Since The Day I Saw You

By saltwaterveins19

547 38 16

Isabelle Tate has been friends with the same group of people since freshman year of High School. Their summer... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 16

3 0 0
By saltwaterveins19

Isabelle's P.O.V

On any regular day after a party, I would've woken up with a splitting headache and the feeling of wanting to vomit and die all at the same time. This time I was too focused on the fact that Nate was snoring beside me, cutely, if you can say snoring on a guy is cute, but that's beside the point.

Nate was also shirtless, and I was trying to figure out if he, in fact, had pants on. I rubbed my leg up against what I hoped was his leg and didn't feel anything. I started to panic, great you just start dating a guy and immediately lose your virginity. I heard my parents banging pots and pans in the kitchen and I hopped out of bed, cursing under my breathe.

"Nate get up," I whispered. He didn't stir and I ran over and tried to shake him awake. He shot up and nearly punched me in the face in the processes. "Jesus Is, it's six am what are you doing up?"  "What are you doing in my bed? Naked might I add," I said in a panic that I realized was evident in my voice.

Nate lifted off my duvet to show he was in his boxers and not naked as I had thought. I looked back at him to see he was giving me a cheeky grin. "Don't worry, nothing happened last night. You were upset and rambling on about something, that by the way did not make sense. You asked me to stay with you till you fell asleep, and I guess I fell asleep too." He said with a big smile, instantly calming down the panic, which was short lived when I heard the sound of footsteps downstairs. 

"That's really sweet, but now I need you to hop out my bedroom window before my father sees you in here and kills you," I smile, great my dad didn't have to worry about me sneaking out the window, he had to worry about me sneaking people out of it. I sighed and begin shoving Nate towards my window.

I removed the screen and opened the window. Nate peered out and looked back at me if I was crazy, "Are you crazy that drop is like three feet." "Please it's more like two, besides, just walk over to where that tree is and use that to get down to the ground," I gave him a reassuring smile and pushed him out onto the roof. He turned back and smiled, "You never answered me last night."

"Answered you on what?" I asked smirking, knowing full well what he is talking about. "Whether you would be my girlfriend or not?" "That depends, was it drunk Nate talking or sober Nate?" I smirked, enjoying making him work for it. 

"I was completely sober and meant every word I said," He said leaning on the window and pulling me close to him. "Then yes, I would love to be your girlfriend," I said just as Nate captured my lips with his. Before the kiss could deepen I heard my dad calling me for breakfast.

I pulled away, "Okay you have to go or this relationship will be short lived if my dad sees you." He gave me another quick kiss and I watched as he scaled the roof to the tree and disappeared.


I walked into work to find Josh with a huge black eye hiding in the backroom. I gave him a questioning glance as I walked to my locker. "Gran, told me I was going to scare the customers with my eye, so now I have to work in the freezer every shift until it's gone," He said with a sigh.

"So why did Sam attack you at the party?" Since I hadn't talked to anyone since the party, he was my only source of information. "Apparently, I was hitting on his girlfriend. Which is ridicules, because she was the one who asked me to dance," Josh's voice rose in octaves, as he talked about it. "That doesn't make sense, Sam doesn't have a girlfriend," I started to say when a light bulb went off in my head. "Well, apparently he's dating your blonde friend, I think she said her name was..." "Taylor," I whispered, now it all made sense why Sam and Taylor had been fighting recently.

"Yeah, that was her name. Anyway, it's no big deal, at least I get out of serving customers." I nodded in agreement still shocked from Taylor and Sam secretly dating. "Do you think you could give me her number?" Josh asked. I walked away to distracted by my thoughts to answer. I tried to decide whether of not to talk to Taylor about what I had just learned. She obviously wanted to keep it a secret from us, but the question was why?

I sighed, as I began refilling the counter before the twelve o'clock rush came in, trying to ignore the thoughts running through my head. After that, I walked outside and cleaned off the tables. I smiled as a light breeze brushed my face. These were my favorite days when it was hot out but there was a light breeze that blew off the water and kept you cool. Just as I was finishing up my last table Nathan came walking across the boardwalk. I straighten up and smiled.

