops "Cr*p. I forgot. Uncle Max." Audrey broke character "Can I just take it from the top ?"

"Yeah. Audrey's gonna redo her line." the director shout. "All in position, action !"

"Don't be such a downer, big brother... I mean this where dad, uncle Max and aunt Alex grew up." Isabelle says breaking away from her siblings and spins on herself

"Kids." Justin says as he walks in to his family's restaurant "Wow, this place hasn't changed one bit."

"Well, it sort of has." a blonde character played by Dove walks out of the kitchen

"Demetria." Isabelle glares

"Isabelle." Demetria stands her ground

"Loving the hair." Izzy says and smirks, as Ricky and Anabelle are talking in the background

"Well, I did what I could. You know with you cursing it blonde." Demetria says "I mean, we all remember what you did."

"It was an accident !" Isabelle yells

"Cut !" is yelled across the set


"I'm so excited for you to see the new season of Wizards of Melrose Avenue and we've only just began filming it. Anyway, look who just picked me up from set ?" I say flipping the camera to the driver on my right "It's Tom Holland !"

"Disclaimer Tom isn't trying to be a f*ckboy," I say and then whisper "even though I would totally smash that." I wink and giggle "It's just he believes me wearing a bralette is unsuitable, not appropriate. So he took his shirt off and gave it to me. Personally, I believe he just wanted an excuse to be bare chested. Can you say that ? That sounds weird. Topeless ! That's what I mean, but the joke's going to be on him when he gets a diagonal tan line from his seat belt." I joke

"Hey !"


"So... I forgot to vlog but Tom and I enjoyed a nice meal at Urth Cafe and I told him about what I was doing this morning and he told me he was jetting to New York later this afternoon and I was like f*ck it. I'm tagging along. So, I phoned dear Dommy who set it all up for me and who told Scoot who set up an interview for me on a radio show... Urgh... For once I didn't want to work..."


"This is the Tom Holland takeover, with your host me : Tom Holland ! Audrey has just gone upstairs to pack a bag and whilst she is doing that. I thought I'd give you the privilege of having a house tour of Charlie and Audrey Puth's mansion. So firstly we enter the mansion through the central room, from which you can spot the dining room, the sitting room and the lounge."

"Then here is the lounge..."

"The dining room..."

"An office..."

"The master bedroom, where the couple do the dirty..." Tom says as a small suitcase is on the bed and Audrey is folding clothes into it and laughing at him

"Don't snoop into my dressing room, it's messy !" Audrey shouts at him as he steps into her bathroom

"Here's their bathroom, with his and hers sinks..."

"Now let's go outside..."


A camera is focusing on Audrey as she's sitting in a first class seat in a plane "So tell us about your house. Expose yourself."

"Charlie and I decided to splurge on buying at equal shares a two-story mansion which is constructed from redwood, glass, and stone. It has three bedrooms, three baths, two powder rooms, and staff quarters ?" Audrey lists awkwardly

"Oh so, there's plenty of room for little Puth's to move around."

"The property is in a gated community that many celebrity's live in and is about, if I remember right 4,439-square-foot..." Audrey adds on

"And how much did all this cost ?"

"9 million dollars ?" Audrey reveals shyly

"9 mill- What ?!" Tom chokes "But- how could you afford to spend four and a half million dollars on a house ?! You've only been 'famous' for a minute ?"

"I don't like boasting but even if I half only been famous for quite a short time. I'm still not used to it. As Scooter constantly reminds me, I've released two albums, I'm the main actress in a TV show and I've been in a movie. As an add on to that. I do a little bit of modeling on the side, which is how I met Cameron... As well as I've done a few cameos and appearances here and there... I have my own merch, I do a lot of things." Audrey explains softly

"Honestly. Like don't take it personal. You don't look like a hard worker. But you also doesn't look like you're made out of money."

"I guess you shouldn't judge a book by it's appearance..." she shrugs


"Good morning, Blanchers ! I forgot to vlog us arriving in New York City, but yeah here we are. Two kids in the big Apple ! If New York is the big Apple then what's the small apple, is there a small apple ?" I ask out loud as Tom walks out of my bathroom

"Well if I remember right it isn't called the small apple, but Manhattan is called the little apple..." Tom answers

"So Tom and I both slept in today and-

"We didn't sleep in it's only half ten. You woke me up at quarter to ten and you had already gotten showered and dressed." he interrupts me

"Shut up. I was trying to look cool..." I whine at him and he shrugs with a smile "Well, anyway... I chatted with a friend of mine last night. Thus deciding that we'd meet up for lunch and we're picking him up from work, so let's go !"


