48 Hours | JB

By rauhlgarden

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What would happen if you got stuck in an elevator with Justin Bieber for 48 hours? // (C) Rauhlgarden Wattpad... More



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By rauhlgarden

Chapter 37

Someone once told me that if life comes at you unexpectedly, it's your own responsibility to focus on getting yourself back on track. At the end of the day, it's only you who can make sure that life turns out the way you want it to. Currently, standing in the middle of an adoption organisations office and signing the final papers in order to get our child, made me feel like that statement was true.

Seeing our names written in cursive on a paper that was copied into two, one for us to take home, caused all kinds of thoughts erupt in my head. It might be too early, it might make us question it later but right now, it was all we've ever wanted and this moment could not get any better. It was like everything that's ever happened to me made sense, as if it all led to and came down to this. All the struggles I've been through in life, everything was pieced together when I finally felt this happiness. That's the best way I could describe it, pure happiness

"Thank you," Emily, our personal assistance when it came to the adoption, smiled at us and waved the pen that Justin had just returned to her after signing the final line, "You're all set. Jennie will be ready to get picked up in a couple of days."

The whole process had happened pretty quickly, it started with us getting an email from the organisation that said that they needed help getting a little girl, two years old, a home almost immediately. Apparently, she had been left outside her home without food nor clothes. She was young and scared. They reached out to us about it, asked us if we wanted to proceed with that quick adoption and get a two-year-old or if we prefered to wait and get a newborn baby.

Justin had been quick to reply that we would gladly accept Jennie. It was unsure how she got that name, I was surprised that they knew her name at all, but I liked it. It was cute, sweet and a little sassy. It also gave her the initials JB which would carry on her father's legacy. My mind erupted into chaos at the thought of Justin being a dad. We were going to be parents within a week

I had expected us to get some time to prepare for a baby, the whole thing happening in less than a month. I had yet to figure out what to do about the Benjamin situation and I knew Justin was annoyed with me not having anything done, even though it's been a month since he came to me. I've tried to calm him down and I've done my best to explain that it's not by means that I'm still married to him, if anything, I wish I could've gotten rid of him for a long time ago.

But here we were, about to become parents quicker than we thought.

"I'm going to leave you two alone," Emily beamed as she whispered out the words, almost as if she didn't want anyone else to hear us though we were alone in the room. She then proceeded in walking out of the room, leaving me and Justin by ourselves to celebrate the moment. If we weren't in a public office at a baby-centred organisation right now, I would've already been naked among that desk. I think Justin noticed that mood too because his jaw clenched slightly when my fingertips traced along his cheek, my touch causing his breath to get heavier.

"Well, guess there's no return now," I joked, feeling the sexual tension in the room grow to a point where I almost couldn't hide it. I had to stop it before something happened, that was definitely not the way to prove to people how great parents we would become, "We're really doing it."

"It happened really fast," he mumbled, his gaze focused on my eyes whilst I could feel the back of his hand trace my neck slowly. I gulped, having to look away for a second in order to gather myself before I did something I'd regret. "I'm proud of us," He lifted my head with the help of two fingers, "We're not just adopting for us, we're actually helping someone in need."

I nodded and cracked another joke, "Yeah, I guess we've done enough charity for the rest of our lives."

He chuckled, mumbling something about me being rude before he stopped and out of nowhere abruptly seemed a bit stressed out. His eyes narrowed and I watched him try to figure out his words, probably not wanting to say something offensive or phrase himself in a funny way. He usually looked like that when he was about to say something I would find stupid.

But his next words weren't as stupid sounding to me as they probably were to any other parent on this earth.

"What does a two-year-old eat?" Justin raised his brows, suddenly seeing deep in thought while the questions continued to slip out of his lips, "How well does two-year-olds speak? What do they think of? What kind of toys do they like?"

"What size of clothes do they wear?" I asked back, a giggling leaving my mouth although the questions began to pop into my head. I realised that we weren't prepared for this, we'd only recently gotten the question about adoption and now we had already signed the papers. Which means, a two-year-old girl will be moving to our house within a couple of days and we've got nothing. No toys, no clothes, no food, no nothing. "What do we even know about babies?"

"I know they usually like my phone," Justin shrugged and this time it was my turn to furrow my brows at him, "I mean, whenever I'm around a child, I usually give them my phone and they're fine with that. It keeps them busy."

"We can't raise our child by giving our phones away, Justin."

