Open Your Eyes \\ TeenWolf


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❝Everyone's masks crumble around me, whether they let them consciously or not, they just always do.❞ \\extend... Еще

Open Your Eyes
How It Began
Bargain With A Beast
Just My Imagination
Awkward first meeting
Cupcakes And...Howls?
Not Tonight
The Blame Game
Rain Check
Close Calls
Windows And Doors Are Not The Same Thing
Misunderstandings Of Demon Blood
Coffee Can Be A Real Pain Sometimes
Early Morning Pickup
Don't Fool Yourself
Doctors Visit
Sometimes The Truth is Uglier
A Visit and A Few Promises

Unexpected Visit

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My sneakers squeak against the tiled floor as I hastily make my way towards the intensive care unit in the hospital. I had planned on going on a walk this morning because I needed time to think after what happened the night at the school, more specifically what I did afterwards. But a certain comatose patient requested my presence for what seems like the hundredth time this week.

His nurse Jennifer waits outside his room with a passive look on her face. I'd very rather much not be involved in any way shape or form with these two, especially since I now know that they keep a very close eye on me at work.

And because of the very gruesome fact that they've both been going around killing people--which is definitely a deal breaker for me when it comes to making acquaintances with people.

Without so much as a second glance, she moves out of the way as I open the door. It silently opens as I step inside and close it behind me. Peter looks up from his spot, the always prominent smirk on his face growing. "What an unexpected visit." He speaks up, the arrogant tone in his voice never wavering.

"Could you just get to way I'm here?" I ask, not moving from my spot by the door. It's always this way when I 'stop by', he's always taking his time, always making sure that I understand that he's the one in charge here. 

He lets out a chuckle, pointing a finger at me. "Always one to get right to the point, aren't we? I wanted to make sure you didn't give your younger brother or his friends any unwanted hints as to what I am." He flashes his red eyes at me, something he tends to do when he wants to imply an unspoken threat.

I shake my head no. "I made sure to confuse them everytime they'd get close to the truth. Plus Scott had the idea of blaming Derek for everything." I inform him, trying to keep my nerves from growing.

"I'm beginning to enjoy this partnership more and more everyday." He smirks, leaning forward in his chair. I purse my lips before turning towards the door. "Oh and Claire." I stop in the middle of the doorway and turn to look at him.

"I know what you did last night." My stomach drops, and judging by the look he's giving me, I know my fear is showing on my face. I drop my head and quickly leave the room, hurriedly walking down the empty hallway. I guess he really wasn't kidding when he said he'd be watching me all the time.

After all the cops were gone I went back alone looking for Derek's body. I know, I know, probably not a good idea to be heading out at night alone. But his sister Laura was always so nice to me, so I couldn't just leave him there. Anyway, when I got there things started to get weirder than they already are.

When I went to the spot where his body had landed, much to my surprise, it wasn't there. I checked everywhere and I even checked to see if the police had found him and taken his body to the hospital morgue. In the end all I came across was a whole lot of nothing, except for some of that dried up black goo.

My phone starts ringing, causing my to jump in surprise. I take a deep breath, easing my nerves before answering it. 'Hey Claire.'

'Hey mom.' I answer back, making my way to the more populated part of the hospital. But to be honest, being around alot of people is just as nerve wreaking as being alone. Because in either situation I don't know when Peter is around.

'You mind picking up your brother up from practice today?' She asks, bringing me out of my thoughts.

'Nope. And I'll be home soon, just needed some fresh air.' I reply, making sure my voice is even and calm.

'Thanks dear. See you soon.' She hangs up, leaving me once again to feel the fear and nervousness begin to bubble up inside of me.


I sit back down at the kitchen table that's currently flooded with paper and books all over it. Glancing down at my laptop I scroll through yet another page on it. I honestly lost count once I got over two hundred.

Ya I kinda spent the entire morning, after Scott and mom left, researching the supernatural well mostly anything that can help get Scott out of this werewolf mess. Maybe I should take a break before I start looking up yetis or something. Shutting my laptop close I lean back on my chair.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Maybe I shouldn't have made that deal with Peter about keeping my mouth shut and helping him.

My 'sight' has never gotten me into any kind of deep problems like this before. Awkward situations. Yes. Dangerous situations involving alpha werewolves, no.

Now I'm just sitting around day in and day out waiting for the manic to pop out at any moment. And I'm not just calling him a manic because of the fact that he's a werewolf...wouldn't that be racist or something? Anyway, it's because of the fact that he's killed several people now.

I groan loudly before opening my eyes. "Oh what the--" My sudden jolt makes the chair slip backwards causing me to land on my back. Are you kidding me right now? I quickly regain myself and stand up.

"But I--you were. . .huh?" That's it I've finally snapped, well so much for not belonging in the loony-bin.

"What is all this?" Derek asks, completely ignoring me questioning my sanity because he's standing here alive.

"You know." I start, before picking up the chair off the floor and standing it up straight. "I may only just be starting out as a doctor, but I'm extremely positive of the fact that if someone gets shanked like that, well, they don't exactly walk away from it." I ramble, watching as he sifts through the piles of papers.

