Danganronpa: Despair's Fallen...

By Fayklore1

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A fanfiction of the game and anime Danganronpa, the story takes place some years after The Tragedy that took... More

Chapter 1 - Despair's Front Door
Chapter 3 - A New Place To Call Hell
Chapter 4 - Unmasking the Events
Chapter 5 - Closing the Curtains
Chapter 6 - Ascending Further
Chapter 7 - Unexpected Development
Chapter 8 - Bound
Chapter 9 - The Villain
Chapter 10 - Blowing Away The Dust
Chapter 11 - The Track to Death
Chapter 12 - Sorrow and Silence
Chapter 13 - Transmission Received
Chapter 14 - Flesh to Bone
Chapter 15 - Survival of the Fittest
Chapter 16 - Uncovered Truth
Chapter 17 - No Stops Along The Way
Chapter 18 - The Trial To End All Trials
Chapter 19 - The Mastermind
Chapter 20 - The Start of Chaos
Epilogue - It's Never Over

Chapter 2 - Welcome To Your Prison

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By Fayklore1

The dome around the school was as thick as anything.

Marco had punched the glass endlessly for ten minutes with not a single crack emerging.

"This is going to take something much more powerful than human hands."

While Marco messed with the dome, Marcus was investigating the right half of the school which featured courts for Tennis and Basketball. The net for tennis and the hoops for basketball seemed normal, but what caught Marco's attention was the dirt at his feet. As he kicked his shoe over the ground it seemed to remove the dirt very easily so he got to his hands and began digging the dirt back, only to find a sheet of metal under the ground with dirt poured over.

Jacob had checked out the separate building on the left side of the school building with Adam. If what Monokuma had explained was correct, this was their dormitories and eating residents.

Inside there was a long hallway with a total of 16 rooms, 8 on each side of the walls, and at the back of the building was a room filled with tables and chairs, along with a kitchen in the back which contained dozens of types of food and cooking materials.

There was a separate door on the right wall in the room with the tables as well, Adam opened it to find a large locker room inside leading into a bathhouse.

Soon enough, Adam and Jacob decided to get everyone in the dorms for a meeting on their investigation around the courtyard, and soon enough everyone filled the room, even Benedict who had been throwing playing cards at the dome hoping it would break.


"It would appear the glass dome is too thick, I can't get us through without an explosive piece of weaponry and even then I feel it would only crack it" Marco said in disappointment as he bowed his head.

"There appears to be a few dangerous pieces of equipment in the classrooms hidden among the books, such as nails and hammers" Joy said, she seemed a little concerned.

"There is? I'm assuming you're worried about them then?" Adam said.

"W-well yeah, what if someone uses them to get out?"

Everyone nodded in hesitation as they were still unable to believe their situation Monokuma the teddy had surrounded them in.

"Well, what if someone chooses to use the tools in there?"

We all took a second to think, it was possible, there was no denying that.

"We shouldn't think of that for now, we still need to find a way out of here, if there is one, if we don't find one then fine, we can discuss some measures towards that" Jacob said.

"Then I think we should discuss them as soon as possible" Marcus said with a loud voice from the back of the group.

"Why do you think that?" Adam said.

"We're completely trapped inside, the dome around us is barely see through, we can see blurs meaning its most likely tonnes of layers of bulletproof glass, hence why even the karate guy can't get through. And, what I found earlier will show you what I mean too."

Marcus took the group outside the building as he kicked away the dirt, revealing the metal sheet which covered the whole ground of the courtyard.

"What the hell?" most of the students said at once.

"Most likely this is Monokuma's way to stop everyone from digging out of the dome."

Marcus kicked the dirt back and let out a small sigh as he met eyes with Adam, "Now you get it?"

Everyone nodded again, taking in the truth as Jacob spoke up, "well, let's just get in the dorms, standing here all day will do nothing."

As they walked inside, Adam met up with Joy.

"Is Lisa doing ok with her damaged thigh?" Adam said.

"I can't tell, I've helped animals in times of pain but humans are different. There were some bandages and pain relief medicine in the infirmary, but for now Monokuma said to stay out of the room til he is finished taking care of her."

"Wait, Monokuma is helping her!?" Adam said in surprise.

"I don't understand why either, he puts us here and yet he is willingly helping the injured. It's confusing."

Adam let out a sigh, "let's just join the others, we'll see if she's ok tomorrow."

Joy let out a sigh but nodded in agreement as they walked back inside.

Once entering the Cafeteria, everyone except Lexi made a relaxing position in their individual chairs while Lexi entered the kitchen.

Many different vegetables, meats, mince, pasta and salads, all for her to cook up in many different ways. It was heaven in her eyes.

"Anyone care for a meal?!" she said through the room in such a loud voice the other 15 students heard her perfectly, and most of them replied in agreement while Marcus, Benedict, and Joy stayed quiet.

Lexi then begun getting the pots, pans, and dishes out, and within 30 minutes a lovely smell of homemade dinner was soaring out of the door, attracting the noses of every student.

