Camp Camp Fanfic

Por hanahakiyo

891 35 52

God guys please don't read. My siblings just want to make fun of this story. Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Crack Chapter
Chapter 7
Christmas Special

Chapter 4

73 2 8
Por hanahakiyo

It was another day at Camp Campbell, and all the campers were in the mess hall, scrubbing it down and cleaning it up under the supervision of the Quartermaster.

"This sucks," Max says as he scrubs the floor with a toothbrush, "This is the kind of peasant work my parents left their home country to avoid."

"Yeah, I don't get the point," Nikki says as she, too, scrubs the floor, "What good is rolling around on the floor if it's CLEAN?"

"This isn't even part of a sanctioned camp activity," Neil complains, "This is child labor!"

"And David, Eva, and Gwen have finally realized that they have a surplus of free labor and are taking advantage of it," Karma grumbles, glaring down at her own toothbrush.

The four keep scrubbing as Erid walks by and leans against a wall. Nikki and Neil look up.

"Man, Erid never gets yelled at for not working," Nikki says wistfully, "She's just too cool. I wish I was her."

"Arid? Like a dry desert climate?" Neil asks.

Karma looks over at Erid with pure hatred. She just never liked her, probably because she makes Karma think of a rejected Barbie doll.

"I think her real name is Meridith, but she's so frickin' cool, she goes by the middle part of her name!" Nikki squeaks, practically having stars in her eyes. "Ooh, I wonder if I should try that.." she mumbles. "Ikk. Ooo yeahhh!"

Karma sighs and shakes her head.

"That's fucking stupid, nicknames don't make you cool," Max says, putting his brush down.

"Pssh, spoken like a true first-part nicknamer," Nikki states.

Karma laughs at Nikki's response.

Max blinks, "No one's TOO cool to talk to, even cool kids take giant uncomfortable shit from time to time,"

Nikki, Karma, and Neil just stare at him, a bit weirded out.

"Helps remind you we're all equal," Max adds confidentaly.

"Hey, you chillin'? Cut the yammerin' an' get back ta scrubbin'," The Quartermaster warns.

The kids groan and get back to cleaning.

"If we were in charge, things would be so much better," Karma growls. Why can't Eva just let her escape this hellhole of a camp?

Neil nods in agreement, "No scrubbing, no outdoors,"

"No David," Max says.

"We should just REVOLT!" Neil states.

Max and Karma look at Neil like he was a genius.

"You know what? You're right!" Max yells. He gets up, causing everyone to look at him. Max starts a speech, "Aren't you sick of this lowly work?! It's time we take control of our lives and fight back! Who's with me?!"

Karma smiles at Max, and nods.

Everyone cheers in agreement, while the Quartermaster look over at the kids nervously.

David, Eva, and Gwen were currently walking to the Mess Hall to check up on what the kids are doing.

"I'm just so excited!" David beams with joy.

"Yeah, you keep saying that," Eva says, rolling her eyes playfully.

"Well, because it's TRUE! THE Cameron Campbell is coming tomorrow!" David exclaims.

Gwen sighs.

"Oh, maybe he'll give us a raise! Or tell me I'm like the son he never had!" David hopes

"...Or explain why he's wanted by the Government," Gwen speaks up. She seems tired.

"Or that. Yeah, there's that, " David admits, grabbing the handle of the door to the Mess Hall.

"I dunno, I feel kinda bad making the campers work so hard just to impress that guy," Gwen mumbles.

David smiles and playfully elbows Gwen, making Eva a bit jealous. "Don't worry! Once we tell them about the ice-cream pizza party, I'm sure they'll see it was a~ll worth it!"

"I hope Karma didn't do anything crazy in there," Eva sighs.

David laughs a little and opens the door, his smile drops when he processes the scenery infront of him.

Kid were running around the room, acting like crazy idiots. Random shit was all over the floor, and the Quartermaster was tied up to a chair.

The counselors' mouths were open in shock.

"We got ourselves an uprisin'!" The Quartermaster yells, gaining the attention of the kids, who smile creepily at the counselors.

After a quick scuffle with the kids the counselors are eventually tied to the flag pole outside of the mess hall.

Gwen is tied upright on the flag pole, her feet dangling about half a foot off the ground. David is tied upside down on the opposite side of the pole with Eva sitting on the ground next to him, also tied up.

"Seriously, Karma, why'd I get tied up as well?" Eva asks.

