Undefeated (on hold)

By FlyAway29

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Castia Chance has a tough time adjusting to her new life as a werewolf. So many things have piled onto her sh... More

Mirror Mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all?
Lunch? Or Truth?
His Favorites...

A Town Worth Meeting

7 0 0
By FlyAway29

Chapter 3,

A Town Worth Meeting.

Zach looked me in the eyes and smiled. "Wanna come?" He said with a smirk.

I just stood there. I was in shock. I couldn't process this fully. I just couldn't believe I was about to go into another world. Another world were anything, anything, could happen. Just right threw this portal. Only three feet away. Just a few steps and I wouldn't be on Earth anymore. This was extraordinary. Truly extraordinary.

My eyes were practically waterfalls, the blinding light wouldn't back off. I was fighting to see. All I could see was light. Just lots and lots of light. I pictured myself entering the core of the sun, the large darkened hallway was Zach and I leaving Earth. How could we be possibly be doing this? Magic doesn't even exist!

I rubbed my eyes and smiled. I could sort of see now! But, I could only see light, and white still. I could barely see the figure of Zach.

I grinned. "Why, 'course I would!" I said. I took a deep breath. Hopefully, once threw this portal thing, I would be able to see faces again. My life was about to change forever...

Five hours ago, I was dying in math class, and now. Now. Now I'm in a magical world. Yesterday, I was playing on a beach not thinking about magic doo-dads, now, I'm a werewolf with five werewolf friends. Wow, this is like world's weirdest Friday ever.

Zach took my hand and led me into the light. It was like walking on clouds, or a trampoline. Zach stayed looking foreword, but I on the other hand, was looking in every direction possible. We walked for a minute, then Zach opened another door. He stopped, and rested his hand on the door. This door was wooden, and had a golden doorknob.

He took a deep breath. "Now, before we enter, I have to go over some things, okay?"

I nodded. My worrisome feeling had disappeared and turned into excitement.

"Okay, there's rules too..." He started.

I groaned. Rules? This was freaking Harry Potter!

"Yeah, I know, right. Okay, first rule: No screaming in less there is an emergency." He started.

"Why?" I asked.

"Dragon's ears are surprisingly very sensitive. Okay, second rule, no robbery."

"Duh! Why? I mean, I know why there's no robbery allowed, but is there like some reason behind it? Like with the screaming thing?" I asked in a some-what nosy manner.

"Yeah, dwarves are very selfish when it comes to objects and stuff," He said. The remark caused me to smirk. "Third rule, no using magic in front of the townspeople,"

"Why?" I said cutting him off before he could finish.

"The townspeople don't much care for magic, well, they do, its just, they prefer not to see it." He didn't sound very confident.

"Oh," I simply said.

"Rule four," He began. I was getting bored by Zach's lecture. "No causing a commotion. That rule is mainly for the townspeople."

I groaned.

"Okay...I think that's it. Wait! The rules in this world is just like at Earth. NO murder, NO kidnapping, etcetera, etcetera." He said.

I looked around the once glowing room.

The blinding light was gone now and turned to leaves, a canopy of leaves and trees. Bushes created a walkway for Zach and I to stroll along on. The trampoline like ground was now dirt and rocks.

"What-- what happened to the-- the--" I pointed at the ground. "The fluffy stuff? All the cozy stuff?!" I exclaimed.

"The king, King Edison, chooses whatever he wants it to be. If he's happy, than it will be the Heaven like feeling it was. Now if he's feeling adventurous, the portal hallway will change to this forest thing."

"What if he's mad?" I asked.

"Then it will be a volcano like pattern. Lava will be surrounding us, just leaving a small little rock path. The roof will be rock, so yeah." Zach said trying to describe the scenery. I suspected that Zach hadn't seen the volcanic hallway. Maybe, he had only heard stories about it from other people.

I rolled my eyes and looked at the wooden door.

Zach pushed the heavy door open. The trees had turned to dust, and was now the Heaven again. The bright light blinded me for a moment as I said my goodbye to the California doorway. I walked threw the door. For some reason, I held my breath as I entered Desminik. This portal took us to a truly, different but magical place. The portal seemed to have led us into a festival of some sort. One that seemed to take place in the olden days, with wizards, and monsters, and princesses, kings and queens, magic and ogres, just everything. The houses, just small one stories, were all made out of wood. Zach and I entered on a dirt path. Humidity wacked me in the face, hard. The town was about the size of Memphis, Michigan. The town was surrounded by trees, well, a forest. Dragon's of red, purple, green, and blue were in the distance, hovering above the forest about a mile away. In the far off distance I even spotted a few giants. They were huge! At least 60 stories high. The giants were trying to grab the dragons. I laughed at, what I thought was, their stupidity.

Zach and I walked past about twelve houses before he started blabbering about someone. And I actually listened!

"That's the Wizard of Life," Zach said pointing to a woman wearing little clothing. Her hair was a white to a blonde, also, curly. Absolutely gorgeous. Blue eyes and dimples laid across her face. A leaf necklace was around her neck, and a tiny, soft yellow skirt was around her waist. The skirt was small, very small. A soft yellow top exposing her stomach was also on the woman. She was a doctor healing patience; an injured man. She stopped her spell, and smiled and waved at me. I did the same back. "Her name is Alayna."

Zach and I turned to the left.