Dinner featured different types of meat such as sausages, burgers, skewers, and drumsticks, along with a large bowl of vegetables and sauces too. Once it was on the table everyone took their loads and were all finished eating as fast as it was cooked with their stomachs satisfied while they leant back on the chairs.

"You are truly a wonderful cook" Benedict said.

"Why thank you," Lexi said with a blush, "I have been cooking for a long time."

"Oh I can tell, your cooking is as beautiful as you are."

"Oi, are you still being creepy!?" Stacey said in anger from a separate table to Benedict.

Lexi began stacking the dishes up as she ignored Benedict's words as much as possible and went to clean them in the kitchen.

"So what are you guys thinking, any idea?" Adam said.

He had been unable to hold back the question. Everyone looked around, some stressed while others a little calmer, Marcus and Jacob were probably the calmest of them all.

"I think our best bets are to sleep, we need to at least search around tomorrow even if it is useless" Adam ended up saying due to the silence.

Everyone seemed to agree as they stood up one after the other and began looking around the 16 different doors in the hallway. Each room had a slot for a thin rectangular shaped nameplate which displayed the owners names, and with that everyone entered their rooms hoping for a good night sleep, leaving Lexi in the kitchen who soon came out to find an empty room.

"E-everyone?" she said, "Sheesh..."


The rooms were not what they had expected.

The design was more luxurious than simple. Instead of paint over the walls there was black wallpaper fitted over. A king sized bed was laid out in the far right corner of the room with a large desk fitted on the opposite wall. On top of the desk was a notebook and a pen, as well as what Adam noticed to be a knife.

He picked the knife up slowly and poked his right hand with it, a bit of blood oozing out.

"He really expects us to play this game doesn't he? Maniac."

With a swift throw, the knife went from Adams right hand to the wall next to his bedroom door and without a care Adam found himself dropping into his bed with his hands pulling the blanket to his chin.

"I really hope this is just a joke."


Day 2


The next morning, there was an alarm that rang through the whole school. It sounded like a school bell with added distortion. The sound awoke every student with the immediate feeling of uneasiness.

A TV, placed in each of the dorms, which Adam hadn't noticed at first, switched on right in front of the beds and the face of the teddy Monokuma, sitting in a white walled room with a cowboy like hat on his head, appeared with his half smile.

From what Adam could see, the room was completely empty from the camera angle given except that the wall was made from obvious tiles shown from the lines across the wall.

"Howdy partners, time to wake up."

Adam could only stare at the at the TV in disbelief as Monokuma's nightmarish voice began to talk.

"Lucky for you guys, this school has no classes anymore so you are free to do as you wish for now. Now keep in mind there are rules in place. Just because there are no adults around does not mean you can ransack the school while searching. The rules can be read in your PAL. 'What does PAL mean' I hear you all asking. Programmed At Learning of course, because that's exactly what they are for, they teach you the rules and also things about yourself and your friends! I've put them on your desk."

Adam looked across to his desk, and noticed a small phone like device so he stood up and picked it up in his hand. With a push of a button on the top of the phone the screen lit up with a light blue wallpaper.

The words 'Adam Faith' then appeared on the screen temporarily, Adam watching them fade away to a menu screen with the options of 'Students, Rules, Photos, Access.'

"The PAL's will show the users name, so keep that in mind! Now if you don't have any questions, not that I can answer them as this is a recording, I need to relax, and as the cowboy said, it's high noon!"

Immediately Monokuma drew a silver handgun from what Adam guessed to be his waist and with a jump off the tall, black chair the camera turned off with Adam in more disbelief than before

Kicking the thoughts away, Adam headed to the door and opened it ajar as to peek outside his room where he saw Ben, Lexi, Joy and Rachel already coming out of their rooms.

"Morning" Adam said as he walked out himself.

"I would've killed you if you added good to that honestly" Ben replied.

Adam didn't know whether he was serious or not, but it definitely wasn't a good morning.

Within the next 20 minutes everyone had gotten up for good and were sitting in the cafeteria's seats. They avoided eye contact and kept their mouth eating down the breakfast before them, but it was Jacob who broke the silence.

"We can begin searching today. There aren't promises that we can find a way out but at the least we can look for something useful."

"I'm not sure if it's important but I've looked at a few blueprints of the Hopes Peak building" Frankie said, "And while this might not be the same building I looked at, it does look awfully similar. I've had to remember a lot of techniques in engineering, so memorizing the structure of a building by blueprints was particularly easy."

"And did you find something odd, I'm assuming you did right, mister?" Rachel said abruptly.

"Keep calling me mister and I'll definitely keep trying to spot things to talk about" Frankie said as he looked Rachel over, but then averted his eyes away, "but there was something. The school's first floor seems satisfying except for the obvious cameras and TV's, but when we were walking outside I spotted something odd behind the schools building. It looked like a door but I couldn't open it, and I don't remember seeing it planned in the blueprints."

"Can you take us to where this is?" Jacob said.

With a nod Frankie guided everyone out of the dorms and to the backside of the main schools building.


The back of the building seemed to be normal, a grey wall normal for a building, but as everyone looked closer they noticed the outlines of a dark shape on the wall as if it was blending in with the wall itself.