"Because I felt like it, plus, I have ulterior motives," Karma says, shifting her eyes between David and Eva. Eva follows her eyes, and blushes when she catches onto what Karma is implying. David is oblivious to what had just occured.

"Max! I am very disappointed in you for this behavior!" David half shouts, "But I'm also torn, because you were very clearly paying attention during knot-tying class!"

"Shut up!" Max yells, slapping David across the face, "We're in charge now, Davey! The camp is ours!"

Every camper cheers at Max's words.

"This is just like "Le Mis'!" Ah, I love it!" Preston fangirls.

"Don't make this lame, Preston," Max says.

Karma absentmindely glares at Preston, who was oblivious to her stare.

"Max, let us down NOW," David demands.

"Karma, I swear to God, if you don't untie me I will take away all your waffles and cola," Eva threatens, glaring at Karma and struggling against the ropes.

Karma laughs maniacally, "HAHAHA!!! Jokes on you, sister! I've hidden it all in a new, and better hiding spot! You'll never find it now!!!"

Everyone looks at Karma, a bit freaked out after her outburst. Well, except for Eva. She just glares at Karma.

"Anyway... I'm serious, Max. Let us down. Cameron Campbell is coming to the camp tomorrow and we need to get ready!" David says.

Max smirks, "Oh, even better! You'll definitely be fired once he sees the state the camp is in... OR will be in. COME ON EVERYONE!" Max walks away.

"Yahoo!" Nikki cheers, she and the rest of the campers following Max.

"Oh, we have to stop them!" David says.

"Yeah, I refuse to sit up here for the next 24 hours!" Gwen agrees.

Neil reaches up and places a tablet in front of Gwen's face, and walks away. The tablet is playing is "Teen-Prison-Mom-Wars".

Gwen gasps, "Ohmygosh! Trash TV!"

"Goddammit! Karma, I swear, you are going to regret this!" Eva yells

Karma does a 360 turn and flips her off, then continues following Max.

All the campers huddle around Max, who is on the Auditorium's stage.

"Alright freemen!" Max yells.

Karma snorts at what he called them.

"Now that the revolution is complete, it's time to choose our new leader!" He adds. "Obviously, I will be happy to take the-"

"I vote Erid!" Nikki cuts Max off hastily.

Karma groans. "Oh please god no--"

Max shakes his head in disbelief, "WHAT?!"

"...Cool," Erid says cooly.

Karma glares at Erid, "She's literally just gonna use you guys!" She states.

Max nods vigorously in agreement.

"I vote Erid azwell," Dolf says, ignoring Karma's statement. "She is stronk, und passionate, und so kool!"

Everyone screams a 'YEAH' doing crazy excited movements.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold the hell up," Max says, jumping off the the stage. "Did you nerds forget who revolutionized the place?"

Everyone stares at Max.

"I should be leading you! Not 'X-treme Sports Barbie' over here!" Max reasons, pointing at Erid.

"But Erid's charisma modifier is like, +10!" Nerris disagrees.

Erid looks at Nerris and smirks, "Thanks Nerris, that's cool of you to say,"

Nerris brightens at this, Nikki gets extremely jealous.

"I WANNA BE COOL TOO, ERID!" Nikki screams.

"Sure thing, Nikki, everyone can be cool at Kamp Kool Kidz!" Erid exaggerates.

"Ah! I love that name!" Preston yells.

"Stop making KKK jokes please," Karma bluntly says.

Everyone stares at her in confusion.

"Yeah, what she said! You're gonna get taken advantage of by the 1%!" Max yells. "Raise against the machine! Fight the power! 9/11!"

"D..Do you even know what that means?" Karma asks Max.

Max glares at Karma, "Of course I do dumbass!"

"Progressive buzzwords can't save you now!" Dolf yells.

"But Erid doesn't have the spreadsheet software to manage-" Neil gets cut off by Nikki.

"That's because spreadsheets aren't cool! Right Erid!?" Nikki asks, with twinkles in her eyes.

A gust of wind flows by, Erid posing dramatically. When the wind dies down, she says, "Right,"

Space Kid raises his hand, "I vote Erid, too!"

"No, you don't," Max replies.

"No, I don't,"

Karma watches Erid and her voters go to the mess hall. She looks over at the three guys and whispers to them, "Look, I'ma join them--"

"WHAT?!" Max cuts Karma off.

