Foreigners of Humanity (Troll...


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As the Trolls try to escape the Bergens, a mysterious entity pushes them into a hole in the forest. They find... More

「❶」Crash Landing
「❷」"What are you exactly?" "What are YOU?!"
「❸」"___ doesn't take well to compliments."
「❹」"You're not that bad, I guess..."
「❼」'Welcome to the World of Humans, Branch'
「❽」 'Fuzzy Feelings'
「❾」'Bitch, Where?'
「❶⓪」"Shave Me Bald and Call Me An Egg"
「❶❶」(Y/n) Has A Heart?!
「❶❷」"I'm A Little Tea-Pot, Bitch!"
「❶❹」"Ah yes. Casually Murdering Someone-"
Sequel is out!

「❺」"Decisions, Decisions."

12.1K 339 586

Three weeks, that's how long they've been here with you. Now let me tell you something; it's been a fucking nightmare. All they do is sing at random times of the day while doing some random shit, sometimes they would try to get you to join them, but fuck that, you have more important shit to do then blow out some eardrums.

You can't even think about the hugging without shivering. After all this time, you finally figured out what the colorful, dinging, wrist-watch looking thing was.

It was a way of summoning Satan and starting the apocalypse.



Not really, but close enough. It was like a warning siren that warns you when it's time to haul ass into your hiding spot and not come out for the next 10 to 30 minutes.

And I guess Branch found your hiding spot, because he to, was waiting for the storm to pass. So it was like a routine. If Branch was near you when the ding goes off, then you grab him and sprint away.... but in this chaos, there is one rule:

For himself
If your
Not with
(Y/n) when
The Ding
Goes off.


Poor Branch had to learn that rule the hard way.

Now my children, let me tell you a tale of betrayal, friendship, and doom.

''Tis was silent throughout the house, (Y/n) was watching Doctor Who on the telly, not a creature was stirring, not even the walking rainbow skittles that seemed to have no mute button. It was quiet.... to quiet. It was the kind of quiet that makes everything that you do on a regular basis seem like you just set off a nuke in the house kind of quiet.

(Y/n) had started to get very suspicious, paranoid if you want to go deeper into the contexts, but nevertheless, strangely frightened.

Then it happened. The dredging sound that Satan himself would run from, it was the kind of sound that made you question your existence, it was the kind of sound that would made a grown man shit bricks.

It was.... a ding!

The sound alone made your body go cold, in fear, you jumped to your feet and sniffed the air, then licked your finger and lifted it above your head to check which way the wind was blowing. Then you heard it.... the sound of multiple footsteps.

They had come.

With lightning fast speed, the (very out of shape) lady quickly dashed out of the room and down the hallway. Then a voice rang out from behind the woman.

"(Y/n)! Help, wait for me!"

The said woman looked back, but only at one glance, she knew he was a goner. The stampede of fruit loops were on his ass. There was no saving him, his ass was as good as dead. Ain't no way she was risking her life to save his tiny self. That she knew. Because ain't nobody got time for that!

The small Troll knew the moment they locked eyes, that she had abandoned him for dead. The one person in this whole house that he could trust, has betrayed him.

Only one thought crossed his mind at this given moment in time. 'Well frick you to you Bergen-looking mother cricket.'

(Y/n) had dived into the hallway closet, but peeked out without a sound. As the one known as Branch made eye contact with her. She gave him the middle finger as she closed the safe haven known as the spare closet of the hallway. Leaving him to the doom of joining hug time, or finding a different hiding spot.

Thus ends our tale of 'The lion king on Acid'.

ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=┌(; ̄◇ ̄)┘

Ah, such good times, it was a sacrifice that had to be made, if one is to survive, they must learn not to feel such puny emotions like regret and survivors guilt. For it is WEAK! You must learn not to let such human emotions to slow you down my children.

But as for right now, you my friend, are in the kitchen, and there are Trolls fucking everywhere.