"There's a door here?" Adam said.

"It can't be opened simply by pushing, and there is no way to pull on it, but yes" Frankie replied.

Stacey let out a sigh "Of course it can't, that'd be too easy wouldn't?"

Everyone quickly turned to their right and noticed Monokuma sitting in front of a small pond on the ground with a fishing rod in his hands.

"Whoa, we can fish here!?" Carlos said as he rushed up to the pond but he stopped, "Wait, that wasn't there before right?"

The fishing rods reel began spinning as Monokuma leant back to try and pull the line out, his right paw going to use the handle to spin the line back but he let the rod go as it was pulled into the pond.

"What am I kidding, I have no fingers to even hold the handle."

Monokuma jumped to his feet and his right eye flashed dark as he stared at the students.

"Anyway of course it can't be opened! That's a very secret room, you are not allowed to enter it. Not that you can anyway."

"Why not?" Jacob said as he stepped forward to Carlos' side but carefully made no contact with Monokuma again.

"None of your business! Now scram!"

Monokuma jumped into the pond and following him went the water like it was being drained. With the hole empty of water the metal cover slid back into place with the dirt moving along it to cover the hole in.

"God this place is so weird" Rachel muttered with her hands clenching her pants tightly.

"I think it's best we ignore it for now" Marcus said.

"How can we?! This isn't normal!" Rachel said back.

"And how exactly is complaining or worrying gonna help us, hm?" Joseph said, "We need to focus on seeing what this place holds for us. That's all that matters for now."

"I believe you are right" Marco said with his hands on his waist, "Let's split up and cover more ground. I believe we should check the first floor, and each side of the school building, is that alright?"

"That works, is anyone going to complain?" Jacob said as he eyed everyone with a glare.

With no responses Jacob grabbed Adam's, Joseph's, Frankie's and Samuels shoulders one by one.

"We're checking the first floor, come on" he said and without waiting for them he made his way towards the entrance while the four he'd chosen hesitantly followed.

"Can you guys check up on Lisa, she's in the infirmary I think!" Joy said as loud as she could so they could hear, and as if he had already planned for that Jacob raised his hand in recognition.

"Then how about Benedict, Marcus, Abby, and Stacey join me at the courts? If we get bored we can just use the tennis net as a way to play Limbo" Joy said.

"That's the most stupid idea I've heard" Marcus said as he stared directly into space.

"Eh, I guess. But if that creep touches me he's dead meat" Stacey said in a mutter, Joy knowing she meant Benedict.

"Oi, I'm just trying to respect the company of lovely girls in my area" Benedict said, but quickly ran off to the Tennis courts with Stacey following him angrily.

Marcus sighed and began walking to the courts on the right side of the school with his feet barely making a sound, Joy and Abby making a bit of eye contact as they slowly followed the others towards the courts.

"Benedict has problems" Lexi said under her breath, but everyone had clearly been thinking the same as they nodded their heads.

"Shall we try and search the dorms?" said Carlos as a way to avoid thinking of them anymore.

With an agreement, the remaining people all made their way to the dorm building once again.

The basketball court was just a normal basketball court. From what Marcus had examined it was simply concrete with white paint to display each side of the court, and the hoops were normal metal. They made a normal sound when hit, and when he jumped to hold the hoops they didn't seem to fall off easily or at all.

The tennis court was also perfectly free of dangers. The net wasn't sharp, and the ground was safe to step on. No matter how much tugging Joy did to the net it didn't seem like it would cut her fingers, and the ground didn't break from Abby's and Stacey's jumping.

"I don't think there is much here sadly" Stacey said with disappointment.

"Can't blame it, it's just for sports. At least we tried right?" Abby said.

"I just wish we could've found something of importance" Stacey said.

"Do you always give up easily?" Marcus said as he walked towards the girls.

"What do you mean, there's nothing else here" Joy said.

"There is a whole bloody side of the school to search! Just because these areas are containing objects doesn't mean they are the only places to check."

"Can you stop being a jerk, like honestly mate! We're not in the best situation" Joy said back.

"Well we're in it together, can't help it if I am concerned for my own safety."

"Yeah, your safety but no one else's."

As the area grew quiet, the only sound they could hear were grunts from Benedict who was throwing cards at the dome yet again. With each toss he was grunting in different sounds, and as if he knew he was being looked at he started posing with each throw in different standing positions.

"Are you sure you don't have an issue?" Stacey said.

Joy and Abby covered their mouths to hide a giggle as Benedict walked up to the cards he had thrown to pick them up.

"Is there a problem, beautiful?" Benedict said.

With a slight colour change to her face, Stacey quickly stormed up to Benedict with her feet marching on the ground. Her hand gripped Benedict's hair in her tight grip and collided his face on the dome which caused Benedict to scream out.

"Don't you dare call my beautiful, creep!"

"A-alright! Just let me go babe!"

His face collided with the ground this time.

"Talk again, I dare you."

Joy and Abby stood there in silence as if watching a scene from a movie while Marcus rose with a smile on his face, but only slightly.

With silence filling the area, Stacey let go of Benedict and he immediately ran while tripping over his own feet gradually.

