The Bad Boys Baby

Von idonrlknow

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How are you supposed to raise the Bad Boy's baby? Isabelle has her life planned out, every speck. That all c... Mehr

Chapter 1 - The Boy
Chapter 2 - The Game
Chapter 3 - The Party
Chapter 4 - The Hangover
Chapter 5 - The Test
Chapter 6 - The News
Chapter 7 - The Outburst
Chapter 8 - The Girlfriend
Chapter 9 - The Date
Chapter 10 - The Reassurance
Chapter 11 - The Deal
Chapter 12 - The Holiday
Chapter 13 - The 'Friend'
Chapter 14 - The Ultrasound
Chapter 15 - The Parents
Chapter 17 - The New Girl
Chapter 18 - The Night Out
Chapter 19 - The Job
Chapter 20 - The Disappearance
Chapter 21 - The One and Only
Chapter 22 - The Baby
Chapter 23 - The Break
Chapter 24 - The Reunion
Chapter 25 - The Babyshower
Chapter 26 - The Hospital
Chapter 27 - The Baby Changes Everything
Chapter 28 - The Engagement
Chapter 29 - The Last Year

Chapter 16 - The Perfect Day

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Von idonrlknow

 Ryder's P.O.V

I don't know what was running through my mind when I blurted, "She's pregnant," but I was getting ready for my ass to be whipped and my mother to cry hysterically.

The room tenses up. My father nearly chokes on his food as he stares at my mother. They were dragging out these horrifying seconds. My mom's eyes widen in her shock and she wipes her mouth ready to speak. "Well, this is a great way to start off dinner," she sarcastically let's out. But I wasn't scared of her response, I was terrified of my father's.

"Are you crazy, Ryder?" My mother spits.

My father bangs lightly on the table but enough for Isabell to jump beside me. "Ryder, why the fuck aren't you being careful?! What about football?! School?!" He shakes his head setting his plate to the side to glare at me.

Underneath the table, my hand was tightly wrapped around Isabelle's. I look down at her staring at it. I gulp ready to give an explanation but I didn't have one. I usually didn't care when my mom or dad got mad (Which is often). I wouldn't listen to them anyway. This time I was shaking. This is one thing I really want even though I'm about to piss my pants.

"Can't you get rid of it?" he blatantly spits. Fuck, now I have to tell him that she is five months pregnant.

I notice a single tear fall from Isabelle's face. She is deep in thought. "Uh, dad," I bite down on my lip scared of letting the rest slip out. "She's already five months pregnant."

My mom just stands up shacking, taking to her new revelation as she stares at Isabelle's stomach. My dad ignores and paces around the dining room. He shakes his head in disbelief and rubs his face considering all the possible ways of murdering me. Well, that's what I assume is running through his head.

"Why the hell did you wait this long to tell us? Are you fucking crazy? You plan on getting a job paying for it? I don't think I could be any more disappointed. Have you thought about any of this?" He still paces his heavy body up and down the length of the dining room.

"I thought she was giving it up for adoption. She thought she was giving it up. I thought it'd be better-" he splices through mid-sentence shamelessly ranting.

"You thought what? You could hide a kid from us. It's a fucking child Ryder."

Right now, I regret bringing Isabelle. Although slightly comforting, he's embarrassing the crap out of me.

"I don't know dad! Okay? I have no fucking clue! But no matter what the fuck I do it wouldn't be enough. I'm sorry but it happened."

"Do you have no shame?"

No, I thought I would've had my parents support me for once in my life. "Let's go, Isabelle." I grab her hand, lifting her up showing all her pregnant glory. The baby bump seemed longer in the last few seconds as my parents are in shock.

"Ryder?" she shyly states. Interrupting her my father yells "Don't bother coming back."

Fuming with rage and any angst that I already had against my father, I rush Isabell and myself out the door. He hadn't given anybody time to talk.

Isabelle sets her head on my arm as we drive off. We both let quietness take over us and relax to the car smoothly driving and rain ricochet off the car.

"Hoped they would be less... tense. I'm sorry, Ryder," she sweetly says.

"It's all good I'll just wait until we're both ready to talk. Can you ask your mom if it's cool that I stay the night? Or I could stay at Ethan's," I shake my head trying to relieve my mental pressure.

"I'm sure she'd let you stay the night."


       Isabelle's P.O.V

It was wrong of me to believe Ryder was overreacting about his parent's. They were everything he said and more. They terrified me.

"I can wait in the car," Ryder suggests but I instantaneously disagree.

"Come on, don't be ridiculous," I say waiting for him to get out of the seat.

I hold his hand up towards the porch. I know he had to take that hard. He was disowned by his own father. I open the locked door to find my mom and brother on the couch with take out. "Hey, is it okay if he stays? I know it's a school night and all but well... he doesn't have much of a choice."