Can't a woman drink her coffee and eat her cereal in peace? Apparently not in this household.

You chewed your mouthful of Frosted Mini Wheats slowly as you stared into the depths of your coffee, if it was anymore black, it would be as dark as your soul....

.... just kidding, who the fuck drinks straight black coffee? Nobody in this story bitches.

A sudden tapping on the arm you have been leaning on brought your mind back to the kitchen. Well, to the Trolls it was more like she was beating on your arm. You looked down at the pink Troll who was yelling your name. Apparently Poppy has been trying to get your attention for the past 5 or 6 minutes.

You hummed with an eyebrow raised. Indicating that you were now in fact listening to what the little Bubblegum looking midget was attempting to say to you.

She huffed up at you, and crossed her arms. As if irritated about the fact that you had completely zoned out through her question and attempts to get your attention.

You heard a snicker coming from your other side. Branch was leaning on your other arm, amused by the fact that you weren't listening to anything she said.

Although he hasn't forgiven you for ditching him in the stampede, he found himself hanging around you more then he ever has with anyone in his entire life.... well, except his grandma, but let's not talk about that.

There was something about you that drew him to you. Like.... like.... oh, I don't know.... but it was something, even if he has no idea what.

He found a liking to your company. You were sarcastic, had sense of humor, and could be serious if needed.

And not to mention, you were strong and determined. You could protect them if anything came for them. He had once wondered down into the basement.... well, more like tumbled down the stairs by accident because he wasn't paying attention and didn't notice the basement door was opened. But let's not go into detail.

He had found you down there, punching a heavy looking long bag that dangled from a chain attached to some poles. He watched as you continued to punch the huge sack, causing it to swing with each blow that delivered to it. You stayed down there for hours, and he watched as you got into various fight stances to use different fight moves to break 2 inch thick blocks of wood.

And once, he even seen you pull out a strange black object from a safe that had a lock on it. Branch didn't really like the object very much, it was to loud for his sensitive ears. It always let out a bang when you pulled the trigger, but you never missed the bulls eye.

So back to what we were talking about before Branch decided to give away the fact that you could fight.

"Well," Poppy started. "We were all wondering about the strange word you keep using. What does it mean?" She questioned you with a tilted head.

You fully looked down at her before speaking, amusement clearly in your voice. "Your gonna have to be more specific then that mate, I have a lot of weird words in my vocabulary. So which one are we talking about?" You responded. A small laugh trying to leave your mouth as you took a bite out of your delicious cereal.

"What does Fuck mean?"

Choking.... you started choking on the Cocaine covered Mini Wheats. How you managed to do so is beyond the human brains comprehension. You certainly weren't expecting that. You quickly pushed yourself away from the counter so you could set your Coffee and cereal down.

This action caused Branch to loose his balance and stumble off the counter, but caught himself before he could hit the ground and climbed back up onto it.

You held out your finger, chocking down the cereal, before taking a gulp of your coffee to wash it down.

With a mixture between a laugh and a cough, you managed to grab the wall for support. Once you calmed down enough to answer her, you placed your hands down on either side of her tiny frame. With a small giggle every now and then, you shook your head. "Ok, now what did you just say?"

She looked up at you, feeling slightly intimidated by the fact that you were towering over her, and seeing as to how she wasn't even the size of your hand, it was pretty scary, but your laughter slightly reassured her that it was an 'ok' question to ask. She cleared her throat. "I said, what does Fuck mean?"

A air left your nostrils as a decision was to be made between your sense of humor and logic.

On one hand, you could humor yourself and tell them the Urban Dictionary version, which is like sex and shit like that.

Or, you could be logical, and say that it is just something that people say to emphasize something.

"Decisions, decisions." You said with a shake of your head.


So what does our dear (Y/n) wish to say?

1: Explain that it is about intercourse.


2: Say that it is a way of emphasizing something.

Why don't you decide? Because hey, it's you saying these words, not me.


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