Only - Draco Malfoy Love Stor...

De katsunnymoon

275K 5.1K 4.4K

Draco Malfoy and Scarlet Blackwood bicker constantly and are two very different people. But perhaps they are... Mais

Chapter 01
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 02

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De katsunnymoon

AN: Another chapter up, I hope you like it.

"It's hard, but sometimes it is better to have no friends for a time than to have the wrong friends. The wrong group can lead you down all kinds of paths you really don't want to be on. And retracing your steps can be a long and hard journey."

Sean Covey

Scarlet invited the boy who had lost his toad who she now knew as Neville to sit with her and the twins for the rest of the journey. They both animatedly told the story of their encounter with the bullies to the boys in the compartment. Scarlet then waited an appropriate amount of time to once again go and attempt to change into her school robes, this time successfully.

When the train finally reached its destination Neville and Scarlett went along with the first years who were being called and told to go and be sorted via the 'classic' trip across the eerie lake to get to Hogwarts Castle in the rickety enchanted boats that floated upon the dark waters.

The scenery was stunning. The castle was lit up in golden lights and surrounded by beautiful lush green that looked velvety and full in the dark night sky. Scarlet was told to go and sit in a boat with a girl, who's name was Alise and a boy who's name was Theodore. The lake itself was almost black but where the lanterns, which were tied to the bow of the boats, shone you could see a murky green colour become clear.

Alise was very talkative. Scarlet quickly learnt her favourite colour was yellow, she had and owl named Delilah, although she called it dill 'because it acted like one', and finally that she thought she was going to be placed in Gryffindor. When she said this Theodore who hadn't said a word the whole trip scoffed and scowled at her from under his dark wavy hair, this made Alise quieten down a bit.

Once they got to land the first years were sent to the great hall with Professor McGonagall to be sorted. Professor McGonagall was a stern looking witch wearing robes of all dark blue, so dark in fact that they could easily be mistaken for black. Although she wasn't addressing Scarlet directly she certainly made an impression on her, which resulted in Scarlet standing resolutely quietly and still while nervously waiting for her name to be called with the others. She spied the twins sitting at the Gryffindor table through the crowd, although they would have been hard to miss considering their bright hair and the fact that there were two of them.

She looked at the ceiling truly in awe of the beauty. It was an enchanted ceiling that took the form of one of Scarlet's favourite sights, the night's sky. The star's seemed to wink at her and the moon glowed down smiling as though it knew a secret of Scarlet's that she was not to be let in on just yet. She smiled back at it repressing a wave that would have looked very strange to her contemporaries.

It was soon her turn to don the hat, her last name beginning with a B. She stepped up to the stool feeling the eyes on her back. When the hat was placed on her head she got a shock from hearing it's voice rattle in her head, it was a very unsettling feeling.

"Scarlet Blackwood. Hmm rather interesting. You're smart no doubt, but I'm afraid your work ethic is terrible," The hat said contemplating "Hey I can hear you, you know" Scarlet scolded and she heard a few giggles erupt from the students observing the happening. "Ah I see your pride is well intact, possibly a Slytherin?" the hat seemed to be asking a question. Scarlet swallowed 'I suppose I never thought of that as an option' she thought a little bewildered. "Well you have the witt, the cunning and there is most certainly planted within you the seeds of greatness. Slytherin!" The hat shouted out before Scarlet felt settled enough to even think about the idea.

Scarlet was in a state of shock. Slytherin? She had never even thought of the possibility, but here she was walking slowly over to the green and silver table, the members of the house clapping enthusiastically, an insular bunch as they were, the sound made even louder due to the echo producing room. She sat down at the end with the other two first years that had been sorted into Slytherin already. "Mathew Able" one of the two first years introduced himself putting out his hand to shake. He was a kind looking boy, brown haired and brown eyed with a nice smile, not what Scarlet had pictured a Slytherin to look like at all, but to be fair she was also in Slytherin now and she was sure that everyone was thinking she looked more like a Hufflepuff.

