Unite, Conquer, Together

Por iBlackCherryi

76 5 6

Something very bad is about to happen to Paris. Its up to the Miraculous Holders to stop it. Will the holders... Más


76 5 6
Por iBlackCherryi

"Knock knock, Princess," Chat said as he came into her room. The black latex suit was cover up by a fluffy green scarf and a black jacket that looked like his suit, made by Marientte as a Christmas present.

"Hey kitty." she said as she tried to paint her nails, but ultimately failing. She groaned when the lime green paint accidently ran across her big toe.

"Having trouble princess?" the black cat chuckled, plopping himself down beside the amateur fashion designer.

"Yes!" she groaned again, looking at her messily painted nails. Even though she was really good at sketching designs and coloring and sewing, she could not paint her own nails for the life of her.

Chat laughed, covering his mouth to hide his laugh from his scowling princess beside him, "do you want me to do your nails, Princess?" The black cat was good at these sort of things. His hands were still from years of playing the piano like smooth jazz with his mother so many years ago. Now he still played, he just doesn't enjoy it as much anymore.

The small girl beside him looked skeptical. Finally, after a few minutes of staring into emerald hues, she gave in, "could you please."

"Alright, princess, come here." Chat usually didn't flirt with Marientte much, not after that embarrassing moment that Alya saw. They would occasionally kiss just because they got caught up in the moment. The inner Adrien wished that Marientte would be this way with him, with Adrien.

She smiled at him and handed him the small bottle. Marinette sat in front of him, sticking her left foot out, and grabbed one of the Adrien magazines.

"Princess, why do you like him that much?" Chat asked, growling at the pictures of him

"I don't know I guess because he gave me his umbrella to try to be my friend... and you know that I've had a crush on him since 8th grade.Bonus that his dad is my idol," she replied in a small voice. She really didn't like talking about her crush with Chat since she had a tiny crush on the cat. She flipped a page in her magazine, and gasped when she saw the ad for teen models. "Look Chat the hiring for a new model to work with Adrien."

He only nodded as he stroked the cold nail polish brushed across her toes. He didn't like the type of girls that were signing up for the position. They were all snotty rich girls from a prep school that Chloe use to go to, or common girls that thought they were better than everyone else.

"Do you think I could be a model Chat." She asked before shaking her head, "what am I thinking.... I probably don't even fit the requirements."

He froze, "Princess... the company Adrien works for doesn't have many requirements... and the requirements are mostly for the adult models which they don't have much of. And the position that you want doesn't care about the requirements.. As long as the girl looks good with Adrien." Chat suddenly started to blush, and went back to painting her nails.

She smiled, "so you think that I could be Adrien's next modeling partner?"

"Yeah." Chat smiled at her. He loved her eyes. That sapphire blue.

"Thanks for believing in me Chat.." she smiled sadly, "but this is Paris-wide. Adrien's company will surely chose someone prettier and more suited for him... Like Chloe."

"You know it's whoever Adrien is comfortable with... So there is a slight possibility that he chooses you.. Done other foot," Chat tensed at her sadness, so he would try to cheer her up.

She switched feet, thinking for a while, "but I'm the Bakers Daughter... I'm not a model."

Chat seemed to think for a little bit, "doesn't he talk to you?"

"Yeah.." she smiled at their last conversation. He was geeking out over some Manga that came out that day. Marinette asked if she could borrow the first volume a few weeks prior so now she was a fangirl with Adrien. He was a fanboy of course.

"Then why do you think you're not worthy of being Adrien's model?" Chat asked, "Adrien gets to choose his model. Not his company.. he narrows the list down and he chooses the girl." Chat sat the nail polish aside, "you're day will come someday princess," he petted her head. His ring beeped and he waved himself off.

Tiki came out of her hiding spot, "you know Mari, Chats right. You and Adrien have come a long way since 8th grade." Tiki gave Marientte a hug on her cheek and flew to her bed to doze off.

She laughed, falling onto her chaise, "yeah... my day will come.."


Tiki made sure Marinette was asleep before heading off to Master Fu's dojo. Plagg wasn't so kind. Adrien was in the shower and he just flew off.

Master Fu paced, waiting for the two major kwami's. There was first a red flash then a black flash, representing that the two kwamis were here.

"Sorry, master. Mari was up for a while with Chat," Tiki looked over to Plagg.

"Adrien is controlling his whole body, not me," he said in defense.

Master Fu sighed, "it is alright, but I do have something very, very important to tell you."

"It's time." He dialed the tune to make the box with the fox and bee jewlrey in it, "a big threat is coming to Paris.. And the citizens of Paris need the whole team of the holders."

