You're my Miss Right

Bởi multifandomkpop7

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Characters: Name: Kim Taehyung Age: 22 Name: Choi Yuna Age: 20 Name: Kim Somin (Taehyung's younger... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 (Final)
Chapter 25 (Special Chapter)
Author's Note
Interaction Session <3 (Q&A; Comment Time)

Chapter 10

1.1K 56 10
Bởi multifandomkpop7

Author POV

In one week's time, it will be the actual fashion show. The entire office was buzzling with discussions, everyone running around to confirm all their details. They just need this last one week to perfect all the things before showing the fashion industry what they've got. Everyone was dedicated to their own jobs, especially Yuna and her seniors.

"Jessica, help me with the venue design."

"Janghyuk ah, where's the VIP list?"

"I need all the designs for the second part of the show."

"Yuna, print all these pages out. I need it now."

The 6 of them were just busy finalizing things, preparing for the last meeting before the actual show. With the busy schedule, they were all anxious and excited for the upcoming event.

After hours of hectic work, they finally got to rest a bit during lunch break. "Should we go and try out the newly opened café near our office? I need more food to give my brain some energy!" Jackson screamed, screaming all his exhaustion out. "Let's go!" Everyone agreed, including Yuna.

Yuna POV

We were waiting for lift when my handphone rang. Looking at the unknown number, I frowned a bit before picking it up. "Hello?" with an unsure voice, I greeted whoever was on the phone. "Hello, is this Miss Choi?" It was a middle-aged woman's voice. "Yes, I am." I replied, sensing the seriousness in her tone.

"You are Choi Namhyun's sister, right?" She asked again. Namhyun? What happened to him?! Did she call from the school? "Y-Yes, I am." My heart started to thump harder, waiting anxiously for her next sentence. "Namhyun is currently having a high fever and he injured his right knee when he was having his physical lesson just now. Are you free to come and pick your brother home? He is now in the infirmary." That woman continued.

Namhyun was having a high fever? How come I didn't know anything about it? Why didn't he tell me anything about this? I was rushing for work today morning and I didn't pay attention to him the whole morning before school. My head was spinning when I suddenly remembered how slowly he was eating his breakfast. Slower than usual. "Namhyun ah, you need to eat faster. Noona needs to go for work and you will late too. Palli." I was still rushing him then. Oh, my goodness, Choi Yuna. You are supposed to find out why was he acting unusual.

Without considering any factors, I agreed to pick my brother up at his school in half an hour's time. "Wae? What happened?" Shannon unnie asked me the moment I put my phone down. "Sorry sunbae-nims, I need to take an urgent half day leave. My brother's sick and he is now in the school's infirmary." I explained, running back to my seat to pack up my bag. "That sounds bad. You should quickly get going. It's okay, we will tell Mrs Nam and apply your leave for you." Minjae oppa shooed me to quickly leave while I was thanking them profusely.

Author POV

Yuna arrived shortly from office, walking in a fast pace into the school. "Ms Choi, right? Namhyun is sleeping on the third bed." Yuna entered the infirmary with the help of the staffs from the general office. "Thank you." Yuna quickly gave a light nod and rushed over to the third bed.

A pale-looking boy, with sweat forming on his forehead was lying right in front of Yuna. Her heart ached, looking at how her brother was suffering yet she doesn't know anything about it. Useless, was the only word she could describe herself. She silently walked to the side of the bed, trying her best not to wake the resting boy up before caressing his hair softly.

Namhyun, being a light-sleeper, weakly opened his eyes only to find his noona standing beside him. Namhyun is a very independent and strong boy. He always keeps his feelings to himself because he doesn't want to become Yuna's burden. He never told Yuna about his needs or wants and he never shed a tear in front of Yuna. He wants his noona to rely on him by seeing him as a grown-up boy who can take care of himself and Yuna.

Since young, the both of them lived in a very rugged environment. Namhyun might not have much memories about this but Yuna can never forget her experiences as a child. Her biological father was in gang back then and all she remembered during her childhood was to run away from the gang's enemies. Fights, blood and screaming haunted her every night in her sleep. Until her mom decided to have a divorce with her dad and re-married when she was 9. But their situation did not get any better.

Her step father was a business man and everything went on smoothly when Namhyun was born after a year. Everyone was happy for a few years but things never lasted long. Her step-father's business went downhill and eventually bankrupt. He hit them every day, especially their mom. He drank every night, snatching that insufficient money which they earned from their tiny food stall by the streets. Their mother cried every night in her sleep, hugging the two of them to protect them. Mumbling all the apologetic words. When Yuna grew up and became an adult, she worked and took over the food stall since their mother's health condition was not very positive.

