The Elder Scrolls: Dominion (...

بواسطة JohnCauldron39

546 28 17

Karl is anxious. It has been weeks since the Miracle of Leyawiin, and his newly-attained rank as a Private... المزيد

Author's Notes
Chapter 2 - Scum of the City

Chapter 1 - The Peephole

211 10 10
بواسطة JohnCauldron39

"Milady, what are you doing? You're going to get us caught."

"Hush, Artmo. Almost there."

The boy named Artmo was utterly nervous. He has never snuck off a single lesson before. To him, it was an important part of their weekdays, like supper with the family and attending the royal court. For him, this felt like mutiny. What if they'll banish me for this? I can't live on the mainland!, his innocent mind thought. How did she convince me to come with her?

Meanwhile, the young girl was ecstatic, as they entered the main hall. She had her race's typical pale golden skin. Her hair, however, was dark as soot, a rare case in her people. Finally, after months of endless wondering, she could finally know what was happening behind "that door". She could now truly satisfy that craving wonderment she had.

The ingenue Lady Ayrenn was filled with an intense, burning curiosity. In fact, for as long as she can remember, it had always seemed to be a part of her. One time, when she had finally perfected how to read and write, she was fascinated by a storybook in the study, just because of its pretty cover. Oddly, it was written in the tongue of Man, a foreign language to her. Yet, somehow, weeks later, she could already speak in it, as fluent as the "men in the basement". At another time, she always wondered about the origins of her name. It was through her constant poring over recorded tomes that she realized she was named after Queen Ayrenn, the founder of the First Aldmeri Dominion. But, she bravely took a step further, and went on to memorize every ruler that came before and after her, all in chronological order.  It was all thanks to that curious mind of hers. Her father calls it an "ability", but she prefers the term "power". It sounded more... grand.

She had now breached the inner halls, with Artmo tailing her. Despite already seeing it a thousand times, it was still a magnificent sight to behold. The walls were made out of clear white stone. Beautiful stained glass windows are carved on the walls, depicting the past rulers of the province in all their glory. The corridor looked magnificent, as the sun's rays shone through the prismatic glass, engulfing the hall in a kaleidoscope of dazzling colors. Orbs of magelight float calmly on white stone braziers, adding much more to the visual spectacle. 

The duo jogged quietly along the carpeted floor, hoping not to spark any attention from a wandering guard. They reached a door, just off the hall's end.

"Milady, isn't this door to the kitchens? What are we doing here?" The boy, Artmo, was sweating bolts from all the worrying. 

She shushed him, before closing her right palm. Okay, remember the technique. Just focus, she thought. She closed her eyes, thinking solely of the incantation, and took a deep breath. She opened her right hand, where a small, liquid-like blue orb was now casually floating on. Artmo couldn't believe his eyes.

"What are you doing, Milady? You know we mustn't cast magic outside of class!" He wondered.

Ayrenn ignored him, and proceeded to cast, using all of her magickal energy on it. Instantly, she saw her world drained of all color. The walls, the floor, and upwards to the ceiling; all once majestically colorful, now a shade of bland grey. She looked over at Artmo, who unlike the world around her, was glowing a calm shade of blue, from his golden locks all the way to his fine boots. 

It worked!, she thought. She glanced over at the door, and saw nothing. Still just a door, albeit grayer than before. Smiling yet mentally strained from the ordeal of holding the spell, she closed her palm. The orb evaporated , and the world returned to its colorful appeal.

"No one behind there. Let's go." She said, opening it. Just like she predicted, the kitchen was void of anyone. Pieces of uncooked food lay on the table, and the only sign of life was a crackling fire boiling a cauldron. 

"How did you know?" Artmo asked again, amazed at her prediction.

"Oh, life detection spell. It's quite simple, actually." She answered, hoping that would stop his pestering.

"Life detection? But, we're still at the basics of Alteration. When did you-?" The young lord questioned his friend, surprised. She shushed him again.

She ran towards another door just off to the side. Behind it was a long, winding staircase rising all the way up. She knew the palace had hidden passages like these (again, thanks to her naturally inquisitive mind). Something about making sure the servants aren't seen at the grander corridors of the nobility, whilst they're off doing their chores.

They climbed up the stairs, hurriedly. The wood creaked at every step they took, which made Artmo flinch, thinking the boards would fall off along with him. For the Lady Ayrenn, however, this felt like a breeze.

"How did you know about this passage, Milady? I thought only the servants knew about this." Artmo asked again, while breathing heavily from the ascent. Ayrenn huffed, annoyed at his constant questioning.

"Well, they told me about it. I was curious how they could appear  anywhere in the palace without anyone seeing them. I thought it was some new spell they were using, so I asked. And they told me. Now, I go this way every time." She answered honestly, hoping that would cease his interrogation.  

"But why though? I mean, the grand staircases seems much more gallant than this heap. And much safer, too! I mean, think of the splinters we'll get here!"

"Less people, though." She muttered under her breath.

Finally, they reached the top. Ayrenn used her life detection spell again. This time, though, she could make out a bunch of blue auras hovering nearby, just behind the door. She smiled, for she knew she had come at the right time.

