Missing You~ Sequel to "livin...

Av gratatatamedolan

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He came back with an apology. Mer



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Av gratatatamedolan

Christian's P.O.V

I've been thinking a lot about Hayes lately. Ever since the other day when we almost kissed I've felt this connection. I just don't know where it's going to lead.

Today he invited me to go to a party with him tonight. I'm kinda nervous tho because I'm not really a party girl.

"Hey Em can you help me pick out an outfit for tonight?" I yell across the house.

"Yeah just a sec!" She yells back. Within a few seconds she comes through my bedroom door and looks at the clothes everywhere.

"Geez Chris! How many outfits do you have?!" She asks.

"Not enough if I can't find an outfit." I reply.

"What about this? It's cute." She says picking up a purple floral dress.

"Um...I wore that to my brother Kian's first marching band banquet." I said getting softer.

"Oh." Em whispers

"You know what, I'll wear it. If I don't it will probably just sit in my closet for the next 5 years." I say getting perked up.



Me and Hayes just got to the party. The house is huge and filled with people. Almost everyone was drunk or at least getting there. I'll have to admit I was a bit uncomfortable.

"I'll meet out back, I'm gonna go get us some drinks." Hayes says in my ear.


I walk through the crowd of people and find my way to the back yard. There is a huge pool surrounded by people along with people in it.

"Chris?" I hear a familiar voice behind me say.

I turn around.

"Ethan? What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Just thought I would try and have fun for a while and let loose." He says taking a sip of the drink in his hand.

"Yeah like you didn't do that for the past 2 years." I mumble to myself and walk away. Surprisingly, Ethan didn't follow.

A few hours past and I had realized that I was a little drunk but not too much to not know what going on around me.

"Hey I'm gonna find a bathroom." I say to Hayes.

"Ok I'll be here." He replies.

I make my way through the crowd of people and into the house. I make my way into the house bumping into at least 10 people. I find myself upstairs still looking for the bathroom when I feel a grip around my wrist.

"What the hel-" I start to say but was cut off by Ethan's lips being smashed to mine.

"Oh my god Christian! You have no idea how much I have missed those sweet lips of yours." He says between kisses.

"Ethan stop!" I say trying to get out of his grip but it just gets tighter.

"Ethan please stop! You're drunk!" I say as he made his way down my neck.

"But I want you so bad!" He says as he leaves wet kisses on my jawline.

I was about to say something else but then he smashed his lips to mine again. Before I could react he slipped his tongue into my mouth taking me by surprise.

That's when someone walking upstairs.

"Chris?" I hear someone say.

Ethan gets off of me and stands there awkwardly.

"Hayes please! It's not what it looks like." I say.

"Save it. I see you're into someone else." He says walking back downstairs.

I call after him but it was no use.

"I'm sorry." I hear Ethan say from behind me.

I turn around.

"You're sorry?" I ask through anger.

"You left me for 2 years Ethan! 2 years! I moved on Ethan and I found someone but then you screwed that up! And all you have to say is sorry?!" I yell.

He just stays quiet.

"I'm done with this." I say then walk downstairs.

"At least let me take you home." Ethan says coming up behind me.

I sigh and nod my head only because Hayes probably already left.


The car ride was silent. And awkward. Very awkward.

We pull up to my house and I begin to get out when I feel a hand placed on mine.

"Chris." Ethan says.

I look over at him. His eyes were glossy and his face was blank.

"Goodnight Ethan." I say then step out of the car and walk up the path to my house.


Kind of a shorter chapter but oh well :/
Hope you like it!💜💕

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