"Scarlet, Scarlet Blackwood" she returned shaking the boys hand. "Blackwood huh appropriate name for Slytherin" the boy said laughing. Scarlet laughed along ready to keep up with the boys playful banter. "Yes I suppose, so why are you called able? By the looks of you that's a bit misleading don't you think?" Scarlet joked back always having had a bit of a teasing humour and tending to be unable to stop herself from making jokes, even if not appropriate. People were often shocked by Scarlet's sense of humour as with her fair hair and complexion she seemed innocent by looks, but she definitely had a sharper side to her that was often let out in jokes. "Oh ouch, you definitely are a Slytherin" he smiled back dramatically gripping his heart. Scarlet was glad he seemed to be on the same page where humour was concerned.
"It's more of a surprise to me than you" Scarlet said more seriously now and more to herself than to Mathew. "Really? Where did you think you were going to be put?" he asked intrigued. "Oh, well I guess I didn't really know, but not Slytherin" Scarlet said truthfully. "Well I was fairly certain I would be put here, I'm glad, all my family are Slytherins" he said with a sense of pride. Scarlet was shocked, he really seemed to be more of a Gryffindor but then again she had only known him for a matter of minutes.

Just then Neville was called up and Scarlet laughed along with the others when he accidentally ran away with the sorting hat still on his head, obviously so nervous he forgot to take it off before rushing to his table, but she also gave him a supporting smile once she caught his eye at the Gryffindor table. When the Blonde boy was called Scarlett noted that his name was Draco Malfoy. The hat didn't even have to be fully situated upon his head as straight away he was declared a Slytherin.

He looked at her when he was walking to the table calmly, the complete opposite of Neville; He looked as though he thought he owned the house already despite only being a first year. Scarlet felt herself start to blush stupidly at his gaze so she quickly looked away. There was no doubt about it the boy had an intense presence, Scarlet would have to gain a little more confidence to keep his gaze without flinching next time, she didn't want to be a push over and someone for bullies to pray on in her house.

"That's Malfoy, he's a complete prick, I would avoid him if you can" Mathew said noticing Scarlet's little exchange with him. "Oh yes I already had the not so pleasurable experience of meeting him on the train, don't worry I don't think he will want to be hanging around me anyway" Scarlet said quietly to Matthew looking down at the table not wanting Malfoy to hear. "Why? what did you do?" Mathew asked his face a light with anticipation and questioning. "Oh nothing really, he was just bullying some kid and he didn't much like my interrupting him" Scarlett said feeling a little proud of herself, but she was allowed to wasn't she? She thought she was very brave for doing that. Mathew just laughed.

The food was amazing and she decided she very much liked Matt, as he had asked her to call him. She also met a girl named Zilah at the meal who had taken the other seat next to Scarlet when she was sorted. Scarlet thought she was lovely. She also thought Zilah seemed much more like a Slytherin than Matt. She had dark hair and wore green eye shadow, she also seemed to be a bit of a troublemaker, which definitely was a Slytherin trait. They talked about teachers and their lives at home, of course they were all purebloods, there didn't seem to be many non-purebloods in Slytherin. Scarlet felt a little uncomfortable about this but decided it was product for later musings.

Scarlet also chanced a look at the Gryffindors at dinner where the twins were. George looked up feeling the gaze on him and saw Scarlet, he didn't look sure of what he should do and so tapped Fred and signaled to Scarlett with a nod of his head. Fred gave her a half smile and then turned again, George just nodded and began to talk to a girl in his year.

This made Scarlet feel terrible. They had been saying the whole way there that Slytherins were awful. Did this mean they weren't going to talk to her ever? What about Neville, surely he owed her for saving him from the wrath of Malfoy, whom she would now be stuck within close living quarters as she had been worried about. She tried to catch Neville's attention, but no matter how persistent she was in her stare he took no notice because Neville was happily talking to a girl with very fizzy hair and two large front teeth.

After dinner the house prefects asked the first years to follow them to the dungeons with a cackle, which they seemed to have thought was very funny. On the way there Malfoy bumped into Scarlet almost flinging her into the wall. "Hey" Scarlett exclaimed, "You'll learn to stay out of my way" Draco said sauntering past her. Scarlet had a feeling he didn't just mean walking in front of him. Zilah the dark haired girl started to pick up her pace to get to him and do god knows what, but Scarlett just laughed and said "leave it he's not worth your energy" to which Zilah agreed reluctantly.