She pulled the door open. Now, they found themselves in a much smaller hall. A few desks, with delicate antique vases, stood around. Only one stained glass window was carved on the wall, this one depicting a golden eagle. The sunlight brightly pierced through the symbol, making it seem almighty. Two doors stood facing the other; one was a regally carved double, the other a smaller-scaled version, yet still just as imposing.

Ayrenn was more interested in the latter. 

Cautiously, she tiptoed towards it, hoping the people inside couldn't hear her. Artmo looked nervous as ever, rooted in his spot near the stairs. He looked like he was regrettably committing a crime. Meanwhile, the young lady knelt down on the door, her eyes fixed on the small keyhole. She took a quick peek through it. 

She could just make out what looked like a meeting. They may had their backs turned, but she could see that they were wearing black robes, with golden flourishes. They were huddled around a large table, which she could just faintly make out was drawn with various lines and markings.

Interested, she pressed her ear on the hole.

"Send another force, a much larger force, to retake Leyawiin! This time, we'll cast five more atronachs. And a Daedra, to boot." A gruff-sounding voice suggested.

Immediately, Ayrenn was invested in the conversation. What's this about atronachs and Daedras?, she thought.

"Forget it, my lord. If they're smart, the Legion would've already foreseen this and reinforce the city. Add Anvil to that as well." One voice countered. She sounded fierce, which made Ayrenn tremble a bit.

"What do you think, Milady?" A soothing and serious voice questioned.

"I say, we attack from land. We sneak up from their border with Elsweyr, and head north on the West Weald. One division could take Skingrad, and one towards Bravil. After taking those cities, they'll make their way towards the others nearby, retaking it all from the inside." The lady explained.

"What about the Imperial City? From your point, it seems like a straight path towards it. Why not just save all our units and attack the City head on?" The gruff voice countered back.

Attack the Imperial City? But why?, Ayrenn's wonderment was on a frenzy. Hooked at the conversation, she kept on listening.

"That would be dumb and stupid, my Lord. Even if we indeed win it, the other cities would just retaliate in full force. We would be surrounded from all sides, and nowhere to run. It'll be the Red Ring all over again. Better to occupy one city at a time, slowly cutting off their land and resources, before delivering the final blow." She explained. Silence soon followed, as the group contemplated.

Ayrenn did not like what that lady was talking about. It seemed like they wanted to occupy cities through full force. She wondered, are they talking about some kind of war?

"I see your point, Lady Varaya." She recognized that voice anywhere. A voice that calm and collected, yet still sounded so menacing and intimidating, could only belong to one person. "You are indeed a gifted strategist. Rest assured, I will reflect on these matters thoroughly, my lords and lady. Now, leave me to my contemplation. Let's discuss this on the morrow." 

She knew what that meant. Quickly, she sneakily dashed back to the stairs, pushing her friend behind the wall. She managed to close the door shut, just as the other opened. Out came the lords from the meeting, walking in a hurried manner straight out the grand double doors. 

"What was all that about, milady?" Artmo never ceased to ask his annoying questions.

A war. They were talking about a war. She couldn't believe it. She didn't want to believe it. They were at war. Does Artmo even have to know?, she contemplated.

"It was...just boring talk. I didn't know what I expected. Just bland stuff about taxes and census, and all that." She said, hiding behind her adorable smile. No, he'd probably panic, or worse, he'd tell on me for knowing. 

"D'you mean to tell me that we sneaked off our tutoring, and climbed all those creaking steps just so you can hear talks about taxes?" It seemed Artmo was fooled by her deceit, though he wasn't taking her answer lightly.  He sighed in disbelief, worried about missing an entire lesson just for a conversation about accounting.

"I guess so." She admitted, an innocent tone in her voice. "Let's head back, Artmo. Before Master Ruliion throws a fit."

Artmo just felt even worse thinking about it.


"Deserting lessons again, aren't we?!" Master Ruliion threw a fit. "If you weren't your father's daughter, young lady, I would've had you exiled a long time ago!"

Ayrenn hung her head. She wanted to explain her actions, although she had a feeling he'd probably just shush and reprimand her all over again, maybe this time, with her father involved. As much as she wanted to see him, she couldn't bear to let him see her like this: a disappointment of the highly-esteemed family in Alinor.

"Do you even care about these lessons, milady?! Don't you need them?! In fact, I'm beginning to wonder if you can even cast a Candlelight!" The master wizard continued his tirade.

"But Master, Lady Ayrenn can already cast a Life Detection spell! I saw it!" Artmo unknowingly blurted out. She gazed at him indirectly, a murderous look in her eyes. You little..., she thought. If Master Ruliion finds out...

"Now don't you dare make up wild tales, Lord Artmo! You're in boiling hot water, too, young mer!" He responded at the young lad. "Detecting life is an Adept-class spell! She couldn't even conjure a Familiar if her life depended on it!"

Ayrenn snickered at his words. If only you knew Master, she thought, remembering that one time with the frost atronach.

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