She worked every day after her school and Namhyun would just head home on his own. Her step-father would then pester her all the time and even steal the money which she kept for her mom's medical fees and Namhyun's school fees. Their lives went on like that until one day, they lost their mother.

From then on, Namhyun promised himself that he needs to be mature and take care of his one and only noona who sacrificed so much for him. But right now, at this moment, he couldn't take it anymore and teared his first tear in front of Yuna, who panicked and sit down by the bed. "Wae, Namhyun ah. Tell noona, where are you feeling unwell." Yuna's voice was exceptionally warm and soft in Namhyun's ears as he sat up swiftly to hug his noona.

"I am sorry, noona... I shouldn't be falling sick now." He sobbed, hugging her tight like he is going to lose her. "Shh... what are you saying, Namhyun ah. How can you blame yourself? Noona didn't take care of you well..." She replied, patting his back. "I dreamt of noona leaving me..." His sobs got louder. "It's just a dream. Noona will never leave Namhyun, okay? Noona promise." Yuna snuggled her face into her brother's hair, mumbling comforting words into his ears. She was trying her best to hold her tears back. "Noona will bring you home now, let's go."

Yuna POV

When Namhyun apologized to me for being sick, my whole heart collapsed and I felt devastated. My brother is suffering but yet he is still thinking about me being worried. I don't know what have I done to deserve such a sweet heart like him. But the more mature and thoughtful he gets, the more sorry I feel towards him.

I didn't give him the childhood that he should be experiencing and I didn't give him a good life that he deserved. Nothing, but suffering with me...

Taehyung POV

I glance at my watch, 5 pm. Time's running out. I took the files in my hands and walked towards Jessica's team. "Jessica, I need this done before you leave the office today. Fast." I commanded, scanning the rest when I realised Yuna's seat was empty. My brows twitched, "Where's Yuna?" I asked.

"Oh, Yuna had some emergency at home. She left before lunch time. We applied a half day leave for her already." Janghyuk replied. "Her brother's sick, I think." Jackson added in. "Alright." I nodded and signalled them to continue with their work. Namhyun's sick...

Yuna POV

Back at home, I changed Namhyun's ice pack on his forehead every 10 mins and tracked his temperature. Sitting by his side, patting him to sleep while staring at his ailing face. I covered his blanket over him carefully when I realised the wound on his right knee. Oh right, I could I forget about his injury. I told him to remove his bandage when he bathed but I forgot to bandage it back. I cautiously applied medication on it before letting him rest.

Without me knowing, I dozed off by the side of his bed, holding onto his hand tightly in case he had his nightmares again. "Noona... don't... I will be more obedient... don't..." I woke up from a noise when I turned and saw Namhyun mumbling with his eyes closed. There he goes with his nightmare.

I bent down to whisper softly into his ears, "Noona is here. Noona won't leave you..." It hurts to see this side of Namhyun, it hurts so much. I never really thought about how he felt all these years and it's my fault. Caressing his forehead as he turned silent after a while, a tear slipped off my lower eyelashes and down my cheeks. Noona is sorry, Namhyun ah.

I peeped at the clock, 7 pm. I wonder how is everyone doing in the office. Ding Dong. The doorbell rang. Who would it be at this timing? I frowned, making sure that Namhyun was not affected by the sudden noise before rushing to the door.

"Mr Kim?!" I gasped, opening the door for him. "Where's Namhyun?" he asked, putting the plastic bags on the table beside us and I pointed to his room.

Author POV

Taehyung sat by the bed, wiping the sweat from Namhyun's forehead. "How is he now?" Taehyung asked, more like whispered. "He is still having a high fever and we consulted a doctor before coming home. He gave us some medications." Yuna explained, staring at her younger brother. "Why didn't you tell me that you are taking a half day leave. And that Namhyun's sick?" Taehyung questioned, showing a little anger in his voice.

"W-Why do I have to tell you?" Yuna tilted her head in absurd. "You-" Taehyung can't possibly tell her how anxious he was after knowing that you are not in the office and Namhyun was sick. He couldn't concentrate anymore on his work after that and all that was evolving around his brain was just to rush over to see you and Namhyun. But nope, he is not going to tell you all this.

"Forget it." He swayed his hand. "Hyung?" a tiny voice stopped the both of them while Namhyun was trying to sit up from his sitting position. "Namhyun ah..." Taehyung helped him. "Come, hyung bought some food over. Have something before taking your medication and rest again, alright?" Taehyung smiled gently before picking the younger boy up bridal style.

After the dinner bought by Taehyung, the two elder ones put him into bed together. "Thank you, Mr Kim." Yuna said, walking out of Namhyun's room with Taehyung. "Your gratitude is not accepted because I don't know who is Mr Kim." Taehyung played with a serious expression on. "E-Err... Thank you, Taehyung oppa." She corrected herself.