"Ladies and gents we've just arrived at the building and so let's March as if we owned the place. I also just grabbed an iced mango tea from Starbucks." I say as I shake the plastic cup and sip through my straw the cool liquid

"Now let's go and surprise some unexpected people." Tom says wrapping an arm around my shoulders for a second before letting go and walking ahead, we enter a building and head straight to the front desk where the Secretary stares at us with wide eyes "Hi, I'm Tom Holland and this is Audrey Blanchard we're to sit in on Shawn Mendes' interview ?" he speaks for the both of us

"Yeah, it's on the twelfth floor." the Secretary says after moment

"Thanks, love." I tell as we walk up and she can be heard on a phone telling someone we're coming up "Well that was surprisingly easy." I say to Tom, once the doors to the lift shut

"Yeah, have you never used the I'm a celebrity card ?"

"Once to know which hotel room Charlie was in, back when we were just friends but I wanted to surprise him." I say as we wait in the lift "Did you press for the twelfth floor ?"

"No, I thought you did."

"Nope and we ain't going nowhere, if nobody presses it." I say and press it as we start being lifted upwards "Well that was fun." I say as we finally step out of the lift

"Yep, oh look that must be it." he says as we are close to a door

"Shouldn't we knock ?"

"Nah..." he opens up the door and let's me walk in

"Drey..." Shawn says standing up and giving me a gentle hug

"Audrey Blanchard has just joined us." the radio host says as we step a part and I turn around to notice Tom is no longer beside me

Shawn sits back down and pulls me onto one of his legs, making me screech in surprise, so we can share a mic I guess and I set my camera to stare at us.

"Audrey, how are you feeling today ?" one of the side hosts asks me

"I'm good and how are you all ?"

"We're great. Imagine our surprise, when we were told you were coming up ? As well as Tom Holland ?"

"Audrey and I were meeting up for lunch and I told her that I had an interview here before we could do that." Shawn explains

"So what do think of Shawn's newest song Audrey ?"

"Hmm... Very good question, they're absolutely horrible. I hate them !" I say with a smile holding back a laugh

"She's lying !" Shawn says as he tickles me "Come on say the truth..."

I start laughing like crazy "No... I'm kidding. Like every single song of Shawn's, I absolutely loved it."

"As I said earlier Audrey is an inspiring person-"

"You did ?! Aw... Shawn..."

"Like you shot up from fame so quickly and with something like that, there's a downfall." he explains and I nod "That's why you battle with anxiety and stress and depression."

"Yeah..." I say silently looking onwards as Shawn continues with his spiel

"So that's why, when I wrote 'In My Blood' it felt so important to have Drey's opinion on it. She's one of my closest friends and her opinion matters very much to me. I think it helps that we have gone through similar things and that we both fight with the same struggles. When you do, the only thing you really want to do is close yourself from the people who care about you, but that's possibly the worst thing you could do. You've got to take a moment look at have people that surround you and think long and hard about them and in that moment, you'll realize you are in fact not alone. You care for those people and they care about you. So take a minute, take a day, months, years..." he explains

"At the end of the say, you'll make the decision to chose positivity over negativity, block out everything negative bullies, haters, people who don't have your best interest in mind. That's the only way, you can move forward." I conclude

"Wow... that was deep." the host says "Thank you Shawn and Audrey it was and pleasure having you here with us today-"


"So we are now at Atlantic Grill, because the boys fancied some fish. They thought I was joking when I said, that I'd don't eat anything that comes from the sea, so yeah I'm having the stereotyped celebrity meal one green salad. Yum... and I'm patiently waiting for them to finish their main course to enjoy a lemon and blueberry cheesecake..." I vlog myself while they're both chatting and eating their course and I'm stabbing my salad like a sulking child


"Hey, Drey, look at this." Shawn says and shows me his phone

"Urgh... He can't just leave me alone. Can he ?" I whine

"I've just blocked him. Haven't you ?" he asks me

"I have, but I wish I could literally just block him out of my life you know ?" I tell Shawn


I'm laughing as I start vlogging "I just met a lovely fan in the hallway, who just showed me her twitter news feed and gosh, is that dramatic ? And Drake my man I think you did a typo. Sidce note, some people should really learn how to spell before hating on others... On that note, today's notification shout out goes to @sehunstaennie !"

"I love all of you Blanchers very much ! Thank you all for watching and I will see you all very, very, soon ! Don't forget to like and subscribe ! À plus, bisoux ! (See ya, kisses !)"


A/N : I want to thank XxLola7, oklove102903, Milleskatten, @moonlightshimmer25, patron_blue, Stukira, KiddLovesBieber, ashleylilac73, bella_3236, KahlynHall and SamanthaV16 for voting and helping me sort out the plot for this chapter. What did you think ?

Time for my final exams is rapidly approaching, thus making my time for daydreaming about Audrey's life : practically non-existent.

So if you have any ideas or anything you want for me to develop within the story, please feel free to tell me.

If you have any questions you'd like to be asked to Audrey during an interview or a Q&A feel free to comment them down below.

I'll see you all very soon for another chapter. Much love, byyyyyeeeeee !


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