"That was a lot of anger" Joy said with a slight laugh.

"He caused it" Stacey said.

Marcus smiled again to Stacey, "If it's that easy to get you angry, I can already tell how this game of ours is going to go."

"What are you talking about?" Stacey said.

"Remember the way to get out of this place? I'm sure you haven't forgotten. Anger leads to a lot of regrets. I sure hope you learn to control it."

Stacey marched up to Marcus as she went to punch his face, but Marcus swiftly dodged to the right as he kicked Stacey's knees from behind, making her fall down.

"Don't touch me, we may be trapped together but I am not allowing myself to be blinded by people thinking they won't follow the rule in front of them."

Joy and Abby ran to Stacey's side as Marcus spoke, then as he finished talking he made his way to the school building by himself.


"Is there anything around the building itself?" Carlos said to Marco who was intently staring at the back wall outside of the Dorms building.

Marco rubbed his left index finger over some of the wall, Carlos noticing some engravings.

"Is that spelling a word?"

"It seems to spell the words 'It's Returned.'"

"What has returned?" Carlos asked.

The two kept quiet while they thought on the words, but Marco seemed to come to a decision.

"It could be talking about The Tragedy, do you think so?"

Carlos grew quiet gently as he stared off towards the dome, trying to avoid eye contact.

"I don't think so. It's been years since that happened and the Ultimate Hope took care of it right?"

"That doesn't mean it couldn't have returned."

Carlos sighed, "Was there anything else?"

Marco shook his head and let out a slight huff, "Care to get back inside?"

Carlos didn't respond, instead he began walking himself back to the Dorms with Marco following.

"Did you find anything?" Lexi said as the two guys walked back into the Dorms.

Rachel and Simon halted their search under the tables so they could meet up with the other three.

"Nothing" Carlos said under his breath and pushed his way past the three in front of him as Marco let his hands go from his waist.

"We only found something on the back wall, the words 'It's Returned' but nothing leading to a way out."

"Does it mean anything?" asked Simon.

"I don't know, there's nothing I can think of besides what happened 8 years ago."

Silence filled the room, showing they knew exactly what Marco was talking about, but Marco didn't let it last.

"Carlos already mentioned how it was stopped, so I understand everyone thinks it can't mean it, but it's just an assumption. Did you find anything in here?"

As to avoid the silence anymore, Simon walked over the tables and pushed one of the tables on its sides, the bottom of the table displaying the number 8.

"What's that for?" said Marco.

"We have no idea, they're under every table" Rachel said, "That one says 8, there's another with the number one, another with the number 16, one with nine, and the last one has the number 125."

"Maybe it's how much kilograms they can handle on top of them?" Carlos said, leaving his silence behind.

"Impossible, last night Lexi made plenty of food and each table had more than four kilograms of food on them. The table with the number one would've broken then" Simon said.

Marco let out a slight puff of air as he walked towards the table, his foot colliding with it directly which caused it to smash into the right wall but both the wall and the table stayed intact.

"It is definitely not the weight" he said, and picked the table up before sitting down.


'Rule 1: The dorms are so you can sleep. Don't get lazy and sleep outside of your rooms. If you sleep outside under the moonlight you'll wake up naked for the day.'

'Rule 2: If anything is broken your punishment will be based on the importance of what was broken.'

'Rule 3: The time after 10 PM and before 7 AM is counted at night time. The school will be closed off and the cafeteria door will be locked once 10 PM hits, and anyone inside either the school or the kitchen will be forced to stay up all night or find themselves punished for sleeping outside of their rooms.'

'Rule 4: To escape back to your home, you must murder one of your fellow classmates while being as hidden as possible. If you are found, then your acts will be punished in equally to what you have caused.'

The rules Monokuma had made for their time here were only a few, but very strict it seemed. From what Adam read, it seemed nothing was stopping them from exploring but Adam still felt uneasy.

As they were walking out of the entrance hall and into the first floors hallway, Samuel started rubbing his hand up the wall while walking.

"What are you doing, exactly?" Jacob said to him.

"Secret passages, duh mate. What if the person who has us here is some kind of secret passage fanatic."

"And they are going to leave a passage in a place anyone could come across it accidentally or through deep investigating? We're dealing with someone who trapped us in a bloody dome!"

"Well I'm just looking, gosh" Samuel said as he lowered his hand.

Adam walked up the left side of the wall, and upon coming up to one of the lights he proceeded to poke his finger against it. Nothing happened.

"Damn" Adam said.

"Where should we check first?" Joseph said so their search would hurry up.

"The infirmary, we promised Joy remember?" Jacob said.

The infirmary was on the opposite wall to the entrance hall and just before the corner turned. They entered the big pink doors as the doors were pushed open.

"Oh, hey" Lisa said as she sighted the five boys walk inside.

"Are you feeling ok, you pierced our worries" Samuel said.

"Seriously?" Joseph said towards Samuels idiotic pun.

Samuel shrugged.

"We can't stay for long, we need to search the rooms, we just came to check up on you" Jacob said.