"Let me finish asshat, I'm gonna join them, then turn my back on them and start another revolution, kay?" Karma sighs.

Max nods.

Karma starts following them, pretending to be happy about the KKK ripoff.

As the voters pass by, Max grabs Nikki's arm. "What the hell's wrong with you, TRAITOR?" He asks Nikki.

"I'm sorry! You said to talk to her, and uh, I panicked, so I just voted for her!" Nikki says.

"You'll regret this," Max glares.

"Yo Nikki," Nikki turns to Erid, seeing her holding out a pair of cool looking sunglasses towards her, "I got you a pair of cool sunglasses!"

Nikki turns back to Max and smiles, "...Nah, I don't think so."

Nikki runs off towards Erid. Karma and Max eyes meet. Karma nods and starts to walk off towards Erid's group.

"Hey, Karma!" Max yells, "Just where are you going?"

"Where does it look like, assbutt! To Kamp Kool Kids!" Karma yells back, "I don't want to be hanging around all boys, plus this will allow me to mess with Eva and David some more!"

"Fine! Go ahead! We don't need you! Space Kid, Neil, and I will just have our own camp in the woods, and it's going to be awesome!"

"Whatever, Max," Karma rolls her eyes, but gives Max a slight nod, just enough for him to notice. She walks off to Erid's group, where Nikki tries to hug her. Karma side steps, and hisses.

"No touchy."


It's nightime and Nerris and Harrison are patrolling outside while the counselors are still tied to the pole, Gwen is still watching her trash tv.

Inside the mess hall, the rest of Kamp Kool Kids is acting crazy and partying. Erid is on the couch throwing the Quartermaster's hook at a target. Nikki is beside her, wearing her new sunglasses and cheering Erid on. Karma is just standing in the back ground waiting for the opportunity to sneak out and meet up with Max and his group.

"Everyone is so much happier now, thanks to you!" Nikki exclaims.

"How are the plans for the giant half-pipe coming?" Erid asks.

Nikki holds a blue print up to her face, "Should be ready to build once we learn basic architecture. What a cool idea, Erid."

"I know, think of all the sick 900's we could do off that thing." Erid says.

"Yeah, I totally know what that is!" Nikki says.

Karma just rolls her eyes in the background, 'Someone's desperate.'

Nerris and Harrison walk back inside.

"Erid, it's cold and boring outside. I cast an invisibility charm to conceal Gwen, David, and Eva, can we come inside for a bit?" Nerris asks.

Erid nods, "Oh, totally, magic dudes," she gets up from the couch, "In fact... EVERYONE GETS A BREAK!"

She claps her hand and a disco ball drops out of nowhere.

"Dance Partyyyyy!"

Everyone starts dancing to the music that turns on, and Karma takes this time to sneak out. She walks up to the flag pole where Eva and David are, and stands in front of them.

"Karma, untie me, RIGHT NOW, you little shit," Eva growls, pissed off.

This noise wakes David up, "...Huh?!"

Karma looks at the two, and smirks.

"Hmm, I don't think I will. In fact, I'm just gonna...," Karma grabs Eva's and David's heads and smashes their lips together holding them like that for a few seconds before letting go and running away before they could process what just happened.

Eva and David just look at each other, both bright red, before Eva snaps out of it and yells,


Karma ignores Eva and walks up to a pile of bushes that seems to light up the night sky. 'Probably them,' She thinks.

Neil and Space Kid chanting could be heard behind the bushes. Karma parts the bushes to see Neil and Space Kid shirtless.

"The fuck are you idiots doing?" Karma asks, dumbfounded.

Neil and Space Kid looks over at Karma, shocked.

Max soon came out of nowhere, shirtless as well with some sort of tribal paint on him.

Karma see Max and blushes deeply. She quickly turns her head in a different direction."Put shirts on dammit!"

Max rolls his eyes, oblivious to her blush, and fakes a cough. "Fellow freemen," he starts.

This catches the group's attention.

"There comes a time when a group must fight back against tyranny," Max says.

"'Fight the power, 9/11' is what you meant?" Karma snorts.

Max scoffs and crosses his arms, "Shut up,"

Karma rolls her eyes playfully, "Okay,"

"Anyway...Like the minutemen of the Revolution, we will fight for our independance!" Max finishes his speech.

Neil and Space Kid gets up.

