Danger At College || LM x SPN...

MqlfoysLcve द्वारा

257 19 59

Rebecca Rhianna Leonie Nelson is the sister of Jesy Nelson, she's a 21 year old college student whereas her s... अधिक

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen - Four Months Later
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen: 5 Months Later
Chapter Nineteen
Authors Note: IMPORTANT!!
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Two

7 0 1
MqlfoysLcve द्वारा

I could've sworn I heard Leo come in, "Leo?!" I called through the dorm. We had three other dorm mates but they were barely here, "Leo!" I called again. That was when I heard sobbing from her room, "Leo?" I asked as I pushed her bedroom door open. She laid on her bed crying her eyes out, "Leo, what happened?" I asked her. "H... He... Na... Nathan... I... I caught him cheating on me... With... With Sasha Greenwood." She said through her sobs. "I'll kill him." I spat. "Stay right here. I'll be back in a bit." I told her before standing up and leaving the dorm. Yes I hated leaving my best friend in the state she was in but I wasn't gonna let that bastard get away with this, it should be against the law to cheat on people. I sprinted back to campus and headed straight for the football field where the team was practicing. It was just the team practicing, Turner and Romell were in the corner simply watching. "Hey baby." My boyfriend Jackson said as he kissed me. "Hey." I mumbled. "What's up? You look like you're on a mission." He stated. "Cause I am." I said. "Oi, Haymitch!" I yelled across the field at him. He stopped training and turned back to me, Turner and Romell also stared over.

I walked away from my boyfriend and headed straight to Nathan, "What's up Edwards?" He asked me. I didn't speak, I simply pulled my fist back and punched him with as much force as I could in the middle of his face, he stumbled back and fell to the floor, "CHEATING ON LEO WITH THAT SLUT GREENWOOD?!" I screamed at him. "YOU'VE FUCKING BROKEN HER YOU SELFISH BASTARD." I yelled as I continued punching him. Romell eventually ran over and pulled me back, "Come on now Miss Edwards." He said. "He cheated on my best friend, she's at that fucking dorm crying her eyes out because she thought he fucking loved her!" I spat at Romell. "I know Miss Edwards but you can't do this." He said before leaning down to my ear. "You can't do this here..." He whispered so nobody else could hear. "You mean..." I began. "Do this in your own time." He whispered. This guy is so not your normal teacher, Mrs Smith would've sent us to the Principal or something but he just tells me to beat the crap outta him in my own time. I slowly nodded before walking away and leaving the football field, I glanced back at Nathan who was wiping the blood from his mouth. 

I would end him, I really would. I quickly jogged to the dorm and walked back in to see Leo looking angry and like she was on a mission. "Leo, What're you doing?" I asked. "Getting that fucker back for cheating on me." She smirked as she stood up. "What're you going to do?" I asked. "His parents liked me and they hate cheaters... So, I'm gonna wreck his life. One time his sister told me that if her or her brother were ever found to be cheating they'd be kicked out of their parent's house." She shrugged before leaving the dorm. "He's at football practice, right?" She asked to which I nodded. I quickly followed her out and climbed into the Chevy beside her as she immediately stepped on the gas, we went round a few turns until she pulled up in the rich part of town, "Leo, we shouldn't be here..." I mumbled. She simply shrugged and stepped out of the car, "I'm known here. Don't worry about it." She smiled. "Most of these rich folk have had their cars fixed by me, the others I know through Nathan." She shrugged before heading over to a fancy white pristine mansion. "No way, he lives here?" I asked. She simply nodded before waving to the man across the street, "Hi Mr Fenwick." She called. "Rebecca my dear, how lovely to see you again." The elderly man spoke. "How's the car running?" She asked. "It's as good as New thanks to you, love." He smiled. "That's good." She replied as he waved again and walked inside. She smiled before turning to me, "He's a regular at the mechanics, and he always brings us cakes and pastries to munch on whilst we work because of how good we did on his car." She told me after seeing my questioning look.