"No worries, I'll stay and make sure she's ok" Adam said as he took the seat next to Lisa's bed.

"Alright then" Jacob said, "just meet us at the dorms later alright?"

Adam nodded and with the other four leaving the room he turned towards Lisa.

"Does it hurt anymore?" Adam said as he stared at Lexi's thigh.

A bandage was wrapped around the wound with blood seen against it, but it was a very tiny amount.

"It actually isn't since that bear helped me alot. Doesn't help he did this though."

"Don't worry, just try to avoid trouble from now on if possible ok?" Adam said.

Lisa turned her head away from Adam a tiny bit.

"I can't help it, I've always been clumsy. Out of my whole family I'm the one who's always in the hospital every other day. That's why I've never been to a live concert and only made videos for the internet."

Adam simply sat there. He wanted to ask why she was telling him, but the situation they were in was the kind where letting out the pain of one's self was necessary. If he could help by listening, he was happy.

"I've been hit by car doors which make my body bruise. My fingers caught in zippers accidentally making me bleed. I've tripped and broke my bones countless times. I've had more surgeries than I remember, a hospital like this is my home more than my home."

"So you're fragile?" Adam said.

Lisa stared at Adam with a slight look of hate but smiled, the hatred disappearing completely it looked like.

"Bad choice of words, lucky man, but yes I am."

Adam let out a small smile upon sighting Lisa's smile, in a way it felt like a glow of hope coming from her, a fragment of hope that Adam knew for sure was a sign of their safety.

Adam got to his feet as he patted his legs.

"Did Monokuma treat you right at least?"

"I guess, I was unconscious for most of the stuff he was doing to me, but I don't feel pain anymore and my leg is almost healed, so I guess I'm fine."

"That's terrific, how about tomorrow you try and come over to the dorms. I have a bad feeling we'll be here for a while, so it'd be awesome to get everyone together for a social hang out" Adam said as he let out his own bright smile.

Lisa hesitated for a little while but showed her smile once again with a slight til of her head, "sounds lovely, will you pick me up?"

Adam guessed she said it as a joke, but he nodded anyway, "Definitely, I'll come by when I'm free alright?"

"Better not let a girl wait though, I may be injured but it doesn't mean I'm patient."

Adam put his hands in his pockets and looked into Lisa's eyes, "I know, we need to stick together after all."

Adam turned to the doors and opens them slowly, "Get some rest, I'll be over tomorrow."

As he left the rooms and closed the doors, Lisa let out a soft sigh as she leant her head back, "boys" she said softly in disappointment.


The group of 14 students were back in the dorms.

Joseph, Jacob and Carlos were at a table together. Frankie, Marco, Stacey and Simon were on another table together with Benedict trying to get close but Marco's foot was keeping his chair away. Rachel and Joy were at another table by themselves resting their heads, and Abby was at the last of the five tables so Adam decided to join her lonely self.

"How's Lisa?" Jacob said as he noticed Adam walk in almost quietly.

Adam looked over to Jacob with a stretch of his neck, "Managing, I've told her to rest the night and that I'll bring her over here tomorrow if she can."

"Thank god, I'm glad she's safe" Joy said in relief.

Adam hesitated for a little while, and went to raise his voice in hopes to get the groups attention. He wanted to have a talk about everyone trying their best and getting along. But it seems someone had bet him to the chase.

"Can everyone direct their attention here for a second?" Jacob said in a loud voice, "And if possible, can Lexi come out of the kitchen, it's important and won't take long."

After a couple of seconds the kitchen door opened and Lexi poked her head out as she listened, "I'm here" she said.

Jacob stood up and leant against the wall beside the kitchen door as he took out the die he'd used when Adam first ran into him, it brought back scary memories.

"We are all on the same page about our situation correct?" he said.

Most of the people made confirmations, the only quiet one being Marcus who Adam hadn't realised was sitting on his own chair at the far back corner just watching quietly.

"I would like to rephrase to our situation, I feel like its necessary."

Jacob took a slight cough and threw the 8 sided die into the air before letting it drop into his hand on the number one and he slipped it into his pocket.

"We're locked inside the schools ground. The big dome around us shows blurs of the outside but we are not sure if there are actually any signs of life or civilization nearby. We could be in the middle of the desert where a replica of Hopes Peak had been built without our knowledge and we have no idea, but that isn't the issue. The school's first floor, the courtyard, and this very building are the only areas free to use, and with that also comes the dilemma that teddy bear brought to us; the live or kill scenario."

The words brought chill to our bodies again, it had been roughly a day since it had been mentioned and it hadn't gotten old in the slightest, but Jacob simply continued.

"I have a proposition for everyone here, and Lisa when she gets back. I may not be in the same struggling format as everyone here, and especially so I can't imagine how everyone here is mentally struggling, but I believe we should all work together."

Adam looked over to Marcus who he saw grit his teeth before looking over to Adam who simply stood up with a smile, "I was actually hoping to talk about this myself."

Adam walked to where Jacob stood, standing by his side.

"There isn't much we can do here, we can walk and talk but from what we found there is no games or fun entertainment besides each other. I believe instead of letting the enclosed space get to use we should try to at least become friends in some way together."

