Clichés 101

De SavingInsanity

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This is a book full of cliche things, or at least things I think are cliche. It will soon be full of some of... Mais

Vampire Clichés- Part 1
Romance Clichés- Part 1
I Met Him in a Coffee Shop

Vampire Clichés- Part 2

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De SavingInsanity

Vampire Clichés- Part 2

Yesh! You read right! Part two, dos, duo, deux, ummm... I'd put more languages but I'm too lazy! This chapter is dedicated to all you original people who write original, NONCLICHE stories. Sure, sometimes you're so inspired by someone like Stephenie Meyer, L. J. Smith, or Anne Rice (did I spell her name right?) but if you copy the plot but call it something else, it's not "getting a new story inspired by a literary genius." It's a little thing the law likes to call COPYRIGHTING! Under the Intellectual Property Law of... Wait a darn second. You aren't supposed to learn. What was I thinking? 

Okay, so now I shall name some books that are amazing and totally cool because they are. 

1. Peeps by Scott Westerfeld 

 a. The plot is entirely original and tells about a the tale of a vampire called Cal. Vampirism isn't a lovely flipping romance, it's a cannibalistic disease that makes you want to eat your own kind. He tries find the chick that changed him (which he does), which is awesome because he wants to make her face her faults, but it unfolds into a GIANT conspiracy! Yay conspiracy! Yep, that's the story in a nutshell.

b. The story includes chapters about parasitic insects that are then implied to the situation in the following chapters. I've never seen this in any other story, and I personally loved it because I'm just that morbid. 

c. This gives an explanation as to why this formed into what it was. I can't remember since it's been around a year since read it, but I still think it's cool.

d. It isn't centered around romance. I mean, sure. In every story, you want see him /her kiss hime/her, some almost sexy time (or actual sexy time for you porno lovers) there but they know they aren't ready for it so they stop, but he made it where the romance was a little side thing, not the main focus. 

2. The Night World Series by L. J. Smith 

a. Okay, so the plot, again, is totally unique. Unlike her other series, the Vampire Diaries, it takes a new look at why vampires need blood as well as incorporating witches, werewolves, and a few other things. They look pretty thick, but they're actually divided into three stories, each building on the other. I thought that was pretty cool, though some people aren't big readers like I am.

b. All the characters are totally unique. Only one or two have a lot of similarities, but somehow she ties each and every one of the characters together into one large web. I still haven't read the third book (sadly) but I think that besides the Vampire Diaries, she is awesome at writing. 

c.This is centered around romance, but it doesn't always work out how you want it to. She makes you want to scream at times because you want this one person to stay or live or blah blah blah, but it's not super-cliché which is always a plus.

Sadly, I can only think of two. Now to help you guys out! I will put a couple ideas below and if you want to use one, PM me for permission. 

1. Anorexic Vampire. Really, have you ever read a book about a vampire who starves him/herself?

2. Bulimic Vampire Again, have you ever read one?

3. Vampire with a Deadly Disease I just think that'd be awesome.

4. Where Vampires Go After They Die I've always wondered that, so it you could help me figure it out, I'd love you forever!

Okay, that's all for now, but if you want to help me out with NEXT WEEK'S topic, Romance (oh good golly, that's going to be long) then leave a comment below. Now for the question of the chapter!

What vampire story have you read (on Wattpad or in real life) that isn't cliché?

Thanks so much for reading and I hope you have a wonderful Easter and stuff yourself full of artificial goodness. Don't forget the QOTC and to vote if you laughed, even a little.

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