She then turned around and knocked on the door of the mansion. It was opened by a classy looking lady and a man in a suit beside her, "Rebecca my dear, it's so good to see you again." The woman spoke. God, they are posh. "Hi Mrs Haymitch, its lovely to see you too. This is my best friend, Tessa. Would it be possible to come in and speak to you?" Leo questioned. "Of course, my love. Come on in." She smiled as we both stepped in. Leo instantly took her shoes off causing me to follow suit, "They don't allow wearing shoes around the house." She whispered to me before following the parents into the living room. "Georgie Dear, could you bring tea and biscuits into the lounge?" Mrs Haymitch called to who I assumed was her daughter. A girl with blonde hair reaching down her back hurried in with a tray of biscuits and tea before hugging Leo and taking a seat beside her parents, everyone took their cups and Mrs Haymitch handed one to Leo and I with a smile, we quickly thanked her, "Shall we get straight down to business?" Mr Haymitch asked. "My dear, you look an awful mess. Have you been crying?" Mrs Haymitch asked Leo. "Um.. Yeah." She replied. "Um... I've actually come here to tell you something about Nathanial." Leo began. "What is it, my love?" Mrs Haymitch questioned. "I went to meet him under the bleachers after school... Except when I got there he was kissing Sasha Greenwood. Sasha then told me that she'd had... Er... Sexual intercourse with Nathanial on the sofa." Leo began as she began sobbing. "I'm not sure how long it's been going on for, I didn't dare ask but it hurt me seeing them like that." She said through her sobs. They were the fakest sobs I'd ever heard but Mr and Mrs Haymitch seemed to be believing them as they handed her a tissue, "Rebecca, my darling, I'm so sorry that Nathanial has done this to you. And with such a dumb fool." Mrs Haymitch scowled. Georgie stared at us before sighing, "It's typical of Nathan to do this... Sasha is a cheerleader and he's on the football team." The blonde sighed. "Regardless we do not allow cheating in this house..." Mrs Haymitch said. "Rebecca my sweet, would you like to go bag up his things? Call it a punishment for hurting you so bad. And... Oh I don't know, throw them out of the window?" Mr Haymitch said with a wide smile as he stared at Leo. "Of course your friend can help." Mrs Haymitch put in with a slightly evil yet charming smile. This was weird, they'd gone from Posh to Evil in a matter of seconds. "I would be honoured to do that." She smiled. "Go on darling." Mrs Haymitch smiled. Leo and I immediately headed up the stairs where we instantly began bagging up his belongings, "I can't believe Nathanial would do this. How could he hurt such a sweet girl like Rebecca like that?" I heard Mrs Haymitch sob. "He'll get what's coming to him my love. Just you wait." Mr Haymitch replied. I glanced at Leo as I continued helping her bag up the belongings.

We were eventually finished just as Georgie and Mr and Mrs Haymitch walked in, the five of us picked up a bag each and threw them out of the window and into the street. "He's no longer welcome here, thank you darling, for coming to tell us." Mrs Haymitch said as she hugged Leo. "I just thought you should know, that's all." Leo smiled as she hugged back before they pulled away. "I best get going before he gets back. His football practice would've finished now." She added. "Oh of course, Goodbye my love." Mrs Haymitch said as she walked us down to the door. We quickly put our shoes back on and walked out, we climbed into the Chevy and pulled away just as Nathan arrived back home, "YOU'RE NOT WELCOME HERE ANY MORE NATHANIAL!" We heard his father shout as we drove. "HOW COULD YOU HURT REBECCA LIKE THAT? SHE WAS THE BEST THING TO HAPPEN TO YOU." We heard Mrs Haymitch shout. "GET GONE NATHAN." Georgie yelled. Leo and I high fived eachother as we drove back to the dorm, however we saw something on the football field. Leo glanced over and immediately stopped the car.