He mumbled a why not in response but judging from the look on his face, I could tell that he was joking. Later on, he explained briefly how he knew the slightest about raising children and that we would go through the learning process together. We may not have read books or had the time to prepare us both we were going to be taught instantly and there's no better way of learning than trying things out. Trial and error, as they say.

The only difference this time and other learning experiences you had through life, was the fact that this is about a child's life. A child who needs parents and help. Jennie's coming from a family who's clearly not given a shit about her, she's going to be afraid and we're going to get thrown into it all at once.

Our current situation really was something else, I had never in a million years expected this to be my future when I ended up in an elevator with him. I saw a couple of months of dating, sure, but not that we would be signing up for a child adoption, especially not this early in the stage. 

I took a deep breath and smiled, a confidence feeling suddenly taking place in my stomach as I realised that no matter how much we messed things up through our trial and error with Jennie, we were still going to provide her with a great life and be better parents than the one she had before. I looked at Justin, my smile clearly transferring onto his lips as well while I assured him, "We've got this."

"I know," He shrugged, "I would never doubt you as a mother."

I squealed, the idea of it being so close really hitting me and I wanted to throw up butterflies. That's my mood shifting right now. I went from feeling nauseous to feeling amazing, in a matter of a few seconds, and then I was right back at it again feeling nauseous. It's crazy what nerves can make you feel like.

Justin opened his mouth in order to say something but he was abruptly interrupted by Emily stepping back inside the room, mentioning for us that we were allowed to leave whenever we wanted now. I barely had the time to say goodbye before Justin was dragging us out the door, gesturing for me to get in the car. 

I laughed at his sudden movements, feeling my body fly along with his strength, "Oh my God, can you chill?" I couldn't hold back the giggles and it wasn't until I was fully sitting, panting and out of breath, in the car that I was giving him a weird gaze, "What happened?"

"You did things to me in there," he mumbled and I glanced down at his pants, seeing how tight the fitting suddenly was, compared to how it was before. I bit my lip, forcing myself not to laugh at his situation. I fought myself from mentioning that it was his problem, knowing that it would bite me in the ass later, "I just wanna go home,"  he cut my thoughts off and I raised an eyebrow his way, "You don't even wanna know all the things that are plotting themselves in my head right now."

I saw the whole thing as a challenge, my words stuck in my throat as I leaned over towards his side of the car. His hands were both on the steering wheel, holding it tightly to try and hide his frustration and I saw him furrow his brows at me slightly until my head was right beneath his arm and he realised what I was doing.


"Let me help you with that," I bit my lip again, staring up at him from underneath and I heard him curse under his breath. We were sitting in a range rover so the car had plenty of space for me to crawl up onto the seat and find a comfortable position. I was thankful I fought him to make sure he didn't take the Lamborghini and judging by the look on his face, he was pretty happy about that decision too.

I heard him inhale sharply when my fingers began to fidget with his zipper, "Babe-" he took another breath, this time a gulp being heard straight after, "I'm driving."

"Mmhm," I hummed in response, ignoring the desperation in his voice. I think he was desperate for multiple things but the way he said it made it sound as if he was in complete loss of control. It was only now that I realised how much I loved seeing him so unsure about what was to come. He was always the one taking charge in bed, it was great to have a slight change for once.

It only took a few more seconds before I had successfully opened the zipper which caused me to smirk. It was a feeling of control that washed over me when I removed all the fabric that would be in the way for me. A feeling that I lately really had been liking. Justin didn't seem to mind my actions and as I stared up at his face while taking him into my mouth, with the cold breeze mixed with my hot tongue; I noticed his facial expression was funny. It looked like he was terrified that we would crash but it was also expressing how much he was enjoying this, the dangerous feeling of what we were doing.

There was a possibility for us to crash, definitely, but feeling one of his hands let go of the steering wheel to push my head down over him slightly more only made me realise that I was loving this dangerous activity. I felt like a badass, knowing that we could die in any second because I distracted him. I'd say that's some pretty good head.

Justin's head was suddenly thrown back urgently and I could feel his back arch every so slightly. Another adventurous sensation flew over me and I mimicked my own actions but picking up the pace. He instantly reacted to my changes, his eyes shutting which made the car turn somewhat.

"Eyes on the road," I mumbled as I took him out of my mouth, replacing my tongue with my hand for a few seconds, a slurping sound coming out of my mouth as I let a bit of spit flow onto his shaft, "Focus."