"That's better." He smiled, patting on the sofa seat beside him. "You must be tired." He commented, staring at the eye bags forming beneath Yuna's glittering and round eyes. "A little." She smiled. How can she manage to put up that smile when she is already drained out? "You've worked hard. Quickly get a shower and rest too... I will be here to look out for Namhyun." Taehyung's soothing and husky voice melted Yuna's exhaustion. It was as if he could feel exactly what she was feeling. She wasn't this weak originally but at this moment, she felt like her heart was going to explode with all the mixed feelings accumulating within her.

"Hey..." Taehyung called out to her again because Yuna was hanging her head low. "Yuna?" he didn't know she was shedding silent tears until he moved closer to her. "Why are you crying?" his heart softened, looking at the harmless female in front of him.

This time, without hesitation, he pulled her towards him into his tight embrace. He didn't know why he did that but he just wanted her to know that he will be here for her always. He just wanted to comfort this poor little girl here who has been through so much. "I didn't take care of Namhyun properly. I didn't even know that he was sick when he left for school today morning. I am such a failure..." she cried in Taehyung's chest, letting all her suppressed feelings out. She felt safe in Taehyung's arms, as if she can rely fully on him.

"Shh... don't feel that way. You are way more capable than you think you are, Yuna. You are doing a good job. You are not a superwoman, nobody in this world is. You have taken up more responsibilities than others, don't push yourself too hard." Taehyung whispered to her gently, caressing her hair down to her back to stop her from crying. "You did a great job." He smiled.

That night, Taehyung stayed over at Yuna's place... again. "Thank you, Taehyung oppa." Yuna beamed. Finally, a smile from her, Taehyung thought to himself. "Anything for you and Namhyun." He nodded, urging her to rest. "Quickly get some rest. You must be worn out. Ah, and take a day off tomorrow as well to take care of Namhyun." Taehyung instructed before leaving Yuna alone in her room. "Goodnight."

The next day morning, Yuna woke up from her alarm, 6.40am. She strolled out her room as she heard noise from outside. "Morning!" she was greeted by Taehyung, who was preparing breakfast in the kitchen. "Omo! Why are you up so early?" Yuna was startled, combing her bed hair. "Making breakfast for us." He smiled, shooing her to wash up.

Yuna POV

I looked at the table full of food. There is porridge for Namhyun, American breakfast for the both of us with sandwiches on the other plate. "Isn't this too much for us to finish?" I mumbled. "Just eat what you can, alright. Breakfast is very important." Taehyung nodded. "Dig in, I will check on Namhyun." He said.

It's difficult to not fall for him over and over again. I stared at his back as he approached Namhyun's room. I don't know what to feel anymore. His presence gives me faith and hope. His actions, words and gestures give me the blissfulness that I have not felt for a long time. What has he done to me exactly?

"Noona, morning." I turned to see Namhyun rubbing his eyes with Taehyung behind, trying to help him to wear his jacket. "Morning Namhyun ah. Come and have breakfast. Your hyung prepared them." I smiled. "How are you feeling?" I asked in concern combing his hair. "I am feeling better already, noona. And thank you hyung." Namhyun politely greeted.

Taehyung POV

I gave Yuna a day off and myself a half day off. I stayed in Yuna's house till after noon time before heading back to the office. "Oppa, don't you have a lot of work to do?" Yuna questioned. "Efficiency is key." I snapped my fingers. "No worries, I will go get changed now." I laughed and pushed myself off the sofa.

It was a pleasant time spent with Yuna and Namhyun, especially Yuna. I could feel that she is starting to believe in me and getting more comfortable around me. It's time to make my move. I thought while changing.

"Oppa, don't you know how to wear a tie?" Yuna had a disgusted look on her face while helping me out. "You can do it for me every day." I teased without me knowing. Damn, Taehyung why are you saying these weird things?! You are scaring her!!

"E-Eh?" She blinked before pulling her hand back away from me. See?! Kim Taehyung, you are a dumbass. "I-I need to go." I rubbed my nape, reducing the awkwardness between us and headed towards the door.

"Bye." I waved, wearing my shoes. "Bye..." Yuna mumbled and suddenly wrapped her arms around my waist to give me a hug. I stood rooted on the ground, not knowing how to react to her sudden action. "Thank you, Taehyung oppa." She said. My lips curled into a pleasing smile before wrapping my arms around her petite body. "No need to thank me. I will always be here when you need me..."


HELLO EVERYONE! Hope you guys like this chapter! Do vote and comment for my story <3 I love reading comments! Have a great week ahead! Goodnight <3

Credits to owner <3

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