"Hey, I've been looking everywhere for you!" Nathan yelled and ran up to me. "Well, here I am, what's up?" "I just wanted to make sure you got home all right, you didn't meet up at the park fountain like we agreed on." I looked at him dumbfounded and then I remembered. Last Halloween when a party we were at got busted by the cops and we all couldn't find each other and almost got caught just trying to make sure everyone was out of the house. After that, we all decided that if that happened again we would all meet up at the fountain in the park, and it was every man for themselves. Wow, I went totally melodramatic last night for no reason, I shook my head at my own stupidity.

"Oh my god, I totally forgot!" I said. It had been so long since we had agreed on that plan, that I had completely forgotten about it. "It's cool, everyone was just really freaked out and thought that you and Nate were caught by the cops." Nathan laughed and I joined in. "Anyway, I also came to ask you if your down to come to outdoor movie night at my place tonight? I think we could all use a group outing, maybe help us all stop fighting?" Nathan gave me a hopeful smile.

"Yeah, I think that's a great idea." I smiled. "Great! See you at nine." I nodded and began walking back into the shop. "Oh Is, try not to be late!" Nathan yelled over his shoulder and I just laughed. The day when I'm actually on time for something will be the day that the earth stops spinning.

I walked out of work, to find that the light breeze from earlier had left behind an evening chill. I shivered as I made my way to my car. As I drove home, I tried to decide what to wear, it was only six, so I still had a couple of hours to burn before I had to go to Nathan's. 

I pulled into my driveway and found Anna's car parked behind my parents. Great, she's had hours to raid my closet and destroy whatever organization I had left. I walked into the house and could hear the girls upstairs. Oh no, it was worse than I feared, all of them are here raiding my closet. I opened my door to my bedroom slowly and peeked my head in.

I let out a sigh of relief to find my room just how I left it. "Hey, we've been waiting for you for hours!" Taylor said jumping up from my desk. "How did you get in?" I asked while dropping my purse to the ground and walking to the bathroom. "Your parents, apparently it's date night. They left you money for takeout." Liz responded and smiled. "I'm assuming they left enough for me to feed you as well, judging by the smiles on your faces," I said smirking.

They all nodded and I sighed. So much for the nap, I was hoping to have. "Okay, I'm going to shower, you guys go downstairs and order Chinese food." Anna opened her mouth to respond but I stopped her, "Yes you can get the chicken balls." "You know me so well," Anna smiled as she walked out the door. I sighed, "It's my job."


"OH MY GOD!" All the girls screamed at me finally telling them what happened this morning. I watched pieces of  Chinese food fall from their mouths. "I am so happy for you!" Anna screamed and all the girls nodded in agreement. "I wonder what he's going to get you for your birthday," Natasha said in between sucking up her noodles. My birthday had totally slipped my mind, it was now only a week away.

"I don't think he needs to buy me anything. We just started dating today." I said and the girls nodded. "Well, what are we going to do for your birthday?" Anna asked. "Ugh, I don't know, I hate all the fuss around birthdays," I said. I watched the girls all share a secret look, that I knew meant one thing. They were going to throw a party for me, whether I liked it or not. "Guys, stop planning, let's just do something small this year." They all nodded, but I could tell that the wheels were already in motion.

We reached Nathan's house at 9:15. "How is it that we are always late when we drive with you?" Liz asked as she got out of the car. "I have no clue! We even left my house five minutes early,"  I said. "Probably because she drives like old women," Anna snickered and ran up the rest of the driveway. "I was going the speed limit!" I shouted after her. We went around to the backyard and I stopped dead.

"Wow," I breathed out. "It looks like the pictures you see on social media all the time," Liz said in awe. Rustic lights were hung from tree to tree and sheets and blankets had been spread on the ground for sitting. There were huge pillows everywhere on the ground, also for sitting. In the corner, there was a popcorn machine and candy spread out on the table, along with drinks. There was a huge white sheet hung against the wall with a projector placed in the back.

Nathan approached us. "How did you do all of this?" I asked still unable to pull my eyes away from what was in front of me. "My mom did it, her friends and she had a girls night last night. So I asked her to leave it so we could use it tonight." "Well, it looks amazing," I said. "Thank-you," I watched Nathan's eyes move to Anna. "Um, can we talk for a minute, Anna?" She looked over at me, and I nodded for her to do it. I watched them disappear into the house, probably to talk alone.