"Master.." Tiki was concerned about her holder. Would Marinette be okay with a big threat. Shes still so busy with school and trying to find out who Hawkmoth is. The only person she has leads on is Adrien's dad. He had the book but he said he found it while he was on a vacation with his wife.

"Pollen, and Trixx will go to their rightful owners.. And as for you Wayzz.."

"Master! I can't leave you!!" Wayzz cried.

"I'm sorry Wayzz.. I'm getting to old. You are going to Nino Lahiffe.. He is an acquaintance with Marinette and Adrien. As for Trixx and Pollen, they will go to Alya Cesaire and Chloe Bourgeious .

Plagg and Tiki looked at each other. Tiki spoke up, "master.. This is... All of those people you just mention are seniors. Some of them are going to be leaving Paris for Uni..."

Master hummed, "if they are true heros, they will stay a protect the world."

The three Kwamis were shocked. "This is world threatening!!!" Tiki was the first to freak out. Marinette couldn't handle that. She was so stress just by saving Paris on a daily basis.

"Yes.. it is world threatening if it gets out of hand. Thats why I'm asking you to bring your holders here so I can train them ." Master stroked his beard, looking at the posters of Ladybug and Chat Noir. "Even the duo needs training.."


Tiki was having a breakdown but she managed to get home safely. The red kwami hugged her holder, crying and stressing for her. She didn't ever want to leave Mari.


Plagg got home also. He was less emotional. "Adrien.. Give me cheese." Adrien sleepily replied with a no.


Wayzz went packing his bags, "Master.. Will I ever be your kwami again?"

"I'm sorry... no. Nino is a great boy. I'm a friend of the family and I'll make sure Nino knows you like apples." Master patted his head, "I will certainly make sure we see each other again."

The turtle kwami smiled and hugged his cheek.





Adrien woke up the next morning having one goal, asking Marinette to be the model. She'll get to work with her idol, his father, and he would get to see her! It's a win/win situation! Just like Ladybug and him!

He sighed helplessly, walking into his bathroom to get ready. He jumped into the shower scrubbing his head. For some odd reason, his mind went back the previous night. How Marinette is pinning for Adrien, and she was totally honest with him. A pit of jealousy started to boil in the pit of his stomach.

Don't get him wrong, he really likes Ladybug, and Marinette is really sweet. She reminds him a lot of her. He let himself smile, remembering Marienttes smiling face when they were talking the previous Friday. She was really pretty. She had matured so much over the years. He could tell, her use to be a-cup breast, were now a impressive b-cup. Her hips were perfectly sculpted. He could remember the way they fit into his hands, almost like God made them for him.

Adrien blushed and put his head on the shower wall, panting. This nice morning shower had easily turned to a heated, cold shower. She would not leave his head. Maybe our innocent little Adrien, that was so loyal and loving to Ladybug, we all knew in 8th grade isn't so innocent and loyal to his lady this year. And it's all Marinettes fault.

Natalie knocks on his bathroom door. "Adrien... It's time to go," she said. He cursed and finished as fast as possible so he could at least look presentable in front of his friends. He got dressed in a white shirt with some jeans and his new green converse. He also wore his bracelet that Marinette gave him so long ago and a ladybug bracelet. It was the anniversary after all. The hidden cat put some camembert in his bag, knowing Plagg was already eating the other tub that was in there for last night. He walked out of his room and down the steps, sighing as he said goodbye to his father.


He stepped out of his car, waving to Gorilla. He still couldn't get Marinette out of his head. And of course, while walking, he had to run into her. She shrieked as she fell to the ground. Or almost. With cat-like reflexes, he caught her but not either of their bags. Both of their stuff were strewn across the high school's front grounds.

"Heh.. sorry Marinette.." He forced down a blush by chuckling, "I wasn't paying attention." The blonde smiled sheepishly. He stood her up again and bent down to start picking up their stuff.

Marinette bent beside him and pushed a strand of hair out of her face that didn't fit in her bun. "Are you thinking about that modeling audition?" she asked suddenly, "or that Saki didn't kiss Toromono last chapter?"

"What!!" he yelled. He had been so busy with modeling and thinking about his two love interest, he forgot to read up on the latest chapter of Toromono's Last Kiss.

"Oops.. Have you not read it?" she giggled and covered her mouth, "but I got my answer.." Marinette stood with her books and looked down at Adrien who was distraught.

"How could they not let it happen!! Saki was made for Toro!" Adrien cried out as he stood.

"I know.. I was so upset when I read that chapter.." Marinette smiled at him. That seemed to cheer him up. Her smile. It was just like Ladybugs.

"I'm spoiling the next chapter for you!! You better not read it!" Adrien yelled, pointing his lanky index finger at her.

"Alright Mr. Finger, I'll let you spoil it for me," she stuck her tongue out at him.