Jacob let out a slight smile towards Adam, "In fact that's the best thing to do. There is a music room for playing music, and even a lovely bath house for swimming. While it is very limited, it can still provide us with a distracted til something is sorted out among us."

From the group before them, Frankie stood to his feet, "I'm sorry to be the let down of the group, but what if nothing is sorted out?"

Jacob let out a sigh but Adam continued, "Then you keep looking. Nothing is gained for giving up, right? We just keep searching and trying."

"But what exactly should we aim for? We searched the whole school and found nothing leading to a way out" Rachel said, her voice sounding like she wanted to cry.

Adam had guessed the despaired feeling around them was getting to everyone, so he didn't let his words falter, "I never said we would look for a way out. Instead, we look for a way to keep alive til the outside finds a way inside."

Out of the surprise hitting everyone, it was Lexi who spoke, "you mean a rescue team? But Jacob said we could be in the bloody desert, would anyone even notice us?"

"Maybe one of the satellites will notice a huge dome in the middle of nowhere" Marco said.

"If that happens, then they will definitely help us!" Abby said with a laugh of joy, "we'll be saved!"

Adam and Jacob saw the smiles among the group return as they thought of the hope of being saved, and the two began smiling at each other.

"Alright, I'll do my best to help everyone" Stacey said.

"Yeah, if there is a chance of getting out I won't stop hoping!" Samuel said in a laugh.

There was a slight cheer from everyone but it ended with a large sound from Marcus who stood to his feet, his chair on its side.

"Terrific, so you've all got your imaginary hope guiding you. Is that the end of this annoying talk?" he said.

Adam walked up to Marcus, "What exactly do you mean, we are just trying to cope with the situation."

"Then why not cope in what the rules explain!?" Marcus said as his hand went to his pocket.

Frankie's eyes flashed to Marcus' arm as it pulled out a small pocketknife, so he quickly jumped to his feet and knocked himself into Marcus but just as he hit Marcus the pocketknife had already stabbed itself into Adam's stomach.

Adams mouth coughed blood on the ground as Marcus fell onto the ground with Frankie's arms wrapped around him as a restraint, everyone running towards Adam who fell into the arms of Jacob who had gotten behind Adam just in time.

"Adam!" Abby said in worry as she ran up.

Samuel picked up Adam's legs as he helped Jacob carry him to his room "Hang in there mate, don't you dare let this get to you!"

"The infirmary is too far away! We need to lay him down in his room!" Jacob said in a rush.

"I know that!" Samuel said back in anger as Joseph opened Adam's door quickly.

"What the hell did you do that for?!" Lexi said to Marcus as she kicked his stomach.

Marcus let out a cough of pain as he growled at Frankie, "Let me go you bastard!" but as much as he tried moving, it seemed Frankie was stronger than he looked.

Marco grabbed Marcus' throat as Frankie let go, and with a soft hit to his neck, Marcus was unconscious in Marco's hand.

"What was that?" Frankie said in shock.

Marco held Marcus over his shoulder, "a slight paralysis trick. It'll work long enough to restrain him as a way of questioning him later."

Marco opened Marcus' room and walked in, closing the door afterwards as Frankie and Lexi stood there hesitantly for a little while but hurried after Adam.


"Is he alright?"

Abby looked over Jacob who was using Frankie's lab coat to cover the wound.

"Someone needs to hurry to the infirmary for some bandages!" Samuel said.

"I-I'll do it!" Joy said in a worrisome tone and rushed out the door with Simon chasing her.

"I'll get some painkillers too!"

Frankie and Lexi ran inside as they watched Jacob keep the lab coat over Adam. Adams eyes were closed but they soon opened with a slight blurriness over them.

"W-what's happening?" he said.

Abby looked over to Adam, standing at the side of his bed so she could look into his eyes and held onto his face.

"You need to just stay quiet. They're going to help."

"H-help? Did something happen to me?"

"You were stabbed by Marcus" Frankie said.

Adam's eyes widened in fear as he looked over to his stomach and tried struggling on his bed but Jacob held him down.

"Goddammit stop moving, you idiot! The blood will keep coming out!" he angrily said.

Carlos and Benedict grabbed Adam's legs, holding them down from the end of the bed as Stacey tried helping by holding his chest down.

"Just relax ok! That's all you need to do" Stacey said.

Adam hesitantly relaxed his body as he cringed in pain, his ears picking up on the dormitory doors opening and soon his own bedroom doors opening for Joy and Simon.

"Ah, he's awake!" Frankie said and handed the painkiller tablets to Stacey with a bottle of water from the infirmaries fridge.

"Here's the bandages, Jacob" Joy explained, handing some of the stretchable bandages to him.

Jacob held onto the bandages in slight hesitation, "Were these the only types?"

"Sadly, will they do?"

Jacob nodded, "Yes, but we need to lift Adam up. I need to be able to wrap this around his whole stomach alright?"

Everyone nodded, and with Adam's feet taken care of by Carlos and Benedict, and Adam's back held onto by Stacey and Frankie, Adam was lifted up enough for Jacob to get the bandage over the wound and around his stomach a good fifteen times before holding the end in place.