"Of course honey but you're sleeping on the couch tonight. Trying to wake up Isabelle after she's up late is a nightmare," she looks over at Ryder inviting us on the couch. "Did you guys eat?"

We had eaten a little, but after the argument, I lost my appetite. "Are you?" I ask Ryder just in case he wasn't satisfied.

"I'm fine," he says resting his head on my shoulder.

The tv played some sitcom Matthew and my mom just adore. They'd crack up laughing while Ryder and I dwell in the moment.

I find myself drowsy and Ryder has fallen completely asleep. I wiggle from under his weight and head towards my bed. I fall straight to sleep.

Next morning, I wake filled with energy. Although sore and a little foul from the evening before, I jump in the shower and have a bowl of cereal. From the kitchen table I watch Ryder snoring. His snoring is really amusing.

The sunrise begins to beam through the curtains and sliding glass back door. I tiptoe to the sink to clean my bowl, being considerate of a large sleeping Ryder. I turn the corner and am alarmed from Ryder shuffling. I scoot my onto the other loveseat and press the power button on the remote. The news illuminates the darker parts of the house and discordant sound blares from the tv set. So much for being considerate.

Ryder shuffles more and finally opens his eyes. I knew my mom and brother were unaffected as they're the deepest sleepers on the planet. "Sorry, I thought you would want as much sleep as you could before school," I laugh as he groans.

"Nah, it's cool," he yawns. He lifts himself up and I watch his biceps flex. He is one good looking boy.

The blanket rolls down his chest exposing his pecs and a peek of his abdomen. Damn, this boy is one really good looking boy. I stare a little longer before I'm kicked out of a trance by Ryder getting up from his spot practically hovering over me, grinning. Can you blame me?

"What are you staring at?" his says in a husky voice.

"You. Do you have a problem with that?" I ask giving him a cheeky smile. I could look at him all day.

"Nope," He leans over grabbing the back of my head pulling me into a kiss. It wasn't like any kiss I'd had (Not that I've had many). It was passionate and not as half-assed as the rest. I drag it on until I'm literally breathless. "Well, Good Morning," he breathlessly states. Good Morning!

I haven't thought of Ryder as much of anything. Yeah, I'm carrying his child and we've been dating for weeks now but I haven't thought in such a way as I am right now. I'm completely lusting over him. I've always noticed his boyish charm and his good looks. Now that I know him, I see past his ignorance and what I see is very attractive. What can I say? It's gotta be the hormones.

Ryder caresses my cheek, scanning over my body. He must feel as much heat as I am. "Yes, a very good morning," I slyly say, biting down on my lip. What's gotten into me?

"You're something else, Edwards," he moves sharply positioning himself on the sofa next to me. "So, what are we watching?"

"We aren't watching anything. You must get ready for school," I prod.

"Okay, mother. I'll be right on that," he sarcastically says, having no real intent on obeying by sinking further into the comfort of the couch.

"I'm serious. We aren't missing school again. A 4.0 isn't easy."

"You would have a 4.0."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, you're just... smart," he smiles.

"Nice save."

He sneaks his hand up and down, sending shivers down my spine. I close my eyes, denying my thoughts Ryder's satisfaction. After another wave of shivers from Ryder's magic touch, I take a vice-like grip on Ryder's wrist. That not being any help, Ryder takes hold of them and tickles my sides. I let out a small squeal, "Ryder, we can't. You have to get ready."

Ignoring my every word, he places a dozen kisses strewn about my face. "Ryder!" I scorn. I give into one last peck. "C'mon." Okay, maybe one more.

"Uh, hum," my mom coughs, rubbing her dried-tired eyes. Shaking her head, she smiles giving Ryder a look.

Giving one quick laugh, she makes her way to the kitchen to make her mandatory coffee.

"Fine, I'll take a shower," he hops up taking large steps up to the bathroom.

This is going to be one interesting day.

"So, you and Ryder, huh?" My mom crosses her arm along the width of her stomach with a mug in her other hand.

"Yeah, what about it?" I

"You guys-" she takes an unnecessary long hiatus.


"Are you guys having sex?" she bluntly asks.

Isn't a little too late for this conversation? "Really mom, no. I mean yeah. But no," I point at my stomach.

"I mean now. Have you been?"

"No, not since, well, the party."

She shrugs it off. It's not like much worse can happen; I'm already pregnant.

After school, Ryder and I took a trip to the mall. I love the mall but I don't advocate spending others money. Intending to spend as little as I could, went in a total direction. While we walked around, we discussed possible names, a thing I never thought I would be doing at 16.

"-Emma... Brooklyn... Stella...," I object each and every one of his suggestions, "I don't know, that's what I can come up with on the top of my head. What do you think?"

"I don't know. I want it to be unique but not stupid. Y'know?" I contemplate the vast variety of female names to name my daughter. "You like the name, Naomi?"