The duo continued to laugh, all the way to the classroom. Adrien's problem with his pants were momentarily gone. And he was happy standing beside Marinette, listening to her talk and laugh about numerous things. He was happy. Very Happy.


"So bro, any hot chicks I can pick up from that list of models wanting you?" Nino asked, resulting in a punch from a certain brunette with her Ladybug shirt on and cat ears on her head. Alya also had what seems like a gold chain around her neck. The fox necklace was hidden between her breast, which was easy because she had almost d-cups.

"Nino!" Alya glared at him and punched him again. It wasn't fair to her.

Nino laughed.

They were at lunch at the moment. The group had been close friends and always sat together since 8th grade. Nino and Alya weren't exactly a couple, they hadn't kissed yet, but they sure as hell acted like one. Alya would always get jealous when Nino talked about other girls and called them hot, while Nino got overprotective when other guys looked at Alya a certain way or even waved. Yeah... try and tell us you aren't a couple again.

"No.. unless you want girls who act like Chloe.." Adrien was still friends with Chloe, but he knew she was mean and talked bad about his friends. He knew the real Chloe. The sensitive girl that loves Mr. Bear and the color yellow. The girl who loved Pictionary and Janga and loved to read to Adrien. Not this snotty girl who claimed to be Chloe. But... Chloe changed after her mom left. She became cold. Annywayyy that a story for another time.

"I know a person who loves Agreste Designs and would love to be the Adrien Agreste's modeling partner," Alya wiggled her eyebrows at Marinette.

"Shut up Alya!" she had her mouth full of food when she said that. Even though Marinette has told me that she liked me, as Chat of course, she tell our group of friends that shes over me and she likes someone else. Now if the last part is true or not, I don't know. She doesn't tell Chat even.

"Come on, girl! You know you like him!" Alya snickered. I smile at the pair of best friends.

"Honestly Marinette, I think you are the right girl for the job. If you would apply," I make sure I drag that word out, "I would make sure you got the role."

She was surprised, looking into his eyes, as if trying to find some sort of hint that he was joking. God, if she told Chat that Adrien asked her to be his model, she would never hear the end of it.

Her shocked expression soon turned into a smile, "okay, I'll apply," she chuckled, "only because we can talk about TLK during our breaks."

He laughed, deal."

Nino rolled his eyes, "nerds!" he called, teasing his best friends.

Adrien smirked at him, "don't give me that. You watch the anime with me! You cried with Toro's first lover died."

Nino burned red, "dude I thought we agreed that we would never speak of that!" Alya was beside him, laughing her butt off.

The small bluenette girl reach across the table to grab Ninos hand, "don't worry Nino.. we always accept over here at the nerds.."

The whole table erupted into laughter, except Nino who was pouting.


At the end of the day, two new students arrived at the school. They were doing Homeroom at the end of the day now, which was really weird.(A/N It has happened to me!! It's not because I forgot to introduce Breanna and Amelia. Pshhh what??) Anyway, the two new students joined the class. They haven't had a new student since Lila. Most of the class was excited.

After the entire class got seated, Mrs. Buister introduced the two girls. "Class this is Breanna Jame..." Breanna gave a small smile. She was obviously an American. She looked a lot like Adrien. She had the same emerald eyes and the same golden hair. She didn't know it yet, but she had already captured Ninos attention.

He had stopped drumming with his pencils to look at the beautiful goddess in front of him. He tapped Adrien, "cancel the request for hot chicks.. I think I found the one."

Adrien frowned at that. He had shipped Nino and Alya since day one. He didn't like Ninos new fascination with the new girl. But it was up to Nino to choose.

"...and Amelia Shay.." the teacher finished her sentence. Amelia was honestly a teen model. She had chocolate brown hair with the bluest eyes anyone could ever see. Well.. besides Marinettes of couse. She seemed really fit but she had the right curves to grab most of the boys attention in the room. She had a grasp on Kim right now. He was in love... again. Alix rolled her eyes at him, obviously jealous.

The class continued and the teacher explained the first Principal assigned project for the year. "Okay.. so we all know that Adrien is picking his model this year and the Principal made an arrangement with Adrien's dad. You will be designing, making, and presenting an outfit for Adrien and his new model. Catch is, you have to be in groups of three!! Isn't that fun!" The class in front of her erupted in a volcano of noise about the project. "Now class!! I will be choosing your groups!" An awe came from the class. "Oh hush.. The groups will be.. One: Chloe, Kim, and Alix. Two: Lila, Nathaneal, and Ivan. Three: Nino, Alya, and Breanna. Four: Mylene, Max, and Rose. Four: Adrien, Marinette, and Amelia. And finally five: Ali, Juleka, and Sabrina." The teacher smiled and let the class talk again.

A few minutes later the bell rang. 

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