"HELP ME!" We heard someone yell. We both climbed out and ran across the field to see Shannon Daye on the floor with her stomach bleeding out, a creature was stood over her. "You get to Shannon, I'll distract the beast." Leo whispered to me before pushing me the opposite way. "Oi!!" She snapped causing the creature to lift its head. I instantly ran to Shannon's side and the creature headed towards Leo, "Shannon..." I mumbled. Her eyes flicked to meet mine and for the first time since knowing her, I saw fear. "Help..." She whispered. I quickly unzipped my Adidas jacket and crumpled it up before pressing it against her stomach, I applied pressure but blocked her mouth so she wouldn't get the creatures attention again. I let go of her mouth as I saw Leo and the creature fighting, she was throwing punches left, right and centre. In the distance I saw a black Chevy pull up behind Leo's pink one, Romell and Turner climbed out and instantly came rushing over. However, I should've never taken my eyes off Leo because when I looked back at her she was laid on the grass faced down with a knife in her back along with massive claw like scratches that seemed to be deep, "LEO!!" I screamed. Bad move. I caught its attention. "LEO, GET UP!" I yelled as I kept the pressure on Shannon's stomach. I couldn't even help my best friend, "REE!" Turner called as he ran towards Leo. "TJ, MOVE." Romell yelled at me. I lifted my head and came face to face with a yellow pair of eyes and grimy teeth, he seemed to snarl at me, almost like a dog, however I didn't have much time to think as I was thrown over to football fence and landed on the hard ground. I put my head back and groaned, "Fucking hell, you son of a bitch." I grumbled as I pushed myself to sit up against the fence. I felt thick liquid pouring from my head. Blood. I saw Romell and Turner chase after the creature but it got away, Romell soon ran to my side as Turner stayed with Leo and Shannon, "SHE'S ALIVE." Romell called back to Turner. "SO IS SHANNON THANKS TO THESE GIRLS, I'M NOT SURE ABOUT REE." Turner called back. Romell immediately got his phone and called an ambulance, "Damn, it got me good, didn't it." I said with a slight laugh. "It's sure did TJ." He replied with a smile as he hung up. "Ambulance will be here soon." He added. "Is... Is Leo gonna survive?" I asked. His face turned sour, "Its not everyday that somebody survives a monster attack but I'm hoping she does." He told me. I smiled slightly before the sound of sirens could be heard, "What's going on he-" I heard Principal Joseph's voice. He then gasped probably at the sight before him, "Turner what happened?" He asked. "I don't know. Miss Daye was being attacked so Nelson and Edwards came to help but they got attacked too. Miss Edwards was applying pressure to Daye's wound to try and stop the bleeding whilst Nelson tried to fight off the attacker. When Edwards saw that Nelson was down she screamed her name causing the attacker to go for her, Edwards was thrown over the football fence and landed on the football court." Turner explained to him whilst they put us three girls on a stretcher thing or whatever they're called. Principal Joseph watched us all been wheeled past him, I glanced over at Shannon's stretcher and she stared at me with somewhat of a smile, "Thank you." She managed to squeak before glancing at Leo's bed and gasping in horror. The knife had been removed but the claw marks were clearly visible since the back of her top had been ripped. "May we go to the hospital Principal Joseph?" Romell and Turner asked. "Of course. Keep me updated on their conditions." He told the boys before glancing around the field. He then hurried to his car and drove away. Romell and Turner also rushed to their car as my ambulance door was shut.

It was dark. I couldn't open my eyes. I heard soft murmurs above me but that was it. "I'm not sure she's going to make it." I heard someone say. Why couldn't I open my eyes? "She's lost so much blood. We might have to tell her parents to be ready for bad news." The same person added. "She has to make it." Someone screamed from outside. Wait, was that Jesy? Or was I imagining things. I couldn't think, all I heard was beeping, my monitors were going off. This was it, I was dying.

I rested my head on the wall, we'd been in this waiting room for HOURS. Tessa had been allowed out, she's been given some meds for the pain. It looked like Shannon would make a full recovery, she's been designing thank you cards for the past two hours in her room for Ree and Tess. We'd had no word on Becky. Their families weren't even here, Tessa said that their parents don't need to know about this. "I'm not sure she's going to make it." A doctor soon said. "She's lost so much blood. We might have to tell her parents to be ready for bad news." She added. "What?! No..." I began but Dean slapped me. "She has to make it!!" Tessa screamed as she stomped her foot. Her hand immediately flew to her head in pain but it didn't last long as we immediately heard Ree's monitors going off. This was it, I think she was dying....


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