The common room was just lovely, it was decorated in Slytherin colours and had an air of sophistication to it that she was sure wouldn't be in the other houses common rooms. There was a fire going but somehow it still felt cold, but this didn't bother her however because she rather liked the cold, especially when it really rained, because of this Matt called her bonkers. 

Ever so unluckily Scarlet didn't get to share a room with Zilah, instead she was put in a room with a dog, or at least what looked like one... no that was mean, but it was Scarlet's inner most feelings about it. Her name was Pansy Parkinson and her personality was just as horrible as Scarlet had thought a Slytherins could be before she was sorted. The other girls name was Tiffany, she was evidently boy obsessed, the first thing she asked Scarlet was if Matt was her boyfriend and if not did she have one. Apart from this Tiffany seemed ok but she was already starting to follow Pansy around like a sticky shadow. Scarlet noted that she would have to be careful not to get on the wrong side of Pansy or she would have a very hard year. 

In the morning Scarlet met up with Zilah at the bottom of the stairs as they had planned the night before and walked with her to the Great Hall. Zilah said she was in a room with two total bores that talked all night about how cute Malfoy was and the Hogsmeade trip that wasn't even until February! It kept her up all night and thus put her in a bad mood this morning.

Matt was already at the table when they sat down and he said that a friend he had made called Theodore would be joining them. Scarlet recalling her boat trip wasn't too sure about Theodore, if this was the boy in question, but decided if Matt liked him he couldn't be too bad.

She also had decided this morning that if she was to enjoy her time here at Hogwarts she was going to have to work on not judging people too hastily as unfortunately she was prone to do, fancying herself rather good at sizing people up.
Scarlett, Matt and Zilah began eating their breakfast and comparing their respective timetables. As they were in the same house they had mostly the same classes, with the exception of a few split classes due to a large intake of new students at Hogwarts this year.

The three were completely engrossed with this until Theodore came and sat next to Matt. It turned out he was indeed the same boy from the boat. And who prey tell sat next to him? well none other than Draco Malfoy! Matt looked uncomfortable at seeing this but greeted them both nonetheless. Scarlet felt the blood drain from her face.

"Well hello there Scarlet, it is Scarlet right?" Draco drawled, although he obviously already knew it was and seemed to be making a point of being particularly intimidating, he'd obviously been taking notice when she was sorted to find out her name. "Yes that's it" Scarlet said with a weak smile. "And I'm Zilah" Zilah said as she stuck out her hand energetically seeming to have forgotten that this was the boy who had pushed into Scarlet last night. "Malfoy, Draco Malfoy" He said shaking her hand, "and this is Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle" he said gesturing to his friends lazily who seemed to appear as he said each name as in the fable of Rumplestiltskin.

"Hi" the boy named Blaise said looking directly at Scarlet and grinning strangely. Had Draco told him what had happened? She wasn't sure where she stood with this group of people and felt as though she ought to watch her step and wondered if she'd be having to do this for a long time now that they were her class mates. She smiled back at Blaise and then looked down at her food.

After a little while of conversation between the group things seemed to lighten up quite a bit. Matt and Theodore were in a very involved conversation about Quidditch and the other boys soon were joining in shouting 'boo's' and 'here here's' as well as their own opinions on the current drafting agents and coaches of the top teams. Draco though just as involved seemed to have a hold over the others, a clear leader without the need of assertion or a democratic vote, which Scarlet should have preferred.

Zilah having lost all interest turned to Scarlet and began talking about their first class, which was Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall. They planned to go early to find a seat next to each other just in case it was going to be the seating arrangement for the rest of the year. They both agreed that Professor McGonagall looked like the type of teacher who might make seating plans and Zilah being a true Slytherin also commented on how she was a stinking Gryffindor and so would probably hate them immediately.

As planned Zilah and Scarlet left early to Transfiguration and Matt not having that class hung back with the boys. They found two seats in the middle a little to the left, which they decided was the best place to not gain any attention un-provoked from the teacher, it was in these actions Scarlet supposed their cunning natures exhibited themselves.

Slowly in small clumps the other students sauntered in, this included Draco and Goyle Scarlet noted. The students eventually had all sat down and McGonagall began the student roll, calling off names in her assertive manner and Scottish Accent. As soon as the last name was checked off McGonagall's list she said "Now, seating arrangements" and pointed to the board at the front of the class room with her wand. Both Scarlet and Zilah groaned.

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