"That's the Death Wizard, he assassins, and kills people. Or if an animal is suffering...and it's old...you know..." Zach said gesturing to an older man with his hands. This wizard was in his late thirties or late forties. He was a bald man, with an eight inch black beard. He had fiery red eyes, and big bushy eyebrows. A scar ran from the side of his forehead, down to his neck. An animal cloak that was once a grey wolf was draped down his back and grabbing the floor. Big black boots held his feet in place. Maroon kakis and long sleeve shirt was on him. He held a wand that glowed at the end. His look was threatening, and scary. I liked the Life Wizard much better. "That's Disparu."

Zach and I walked about ten feet forward before we stopped again.

"That's the Earth Wizard," Zach said pointing at an old, thicker man. "He can do powers with dirt, and rocks, and lava, and mountains, and volcanoes, and stuff like that. He is all dry, no water or snow." Zach said as we walked further. The Earth Wizard looked a lot better, not as scary. He had one of those curly French mustaches that was white, the top of his hair was bald, but the sides were full of white hair. He had a large nose and big brown eyes. This wizard was at least 60 years old. He was shorter, and thicker. He was dressed in brown, all brown. He had on uggs, and a pair of brown pants on. The Earth Wizard had on a rock necklace and a brown cape. His top was a v-neck and as you guessed, it was brown. "His name is...uhhh....-" Before Zach could figure out how to say the Earth Wizard's name, he came over.

"Oi! Why, I neva seen you before, what's your name, child? Why ye here?" He said. I suspected that he was Scottish. Zach grabbed the back of his neck in embarrassment. The man scolded Zach for not remembering his name.

"My name is Castia. And I don't know what I'm actually...what I'm doing here." I said a little bit in shame. I looked down at my dirty knee high, golden colored boots.

"Well...your a werewolf." Zach said to his feet. "And so because of that, you had to come here..." His voice trailed off.

The Earth Wizard seemed shock. "You are going to save us!" He exclaimed. This large umpaloompa was happy and sad. "I'm Gary. In the old book of Desminik, a young werewolf girl help saves our town! And I believe that that girl if you!" Gary exclaimed. Gary extended his hand out for me.

I shook his hand. "Nice to meet you, Gary! But...save?" I asked. "I hardly believe myself that I'm a werewolf!" I said loudly, and threw my hands up in the air with dismay.

"Yes. The Magic population is dying. Death is among us. Please. Someone is killing our people." He said worriedly. "We, The Wizards, will help train you, along with Zach, Brittany, California (Cal), Devon, and Lustaysia (Leah)." Gary said smiling.

All I could do was nod my head and say, "I'll see what I can do." And Zach took my hand and walked on. I don't know what I would do, but I being the quick witted person that I am, will surely think of something.

Zach stopped once more and turned left.

"That's the Water Wizard. Her name is Saliver. Sal-iver." Zach said. This girl was pretty, and appropriate. Saliver had on a blue dress that looked like water. Her hair was jet black, and Saliver's eyes were blue. She looked maybe Asian or something. Her dress was short, just above the knees, in the front and got longer in the back. She was making little water squiggles in the air with her fingers.

Zach faced right now for the Wizard. Air.

"That's Carmen, The Air Wizard." His look was, different. He was wearing a light grey, white, and a light blue. Carmen had on grey leggings and a simple white V-neck shirt. A light blue; almost white; tee-shirt was on him. His look was very simple.

Zach walked a few feet in front of me on the dirt path.

"And last but not least, Fire Wizard. His name is Cosmo." Cosmo was wearing all red. Red leggings going down into his red shoes, and a red short sleeve u-neck was what was on him. A small red cap was atop Cosmo's head. A scare going from his forehead down to his chin was on his face. He had a large nose, and blue eyes. His look was stern too, like Desparu.

"So... that's everyone. Any questions?"

I smiled. "No!" I said giggling. "What now?"

"Well...Bri, Cal, Leah, and Devon are out getting your parents to bring them here...so we have a little bit alone time." He smirked. "Wanna see my favorite part of town?"

I grinned. "Yeah!"

Zach smirked as he grabbed my wrist. "Let's go!"

We ran for about ten minutes before I decided to walk the rest of the way.

"What are your parents like, Zach?" I asked him.

"Well...They were fun, and normal." Zach answered, scratching his head.

"You sound like you don't know!" I exclaimed.

"Well..." He began. "My mom and dad were killed when I was four. I was in foster care until I was twelve. I had over sixteen families." Zach said.

"Wow..." Was all I could say. "That must of been hard, huh?"

"Yeah. Well after I turned twelve, I was adopted by my current mom and dad, Nancy and Michael."

"Cool! Do you like them?" I asked trying not to sound to nosy.

"Yeah, their alright, I mean, they adopted me."

"You know, I always thought Nancy and Michael were your real parents..."

"Yeah... Well what about you? What's your family like?" He asked slightly changing the subject.

"Well, mine are fun, and young, and stuff like that. They are just the best!" I exclaimed smiling.

"Tell me 'bout them." Zach said.

I stumbled over a tree root. "They are young. My mother had me when she was 16, and my father was 20. They got married right after I was born.

I grew up in Kentucky for until I was eight. Then we moved to San Francisco, Cali. My mom didn't like San Francisco so we moved to Arizona when I was nine. Daddy didn't like Arizona so we moved back to the California area when I was ten. San Diego is where we ended up, I guess. My parents liked it there. I hated it. So when I was twelve, we ended up in Oakland, California. Now I'm here.

My parents are workaholics. I live in my room instead of my house... I'm neglected 6/7 days of the week, so yeah." I said.

"Wow." Zach said. "Your life must of been hard too."

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