"Minuteman...Mommy calls Daddy that when they argue," Space Kid says.

Karma sighs in annoyance. It's night and she's tired as hell, even if she usually stays up til 4 am reading fan fiction.

"In not sure I'm comfortable with this..," Neil mumbles. "It's only been a few hours and we've already gone shirtless,"

"Silence!" Max states firmly, holding his hand out.

"..meow," Karma says.

"silENCE KARMA!" Max yells.

Karma laughs, "Fine!"

Max sighs and clears his throat, "We're gonna hit Kamp Kool Kidz with everything we got!"

The group nods in agreement.

"Freebrother Neil..." Max trails. "What've you got?"

"You fucking serious?" Karma asks, laughing even more. "Sad that you don't actually have a plan--"

"SHUT UP IDIOT!" Max cuts Karma off by screaming.

Karma is very sensitive, so she took it really seriously. Of course, she played it off as a joke. "Fine. Okay, okay,"

"..I was saving these to put in David's underpants...," Neil says, pulling out two bombs outta nowhere.

Max grins, "Perfect~,"

Space kid pulls out some pinecones, "I was saving these to--" Space Kid gets cut off by Max saying 'Shut up'.

"Here's how it will work; Space Kid is the most expendable, so he'll be our decoy," Max says.

Space Kid looks like he doesn't want to be here anymore.

Meanwhile at the Mess Hall, it was still crazy with the lights and music.

"Yeah, I know what you mean, check out this tattoo," Erid says cooly, rolling up her left sleeve to reveal those cheap 25 cent tattoos on her arm.

Nikki seemed fascinated with the marking on her arm, her face getting closer to it.

"I put it on by applying hot, then cold water," Erid says.

"Wow..." Nikki says, amazed.

"Right? It will be there for at least two days," Erid responds. She rolls her sleeve down.

"That's so cool, Erid!" Nikki fangirls.

"Nah, not really," Erid looks away from Nikki, facing somewhere else.

Nikki seems a bit shocked at her response, but tries to play it off cooly,

"Haha, yeah, you're right! Tattoos are lame!"

Suddenly, an explosion was heard. The KKK look over to where the bomb went off, only to be greeted by a hole in the wall and a shirtless Space Kid holding two pinecones.

"I did this, come after me!" Space Kid yells, running to the trap Karma, Max, and Neil had set up.

"Aw man! Sooo uncool," Erid rolls her eyes, disgusted.

"MURDER HIM!!" Nikki shouts, chasing Space Kid. The rest of Kamp Kool Kidz chase him too.

As they pass by the counselors, Eva yells,


"We're gonna kill Space Kid!" Nikki replies.

David and Eva's eyes go wide.

As Space Kid was waiting for the KKK by the trap, the group cheers.

"We got you now! Let's saw him in half!" Harrison suggests.

The KKK agrees, but soon falls into the trap.

"I've been 'Prestige'-d!" Harrison cries.

As soon as Erid and Nikki catch up with Space Kid, they see the hole filled with the bundle of kids.

"Whoa, amazing!" Nikki bream.

Erid just does a 'ahem' motion to Nikki.

"I mean... You fiend!" Nikki yells.

"You're the fiend!" Max replies.

He had a knife attached to a stick, which they guess, is supposed to be a staff. Beside him was Neil and Karma.

"You traitor! So uncool to join with the losers!" Erid complains.

"Sorry, hun, I was never in your group to begin with," Karma says bluntly.

Erid sneers at Karma, "What do you losers want?"

"JUSTICE!" Neil yells.

"You guys are here to resuce us?!" David asks, hopefully.

"No, shut up David," Max says.

"Aww," David mumbles.

"Pssh, I'd like to see you TRY and fight us!" Erid says confidentially.

"Sure..," Karma mumbles, and was about to pull out the switchblade she stole from Eva, because she didn't want to us her own, from her pocket until Max steps in.

"Gladly," Max says, spinning his 'staff' in circles until the butter knife swings off. His eyes widen at this in shock.

"Nikki...Attack," Erid commands monotonously.

Nikki starts barking like a dog and gets on all fours.

Max and Nikki starts circling eachother, the sun slowly going up.

"No fighting! Violence never solves anything!" David shouts.

"STAB HER, BITCH!" Gwen yells, implying about her trash tv.

(Le ghost agrees with this statement)

Nikki growls and bites on Max's stick. Max shakes it, causing Nikki to lose grip of it and falls.