"Here's the tape" Joy said and handed a three strips of duct tape stuck to her fingers which Jacob took one at a time to keep the bandages attached.

Once the bandages were done, Adam was lowered onto his bed safely but he had fainted from the pain since his eyes were closed and not responding to Jacob's calls or Abby's.

"We should let him rest" Jacob said as he stood back with a slight exhausted breath.

Joy looked over to Jacob in worry, "Should we look over him in shifts, the doors can't be locked so what if Marcus finishes the job?"

"We should take care of him overnight then, are you offering?" Jacob said.

Lexi rose her hand with Abby at the same time, Lexi saying "I can look over him."

Abby didn't even try to speak but she looked over at Lexi with as light puff of her cheeks but it died down.

"Alright, you two can stay here then, use a chair from the dining area to sit. For now though I gotta deal with Marcus, can you join me Frankie, I need your skills."

Frankie hesitantly looked towards Jacob with a nod, "Oh, sure."

With that, Jacob left the room followed by Frankie as Frankie followed him out of the dormitories while the others hesitantly checked over Adam before heading to their own bedrooms.


With his eyes opening, Marcus felt the chain over his arms immediately. He shook around to try and release them but it was impossible. He decided to look around the room instead and found himself tied up in his room at the end of his bed with Frankie, Jacob, and Marco standing in front of him.

"So, am I the captive now? You guys are totally bullcrap!"

"Why did you hurt Adam?" Jacob said in a furious tone.

Marcus simply looked over to the right with a sign of a slight grin, "that stupid guy and you shouldn't try thinking stupid ideas like holding onto friendship then" he said.

Jacob made a cough and Frankie poked his thumb onto his PAL, Marcus screaming out in pain as he fell onto his left side with his head hitting the closet, his body going through an electrical shock.

"W-What the hell!"

The pain stopped and Marcus took deep breaths of air as he glared at Jacob, only for Jacob to cough again, Frankie tapping his PAL again and Marcus' screams continuing.

"S-stop it you bastards!"

The electrical pain stopped again as Marcus laid there on his sides, breathing heavily before speaking, "What, is that?"

"A simple change in your PAL's formatting. I've directed most of its power to a specific flow that I can control its flow. In the students section, by clicking on someones name, you can message their PAL. By sending your PAL a message I've set it as a trigger to double the electrical charge" Frankie said with a large sneer towards Marcus.

"As expected of the engineer, able to work with any type of technology" Marco said in his own enjoyment.

"W-well stop it! It fucking hurts!" Marcus said.

"That's the point, you tried killing Adam. You're lucky we didn't make you sleep outside" Jacob said.

"As I said, you shouldn't depend on friendship as much as you were before."

Jacob sneered a little, "And what makes you think it's the wrong choice? Do you have a better way of thinking?"

Marco smiled back at Jacob, his face clearly sure of his next words, "As the ultimate strategist you have the best chance to escape aren't I right?"

"Only a fool would go with what Monokuma told us to do" Jacob said as he began walking to the door.

"Are you seriously going to leave me here?!" Marcus said angrily.

"Would you prefer the cold outside?"

With his silence, Jacob walked out of the room followed by Marco, and as Frankie walked out too he poked his PAL one more time and closed the door as Marcus was left screaming in pain again.

"Screw you!"


Day 3


Adam's eyes slowly opened as he laid on his back, looking up the roof in a daze while his damaged memories returned from last night. His hands moved to his stomach as he felt the bandages over his bare chest, only for his hand to feel the touch of another persons hand and his eyes looked to the right where he saw Abby and Lexi.

"O-Oh, have you been here all night?" Adam said weakly.

"We didn't do much, we just made sure you were ok" Lexi said with a smile while Abby held onto the top of Adam's hand.

"Are you alright Abby, my hand's fine you know."

"I-I know, sorry. I just was worried is all, n-never seen someone hurt that way."

She stepped back slowly with a blush to her cheeks and her head lowered as Lexi spoke up, "Do you need help standing up?" asked Lexi.

"I could use a little help, thanks."

Lexi held onto Adam's left hand and pulled him to his feet, wrapping her arm around his waist as she stared at Abby with a smile, Abby looking up in response with a face full of nothing but jealous but she hid it quickly while opening the door.

"H-here, I think everyone is waiting" she said.

"Thank you" Adam said, and as he moved Lexi's arm off his waist he walked out of the room with the girls following.

"Look who lives" laughed Frankie who noticed Adam first from the furthest table away.

Adam let out a smile as Jacob and Samuel stood up so they could walk up to him.

"Feeling ok? Your stomach wasn't cut that deep but it was still bleeding alot.

Adam let out a sigh, "I'm walking at least right?"

His head rose up immediately with a smile as he noticed Abby run to his side with his shirt and jacket.

"Oh, thank you. I forgot these" Adam said, and quickly took them from her hands as he slipped his shirt over his head, and then putting his arms through his jackets sleeves.

"Like nothing ever happened" he said, spreading his arms out.