He instantly opened his eyes again, mumbling in response to me, "Yeah, right."

I saw his gaze turn quite intense, his eyes glaring at the cars in front of us as we continued to drive on the freeway. There were multiple cars beside us, in front of us and behind us. I was certain that a few of them could see what we were doing, people that weren't driving usually peaked into other people's cars. I always used to do that when I was young. Luckily for us, Justin was famous and he had arranged for his windows to not be see through. They were a tinted dark colour and you weren't supposed to be able to see in, although you could see out.

We hadn't tested the theory since he got the car but I think we were both secretly hoping that the information he got when he purchased this was correct. Otherwise, I think we'd be pretty screwed in the media tomorrow.

"Shit," I looked up when I heard him curse, meeting his gaze in the same moment that I once again felt his hand pull on my hair, this time somewhat more forceful, "Shit, shit, shit, Sierra."

I could feel the heat between my legs raise when he cursed again, mumbling something about being close, and I felt the satisfaction and anticipation both hit me at once. I was satisfied because I could make him feel this great, the proof in the way he was groaning my name out loud over and over and I was anticipated because I wanted him to finish now. The excitement of not knowing when exactly he was going to come was definitely a turn on. His member was throbbing between my lips, reacting to every movement I was making.

For a second, I felt the car move in a strange direction and only a moment later, I heard Justin curse out loud in the car. One of his hands pushed me further down onto him, not allowing me to stop but it wasn't in my plan anyway. A warm sizzling feeling abruptly spurted into my mouth and I smirked to myself, feeling some sort of victory. Only a second later I felt a second, third and fourth spurt fill my mouth. The creamy and somewhat salty taste of a thick consistency.

Suddenly, right after I felt his cum enter between my lips, we were interrupted by a noisy alarm behind us and I almost laughed as I recognised the sound immediately. We were being stopped by the police.

"Shit," Justin mumbled, the police sirens closing up behind us. I quickly shifted in my seat until I was sitting properly again. His load was still fresh in my mouth, warming my tongue and tingling my teeth.

Justin stopped the car and pulled over to the side, multiple curse words leaving his lips whilst he fought to quickly put on his jeans correctly again. He took a quick glance in the mirror, fixing something in his hair even though I hadn't even touched it. I thought quietly to myself how my hair was looking, knowing he had just pulled on it but I had no time in checking that before we were interrupted by an officer knocking on the window to the driver seat.

I watched Justin nervously click on the button until the window began to roll down. He had a worried smile that told everyone and their mothers that we had definitely been up to something. I, on the other hand, sat quietly in the other seat and was excited to watch the scene that was about to occur. I had never seen Justin getting a ticket from the cops and I had no idea how it would make him behave. Also, I didn't find it very appropriate to speak.

"You were driving a little bit reckless there, weren't you pal?" The clear British accent flew into the car and I stared at Justin, seeing his nerves grow to a whole new level. I don't know why but I could agree on the accent making everything slightly more uncomfortable for us, "You know that's a risk in traffic, right?"

"Yes, sir," Justin nodded, "I won't do that again."

"Okay," the officer glanced between me and Justin suspiciously and I could see he was onto something, I think it all was written in our faces since I was almost bursting out laughing and Justin looked like he was about to shit himself. Eventually, he gave up and patted on the roof of the car twice, "Just a head's up, don't do that no more. If I see you guys again, I'll have to take you in."

"Of course, sir."

We waited until the officer was completely gone until Justin turned to me and pretended to wipe the sweat off his forehead (although I was almost certain that he actually was sweating), he mumbled something about a close call and I wriggled my brows in return before I opened my mouth, his cum slipping through my teeth and down to my lips before it eventually reached my chest area. It was probably ruining my clothes but seeing Justin's reaction, it was definitely worth it.

"Holy shit!" Justin gasped, eyeing his own semen that was dripping slowly from my chin. His eyes were wide and I forced myself not to laugh at his facial expression, knowing it would ruin the moment. I could see him shift in his seat and I knew that this had only turned out to be foreplay now, "You had that in your mouth the entire time when the police were here?" He asked, shocked, to say the least. I nodded instantly as a reply, "Fuck me, that's hot."

I could feel a slight blush come over me when I noticed the mess I had made again, seeing my clothes had stains all over it (especially around the chest area which was definitely suspicious). Justin had a few stains on his jeans as well, which only caused the scene to look even more questionable. I was praying to God that there wasn't any paparazzi's waiting for us when we got home.