She growls and tackles Max again, causing him to fall onto the ground.

Karma watches this, eating magically appearing popcorn.

Nikki chews on the stick like and animal, growling every once in a while.

"Nikki, give it up, she doesn't care about you! She just uses people!" Max tries to reason with Nikki.

Karma ignores their conversation and noms on the popcorn.

"Don't listen to him, Nikki!" Erid yells.

"Don't worry Erid!" Nikki yells, housing the stick closer to Max to hold him down. "I know it's not true!"

Erid looks shocked, as if someone said the sky was purple. "Uh... no, of course it's true, just don't listen to him! I need you on MY side,"

"I'll save you Nikki!" Harrison yells, his head peeking out of the hole. "FIRE!" He yells, casilring his hand out.

The fire hits the ropes that held the counselors down, causing Eva and David to scream.


Gwen is still busy looking at that tablet to even notice the fire burning her alive.

"Oopsie," Harrison cringed at what he did.

"You suck, Harrison!" Nerris yells at the bottom of the hole.

Max finally had enough strength to kick Nikki off of him, breaking the sunglasses in the process.

"Holy shit that went from a 1 to a 10 quickly," Karma says.

Nikki and Erid look at the shattered sunglasses on the ground.

"This is decidedly uncool," Erid says dramatically.


Eva and David hear a car honking in the distance. They turn their heads to be faces with the car hitting David and almost hitting Eva. Ey, at least the fire got put out.

"AAAHHHHHH!" David and Eva screech.

The tablet fell and broke from impact, leaving a depressed Gwen to mourn the loss of her show.

The driver of the car walks out with a tracking device on his leg.

It was none other than the bad excuse for a human being, Cameron Campbell.

All the kids stare at the scene in shock.

"Did somebody say..," Campbell trails off dramatically. "Cameron Campbell?"

"Uhmm, no?" Gwen says.

"Mr Campbell?! You SAVED us!" David beams.

"..YES! I definitely saw you and was fully aware hitting you with my car would be the best course of action!" Campbell announces overconfidentally.

Karma, Eva, and Gwen roll their eyes.

"Please, excuse the condition of the camp, sir," David pleas. "Things got a little out of hand, but we can fix it! I swear,"

Campbell chuckles, "Haha, the old, 'Taking-over-the-camp-from-the-counselors-and-tying-them-up-to-the-flagpole' routine!" Campbell sighs,"I remember my first time."

Everyone just stares at him weirdly as he walks into the Mess Hall, humming. He opens a safe that wasn't even locked, and takes out a few thousand forged bills.

Campbell walks out of the Mess Hall, playing around with the money until Max speaks up,

"Hey Cam, can't you see these guys are terrible counselors and they need to be dealt with?" Max asks Campbell, hopeful his plan worked.

"Eh? Oh sorry kids, I've got other things to deal with," Campbell says, distracted. "Campbell's got a poker game to get to!" He says enthusiastically.

"I'm not giving to many details, but let's just say if I win, I could end up being the Prime Minister or Thailand!"

"But our revolution!" Neil butts in.

"This is serious!" Max adds. "We're leading a charge to make a difference! We are the 99%! I saw it on tv!"

Campbell kneels down to Max's height and ruffles his hair, "Oh, you kids and your dreams!" He says. "So full of hope and ignorance! Someday, you'll learn that no matter how righteous you think your cause is, there is always someone bigger to kick you down!"

Karma just stares at Campbell like he was a madman on drugs.

"And that day is today and that someone is me," Campbell adds.

"Say what now?" Max and Karma asks.

Everyone--even the counselors-- were now scrubbing the floor with toothbrushes.

"Make it shine now, kids! I had to cut costs on provisions, so you'll be using those toothbrushes later!" Campbell announces, then walks off to who knows where.

Gwen stares at her toothbrush in horror and shock.

"Thank god I have another one," Karma mumbles.

"Welp, I feel like that was futile," Nikki says.

"Sorry Max,"

"Its alright," Max responds. "I think we know this is all Neil's fault,"

"Yup, lesson learned. Never try to change anything. Ever," Neil says.

The tapes up Quartermaster finally falls to the ground, saying 'ow' in the process.

Karma still can not find her hidden Cola or Waffles to this day. Eva somehow found them, and she also took back her switchblade. Now Karma only has one.

Karma is sad.







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