"No, dated a Naomi," He states giving no thought as he puts his phone in his back pocket.

"Of course you did," I laughed. I wasn't the least bit concerned about the baby's name correlating with one of Ryder's ex's. But now, I may never find a name at the rate Ryder plowed down the female population. Ew, gross, my poor daughter has a hoe for a dad.

He gives me a quick list of absolute-no names. That was rather large and, well, disturbing. "Really, Aubrey, I liked that one," I pout, sticking out my bottom lip.

Ryder warms my face placing his palm on my cheek, while he caresses my lip with the pad of his thumb before pecking it. "She was a bitch. It's probably a good idea we don't," He smirks.

"Uh, we're never going to find one," We pass a baby clothing store. "Oh let's go in," I nearly cried staring at the baby clothing.

It's so tiny.

We walk into to the extremely lit store with an abundance of tiny clothing. The strong smell of flowers bombarded my nose. I place my hands on the nearest onesie and graze my hands along the soft fabric. Aww. It's adorable.

One that said Daddy's girl immediately caught Ryder's eye. "She's gonna like me more," he states confidently. "She's never leaving my side," He finishes memorized at the small item.

"Whatever, the second she starts crying, she will be put right back in my hands. And I know you aren't going to change a diaper."

"Sometimes, just wait," he chuckles.

He grabs the onesie off the rack.

His arm is wrapped around my shoulder as we browse around the store. In the midst of my maternal hormones, I dialed it down and became more practical. Pink, green, and yellow onesies. Other things that I never in a million years thought I'd need, but decided to be safe than sorry. Ryder is still in his helpful paranoid paternity phase, everything I do is hazardous, apparently. He helps me to the cashier and hands her our items.

She was eyeing Ryder down. I'm pregnant and two feet away, what could she possibly want with him? Am I jealous? I'm jealous.

Another thing that I'd done today that I thought I wouldn't be, was become jealous. I snuck my hand around his waist and asked him, "Baby, can you help me? My shoulders hurt." I did, purposefully, called him some sweet endearment to ensure my status in the situation. I'm only slightly ashamed.

He rubs my shoulders and kisses my cheek as the girl rings us up.

"Why jealous, huh?" He tickles me as we are moving out the store. Bags in my hand, I hit him with the handful in my right.

"Am not," I retort.

"Are too. You've never called me Baby before." I thought about it. I haven't. I never really cared what Ryder did with other girls up to this point either. I am super jealous. But he doesn't need to know that.

"That's just because...," I don't know why other than she needed to know that. "I'm just in a really good mood. Today's a good day."

"Sure. But you're cute when you're jealous." He places another kiss on my lips.

"I wasn't," I mumble.

We've managed to look at other things but nothing was as pleasing than to shop for whatever her name is going to be.

I unlock the door to the house. Suspecting my mom to be home, I'm surprised to open up to dark lights with blaring shotguns coming from upstairs. "Matt, Where's mom?"

Ryder passes me and makes himself comfortable on the couch. "Matt, where's mom?" I reiterate.

"I don't know, she said- Gavin really- she said she's out and will be back in a couple hours," Matthew echoes over the already loud tv.

I walk up to my room and drop the bags on the floor. The room was decent looking for my usually messy room. That was courtesy of having 'guests' over more frequently. Plopping on the bag, I scavenge through the different and might I say an excessive amount of baby stuff. I lay back staring at my blank ceiling, kicking my feet up for some relief. Walking around twenty weeks or so pregnant is exhausting.

Movements in my abdomen begin. Darting up, I notice sharper ones appear as little bumps on my larger one. "Ryder!"

I hear him incoherently speak, but I couldn't move my eyes from my stomach. The door opens as Ryder and Matthew sit on the other side with the eyebrows together. "Feel, the baby is kicking," My eyes remain on my belly as I rub it.

Ryder sighs and rushes to my side. Matthew hesitates to move forward.

"I thought there was something wrong," He smiles, feeling on the little kicks on my belly.

Matthew stares at me but continues to get closer. "Come here, feel it," I assure.

"Woah, that's weird," he chuckles. He looks at Ryder and leaves returning to his stupid game system.

Ryder is still kneeling rubbing the area of my stomach. He's amazed; looks like a kid in a candy store. Without a thought, I blurted, "I love you."

He smiles, kissing my bump, "I love you too."

"Aww, look at you too. What'd you guys get?" My mom stands in the door frame with makeup on and her special-occasion clothes, kicking the bags that were dispersed within my room.

"Clothes and whatever this is," Ryder picks up a burping cloth.

Mom giggles and lectures me about big purchases. "You guys need to get jobs."

"I know," I shake my head.

After she leaves, which I'm surprised she let Ryder and I in a room alone, we put the clothes in a part of my dresser and I organize them. I can't wait to have my baby.


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