Jacob patted Adam's back and sat him down on the nearest table as Lexi and Abby sat down too, "I'll get you some cereal alright, is coco's ok?"

Adam gave a nod and with that Jacob left, everyone giving a smile to Adam's direction then seeming to take their own focus to each other, soft conversations beginning like everyone was finally talking.

"Did something happen? No one has talked like this since we arrived" Adam said to Lexi and Abby.

"Not exactly, I guess it was your speech yesterday with Jacob, it was really cool" Abby said with a smile.

"What she means is, we were really feeling down about what was happening but the fact you are brave enough to try and turn the fear upside down is sort of awesome" Lexi said.

Adam gave a soft smile as he gave held his hands together on the table, "I was just speaking my mind. If we don't try, nothing will succeed" Adam explained.

"Well I'm happy you said what you did. It gave me courage" Abby said.

Adam let out a giggle as he rubbed his hair, "Well that's good. I'm happy to help!"

After a couple of minutes Adam was eating his cereal while conversing the two girls at his table, his eyes also scanning the room of people a few times out of curiosity. As he finished his food, he put his spoon into his bowl and went to take his bowl into the kitchen but Lexi took the bowl before his hands could.

"I'll help, you need to visit Lisa, right?" she said.

Adam gave a soft nod as he stood from his chair, pushing it back under the table, "Yeah, I'll be bringing her over soon."

"Then hurry, about time she met up with us" Joy said as she overheard us, it seemed that everyone was staring at Adam again.

"Alright, alright, I'll be back. Where's Marcus by the way?"

And on cue came a scream from the closest room on the left side of the bedrooms if your back was to the kitchen.

"I'm in here you fuck!"

Adam gave a sigh as he noticed Frankie's hand touch his PAL, followed by Marcus' screaming and a smile from Marco and Jacob but he ignored it.

"I'll head to the infirmary, don't worry" he said, and quickly ran out of the building.


The infirmary doors opened, Adam stepping inside as quick as he could with Lisa sitting up on her bed as quickly as possible.

"Y-you came?" Lisa said in shock.

"Well duh, I did say I would. Are you feeling up to joining us?"

Lisa nodded softly but she looked Adam over, "Joy said you were stabbed."

Adam looked down at his stomach and gently lifted his shirt to show his bandages which were a little red.

"It doesn't hurt anymore, don't worry alright?"

Lisa nodded gently and lifted her legs off the bed, only for her to cry out in pain from her feet touching the floor. Adam ran to her side and helped her feet back up slowly.

"It still hurts?" Adam asked.

"I-I guess my body is too weak still. Gosh this always happens."

"Like what you mentioned yesterday, how you are easily injured?" Adam said.

Lisa gave a nod of confirmation, "I just have a weak body, fragile as your dumb mouth said..."

Adam let go of Lisa's leg, "That's not bad though, it just means you need someone to protect you til you can protect yourself."

Lisa's eyes stared towards Adam's in confusion, "But who, out of everyone here, and even the people I know in my life, I doubt anyone would believe it's worthy to take care of a weakling who gets injured by something small like a leaf."

"Um, have you ever been hurt by a leaf?" Adam said.

Lisa's eyes widened as she looked to her left, "N-None of your business."

Adam looked around a little then scratched his head before his eyes widened and he stood up, his hand reaching out to Lisa.

"Then I will protect you til you can protect yourself."

Lisa's eyes looked back at Adam with a slight blush "You? Why you exactly?" Lisa said.

Adam felt a little hurt, but his flinch only lasted a second, "Why not? We all need some hope while we're here right? We're not exactly in the best situation, so having something to hold onto is what can help us. So until we can get out of here, think of me as your guardian alright?"

Lisa stared at Adam's hand reaching towards her, but she soon held onto Adam's hand with little hesitation, "If you are trying to be a Romeo, keep it up."

Adam gave a quick smile, "Can you walk?"

Lisa looked down at her legs as she slowly brought her legs to the ground again but, as if he was just waiting for the right moment, a loud ringing like an ambulance was heard as several lights popped out of the walls flashing red and blue.

"Emergency! Emergency!"

A wide pipe grew out of the centre of the flooring, Monokuma bouncing out with a wheelchair in his hands which landed in front of Lisa's bed, Monokuma landing on his feet and bowing at Lisa.

"Your wheelchair awaits, good day you klutz."

And with that he jumped back into the pipe which sucked itself back into the flooring and the hole disappeared with the lights, Adam and Lisa staring at each other and the wheelchair silently.

"Does he jump out of the ground randomly often?" Lisa said.

"I think it's best to ignore him, care to see the dorms?" Adam said as he helped Lisa to the wheelchair.

"The dorms?"

"Yeah, they are our living arrangements. It has a kitchen, an eating area, as well as a bathhouse which I don't think has been used yet, plus our bedrooms."

"Sounds cosy I suppose" Lisa said softly as she sat down in the wheelchair.

"It could be better, but at least we have places to sleep. The others will be happy you're back too."

Adam took control of the wheelchairs handles and pushed Lisa out the door as they made their way for the dorms.

"Happy just to see me, hm? If only happiness was that easily gained."

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