I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me. "So do I have to look forward to you being constantly late for everything, in our relationship?" Nate said, and I shivered at his hot breath tickling my neck. "Yes," was all I could muster out. He chuckled and I felt myself tingle all over. It was probably the best sound I had ever heard. "You're worth waiting for," Nope changed my mind, hearing him say that was the best thing I had ever heard. He placed a kiss on my forehead and grabbed my hand. "Come on, let's pick the best seat before everyone else.

We settled down in the back closer to the fire, we used two big pillows to prop us up and I snuggled in on his chest while he pulled a fuzzy blanket over our legs. We'd only known each other for a short time, but being with him was comfortable and exciting all at the same time. 

"Okay, let's see if I got this right," I looked up at Nate and raised my eyebrows. "Popcorn, extra butter, and peanut M&M's," Nate said smirking. "How did you know those were my favorite movie snacks?" I said in astonishment. Nate chuckled and handed me the package of M&M's, "You told me, you said and I quote 'M&M's and popcorn are the best movies watching snacks, but make sure the popcorn has extra butter, always'" I stared gaping at him. "You might be the only guy who listens when girls speak," I laughed and popped two M&M's in my mouth. I let out a tiny moan as the chocolate melted in my mouth.

I looked up at to offer him some and found him staring at me with desire, he coughed and shifted his weight. I instantly felt my lower abdomen churn. "You never told me your favorite movie snack?" I said trying to distract myself. "Popcorn," He said as he put a piece in his mouth. "That's it?" I asked. "Yeah, sometimes I like something sweet with it." He said while grabbing an M&M from my bag. "Hey, if that's a red one pick another," I said. Nate chuckled as he pulled out a red one. He showed it to me and pretended to put it in his mouth. "No, there my favorite, take a blue one." I pouted, which only made Nate tease me more. After a second more of teasing, he motioned for me to open my mouth and he popped the red M&M in.

I smiled triumphantly at him and he leaned down and kissed me. "See, sometimes I like something sweet with my popcorn," and I looked at him trying not to burst out laughing. We locked eyes and instantly started laughing. "That was the cheesiest thing I have ever heard," I said through fits of laughter. "I know, I had such a hard time saying that with a straight face," Nate chuckled.

"Okay you two are grossly cute," Taylor said as she walked out with Sam, instantly reminding me of my conversation with Josh earlier. I decided it was no of my business and when she was ready to tell us, she would. Slowly everyone walked out, including Nathan and Anna who were both blushing. Oh, I could not wait to hear what happened there.

Nathan stood in front of everyone with a huge smile. "Ladies and Gentleman I am proud to present to you, our  featured presentation." Nathan went and sat down beside Anna and I watched as the opening credits started for Breakfast at Tiffany's. I looked over at Nate who winked at me, knowing this was my favorite movie.


Nate's P.O.V

For the second time in two days, I was watching Isabelle sleep. I felt like the biggest creep but I couldn't help myself. Ten minutes into her favorite movie she had fallen asleep. I assumed it was because of her shift at work, with the endless flow of customers the weather was bringing in. I felt my arm beginning to go numb and a slowly tried to move it without disturbing Isabelle. Just as I began to get comfortable again when Brayden snuck over. "Hey, how's it going over here?"

"Well, my arms asleep and I'm not sure how to move it without waking her." I sighed and tried to move it again. "You're going to have to wake her because the girls are leaving." Brayden went to shake her awake. "Wait, I'll carry her to the car we don't need to wake her." "Alright, I'll see if Anna will drive her car home." Brayden got up and walked over to Anna. I watched the conversation and saw Anna nod her head. Brayden gave me a thumbs up and I proceeded to pick Isabella up. She wrapped her arms around my and smirked as I lifted her. "I was pretending to sleep in the hopes you would carry me to the car," I laughed in response and shook my head.

I placed her in the passenger seat and made an shh sign. I leaned over and whispered in her ear, "Don't let Anna know you're awake or she'll make you drive." I watched her smile and slowly nod. I kissed her forehead and closed the door as the girls walked to the car. "Nate you are the sweetest, have a good night with the guys!" Taylor said as the girls all waved by.

I waved backed as I watched them pulled out of the driveway. "You are so whipped, dude!" Nathan said as he smacked me on the back.

"Yeah I am."

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