"That was really fun," I said and used the end of my sleeve to wipe away any semen that hadn't been removed from my chin yet, the feeling of something dripping still quite present, "We should do that again sometime."

"Are you kidding?" Justin laughed and I furrowed my brows, not understanding what he was laughing about, "We almost crashed and we were caught by the police."

I smirked, "But we didn't get caught."

Justin glanced over to my side, a sudden smile appearing on his face which I knew was because he couldn't disagree that this was a new high on another level. We had never done anything adventurous and dangerous as this, it caused this adrenaline in me and now I felt like I could go and rob a bank, for that matter. He shook his head and I imagined the scenes of me being over him playing in his mind again.

Once we stopped the car outside our house, I was about to get out to walk in but I noticed he looked doubtful for a second. My mouth opened to speak until I realised what the problem was and instead, I burst out laughing.

"Oh my God," I couldn't help but point at his hard on that was now clearly visible again through his jeans. I was surprised at how quickly he had been able to get himself going again yet I was also proud of myself for being able to do that.

He shook his head again, a quite serious look on his face as he glanced over at me and desperately searched for some sort of answers, "How do you do this to me?"

"Get in the back," I demanded, already planning all the ways we could use the large space in the backseat. 

"Seriously?" Justin seemed surprised at my request, his brows raising and the tone of his voice going slightly lighter, "There could be paparazzi outside, photographing us right now."

"Well, better hope your windows are as non-see-through as the car sellers promised you," I let a wide smirk take over my face and I squinted my eyes seductively to him as I nodded my head to the side, motioning to the back of the car.

This time, I didn't need to wait long until he was already beginning to climb towards the back, "Shit, yeah, get in the back. I'm gonna pound the fuck out of you, Sierra."

A large number of butterflies erupted into my stomach, causing a smile to take over my lips again while the excitement built up inside of me. I was already half naked by the time that I made it in the back, seeing that he was basically fully undressed too.

I realised that this was just what we needed to spice up our relationship, the adventures and experiment of doing something dangerous and challenging. We both knew that there was a slight possibility that this would end up on the front page tomorrow but neither of us cared enough to ruin the moment. Nothing else really mattered but the fact that we wanted each other, no matter where or how.

It was the perfect way to heat things up between us before the big day was to come. The day that would change our lives forever.

Our Jennie.


Oh my god guys why am I sinning so much writing stuff like this, I should be ashamed of myself

JK we all love a bit of car porn don't we

also OMG, craziest thing happened. I had a dream (during a nap today that was very well needed, thank you v much) where I dated ABEL (the weeknd) and jsfjksdfhsdf he was so romantic and wanted to hang out with me all the time and defended me in front of his friends and called me "his girl" and gave me flowers and cute SHOES. I was crushing SO HARD y'all. 

BUT THEN, *gasps in shock* the damn paparazzi came to rUIN IT, and I was going to target (I live in Stockholm, we don't have target here so that was super random? I've never even been inside a target) by myself, without Abel, and ALL THIS PAPARAZZI WERE TRYING TO CATCH ME OUTSIDE Y'ALL. I was so pissed I was like "omg, no photos, pls!!111!!!!11!! he's not even here!!111!!!" 

and everyone was like "who r u mysterious girl" as if the internet isn't a thing??? people can just??? look??? me??? up??? Idk???? WHATEVEr, they were bothering me and I was like "oh my god, how do u do this" but it was cute because Abel was all worried when I got back and he was like blaming himself and his life for throwing me inside this (Because I obvi isn't famous in my dreams either, I'm not even THAT talented in my dreams lmao) and he was like skfjsdkfjksdjf so CUTE I'm so in love

...and that, ladies and gentlemen, is the story about how I got sassy to paparazzi in a dream about dating a superstar. 


but, talking about Abel

ALBUM AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT, WHAAAAT I'M SHOOK. also, if Lana isn't on this album I am cancelling him for the rest of my life and he can stay out of my dreams !!!!!! 

I'm done ranting???? I'm sorry???? I can never stick to talking about my stories like all other great authors that know what the fuck they're doing on this website????? like, I don't have friends to tell stories like this too cause they're just too weird so I just write them out here instead and y'all... gotta deal with me either way, I'm so sorry *insert gif about beyoncé*




lmao, please kill me already (or just give me social codes, that'd be great too, thx)


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