"I'm assuming you already know what I am." Derek states, before walking around the table to stand in front of me. Ya you're a werewolf with a glare set as your default facial expression.

"Now tell me what are you doing with all of this." That definitely rules out the possibility of him being a ghost because I doubt that someone dead can glare at you like that.

I stand my ground and answer him, making sure my heart beat is steady. "Research to find the alpha." He narrows his eyes at me, probably trying to intimidate me since he's standing up straighter to tower over me, but I don't back away.

"Where have you been anyway?" I question, sliding an old book into my back pocket. Him along with everyone else don't need to know how or that I even have this.

"Wow. I didn't think you cared so much about me." He smirks, leaving me to believe that smirking is something the Hales have in their blood.

"I don't." I reply, even though I guess I kinda really do. "But you know more about this alpha then the rest of us." His smirk falls as he takes a seat next to me.

"Well thanks to your smart ass brother and his sidekick I've had to be hiding from the cops." He retorts, the irritation evident in his voice. I laugh and shake my head.

"I told them that they'd be screwed if you were still alive." I thought he'd crack a smile, but he just shakes his head in disbelief. This being only the third time that I've seen him I finally get a good look at him, like a real good look at not like that, I swear I'm not checking him out.

Come on Claire get it together before he notices you stare- - "What are you starting at." He asks in an understandably amused tone. So much for not getting caught.

I grab a random few pieces of papers and look away. "You obviously." I reply as nonchalantly as I possibly can.

I thought he'd drop the subject but nope he doesn't. "Why?" He questions, leaning in closer from his seat. His proximity no doubt trying to get a flustered reaction out of me.

The blood rushes to my cheeks, but I still turn to face him. "Well you are the only other person-- err werewolf-- here so you're the only other interesting thing to stare at." I admit, trying not to sound weird. The key word there is trying.

"So you're saying I'm interesting?" Derek concludes, leaning that much forward in his seat. An amused smile grows on my lips despite my current predicament of being this close to a guy my age with the lack of flirting skills that I have.

"Stop putting things in my mouth." See what I mean about the lack of those skills. My eyes widen as I try to back trace. "I didn't mean, I meant, I uh. . .I'm just going to ask you to suddenly have amnesia at my brain fart back there."

"I have no idea what was wrong with what you said, but sure I'll forget it." He agrees in faux innocence. Even though I know that he clearly knows what I'm talking about.

"Moving on." I hastily turn away. "This should answer your question a lot better then my words." I wave my hands dramatically over the kitchen table that's full of all my research.

After my initial fright of that werewolf movie was over I got probably way to into all types of mythology and legends. And yes I did obsess over that stuff when I was younger, but I wasn't exactly the most social kid so I definitely had the time for it. But I'm fairly certain Stiles got as excited as I did in the beginning of all this mess.

"Have you found anything." He rummages through some of the papers on the table. I see him hesitate and tense up on a paper with a spiral on it. Scott told me about the grave, and how the alpha drew it too.

Without a second thought I put my hand under his. "What are you--" I shush him before using my index finger from my free hand to draw circles on his palm.

Whenever I feel someone get over stressed, sad, or even scared I do this. It's what I use to do to calm Stiles down after his mom passed away or Scott when he had really bad asthma attacks.

My guess is that there so focused on the weird fact that I just grabbed their hand and started tracing shapes on their palm that they forget whatever is troubling them.

I can feel his stare on me, but I keep my mind focused till I'm sure he doesn't have this feeling of guilt and sadness over him. It's definitely those two feelings and not anger like he tries to make people believe. I let a few more seconds go by before letting go of his hand and moving my computer in front of me.

"Not much" I finally answer his question, opening up my laptop to continue working, by now I feel like I'm an expert at all of this.

He pushes his chair back and heads for the backdoor. "Careful with Scott the full moon is coming."

"Uh, wait!" I blurt out without thinking. He stops in front of the door, not bothering to turn around. I stand and walk over to him. Hopefully he doesn't take this the wrong way.

Derek turns to face me and I'm pretty sure he can smell the awkward coming off of me even if I look calm. I take two quick steps forward and wrap my arms around his torso.

"I honestly am glad you're okay." I admit before slowly releasing him from my hug. He looks taken aback for a split second before masking it up.

Derek nods his head in response before hastily making his way out the door. I face palm, thinking I probably freaked him out. Why did I even do or say any of that?

Oh for the love of everything that is not melodramatic in this world, I'm acting like an over dramatic, crush crazed teenage girl. I let out a confused sigh before turning back towards the kitchen table.

A faint buzzing noise starts to sound off from underneath the mess on the table, stopping me from continuing to over analyze my actions.

"Where the heck is my phone?" I dig through the piles of paper and books before finally finding it. Did not honestly think I had this much of a mess on here.

 'Claire where are you -Scott'

I jump up so quickly that my chair topples over. Holy crab-cakes, I need to go get him up from practice. I scramble to pick everything up, including the chair, before rushing out.


A/N: Bit of a filler chapter but I'll probably go back and edit it since I'm borderline on whether I like it or not.

But anyway, let me know what you guys think.

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